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My name is pronounced like Pepsi Cola.

This is how West Asia should be realigned.

My world-view is pantheistic/agnostic. I am an Assyrian Christian born into the Chaldean Catholic Church. I was born in Baghdad, Iraq. I came to the United States when I was six years old. I am thirty three years old as of 2014 and reside in the state of Michigan in the Detroit metropolitan area. I believe in the teachings and philosophies of Jesus of Nazareth and of Libertarian socialism. Freedom and Justice prevail over Tyranny and Injustice. Democracy requires a free society of equal participants in civic responsibility.



I intend to create a new global religion/philosophy called Sargonism.

  1. The first tenet of Sargonism is that there is no proof against (or for) the existence of gods or goddesses. It is possible (and likely) that greater (or more advanced) beings may exist in the universe but we have no firm evidence to prove or disprove the claim. The universe/multiverse as a whole may be looked at as a singular entity or as "the singularity from which we all originate." We are each a manifestation of that singularity and as such are differing/varying view points from which "our eyes are all windows to the soul of the universe which may be referred to as the ultimate consciousness." (Symbolized by the Eye of Providence)
  2. The second tenet of Sargonism is that all religions are man-made and that only science/physics govern the law of nature and are subject to perpetual scrutiny; contrary to the dogmas of religion.
  3. The third tenet of Sargonism is that all humans belong to the same race. Ethnicity, Nationality, Language, Culture, Religion, and/or Philosophy, (etc.) have been synthesized by man through its nomadic and evolutionary journey from Africa to today's (human) colonized globe we call the "United Nations."
  4. The fourth tenet of Sargonism is that all humans have free-will and the right to express their freedom (from tyranny) so as long as not to impede on another's free-will. "Treat others as you wish to be treated."

We are notes within a cosmic symphony.


What is the ultimate fate of the universe?

According to modern science M-theory posits that we are all parts of "musical strings" (or the harmony) of a cosmic symphony. We are but matrices of mathematical constructs; a "hologram" of an energy (source) emanating from hyperspace.

One day we will have to leave earth or die with it.


Perhaps the expansion of the universe will cease and the universe will collapse in to the Big Crunch. Perhaps it will end in the Big Rip or Big Freeze. Perhaps every black hole is a portal or wormhole into another (soap bubble) universe in an endless "sea" referred to as the multiverse. Perhaps humanity will evolve into biomechanical/electronic beings. Perhaps we will shed our bodies altogether and become digital beings if we do not eradicate ourselves or face extinction through some unfortunate catastrophe. Perhaps one day we will collapse all realities into a singularity; of which (it) will become a self-contained circuit of unparalleled processing power; to synthesize "new" realities.

Perhaps we are already here/there within this "circuit?"

We pursue knowledge yet no one truly knows anything.

"We are thoughts within the mind of God."