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To integrate the Apache-Solr search engine into Ruby and Rails, the Sunspot library provides an interactive technique. Sunspot is built on top of the RSolr library, which provides a low-level interface for Solr interaction; Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand. Sunspot is designed to be easily plugged into any Object-relational mapping, or even non-database-backed objects such as the filesystem. Sunspot is distributed under the MIT License.



Sunspot is easily configurable with RubyGems, type in the following command in Gems.

$ gem install sunspot

If you use an alternate system of package management, you can pull Sunspot from git://github.com/outoftime/sunspot.git .

Getting Started


Sunspot comes with a prepackaged instance of Solr, which makes it easy to get started in development mode. To start Sunspot’s Solr instance, run:

$ gem install sunspot_solr # not required for Sunspot < 1.3.0
$ sunspot-solr start

[1] This will store the index data in your operating system’s temporary directory – see Configuring Solr for use with Sunspot in development, testing, and production for more options available when when running the packaged Solr instance.



Sunspot is configured using the Sunspot.config object. The following options are available:

Configuration Variable Description Default
Sunspot.config.solr.url The URL at which to connect to Solr
Sunspot.config.pagination.default_per_page The number of results to return per page if not specified in the search 30
Sunspot.config.indexing.default_batch_size The number of records per batch to use when indexing 50

Quickstart with Rails 3 / 4


Add the following commands to existing Gemfile:

gem 'sunspot_rails'
gem 'sunspot_solr' # optional pre-packaged Solr distribution for use in development[1]

Bundle it!

bundle install[1]

Generate a default configuration file using the following command:

rails generate sunspot_rails:install[1]

If sunspot_solr was installed, start the packaged Solr distribution with:

bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start # or sunspot:solr:run to start in foreground[1]

Setting Up Objects


Add a searchable block to the objects you wish to index.

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  searchable do
    text :title, :body
    text :comments do
      comments.map { |comment| comment.body }

    boolean :featured
    integer :blog_id
    integer :author_id
    integer :category_ids, :multiple => true
    double  :average_rating
    time    :published_at
    time    :expired_at

    string  :sort_title do
      title.downcase.gsub(/^(an?|the)/, '')

text fields will be full-text searchable. Other fields (e.g., integer and string) can be used to scope queries.

Searching Objects

Post.search do
  fulltext 'best pizza'

  with :blog_id, 1
  with(:published_at).less_than Time.now
  field_list :blog_id, :title
  order_by :published_at, :desc
  paginate :page => 2, :per_page => 15
  facet :category_ids, :author_id

Search In Depth


Given an object Post setup in earlier steps ...

Full Text

# All posts with a `text` field (:title, :body, or :comments) containing 'pizza'
Post.search { fulltext 'pizza' }

# Posts with pizza, scored higher if pizza appears in the title
Post.search do
  fulltext 'pizza' do
    boost_fields :title => 2.0

# Posts with pizza, scored higher if featured
Post.search do
  fulltext 'pizza' do
    boost(2.0) { with(:featured, true) }

# Posts with pizza *only* in the title
Post.search do
  fulltext 'pizza' do

# Posts with pizza in the title (boosted) or in the body (not boosted)
Post.search do
  fulltext 'pizza' do
    fields(:body, :title => 2.0)



Running Tests




Install the required gem dependencies:

cd /path/to/sunspot/sunspot
bundle install[1]

Start a Solr instance on port 8983:

bundle exec sunspot-solr start -p 8983
# or `bundle exec sunspot-solr run -p 8983` to run in foreground[1]

Run the tests:

bundle exec rake spec[1]

If desired, stop the Solr instance:

bundle exec sunspot-solr stop[1]



Install the gem dependencies for sunspot:

cd /path/to/sunspot/sunspot
bundle install[1]

Start a Solr instance on port 8983:

bundle exec sunspot-solr start -p 8983
# or `bundle exec sunspot-solr run -p 8983` to run in foreground[1]

Navigate to the sunspot_rails directory:

cd ../sunspot_rails[1]

Run the tests:

rake spec # all Rails versions
rake spec RAILS=3.1.1 # specific Rails version only[1]

[1]If desired, stop the Solr instance:

cd ../sunspot
bundle exec sunspot-solr stop[1]

Generating Documentation


Install the yard and redcarpet gems:

$ gem install yard redcarpet[1]

Uninstall the rdiscount gem, if installed:

$ gem uninstall rdiscount[1]

Generate the documentation from topmost directory:

$ yardoc -o docs */lib/**/*.rb - README.md[1]

See Also



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u "Sunspot: Solr-powered search for Ruby objects". sunspot.github.io. Retrieved 2016-09-14.

Category:Ruby Category:Apache Solr Category:Ruby on Rails