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User:Paul August/Pluto (mother of Tantalus)

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Pluto (mother of Tantalus)

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...Taygete, Electra, Maia, Plutide, daughters of Atlas, of whom respectively he begot Lacedæmon, Dardanus, Mercury, and Tantalus;


"He also committed adultery with Europa, the wife of his own uncle Oceanus, and with her sister Eurynome, and punished their father; and he committed adultery with Plute, the daughter of his own son Atlas, and condemned Tantalus, whom she bore to him. ...


the grave of him [Tantalus] who legend says was son of Zeus and Pluto—it is worth seeing—is on Mount Sipylus.


Tantalus, the son of Jove and Pluto,
Tantalus by Pluto, daughter of Himas.

36 Pandareos (Trzaskoma, Smith, and Brunet, p. 15)

where Tantalos, the son of Zeus and Plouto ...


Zeus Cronides had hurried to Pluto’s bed,e to beget Tantalos, that mad robber of heavenly cups,a and he laid his weapons well hidden with his lightening in a deep cavern. ... [which Typhon then stole]
e Pluto (not Pluton), daughter of Cronos and mother of Tantalos.
a Tantalos stole the divine (food and) drink and gave it to men.
"The third [arrow for Zeus in Eros' quiver] to Pluto's bridal brings the lord of high Olympos."
she remembered the bride of Zeus, Berecyntian Pluto,a so unhappy in the son Tantalos whom she bore.
a Cf. i. 146





s.v. Pluto 1

was a daughter of Cronus or Himantes (also called Mimas[?] but thought to be a surname of Atlas). She slept with Zeus and became the mother of Tantalus. Some said his father was Tmolus, a Lydian king. If so, this could not be the same Tmolus who was married to Omphale, since his grandson Pelops would need to be contemporary with Perseus, instead of five generations later as in the latter case. ... [Pausanias 2.22.4 [sic]; Scholiast on Euripides' Orestes 5; Scholiast on Pindar's Olympian Odes 3.41; Hyginus, Fables 155.]



p. 536

Before concluding this section, we should consider also Tantalos' parentage and wife. Our earliest information on the first of these points is Euripides, where Tantalos is a son of Zeus (Or 5); later sources all agree on that much, save for the scholion to this same passage, which names Tmolos as the father. The mother [of Tantalus] seems, however, on all occasions when she is named, to be one Plouto (Paus 2.22.3; Σ Od 11.582; Σ Or 4; Fab 82, 155; Nonnos 7.119 [union with Zeus only]) Hyginus calls her a daughter of Himas (Fab 155), but we know nothing else about her.



s.v. Tantalus 1

1. Usually said to be a son of Zeus and Pluto, the latter being a daughter of Cronus or of Atlas.



p. 502

Tantalos was a son of Zeus, and his mother is reported to have been a certain Plouto (Wealth), which seems appropriate enough for a man who was proverbial for his riches.126

p. 674

126 First named as a son of Zeus, Eur. Orestes 5; Plouto, schol. ibid. 4, Paus. 2.22.4; ...



Brill's New Pauly

s.v. Pluto 1
Mother of Tantalus by Zeus (Antoninus Liberalis 36,2; Hyg. Fab. 82 and 155; Paus. 2,22,3; according to scholion Eur. Or. 5 by Tmolus); also daughter of Kronos (scholion Pind. Ol. 3,41), Berecyntian nymph (Nonnus, Dion. 48,729-731). According to Clemens Romanus (in Rufin. recognitiones 10,21,7 and 10,23,1) the mother of Tantalus is called Plutis or Plute and is the daughter of Atlas.
Junk, Tim (Kiel)



p. 26

For Zeus, son of Cronus, rushing to the bed of Pluto [daughter of Cronus] to sire Tantalus, the witless thief of heavenly cups, stored his ether-weapons in a recess of rock and hid his lightening.



s.v. Pluto 3

•Himas ∞
•••Tantalus 1.
•Hyg.Fab.155. ••Nonn.7.19, ••-•••Pau.2.22.3., Hyg.Fab.155., Nonn.1.146.



p. 431

... or because Tantalus [ΣOL. 3.23] was the son of Plouto, daughter of Cronos, as Autesion says [cf. FGrH 298 F 1].



s.v. Pluto 2

2. A daughter of Cronos or Himantes, became by Zeus or Tmolus, the mother of Tantalus. (Schol. ad Eurip. Or. 5; Paus. 2.22.4; Schol. ad Pind. Ol. 3.41; Hyg. Fab. 155.)



s.v. Tantalus 1

(1) A king of Sipylus, in Lydia. Tantalus was a son of Zeus and Pluto, daughter of Cronus.