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SMP Rock Live


SMP Rock Live[1], officially known as Survival Multiplayer of Rock Live, is an official private Minecraft[2] server dedicated to the idea of survival. Governed by the small community of Rock Live, the community exercises its power over all parts in the server and strictly governs over the people.

SMP Rock Live emerges originally between the player's friend as a realm but later on was switched to an operational 24/7 Minecraft[2] server, allowing it to be accessible by anyone who knows of its address. For a while, the server depended on the one-man operation where the owner himself took matters into his own hands. Later on, the system expanded to a council-like legislation where people are assigned as moderators and report any bugs or rule breakers to the owner.



Historians have indicated that the server was created a while back on May 18th, 2019. Human remains founded in the suggested original area of the server was found to be dated at least 6 month old. The writing system during the original stages seems to be English. Some historians have suggested that the server could have been older than six month.

Early Survival Era

The flag of the Great Republic used in propaganda

According to SMP traditions and propaganda, the server was created on May 18th, 2019 where the original players were there to survive. A few days later on May 19th, 2019, a united faction between the players under the traditional name, The Great Republic. In retrospective, the faction was deemed rather as a safe area to the players due to the fear of being alone. Ancient wall paintings may suggest that the faction had the political system as military dictatorship under the head of Rock_Live, now known as keenbm. The players of the faction dreamed of a united faction where the end of the world is conquered by them. However, as time passes, the central authority of the faction was deeply weakened due to unresolved problems, worldwide censorship, and poor organization. The Great Republic dissolved on May 30th, 2019 through the hellblaze it caused.

Tension Era


After the collapse of the Great Republic, many players traveled far away to not be reminded of the recent disaster. The area which stood the Great Republic is now in rumbles and often infested with hostile mobs. Many players at that time were against the idea of a unified world which results in the creation of multiple factions which would end in tensions between them. Many battles broke out between nations and there were no victories. Many factions were depleted in resources each time an attack happened.

The People's Republic of Golden Wind

Former flag of the Golden Wind

Following the aftermath of the Great Republic collapse, two former players, mrhades1 & _Optimus__Prime_, formed an united faction on June 8th, 2019 to bring the dream of a united faction. Mrhades1 proclaimed himself as provisional president while _Optimus__Prime enrolled himself as the provisional legislator. Original called the Villager's Republic of the Three Winds, the faction was very aggressive in technological foundations and infrastructure foundation. Unlike the notorious Great Republic, it had a constitution, a voice among the council, & well-known safe place to be at. Later on, it changed its name to People's Republic of Golden Wind and tried to make peace talks with its neighboring factions. Later on, it accepted many new-comers with a warm heart and took ideas from the people to better the faction as a whole. Soon, the faction agreed to make an international Nether transportation system among the factions. Later on the transportation system transformed into the Union of Factions. However, it dissolved after the server resetted on July 14th, 2019.

Legion of Knave
Flag of the Legion of Knave in use during the Union of Factions

After the creation of the Golden Wind Republic, player okinaru made his own "faction" on June 14th. However, the faction he had made does not meet the requirements for the faction but still considers it. At first, okinaru follows a strict militaristic government where combat was the only option to hostility. The rules of the "faction" were often bent in order to satisfy the needs of okinaru. He was aggressive with other factions at first but later settled down and surprisingly agreed with the international Nether transport system. It did became recognized under the Union but never came to their meetings. Fortunately, it dissolved after the server resseted on July 14th, 2019

Democratic Union of Patata
Sovereign flag of Patata Union

After multiple creations of other factions, Potato and Kevin_ decided to form a small faction as a joke. However, after a period of time, they were serious about it and started to organize themselves. It acted as a neutral faction between tensed factions and was the one who proposed the international Nether transportation system. Like the other great factions, it soon fell to the server reset.

Server Reset


When the server reset was announced from the creator, many players agreed with him and wanted to start over. However, conflict arose which results in the immediate reset of the server. Fortunately, it brought all equal opportunities to alpha and new players. It was grace period in the beginning where each player help each other.

Provisional Faction of Goryeo

Flag of Goryeo used in propaganda

During the grace period, players formed a temporary faction to sort themselves. Learning from past experience from the failed Great Empire, all players agreed to develop a temporary safe house for all players until they were ready to go deeper into the world. Under the head of three people, the Provisional Faction of Goryeo was formed on July 14th, 2019. Unlike the Great Republic, it was very strict in keeping spawn safe & undisturbed. However, the faction dissolved on July 19th, 2019. Unfortunately, all players had a different goal on making their own faction.

Theocratic Democratic Republic of Mono Insula

Flag of Mono Insula

mrhades1 decided to make his own faction without his former partner, _Optimus__Prime_. He had aggressive goals and formed a small faction with Rock_Live & Evil_Asian on July 20th, 2019. They voted on the name Mono Insula and had dreams to be at the top of the world. They soon started expanding and aggressively accusing other factions of stealing resources in order to have a reason to liberate them. They develop fast technology at their capital and started to expand their navy uses.

Empire of the Far East

Flag of the Far East Empire

_Optimus__Prime_, shocked at how mrhades1 didn't include him in the faction, decided to form a small faction with BumblebeeTF5 & SaltyBoba. He decided that a republic for the people is simply irrelevant for the future plans he have decided. So then, he installed a feudal imperial system to hold up his faction. As being concerned with bringing Asian culture into the server, they had made enemies with Mono Insula for they wanting all factions to be effective and efficient in the server. _Optimus__Prime_ expanded air technology and navy technology in fear of being invaded by Mono Insula.

  1. ^ "SMP Rock Live". sites.google.com. Retrieved 2019-11-05.
  2. ^ a b "Minecraft", Wikipedia, 2019-10-27, retrieved 2019-11-03
  3. ^ "SMP Rock Live - History". sites.google.com. Retrieved 2019-11-10.