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In the children's book series A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, numerous locations are first mentioned in The Miserable Mill.

{{ASUE object
| image   = 
| bgcolor = purple
| fgcolor = white
| name    = Dr. Orwell's Office
| portray = ''Never''
| mention = ''[[The Miserable Mill]]''
| possess = Formerly [[Georgina Orwell]] (now deceased)

Dr. Orwell's Office


Dr. Orwell's Office was where Georgina Orwell practiced optometry and hypnotism before her death. The book desribes the building a a mostly brown oval, which contains a green circle then containing a white circle, which in turn contains a round black door. It looks much like Count Olaf's tattoo. An in book illustration differs slightly from the desription. The waiting room inside the office is small, containing a sofa, chairs and magazines. Dr. Orwell's receptionist, Count Olaf, disguised as Shirley, has his desk in the waiting room.

Lucky Smells Lumbermill

{{ASUE object
| image   = [[File:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg|100px]]
| bgcolor = purple
| fgcolor = white
| name    = Lucky Smells Lumbermill
| portray = ''Never''
| mention = ''[[The Miserable Mill]]''
| possess = [[Sir (A Series of Unfortunate Events)|Sir]]

Lucky Smells Lumbermill is a fictional sawmill in the series A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. Located in Paltryville, the lumbermill is the site of most of the action in The Miserable Mill.

It is surrounded by a long wooden wall with one gate that has "Lucky Smells Lumbermill" stuck on it with gum. This sign is claimed to be one of the most disgusting in the world. In the mill there is the dormitory, the mill itself, a storage shed and the building where Sir and Charles work and live.

The workers at the mill aren't treated very well. They are forced to live in a windowless room (with the exception of the windows drawn on the walls with a ballpoint pen) in uncomfortable bunk beds. The only meals are gum for lunch (which is only 5 minutes long), and disgusting casseroles for dinner. All workers are paid with expired coupons. However, this could change because near the end of the book Phil reads in The Paltryville Constitution that it is illegal to pay workers in coupons. But is never said if the workers were ever paid with money. In the thirteenth book, a place cold Lucky Smells Melon Farm is mentioned. It is possible that the Lumbermill was once a melon farm.

There is a library at the mill, but it only consists of three books:

  1. The History of Lucky Smells Lumbermill (donated by Sir)
  2. The Paltryville Constitution (donated by the mayor)
  3. Advanced Ocular Science (donated by Dr. Orwell).

Present/Retired Employees



{{ASUE object
| image   = 
| bgcolor = purple
| fgcolor = white
| name    = Paltryville
| portray = ''Never''
| mention = ''[[The Miserable Mill]]''
| possess = Presumably Paltryville's government

Paltryville is a small town which is home to the lumberjacks of the Lucky Smells Lumbermill, the optometrist and hypnotist Dr. Orwell, and her grotesque secretary Shirley, who the orphans immediately recognise as notorious villain Count Olaf.

The buildings have no windows (though the accompanying illustration of Orwell's office shows the building with two windows in view), and on a flagpole at the post office there hangs a shoe instead of a flag.

There are piles of newspaper along one side of the town's wall, which are believed to be the archives of The Daily Punctilio, as suggested in The Unauthorized Autobiography.