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My Mid-Term Quiz for LIBY 1210-09 Winter 2016

My Research Topic is:

Key words related to my Research Topic are:

Part 1:

Examine Wikipedia articles that are directly related to your Research Topic and select a substantive article to evaluate. This could be an article about an idea (e.g., I might choose the one about Trance) or a person (if I were researching Reggae music, I might pick Bob Marley). Answer the following questions:

I chose to read and evaluate the article titled: Islam (for extra credit, link the name of the article to the article in Wikipedia.)

1. Is there a warning banner at the top of the article? Yes or No No their is not

If there is a warning banner, copy and paste the warning banner here.

Write an brief explanation of the reason the issues mentioned in the warning banner are important. For example, if the issue is “needs additional citations for verification,” why does that matter?

Please note: If the article you are evaluating does not have a warning banner, choose a warning banner from a different article and explain the warning that is in that banner.This article relies too much on references to primary sources. Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources(April 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) This warning banner is stating that the author of this article uses to many sources that were created while he/she was studying and needs more sources from other experts.

2. Is the lead section of the article easy to understand? Does it summarize the key points of the article? Yes it is clear that the article will talk about the main ideas of the Islam religion such how fast the religion is growing, the God of this religion and the religious text of Islam.

3. Is the structure of the article clear? “Are there several headings and subheadings, images and diagrams at appropriate places, and appendices and foonotes at the end?” Yes their is helpful images that give better insight on the religion such as where Muslims pray (the Kaaba in Mecca) and definitions on the sides to give a better understanding of the article.

4. Are “the various aspects of the topic balanced well”? That is does it seem to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic? yes it does it provides multiple sub headings such as history, fasting, government to separate the different parts of Islamic religion.

5. Does the article provide a “neutral point of view”? Does it read like an encyclopedia article instead of a persuasive essay? yes the article provides a neutral point of view because it doesn't state any opinions for example it states that muslims fast to feel a nearness to God instead of saying something like it is good to fast so you can be closer to God.

6. Are the references and footnotes citing reliable sources? Do they point to scholarly and trustworthy information? Beware of references to blogs; look for references to books, scholarly journal articles, government sources, etc. The references and footnote are reliable and their is more than enough of them. One example of them is http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/faithtoday.html just the fact that it is .org is already a good sign.

7. Look for these signs of bad quality and comment on their presence or absence from the article you are evaluating:

a. is the lead section well-written, in clear, correct English?yes

b. are there “unsourced opinions” and/or “value statements which are not neutral”? no

c. does the article refer “to ‘some,’ ‘many,’ or other unnamed groups of people,” instead of specific organizations or authors or facts?Some scholars have emphasized a metaphorical reinterpretation of the concept of angels.[54] this is one of the statements in the article although it does say some scholars when you click on the number at the end of the sentence it will take you to the references and you can click on the exact sentence where that statement came from.

d. does the article seem to omit aspects of the topic? no it doesn't seem to leave anything it gives a pretty good summary of all the topics it aadresses

e. are some sections overly long compared to other sections of similar importance to the topic? no not all the sections are the exact same of course but they none of them are dramatically long or short compared to the rest.

f. does the article lack sufficient references or footnotes? no their is plenty of references and a few footnotes.

g. Look at the “View History” for the article. As you read the conversation there, do you see hostile dialogue or other evidence of lack of respectful treatment among the editors?We don't need five definitions of sufism in the sufi section. Adding sunni muslim rankings.) this is one of the conversations I don't think their is anything wrong with the comment but it could have been said in a more professional manner. Overall most of the comments are helpful.


Part 2:

Evaluate the Wikipedia article you selected using the CARDIO method. Write your answers following each word below:

Currency (When was the last update of this article? hint: check the View History)October 18th 2016 was the last revision which is very surprising.

Authority (What evidence do you find that the author(s) of this article have the appropriate credentials to write on this topic?) Because this page is constantly being revised their is no sure way of knowing that the author has appropriate credentials because their are so many authors and so many people have access however,their is a lot of good references and academic sources such as the University of Southern California Compendium of Muslim texts. Also most of the revisions don't seem to hostile but minor.

Relevance (to your research topic) this is relevant to my research topic because it talks about the history of islam and my topic is roots of islam.

Depth This article has depth it is for experts and many experts revise it very often.

Information Format (I hope this one will be easy for you.) Online wikipedia article

Object (what is the purpose for creating this article?) the purpose for creating this article is to inform one about the Islam religion.