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I would like to contribute to the dynein Wikipedia page by adding some details about axonemal dynein regulation. I plan to focus on the forms of regulation we talked about in class (calcium, phosphorylation, redox, etc.).

List of references:

Alper, J. D., Decker, F., Agana, B., & Howard, J. (2014). The Motility of Axonemal Dynein Is Regulated by the Tubulin Code. Biophysical Journal, 107(12), 2872–2880. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2014.10.061

King, S. M. (2010). Sensing the mechanical state of the axoneme and integration of Ca2+ signaling by outer arm dynein. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken, N.J.), 67(4), 207–13. https://doi.org/10.1002/cm.20445

King, S. M. (2012). Integrated control of axonemal dynein AAA+ motors. Journal of Structural Biology, 179(2), 222–228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsb.2012.02.013

Sakato, M., Sakakibara, H., & King, S. M. (2007). Chlamydomonas Outer Arm Dynein Alters Conformation in Response to Ca(2+). Molecular Biology of the Cell, 18(9), 3620–3634. https://doi.org/10.1091/mbc.E06-10-0917

Wirschell, M., Yamamoto, R., Alford, L., Gokhale, A., Gaillard, A., & Sale, W. S. (2011). Regulation of ciliary motility: conserved protein kinases and phosphatases are targeted and anchored in the ciliary axoneme. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 510(2), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abb.2011.04.003


·     Phosphorylation

  • HCs in the inner and outer arms are phosphorylated
  • in Chlamydomonas, phosphorylation of an intermediate chain occurs in response to signals from the radial spokes and plays an important role in phototaxis
  • control rate of microtubule sliding powered by axonemal dyneins.

·     Redox

  • Regulated through thioredoxins associated with outer dynein arm
  • binding partners change under different redox conditions

·     Ca 2+

  • Second messenger signaling
  • alter cilia waveform / flagellar beat frequency                 
  • signals integrated through central microtubule dimer through radial spokes
  • Ca 2+ detected by centrin and components of the outer arms

·     Lis1

  • Lissencephaly protein important for dynein function under high loads        
  • induces a tight binding state to the microtubule

Rough Draft

The activity of axonemal dynein is highly regulated. Modes of axonemal dynein regulation include phosphorylation, oxidation and reduction, and influxes of calcium ions. The heavy chains of inner and outer arms of axonemal dynein are phosphorylated and dephosphorylated to control the rate of microtubule sliding. Thioredoxins associated with the other axonemal dynein arms are oxidized or reduced to regulate where dynein binds. Centerin and components of the outer axonemal dynein arms detect fluctuations in calcium concentration. Calcium fluctuations play an important role in altering cilia waveform and flagellar beat frequency.

Revised Draft - 2 Options

The regulation of axonemal dynein activity is critical for flagellar beat frequency and cilia waveform. Modes of axonemal dynein regulation include phosphorylation, oxidation and reduction, and influxes of calcium ions. Mechanical forces on the axoneme also affect anoxemal dynein function. Heavy chains, thioredoxins associated with the outer axonemal dynein, and centerin have been identified as sites of regulation in axonemal dynein.


The regulation of axonemal dynein activity is critical for flagellar beat frequency and cilia waveform. Modes of axonemal dynein regulation include phosphorylation, redox, and calcium. Mechanical forces on the axoneme also affect anoxemal dynein function. The heavy chains of inner and outer arms of axonemal dynein are phosphorylated/dephosphorylated to control the rate of microtubule sliding. Thioredoxins associated with the other axonemal dynein arms are oxidized/reduced to regulate where dynein binds in the axoneme. Centerin and components of the outer axonemal dynein arms detect fluctuations in calcium concentration. Calcium fluctuations play an important role in altering cilia waveform and flagellar beat frequency (King, 2012).


The regulation of axonemal dynein activity is critical for flagellar beat frequency and cilia waveform. Modes of axonemal dynein regulation include phosphorylation, redox, and calcium. Mechanical forces on the axoneme also affect anoxemal dynein function. The heavy chains of inner and outer arms of axonemal dynein are phosphorylated/dephosphorylated to control the rate of microtubule sliding. Thioredoxins associated with the other axonemal dynein arms are oxidized/reduced to regulate where dynein binds in the axoneme. Centerin and components of the outer axonemal dynein arms detect fluctuations in calcium concentration. Calcium fluctuations play an important role in altering cilia waveform and flagellar beat frequency (King, 2012).


King, S. M. (2012). Integrated control of axonemal dynein AAA+ motors. Journal of Structural Biology, 179(2), 222–228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsb.2012.02.013