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User:Paaln/Chief of air staff sand box

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Chief of the Air Force Staff (Generalinspektøren for Luftforsvaret) is the .......

Useful thingies for biography dealies:

  • Infobox military person

These guys should have articles, as heads of the Norwegian air force:

But first, what is the title for the head of the RNoAF? Some translate Generalinspektøren for Luftforsvaret letter-by-letter to Inspector-General (see below why I think that is wrong). Some say Chief of Staff. Some say Chief of Air Staff. Some say Commander-in-Chief. In Wilhelm Mohr - On World War II (Henriksen, 2009) Henriksen translates Mohr's positions:

  • Stabsjef Luftforsvarets overkommando: chief of staff of the air force
  • Sjef for Luftforsvaret: Commander-in-Chief of the air force

According to Norsk-engelsk militær ordbok, the term is Chief of the Air Force Staff. Official sites like the Norwegian Government's www.dep.no and www.regjeringen.no also use this term. This was also the term used by the defunct www.mil.no, the official site of the Norwegian Armed Forces. Its replacement, www.forsvaret.no, only briefly mentions the present head of the arm, Hannestad, as "Chief".

Inspector-General, I guess, is the position held by for instance Kaldager and Halle in the 50s, Generalinspektøren for Flyvåpnet, were the -General-part had nothing to do with rank. It was a Colonel position, as head of an inspectorate within the staff of the head of the arm, Sjefen for Luftforsvaret (a Lieutenant General, except for Riiser-Larsen), from 1969 Generalinspektøren for Luftforsvaret (a Major General, except for Narvhus), is Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, according to the above Henriksen/Mohr-translation. I think...

Sjef for Luftforsvaret (1944-1969):

Generalinspektør for Luftforsvaret (1969-):

See also[edit]