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User:Organmountains/Morgan Mandel

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Morgan Mandel (born in Chicago on [date]) is an American mystery and romance author.

She graduated in 1970 with a B.A. in English Literature from DePaul University. She joined Romance Writers of America in 1995 and that same year became a member of their local chapter, Chicago-North RWA.

Mandel has served as president and in other capacities for the local chapter, where she is still a member. Eleven years after joining the chapter, in February, 2006, her first novel, the mystery, Two Wrongs, was published by Hard Shell Word Factory in e-book and print. In January 2008, her romantic comedy, Girl of My Dreams, was published by Hard Shell Word Factory.

Her August 2009 release, the romantic suspense, Killer Career, was published by Mandel's own company, Choice One Publishing Co, and was reviewed by Midwest Book Reviews. Mandel founded Book Place, a ning network of over 2000 members, where book industry people share writing related knowledge and promotion. She belongs to a number of networking e-groups in the mystery and romance writing fields, some of which include Crime and Suspense, Murder Must Advertise, Long and Short Romance Reviews, Blog Book Tour Cafe. She posts to Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and other social networks.

Mandel maintains a personal daily blog, Double M’s Take on Books, Blogs, Dogs, Networking & Life. She is also the creator of the group blogs, Acme Authors Link and Make Mine Mystery, where she participates on a regular basis. She contributes to the predominantly editors’ blog, Blood-Red Pencil.

Mandel is the Library Liaison for Midwest Mystery Writers of America for whom she produces a semi-yearly library bulletin. She also belongs to the writing organizations Sisters in Crime and EPIC (Electronically Published Internet Connection).

She is presently working on a children’s book about her hearing-impaired dog, Rascal, who owns her own page on doggyspace and is the star of many of Mandel’s youtube videos.

