[[File:[[File:[[File: 66221163132 750653132 1752339 558217 n.jpg]]]]] Abdulkadir Yekta Aydin or Yekta Aydin (traditional chinese: 葉克塔 哀叮) (born : September 09, 1974 Ankara) also know Han as his nickname (韓).He was born in Turkey.He is Turkish nationalist and Pan Asian nationalist.He’s a muslim. His roots are Uygur and caucass.When he was in elementary school, he started to working and learning about Turkish Folkroric dances as caucass dances. He was continued dance studying until university graduation. When he was 15 year old, he learnt about alphabets of Orkhun Scripts which’s old Turkish scripts.(See: Orkhon scripts) He was studied millitary college and studied in University as Chemist and Chemistry teacher. During his 16 ages reads many books about History of Turkey and Ottoman Empire. He also studied the Sufism. He was worked many foundations and associations about Turkish nationalism..He’s also good painter.He has one Mustafa Kemal Atatürk portrait in TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) museum.He’s so active about membership of many internaitonal and national foundations such as The Japan Foundation in Tokyo,Japan, The National Korean Martial Arts Assoc., TEMA (The Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion for Reforestation and the protection of Nature Habitats)(see: [] ), TEGV (Turkish Volunteers of Educating) (see: [] ),The Native Indian Rights Fon. Etc. He can speak good and fluence English, can speak Chines,Japanese and Bahasa Indonesia.He’s also master of Judo,Kendo and Aikido.He has balck belt and dan degree in these martial arts.He was started his martial arts training when he was 6-7 years old.He’s also writing books about Asian countries and Turkish histories.He’s almost finished some books.Soon he will publish.He also likes to riding and wild nature.His hobbies are writing,reading, calligraphy arts (eastern Asian calligraphy) and Hat sanati (Islamic calligraphy) Now, He married Indonesian-Chinese lady and has two children and living in Ankara,Turkey.