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may the ancient murder [phonos] breed no more in the house.

Seven Against Thebes

Stationed before the Homoloïd Gate, he [Amphiaraus] is casting many reviling words at powerful Tydeus—"murderer",79 "wrecker of your city", "Argos’ great instructor in evil", "arouser of a Fury",80 "high priest81 of Carnage [Φόνος]", "Adrastus’ counsellor in these crimes".
81 lit. “servant”; for the personification of Carnage (Φόνος) as a deity cf. Hesiod, Theogony 228 and Shield of Heracles 155.


conflicts, and battles, and murders, and slayings of men
ὑσμῖναί τε μάχαι τε φόνοι τ᾿ ἀνδροκτασίαι τε.

Shield of Heracles

ἐν δὲ Προΐωξίς τε Παλίωξίς τε τέτυκτο,
ἐν δ᾽ Ὅμαδός τε Φόνος τ᾽ Ἀνδροκτασίη τε δεδήει,
ἐν δ᾽ Ἔρις, ἐν δὲ Κυδοιμὸς ἐθύνεον, ἐν δ᾽ ὀλοὴ Κὴρ
ἄλλον ζωὸν ἔχουσα νεούτατον, ἄλλον ἄουτον,
ἄλλον τεθνηῶτα κατὰ μόθον ἕλκε ποδοῖιν·
εἷμα δ᾽ ἔχ᾽ ἀμφ᾽ ὤμοισι δαφοινεὸν αἵματι φωτῶν,
δεινὸν δερκομένη καναχῇσί τε βεβρυχυῖα.
Upon it were wrought Pursuit [Proioxis] and Rally [Palioxis]; upon it burned Tumult [Homados] and Murder [Phonos] and Slaughter [Androktasia]; upon it was Strife [Eris], upon it rushed Battle-Din [Kydoimos], upon it deadly Fate [Ker] was dragging men by the feet through the battle, holding one who was alive but freshly wounded, another who was unwounded, another who had died. Around her [Fate's] shoulders she wore a cloak, purple with the blood of men, and she glared terribly and bellowed with a clanging sound.


226–232 [Most]
And loathsome Strife bore painful Toil and Forgetfulness and Hunger and tearful Pains, and Combats and Battles and Murders (Φόνοι) and Slaughters, and Strifes and Lies and Tales and Disputes, and Lawlessness and Recklessness, much like one another, and Oath, who indeed brings most woe upon human beings on the earth, whenever someone willfully swears a false oath.


Σὺν δὲ μάχην ἐτάνυσσαν ἀπείριτον· ἐν δὲ Κυδοιμὸς
στρωφᾶτ’ ἐν μέσσοισι μετ’ ἀργαλέοιο Φόνοιο.
In the long drawn out and intense fighting that followed, Uproar stalked in their midst in company with dreadful Slaughter.





p. 40 [= Internet Archive p. 42]

212-232 The remaining children of Night are personifications ... The children of Eris are Hardship [Ponos], Forgetfulness (Lethe), Starvation [Limos], Pains [Algea], Battles [Hysminai], Wars [Machai], Murders [Phonoi], Manslaughters [Androktasiai], Quarrels [Neikea] Lies [Pseudea], Stories [Logoi], Disputes [Amphillogiai], Anarchy [Dysnomia], Ruin [Ate], Oath [Horkos].



p. 9

in art we find Eris ... Hesiod's [cont.]

p. 10

account goes on to list Eris' own children, born with no father mentioned and virtually all allegorizings: Ponos (Labor), Lethe (Forgetfulness), Limos (Famine), Algea (Pains), Hysminae (Combats), Machai (Battles), Phonoi (Slaughterings), Androktasiai (Slayings of Men), Neikea (Quarrels), Pseudea (Falsehoods), Logoi (Words), Amphillogiai (Unclear Words), Dysnomia (Bad Government), Horkos (Oath), and Ate (Folly) (226–32) Of this list only the last has any identity, [although as a daughter of Zeus with no mother mentioned]



p. 31

The children of Eris represent the many harmful and destructive things that arise from discord and strife, namely Toil (Ponos), Oblivion (Lethe), Famine, Sorrows, Fights, Battles, Murders, Manslayings, Quarrels, Lies, Disputes, Lawlessness, Delusion (Ate) and Oath (Horkos).59 This is allegory of the most obvious kind for the most part; the last two alone require further comment.

s.v. φόνος

φόνος , ὁ, (θείνω)
A.murder, slaughter, ... (personified in Hes.Th.228) ...