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Who am I?


Hello! I am a paleology student. I grew up traveling around with my dad hunting for fossils. I've always been so passionate about dinosaurs. I specifically want to study sauropods. My minor in school is zoology. I'm taking a lot of classes about reptiles and birds. (You could guess why...) For the next 2 years I'll be the treasurer for my Equestrian team. I've ridden horses my whole life. It's still crazy that I get to travel around and compete with my team. I also do photography as a hobby. Most of the storage on my computer is just raw photos from my camera.

This is a photo that I took from my trip to Colorado in 2022.

What quote represents me?


Honestly that is a hard choice. I am a lot of things but mostly I am just a girl who loves horses. Thats a bit cheesy... Thats who I am though. The quote that I choose is from Winston Churchill. “Not an hour is lost that is spent in the saddle.” [1]

  1. ^ Churchill, Winston, and William Manchester. My Early Life, 1874-1904. Simon & Schuster, 1996.