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Diu Lasido Amperatik



Lor-Nim Haisjèfi


Lor-Nim Haisjèfi mit 20 haisjè. Mit Nim, Lorian, (Lasido) hiqpizè. Mit piuhjè intoulisjèm mit 14 des Myjtè Nimatique.

Lor-Nim Haisjèfi is a celebration observed in Nim territories on 20 every month.

National Anthem

\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
    title = "Myjtè Lasidow"
    composer = "Sucee"
\relative c' {\time 3/4 \partial 4 a'8 b c4 b a b a g a g f e2 e8 e f4 g a g a b c4. b8 a4 b2 a8 b c4 b a b a g a g f e2 e8 e f4 g a g a b c4. b8 a4 a2 c8 d e4 d c d c b c b a b2 b8 b a4 b c b c d e4. d8 c4 d2 c8 d e4 d c d c b c b a g2 g8 g f4 g a g a b c4. b8 a4 a2 r4 \bar "|." }



Logic gates



Common quantum logic gates by name (including abbreviation), circuit form(s) and the corresponding unitary matrices
Common quantum logic gates by name (including abbreviation), circuit form(s) and the corresponding unitary matrices