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User:Opabinia robotus/upload taxa.py

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  1. ! /usr/bin/python
  1. Very very simple pywikipedia script for uploading taxonomy stubs

import wikipedia import sys import os import time

  1. die if no files provided

if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Please give at least one file to upload." sys.exit(1)

  1. pywikipedia setup
  1. we're on the english wikipedia

en = wikipedia.getSite()

  1. get rid of first element

filelist = sys.argv filelist.pop(0)

  1. upload one file at a time, 30s apart

for taxofile in filelist:

if os.path.exists(taxofile) == 0: print "%s does not exist." % (taxofile) continue

container = open(taxofile,'r') articlecontent = container.read() container.close()

if len(articlecontent) == 0: print "Sorry, empty file." continue else:

# assume for now that page title = "User:Opabinia_robotus/filename" articletitle = "User:Opabinia_robotus/" + taxofile articlepage = wikipedia.Page(en,articletitle)

# check for current content # if the page exists, don't upload if articlepage.exists(): print "This page already exists." continue

# create edit summary editsummary = "Creating page " + articletitle

# upload print articletitle articlepage.put(articlecontent,editsummary)

# wait 30s before next upload time.sleep(30)