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Opheltes (mythology)

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[Grant:] § 134 TYRRHENIANS: When the Tyrrhenians, later called Tuscans, were on a piratical expedition, Father Liber, then a youth, came on their ship and asked them to take him to Naxos. When they had taken him on and wished to debauch him because of his beauty, Acoetes, the pilot, restrained them, and suffered at their hands. Liber, seeing that their purpose remained the same, changed the oars to thyrsi, the sails to vine-leaves, the ropes to ivy; then lions and panthers leapt out. When they saw them, in fear they cast themselves into the sea, and even in the sea he changed them to a sort of beast. For whoever leaped overboard was changed into dolphin shape, and from this dolphins are called Tyrrhenians, and the sea Tyrrhenian. They were twelve in number with the following names: Aethalides, Medon, Lycabas, Libys, Opheltes, Melas, Alcimedon, Epopeus, Dictys, Simon, Acoetes. The last was the pilot, whom Liber saved out of kindness.


Tell me who died, who fell to the spear of Deriades! Aibialos and Thyamis, Ormenios and Opheltes, ...
I am ashamed after the battle to think of Arestor,a lest he should hear that Opheltes at the instant of death found none to help him.
a Father of Opheltes
Along with sorrowing Lyaios, Asterios of Dicte who was one of his kindred, holding a twohandled cup of sweet fragrant wine, made the dust of the earth drunken in honour of the soul of Arestor's son now carried on the wind.
Asterios collected the bones ... and last they poured foreign dust over Opheltes. The build up his barrow with taller stones, and engraved these lines on this monument of their recent sorrow: "Here lies Arestor's son who untimely died: Cnossion, Indianslayer, comrade of Bromius, Opheltes."


Opheltes, first of my companions, cried,
‘Behold we come!’ And, thinking he had caught
a worthy prize in that unfruitful land,
he led a boy, of virgin-beauty formed,
across the shore.


On the departure of Autesion, Damasichthon was chosen to be king, who was a son of Opheltes, the son of Peneleos. This Damasichthon had a son Ptolemy, who was the father of Xanthus. Xanthus fought a duel with Andropompus, who killed him by craft and not in fair fight. Hereafter the Thebans thought it better to entrust the government to several people, rather than to let everything depend on one man.


Telamon smote Nisaeus and Opheltes, the idle boaster, piercing his huge shield of threefold wickerwork where it covered his belly


Euryalus was dazed, smitten with mighty love of praise, and at once speaks thus to his ardent friend: “Do you refuse then, Nisus, to let me join in this great endeavour? Am I to send you alone into such great perils? Not so did my father, the old warrior Opheltes, train me as his child among Argive terrors and the travails of Troy, nor at your side have I played my part so, following high-souled Aeneas and his ultimate fate.





s.v. Opheltes 1

(Archemorus, Ophites 2.)
He was nursed by Hypsipyle. She left him behind when she went to show the way to a spring to the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES, who had come to Nemea.
•a)Lucurgus 3 ∞ Amphithea 2.
•b)Lycurgus 3 ∞ Eurydice 1.
a)Killed by Serpent 10.
b)Killed by Dragon 5.
D.-•a)b)Apd.1.9.14. D.Apd.3.6.4.
•b)Stat.Theb.4.741., 5.632.
a)Apd.3.6.4., Stat.Theb.5.534ff.

s.v. Opheltes 2

•Peneleus ∞
•••Damasichthon 2.
•-•••Pau. 9.5.16.

s.v. Opheltes 3

One of the SAILORS who tried to delude Dionysus 2.
Turned into a fish.
D.-Ov. Met.3581-691., Hyg. Fab.134.

s.v. Opheltes 4

An experienced soldier
•••Euryalus 7.

s.v. Opheltes 5

A warrior in the army of Dionysus 2 during the Indian War.
•Arestor 3 ∞
D.-Nonn.32.186. •Nonn.35.379., 35.85., 37.101.

s.v. Opheltes 6

A Dolonian
Killed by Telamon during the battle between the Dolonians and the ARGONAUTS.



s.v. Opheltes 1

A son of Lycurgus, who was killed by a snake at Nemea, as his nurse Hypsipyle had left him alone. (Apollod. 1.9.14; Paus. 2.15.3; comp. ADRASTUS.)

s.v. Opheltes 2

One of the Tyrrhenians who wanted to carry off Dionysus, and were therefore metamorphosed into dolphins. (Hyg. Fab. 134.)

s.v. Opheltes 3

The son of Peneleus and father of Damasichthon. king of Thebes. (Paus. 9.5.8.)