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Spider Monkey Optimization


Swarm intelligence is one of the most promising area for the researchers in the field of numerical optimization. Researchers have developed many algorithms by simulating the swarming behavior of various creatures like ants, honey bees, fish, birds and the findings are very motivating. In this paper, a new approach for numerical optimization is proposed by modeling the foraging behavior of spider monkeys. Spi-der monkeys have been categorized as fission–fusion social structure based animals. The animals which follow fission– fusion social systems, split themselves from large to smaller groups and vice-versa based on the scarcity or availability of food. The proposed swarm intelligence approach is named as Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) algorithm and can broadly be classified as an algorithm inspired by intelligent foraging behavior of fission–fusion social structure based animals.



P.ranjansingh68 (talk) 05:07, 10 December 2014 (UTC)
The name swarm is used for an accumulation of creatures such as ants, fish, birds, termites and honey bees which behave collectively. The definition given by Bonabeau for the swarm intelligence is “any attempt to design algorithms or distributed problem-solving devices inspired by the collective behaviour of social insect colonies and other animal societies” [1] Swarm intelligence is a meta-heuristic approach in the field of nature inspired techniques that is used to solve optimization problems. It is based on the collective behavior of social creatures. Social creatures utilize their ability of social learning and adaptation to solve complex tasks. Researchers have analyzed such behaviors and designed algorithms that can be used to solve nonlinear, non-convex or combinatorial optimization problems in many science and engineering domains. Previous research [7,17,28,39] have shown that algorithms based on Swarm Intelligence have great potential to find a near optimal solution of real world optimization problem. The algorithms that have been emerged inrecent years are Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [7], Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [17], Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) [26], Artificial Bee Colony Optimization (ABC) [14] etc.In order to design a new swarm intelligence based algorithm, it is necessary to understand whether a behavior is swarm intelligent behavior or not. Karaboga et al. mentioned that Division of Labor and Self-Organization are the necessary and sufficient conditions for obtaining intelligent swarming behaviors.

Self-organization: is an important feature of a swarm structure which results in global level response by means of interactions among its low-level components without a central authority or external element enforcing it through planning. Therefore, the globally coherent pattern appears from the local interaction of the components that build up the structure, thus the organization is achieved in parallel as all the elements act at the same time and distributed as no element is a central coordinator. Bonabeau et al.have defined the following four important characteristics on which self-organization is based [3]:

Positive feedback:is an information extracted from the output of a system and reapplied to the input to promotes the creations of convenient structures. In the field of swarm intelligence positive feedback provides diversity and accelerate the system to new stable state.

Negative feedback: compensates the effect of positive feedback and helps to stabilize the collective pattern.
Fluctuations: are the rate or magnitude of random changes in the system. Randomness is often crucial for efflorescent structures since it allows the findings of new solutions. In foraging process, it helps to getride of stagnation.

Multiple interactions: provide the way of learn- ing from the individuals within a society and thus enhance the combined intelligence of the swarm.

2. Division of labour: is a cooperative labour in specific, cir- cumscribed tasks and like roles. In a group, there are var- ious tasks, which are performed simultaneously by spe- cialized individuals. Simultaneous task performance by cooperating specialized individuals is believed to be more efficient than the sequential task performance by unspe- cialized individuals [5,13,24].

This paper proposes a new swarm intelligence algorithm based on the foraging behavior of spider monkeys. The for- aging behavior of spider monkeys shows that these mon- keys fall in the category of fission–fusion social structure (FFSS) based animals. Thus the proposed optimization algo- rithm which is based on foraging behavior of spider monkeys is explained better in terms of FFSS. Further, the proposed strategy is tested on various benchmark and engineering opti- mization test problems.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes the foraging behavior and social structure of spider monkeys. In Sect. 3, first, the foraging behavior is critically evaluated to be a swarm intelligent behavior over the neces- sary and sufficient conditions of swarm intelligence and then Spider Monkey Optimization algorithm is proposed. A detail discussion about the proposed strategy is presented in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5, performance of the proposed strategy is analyzed and compared with four state-of-the-art algorithms, namely DE, PSO, ABC and CMA-ES. Finally, in Sect. 6, paper is concluded.



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