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I'm Paytn. I'm a freshman in college, studying to become a Physical Therapist. My favorite subject to study in school is psychology because it tends to come easy to me. I was born in January of 1998. I enjoy many things such as hanging out with friends and sleeping in. My favorite thing to watch is anything that has to do with the bachelor/bachelorette. Helping people is probably one of my favorite things to do. I have one sibling along with a 3 year old niece and a 3 month old nephew. I can barely go a day without drinking redbull which probably isn't a good thing but it also probably won't stop anytime soon. I was in AVID all 4 years of high school.

Article Critique:

I visited the Ernestine Anderson page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: its lack of information, its lack of citations, and its lack of links from places where they found the little bit of information that was there.


Though the page did have a little bit of information about Ernestine Anderson, there was not much. There were only three topics, her life and career, her honors and awards, and a list of her Grammy's. If they added more information about her such as her family life and things she did outside of her career I think it would be very useful to anybody trying to do research on her or someone who is just interested in learning about her.


There was little to no citations on the Ernestine Anderson page. At the bottom of the page they had fourteen references for things throughout the page but most of them were simple and they were not cited in the article itself so it is hard to say if it is a fact or not. Adding some citations throughout the article would be extremely helpful in figuring out what can be considered trustworthy information and what can not.


Along with there being little to no citations on the page there also wasn't many links that went to things other than locations. They had a few links to people who she may have been associated with but they did not show how they knew she was associated with these people or the work she did not only with those people but also without them.


Overall, I would say that this page was decent. It had information that could be useful but it could have had more. The information that is there is enough to get an ok idea of who Ernestine Anderson is and what she did. Particularly, the honors and awards section was little and gave no evidence of where they got the information from. Other than those things the page had information that could definitely help if you did further research and found where they were from.