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Sandra Bland Article Critique:

  • Is each fact referenced with an appropriate, reliable reference? What facts are provided seem to be referenced but most of it is from the news.
  • Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you? It is relevant, however, I believe the discussion of Bland's previous metal health issues is explored much too heavily and is not completely relevant to the issue at hand.
  • Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position? What's there sounds neutral but the issue is that there is very little information given as to why people thought that the death was not a suicide. There were two mentions of discrepancy, but mostly the article jumped from what the author writes in a tone that sounds like it supports the suicide theory to conversations about protests without giving context for why they happened.
  • Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted? It comes from the news which we know is biased and that issue is not addressed
  • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented? The suicide viewpoint is highly overrpepresented while the homicide viewpoint is highly underrepresented.
  • Check a few citations. Do the links work? Is there any close paraphrasing or plagiarism in the article? Links work. No obvious plagiarism.

Meghan Hockada

  • Is each fact referenced with an appropriate, reliable reference? Yes, though most references are the news.
  • Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you? Yes, not distractions. Short article.
  • Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position? It is very neutral.
  • Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted? The news, not insanely reliable, but the information is presented as such.
  • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented? There were not particular viewpoints. It was clear that a woman was shot by an officer and this article reported such an incidnet
  • What kinds of sections does the article include? What kind of information might be needed in other articles of this kind? The outcomes of the incident where it was covered. I think the sections sufficed.
  • Check a few citations. Do the links work? Is there any close paraphrasing or plagiarism in the article? Links work. No obvious plagiarism.
  • Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that could be added? Investigation results should be added once that happens


In our wiki we want:

Names of women who were killed and Locations bodies were found

Places or lit in which the killings have been reported

Activism and Marches

Social relevance?

Source: http://www.thecrimson.com/article/1979/4/30/women-march-in-boston-protest-roxbury/ Includes the name Lois H. Nesbitt

also odd comment on this page includes a mention of Desiree Denise Thompson who actually was killed as Desiree Etheridge and is identified in this article as #7:


Unnamed 31-yo Nurse aid is #8: https://secure.pqarchiver.com/boston/doc/757670343.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Apr+28%2C+1979&author=Crocket%2C+Douglas&pub=Boston+Globe+%281960-1985%29&edition=&startpage=1&desc=Eighth+black+woman+is+slain

unnamed 30-yo black women #10: https://secure.pqarchiver.com/boston/doc/747314304.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=May+6%2C+1979&author=Linscott%2C+Seymour%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7CIsabel%2C+Lonnie&pub=Boston+Globe+%281960-1985%29&edition=&startpage=1&desc=10th+black+woman+slain+in+Roxbury

Article by Boston Globe acknowledges murders of at least 12 black women.


According to these articles many of them women were strangled or beaten to death and several cases involved some sort of fire.

Marches in reaction: https://secure.pqarchiver.com/boston/doc/747308164.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Apr+29%2C+1979&author=Isabel%2C+Lonnie&pub=Boston+Globe+%281960-1985%29&edition=&startpage=9&desc=Women+march+on+White%27s+home+to+show+murder+fears