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I have a BBA in Business Information Technology degree from 2006 Spring. I had to check from the library that holds my thesis, that I actually have an accepted thesis in real life. Also, I wanted to see my grade cards so my mother sent them via e-mail to me, but that was years ago. Apparently I have graduated from the BBA program. I was not sure. But it does not matter a lot to me now, since I am on a disability pension because I am considered by the health authorities too mentally ill to work full time in a salary job.

I also passed the Finnish matriculation exam in 2000 in High School and graduated from High School then. I am hard of hearing and that is why I was allowed to be acquitted from the English language listening test in the matriculation examination.

In the matriculation examination of High School I got an Approbatur (A) in Finnish, a Lubenter (B) in Swedish, a Magna Cum Laude Approbatur (M) in "reaali" (I wrote humanist exams, none of the natural sciences). I got an Eximia (E) in English. My grade average in the matriculation examination was C. I was let into the Turku Polytechnic (now known as the Turku University of Applied Sciences) in 2000 and graduated on overtime in 2006 as a BBA in Business IT. I graduated in 2006. I started the studies in 2000.

I am currently retired on disability for my schizophrenia. I get a disability pension and a disability allowance. I am a customer of the Folk Pensionate Anstalt (FPA, KELA) of Finland. I am a computer geek and a guitarist. I listen to music, watch YouTube and read and write things on the Internet.

I have schizophrenia and am trying to stay healthy psychologically, psychiatrically and somatically (bodily, physically). I think eugenics might work. I do not have children, and I refuse to breed. I mean to write that I do not have offspring. I am addicted to coffee (caffeine), cigarettes (nicotine) and medications that have been given to me by the authorities. Once in a while I drink an alcoholic drink.

I read about deductive and inductive reasoning (thinking) in logic and philosophy. I think it is wrong to use deduction and induction in saying what an individual is like, because that would be nationalist thinking. A person's genes are not their private property, they belong to the community.

I am interested in mathematics (it uses deductive reasoning), history, philosophy, biology, chemistry, physics (they use inductive reasoning) etc. An example of deductive logic (reasoning) would be: "All human beings are mortal. Socrates is a human being. Therefore Socrates is mortal." An example of inductive logic would be: "All observed swans are white. So all swans are white." In fact that is not true, since there are black swans in Australia. Science is often wrong. Do not get me started in discussing religion, but I can say I have studied many religions and think their reasoning is based on fiction.

Nazi and communist propaganda and mathematics meet (the claim "2+2=5"), a claim about a calculation equation: 2+2≈5. 2+2 is about five (when rounded up to 5 from 4). 2+2=5 is a slogan used in politics (and an obvious falsehood, unless described precisely what is the basis of such an odd claim), both in former German Nazi propaganda and Soviet Russian Communist propaganda, but also in the dystopian book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) by George Orwell. The book features the Big Brother, that watches everything. The propaganda machines of modern day corporatocracy, banking, nation-states, unions, federations and the confederations are nowadays ubiquitous, like in the Orwell book nowadays usually called 1984. Google, Facebook and the various media outlets control, manipulate and program people and populations on a mass scale for economic, social and political gain.

Mathematics is a game. It is logical and a good way to reason certain things, but not everything. In fact here in Finland the amount of euro cents is rounded up to the nearest 5 cents, and it can be also counted like thus: 0.02€+0.02€=0.04€≈0.05€, so 2c+2c=4c≈5c. That is where the political claim became reality, because "It was decided thus."

There are also other cases when 2+2 can be 5. One case is, when 2≈2.25 and 2+2≈2.25+2.25==4.5 and 4.5≈5 if rounded up to the nearest higher integer (whole number), or, even better when 2=2.4 and 2+2=2.4+2.4=4.8≈5, rounded up to the nearest higher integer, not rounded down to the nearest half nor then nearest whole lower integer (full number, here is a link to number theory, whole number, aka "kokonaisluku" in Finnish, where "koko" is "whole" and "kokonais" is "full", and "luku" is "a count" (or "chapter", or "reading"), and "luku" is also "number", "numero" (the same word in Finnish and Latin is "numero"). Obviously to be exact 2<2.25 and 4.5<5, and in fact 2==2.00 and 4==4.00 and 5==5.00 and also 2.5+2.5==5.0. Also, 2<2.4 and 4.8<5, but 2<=2.4 and 4.8<=5. It is all a matter of precision of calculation when using numbers. It is a matter of how precise the number quantities are. When using computers floating point to do arithmetic with computers (that can be called "imprecise (inexact) mathematics - inexact, imprecise numerical calculations" when using computers) can and will easily give a lot of "rounding errors", and "number precision errors".

Division by zero in mathematics (for example calculators and programming languages like C and C++): If you divide by zero, do the operation like this: 1.0/0.0, where 1.0 can be replaced by any number except 0 or 0.0. x/0.0 is the correct format. For example, 0/0, 0/0.0 or 0.0/0.0 will not work. For example, 1/0.0 will do.

About doing division by zero in UNIX-like systems like GNU, POSIX and Linux (by the way Android is also a system using the Linux kernel - might work as well on Mac and Windows as well, if the C or the C++ programming language is used): There is something called a SIGFPE in UNIX/POSIX systems, including the GNU and the Linux systems - it is the signal "floating point error", and results from a calculation where a number was divided by zero. A good way to avoid the "Floating point error" signal ("SIGFPE") when using C or C++ is to use an algorithm to declare the variable and do the calculation like for example: "float x; x=(float)1/0;" I remember vaguely there may be another way as well, but cannot recall it at the moment. "x=(float)0/0;" should give when using C++'s cout (character output) object thus: cout << "x=" << x the following output: "x=-nan" (not a number)) and x=(float)1/0; cout << "x=" << x; " input should give the output "x=inf" (infinity, infinite).

Now I have learned the correct way of dividing a number by zero in C and C++: x/0.0 where x can be any number, including 0.0 (the result will be in C and C++ "-nan" when doing the operation 0.0/0.0). This edit is from Sunday the 9th of October at 10:20 AM. I am 42 years of age.

Ok guys and gals, I can give you the source code for proper division by zero in C++. It would work similarly in C but I do not want to use the printf(..) function:

#include <iostream>

int main(void)


using namespace std;

cout << 0.0/0.0 << endl; // it results in the output "-nan" ("not a number")

cout << 1.0/0.0 << endl; // the output is (or should be, at least) :) :: "inf"

return 0;


To create the program in C you need the printf() function, and need to know how to include it: #include <stdio.h>

//The simpler version of the division by zero using floating point arithmetics

#include <stdio.h>

int main()





return 0;


//The more complex version of the division by zero using floating point arithmetics

# include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf(" 0.0/0.0 = %f\n",0.0/0.0);

printf(" 1.0/0.0 = %f\n",1.0/0.0);

printf("-1.0/0.0 = %f\n",-1.0/0.0);

return 0;


"C" is used for system level programming of devices like computers.

Computers are not as precise as they should be, and neither should a computer nor a human brain be completely trusted - data transfer and data representation, arithmetic, calculations, computations and memory and operations (actions) can be corrupted and wrong -- and stem from and lead to errors (human errors and machine errors), falsehoods and wrong results. Mathematics is both a branch of philosophy, and a basis of computing, calculations and drawing graphs and making signals, including visual and audio signals, and also the basis of cryptography and networking; and a good tool to design and program computers and machinery. It can also be used to build actual physical road bridges that can and will be used for traffic and to plan biological medicine and biological medications. The way a substance, medicine or drug works in a biological system it has been released in can be mathematically modeled. Mathematics can also be used in both astrology and astronomy, where the latter one is the observation and study of celestial bodies (astronomical objects and phenomena related to astronomy and the space) in a mechanical and measurable way and the former is in the realm of superstition and ancient religions.

Wittgenstein wrote about the so-called "language games", and I use them to discuss matters with human beings and to write my texts into computer systems. I am a European. I am also a man, 43 years of age. I think it is chilling to watch the news of today. It is not usually the TV I watch, but I look at some videos with voice, and read the news.

I am hard of hearing but have an excellent eyesight (vision), including colour vision (eyesight). I have the vision (eyesight) of a hunter-gatherer even though I eat food produced in farms. My favourite grocery store is the K-Market. I live in Finland.