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Engagements dans le débat public


Copied Marc_Fleurbaey#Engagements dans le débat public; Revision as of 06:37, 14 April 2019 by Worldornothing (Annulation de la modification de Worldornothing (d)), aiming to proofread translation at ja:Marc_Fleurbaey#公開討論における公約 &oldid=72532434 at by Wakuna99 2019-04-27T09:20:09 (個人設定で未設定ならUTC).

Marc Fleurbaey est un chercheur engagé dans la vie publique. Ses engagements se sont concrétisés dans ses fonctions de conseillers à la Banque mondiale[1], à l’fr:Organisation des Nations unies[2] et à l'OCDE[3], par ses contributions à plusieurs commissions et rapports nationaux et internationaux et ses interventions régulières dans les médias concernant des sujets de société liés au fr:bien-être, au fr:progrès social, aux fr:politiques publiques et au fr:changement climatique.



Aiming to proofread translation, copied from &oldid=72532434 at by Wakuna99 2019-04-27T09:20:09 (UTC). --Omotecho (talk) 12:17, 4 October 2019 (UTC)

Marc Fleurbaeyは公の生活に携わる研究者です。 彼のコミットメントは、 世界銀行 [ja 1]国連 [ja 2] 、およびOECD [ja 3]へのアドバイザーとしての彼の役割において、いくつかの国内および国際的な委員会や報告書への彼の貢献と彼の貢献を通して達成されました関連した社会問題に関するメディアでのレギュラー出演の福祉のために、 社会の進歩に、 公共政策気候変動を

Rapports et Commissions


Copied Marc_Fleurbaey#Engagements dans le débat public; Revision as of 06:37, 14 April 2019 by Worldornothing (Annulation de la modification de Worldornothing (d)), aiming to proofread translation at ja:Marc_Fleurbaey#レポートとコミッション &oldid=72532434 at by Wakuna99 2019-04-27T09:20:09 (個人設定で未設定ならUTC).

Panel International sur le Progrès Social (IPSP)


Fleurbaey a co-dirigé le Panel International sur le Progrès Social (IPSP), regroupant plus de 300 chercheurs d'fr:économie et de fr:sciences sociales. L'IPSP invite à repenser la société au XXI°S et propose une nouvelle vision du progrès social dans un monde mondialisé et interconnecté. Le Panel a donné lieu à deux publications : le rapport de l'IPSP et un manifeste, tous les deux construits dans une perspective interdisciplinaire. Parmi ses nombreux engagements publics les plus salués, il a été membre de la fr:Commission Stiglitz sur la mesure de la performance économique et du fr:progrès social, commissionnée par le président de la République française. Il a par ailleurs été coordinateur pour le cinquième rapport d’évaluation (2014) du fr:Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC). Il vient de diriger le Panel International sur le Progrès Social (IPSP), regroupant plus de 300 chercheurs d'fr:économie et de fr:sciences sociales. Parmi les membres du comité de parrainage figurent plusieurs Prix Nobels d'Economie, dont fr:Amartya Sen, fr:Kenneth Arrow et fr:James Heckman. L'on peut également citer fr:Anthony Atkinson, économiste spécialiste des inégalités et professeur d'économie à fr:Oxford, fr:Manuel Castells, sociologue et lauréat du fr:Prix Holberg, fr:Edgar Morin, sociologue et philosophe et fr:Michael Porter, économiste et professeur de stratégie à fr:Harvard.



Aiming to proofread translation, copied from &oldid=72532434 at by Wakuna99 2019-04-27T09:20:09 (UTC). First subsection consists of raw machine translation output with lots of grammar/context errors, and maybe second or later editor tried to tidy links. Second subsection is not translated. --Omotecho (talk) 12:17, 4 October 2019 (UTC)


フルルベイは、300人以上の経済学と社会科学の研究者を集めて、 国際社会進歩パネル(IPSP)を指揮しました 。 IPSPは、21世紀の社会を再考するよう私たちに勧め、グローバル化され相互に関連し合う世界における社会的進歩の新しいビジョンを提案します。 パネルは2つの出版物をもたらした :IPSPレポートとマニフェスト。どちらも学際的な観点から構築されています。 彼の多数の公的機関の中で、彼はフランス共和国大統領によって任命された経済的業績と社会的進歩の測定に関するスティグリッツ委員会のメンバーであった。 また、気候変動に関する政府間パネル (IPCC)の第5次評価報告書(2014)のコーディネーターも務めました。 彼は最近300人以上の経済学と社会科学の研究者を集めて、国際社会進歩パネル(IPSP)を率いています。 スポンサーシップ委員会のメンバーには、 Amartya SenKenneth ArrowJames Heckmanなど、数人のNobels of Economicsがいます。 一つも挙げることができるアンソニー・アトキンソン 、エコノミストの不平等との経済学の教授オックスフォードマニュエル・カステルの、社会学者と勝者ホルベア賞 、 エドガー・モラン 、社会学者や哲学者、 マイケル・ポーター 、エコノミストと戦略の教授ハーバード大学を

Commission Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi


No translation provided at &oldid=72532434 at by Wakuna99 2019-04-27T09:20:09 (UTC). --Omotecho (talk) 12:17, 4 October 2019 (UTC)

Fleurbaey a été membre de la Commission Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi sur la mesure de la performance économique et du fr:progrès social. Elle est officiellement intitulée « Commission sur la mesure des performances économiques et du progrès social ». Le but de cette Commission est de développer une « réflexion sur les moyens d'échapper à une approche trop quantitative, trop comptable de la mesure de nos performances collectives »[4] et d'élaborer de nouveaux indicateurs de fr:richesse. On peut résumer les principales préconisations du rapport issu de la commission suivant les économistes Didier Blanchet, M. Clerc, M. Gaini:

"La commission a surtout privilégié dans ses travaux le caractère multidimensionnel du fr:bien-être. Elle n'a pas proposé de tableau de bord tout constitué, mais son rapport peut ainsi se lire comme une esquisse des grandes lignes à suivre lors de la construction d'un tel tableau de bord. Ce dossier présente les principaux enseignements que l'on peut tirer d'une comparaison entre la fr:France et quelques pays de même fr:niveau de développement, à l'aune des critères retenus par la commission Stiglitz. L'utilisation d'indicateurs alternatifs de fr:niveau de vie conduit à quelques reclassements entre pays mais sans véritablement remettre en cause l'avance apparente des fr:États-Unis. Les indicateurs de fr:conditions de vie font apparaître en revanche des contrastes bien plus marqués dans les domaines de la santé, de l'éducation, des risques de chômage et de pauvreté ou de sécurité. Les contributions des différents pays au problème de soutenabilité climatique varient du simple au triple. Quant à la soutenabilité économique, l'indicateur proposé par la commission suggère qu'elle reste tendanciellement assurée, mais avec une marge de sécurité assez faible dans plusieurs pays"[5].

Publications dans les médias


No translation provided at &oldid=72532434 at by Wakuna99 2019-04-27T09:20:09 (UTC). Instead, newer jawp edits included bibliograpy of MF. --Omotecho (talk) 12:17, 4 October 2019 (UTC)

Fleurbaey publie régulièrement dans différents médias nationaux et internationaux, en français et en anglais, tels que l'édition française du Huffington Post[6], l'édition américaine du Huffington Post[7], fr:Le Monde[8], Libération[9] · [10], fr:La vie des idées[11], fr:La Croix[12], Project Syndicate[13], l'édition française de The Conversation[14], l'édition américaine de The Conversation[15], fr:The American Prospect[16], sur le blog LSE US Centre’s daily blog on American Politics and Policy[17] et sur le blog World Economic Forum[18]. Il a également donné des interviews à fr:Nonfiction.fr[19], fr:El Periódico de Catalunya[20], fr:La République des Pyrénées[21]. Ses travaux sont également régulièrement cités dans les médias, par exemple récemment dans Libération au sujet de l'IPSP[22].



Aiming to proofread translation, copied from &oldid=72532434 at by Wakuna99 2019-04-27T09:20:09 (UTC).

The _Translation_ is not completed, or just a raw machine translation output that has book/journal titles into ja without original title so that incomplete as a bibloigraphic list. Later edit on jawp changed it into original bibliography; 著作 (bibliograpy) of MF. FYI, copied jawp original bibio list from &oldid=74489304 at at 2019-10-03T18:39:55; by Omotecho (会話 | 投稿記録) による版(UTC). --Omotecho (talk) 12:17, 4 October 2019 (UTC)


Prix et distinctions


No translation provided at &oldid=72532434 at by Wakuna99 2019-04-27T09:20:09 (UTC). --Omotecho (talk) 12:17, 4 October 2019 (UTC)


  1. ^ "Activités de conseil à la Banque Mondiale".
  2. ^ "Activités de conseil à l'ONU".
  3. ^ "Partners - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development". www.oecd.org. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  4. ^ "Préconisations de la commission Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi".
  5. ^ "Les préconisations du rapport Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi : quelques illustrations − L'économie française - Comptes et dossiers | Insee". www.insee.fr. Retrieved 2019-04-12.
  6. ^ "Marc Fleurbaey | HuffPost". www.huffpost.com (in French). Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  7. ^ "Marc Fleurbaey | HuffPost". www.huffpost.com. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  8. ^ "Marc Fleurbaey — tribune sur l'IPSP". Le Monde (in French). Retrieved 13 April 2019.
  9. ^ "Marc Fleurbaey". Libération.fr (in French). Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  10. ^ "Un Giec pour le progrès social". Libération.fr (in French). 2019-01-13. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  11. ^ Fleurbaey, Marc (2017-11-27). "ravailler, ou pas". La Vie des idées (in French). Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  12. ^ "Marc Fleurbaey — "La dignité est la valeur centrale du progrès social"". La Croix (in French). Retrieved 13 April 2019.
  13. ^ Fleurbaey, Marc (2019-01-02). "Climate Change Action Cannot Ignore Social Issues | by Marc Fleurbaey, Helga Nowotny and Marc Fleurbaey". Project Syndicate. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  14. ^ "Publications de Marc Fleurbaey sur The Conversation". The Conversation (in French). Retrieved 13 April 2019.
  15. ^ "Publications de Marc Fleurbaey sur The Conversation". The Conversation. Retrieved 13 April 2019.
  16. ^ Fleurbaey, Marc (2016-11-25). "Why Populism Challenges Democracy from Within". The American Prospect. ISSN 1049-7285. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  17. ^ Fleurbaey, Marc (2013-08-30). "Publications de Marc Fleurbaey sur le LSE US Centre Blog". USAPP. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  18. ^ "Lutte contre le réchauffement climatique et justice sociale sont indissociables". Forum Économique Mondial. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  19. ^ "Entretien avec Marc Fleurbaey sur le progrès social". Nonfiction.fr. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  20. ^ Navarro, Núria (2018-10-13). "Marc Fleurbaey: "La democracia debe empezar en la empresa"". elperiodico (in Spanish). Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  21. ^ "Béarnais de cœur, l'économiste Marc Fleurbaey appelle à un changement de société". Larepubliquedespyrénées (in French). Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  22. ^ "Les médias, un bien commun". Libération.fr (in French). 2019-01-13. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  23. ^ "Docteur·e·s honoris causa 2019 - Des personnalités inspirantes | UCLouvain". uclouvain.be. Retrieved 2019-04-12.
  24. ^ "Remise du prix de la Revue économique à Marc Fleurbaey".

Refs in jawp


Omotecho (talk) 11:16, 4 October 2019 (UTC)

  • -- Copied from jawp and compared with fr original. Notes added. Omotecho (talk) 12:17, 4 October 2019 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Open Data とは


Found out it is not urgent and move on to next topic. --Omotecho (talk) 11:39, 6 April 2018 (UTC)



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Teruko Ishizaka


Translated from :zh:石坂照子 2017年10月17日.

error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
Born (1926-09-28) September 28, 1926 (age 98)
Nationality Japan
Alma materja:東京女子医科大学
Known forja:免疫グロブリンEの発見
Awardsja:パサノ賞 (1972)
ja:朝日賞 (1973)
ja:ガーデナー国際賞 (1973)
Scientific career
Institutionserror: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help) (error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)ja:国立感染症研究所)

石坂照子 (Ishizaka Teruko) (28 September 1926–)[1]は日本の免疫学者。カリフォルニア州立工科大学助教授、ジョンズホプキンス大学教授を歴任、在米時代の愛称は Terry。




旧姓松浦、1944年3月ja:山形第一高等女学校卒業[3]、東京女子医学専門学校(ja:東京女子医科大学の前身) に進む。1949年に卒業し1955年、東京大学で博士号を授与される。大学卒業後の1951年から1957年にわたり国立予防衛生研究所 (ja:国立感染症研究所の前身) で血清の研究を進め、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア工科大学へ国費研究留学するのは1957年から1959年までである。東京大学大学院で恩師ja:岸本忠三Kishimoto Chuzo [ja](第14代ja:大阪大学校長)の指導を共に受けたja:石坂公成と一緒であった[4]。石坂はぜん息研究所病院小児科の順教授職 ("コロラド大学附属デンバー病院") を1962年から1970年まで務める。

1970年に2度目の渡米、コロラド州立大学からja:ボルティモア(ja:メリーランド州)のja:ジョンズ·ホプキンス大学へ移ると准教授として迎えられ (アソシエイト・プロフェッサー)[5]ja:医学ja:免疫学の授業を行う。1979年には医学部教授に昇進。当時、アメリカ東海岸で同大学ほかハーバード大学ペンシルヴァニア大学などに在籍する女性の教授の2人目で、日本人女性がアメリカの大学で正式に教授職についた先駆けと言われる[5]

研究テーマは日本にいた時からja:補体であったことから、世界の補体研究を率いたジョンズホプキンス大学のマンフレッド・メイヤー (Manfred M. Mayer)の教室でja:微生物学の研究を始める。やがて重合したγグロブリンに補体を結合する作用があり、その機序が抗原抗体結合物と同様であること、抗体分子が(抗原によって)重合し補体が抗原抗体結合物に結合することを証明した[6]1979年に同大学教授に就任、ラホイヤ研究所のアレルギー部長[6]とカリフォルニア工科大学教授[7]を兼務。ジョンズホプキンズ大学を退職後、石坂は1989年ラホイヤ研究所 (LJI、旧 LIAI) で研究施設を開設する[4]

ラホイヤ研究所を引退した石坂は夫と故郷の山形県へ移る。線条体黒質変性症 [en]を発症、療養を続けている[8][9]









  • 石坂 公成; 石坂 照子 (February 1953). "フロキュラシオンの機構に関する研究 -2- [Studies on the mechanism of the flocculation]". 日本細菌学雑誌 [Nippon Saikingaku Zasshi]. 8 (1): 9–15. doi:10.3412/jsb.8.9. ISSN 0021-4930. OCLC 5179147088.
  • 石坂 公成; 石坂 照子 (February 1953). "抗毒素免疫の機構に関する研究 -1- [Studies on the mechanism of antitoxic immunity]". 日本細菌学雑誌. 8 (1): 33–37. doi:10.3412/jsb.8.33. ISSN 0021-4930. OCLC 5179147092.
  • 石坂 公成; 石坂 照子 (April 1953). "フロキュラシオンの機構に関する研究 -2- [Studies on the mechanism of the flocculation]". 日本細菌学雑誌. 8 (2): 169–174. doi:10.3412/jsb.8.169. ISSN 0021-4930. OCLC 5179147107.
  • 石坂 公成; 石坂 照子 (April 1953). "抗毒素免疫の機構に関する研究 -2- [Studies on the mechanism of antitoxic immunity]". 日本細菌学雑誌. 8 (2): 183–187. doi:10.3412/jsb.8.183. ISSN 0021-4930. OCLC 5179147110.
  • ISHIZAKA Kimishige; ISHIZAKA Teruko (1954). "Studies on the relationship between toxin-anaphylaxis and antitoxic immunity I. Quantitative studies on the toxin-anaphylaxis in vitro". Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology. 7 (6): 641–653. doi:10.7883/yoken1952.7.641. ISSN 0021-5112. OCLC 5576009590. PMID 13251775.
  • 石坂 照子 (January 1954). "ジフテリア毒抗素間の補体結合反応に関する研究 -3- [Studies on the complement fixation reaction of diphtherial toxin and antitoxin]". 日本細菌学雑誌. 9 (1): 41–47. doi:10.3412/jsb.9.41. ISSN 0021-4930. OCLC 5179151277.
  • 石坂 公成; 石坂 照子 (October 1954). "フロキユラシオンの機構に関する研究 -4- [Studies on the mechanism of the flocculation]". 日本細菌学雑誌. 9 (10): 835–841. doi:10.3412/jsb.9.835. ISSN 0021-4930. OCLC 5179151292.
  • 石坂 照子 (February 1955). "ジフテリア毒素抗毒素間の補体結合反応に関する研究 -2- [Studies on the complement fixation reaction of diphtherial toxin and antitoxin]". 日本細菌学雑誌. 10 (2): 171–176. doi:10.3412/jsb.10.171. ISSN 0021-4930. OCLC 5179135115.
  • ISHIZAKA Kimishige; ISHIZAKA Teruko; SUGAHARA Takao (1955). "Studies on the toxin-anaphylaxis and antitoxic immunity II. Significance of the relation between the tissue antitoxin and circulating antitoxin on the toxin anaphylaxis and antitoxic immunity". Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology. 8 (3): 283–293. doi:10.7883/yoken1952.8.283. ISSN 0021-5112. OCLC 5575849867. PMID 13285965. S2CID 19971646.
  • 石坂 照子 (March 1955). "ジフテリア毒素抗毒素間の補体結合反応に関する研究 -3- [Studies on the complement fixation reaction of diphtherial toxin and antitoxin]". 日本細菌学雑誌. 10 (3): 211–217. doi:10.3412/jsb.10.211. ISSN 0021-4930. OCLC 4804335089.
  • ISHIZAKA Kimishige; ISHIZAKA Teruko; SUGAHARA Takao (1957). "Quantitative studies on anaphylaxis in vitro II. Studies on the species difference of diphtheria antitoxin in sensitizing activity". Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology. 10 (2): 93–103. doi:10.7883/yoken1952.10.93. ISSN 0021-5112. OCLC 5575846704. PMID 13474845.
  • ISHIZAKA Kimishige; ISHIZAKA Teruko; SUGAHARA Takao; MARUYAMA Shizue (1957). "Quantitative studies on anaphylaxis in vitro III. Significance of allergic reaction on the neutralization of toxin injected intracutaneously". Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology. 10 (5): 343–361. doi:10.7883/yoken1952.10.343. ISSN 0021-5112. OCLC 5576008812. PMID 13538575.
  • ISHIZAKA Kimishige; ISHIZAKA Teruko (August 1959). "Biological Activities of Aggregated Gamma Globulin I. Skin Reactive and Complement-Fixing Properties of Heat Denatured Gamma Globulin (∗)". Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 101 (4): 845–850. ISSN 0037-9727. OCLC 6846987324.[16]
  • Kimishige Ishizaka; Teruko Ishizaka; Margaret M. Hornbrook (1 July 1966). "Physico-Chemical Properties of Human Reaginic Antibody". The Journal of Immunology. 97 (1): 75–85.
  • Kimishige Ishizaka; Hisao Tomioka; Teruko Ishizaka (1 December 1970). "Mechanisms of Passive Sensitization". The Journal of Immunology. 105 (6): 1459–1467.

Digital journal

  • Ishizaka, Kimishige; Ishizaka, Teruko; Campbell, Dan H. "The Biological Activity of Soluble Antigen-antibody Complexes: II. Physical Properties of Soluble Complexes Having Skin-irritating Activity". The Rockefeller University Press. OCLC 679055797. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)

Biographical sources

  • 石坂公成 Kimishige Ishizaka (2000). 我々の步いて来た道 : ある免疫学者の回想 / Wareware no aruitekita michi : aru men'eki gakusha no kaisō. Tōkyō: 黙出版, Mokushuppan. ISBN 9784900682481. OCLC 54726073.
  • 石坂公成 Kimishige Ishizaka (2002). 結婚と学問は両立する―ある科学者夫妻のラヴストーリー / Kekkon to gakumon wa ryōritsusuru : aru kagakusha fusai no ravu sutōrī. Tōkyō: 黙出版, Mokushuppan. ISBN 9784900682634. OCLC 54720365.




  1. ^ Geburts- und Karrieredaten nach American Men and Women of Science, Thomson Gale 2004
  2. ^ "子どものアレルギー疾患 出産前に知っておきたい知識と対策とは? - PRTIMES企業リリース - 朝日新聞デジタル&M". 2017-11-05. Archived from the original on 2017-11-05. Retrieved 2017-11-05.
  3. ^ a b 松浦照子は山形県立山形第一高等女学校第41期の卒業生総代。Abe, Kazuhisa (2012-06-20). "校長式辞". 山形県立山形西高等学校創立114周年記念式典: 2. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-11-05. Retrieved 2017-11-05. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  4. ^ a b Kimishige Ishizaka. "About the founding director". La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology.
  5. ^ a b Abe, p. 3.
  6. ^ a b "免疫とアレルギーのしくみを探る ~常識に合わない現象には未知の真実がある". 生命誌ジャーナル〈サイエンティスト・ライブラリー〉. JT生命誌研究館. Archived from the original on 2017-11-05. Retrieved 2017-11-05.
  7. ^ Abe, p. 2.
  8. ^ Abe, p. 4.
  9. ^ "アレルギー研究:夫婦で苦楽 花粉症原因物質、発見50年 互いの体で実験「これからも一緒」". 毎日新聞. 2016-02-23. Archived from the original on 2016-02-23. Retrieved 2017-11-05.
  10. ^ 岩男壽美子; 原ひろ子, eds. (2007). "日本の女性で初めてアメリカの大学教授になった科学者 石坂照子・石坂公成-免疫学". 科学する心 : 日本の女性科学者たち. B&Tブックス. ja:日刊工業新聞社: 109. ISBN 9784526059681. OCLC 675824775.
  11. ^ "朝日賞 過去の受賞者—1973(昭和48)年度、石坂公成・石坂照子 免疫グロブリンEの発見". 朝日新聞社インフォメーション:朝日新聞社の賞・コンクール. 2012-07-20. Archived from the original on 2012-07-20. Retrieved 2017-11-05.
  12. ^ "Japan Prize Profile: Dr Kimishige Ishizaka". Retrieved 2007-11-12.
  13. ^ "BBC News - Japan Prize laureates announced". 1999-12-17. Retrieved 2007-11-12.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  14. ^ 1980年から1997年まで計9回施賞された。
  15. ^ . Gale. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  16. ^ ∗: These experiments were performed while the authors were in residence in Depts. of Microbiology and Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Public Health. This work was done under auspices of Commission on Cutaneous Diseases of Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, and supported by Office of Surgeon General, Department of Army, and National Science Fn. † Fulbright Fellow; Permanent address: National Inst. of Health, Tokyo.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Ishizaka Kimishige}} [[Category:日本醫學家]] [[Category:日本醫生]] [[Category:日本免疫学家]] [[Category:東京大學校友]] [[Category:約翰霍普金斯大學教師]] [[Category:加州理工學院教師]]

from de: Ishizaka Teruko


c&p German edition "Ishizuka Teruko" dated 10:30, 14 May 2013 by Drahreg01 (HC: +Kategorie:Träger des Canada Gairdner International Award; +Kategorie:Mediziner (20. Jahrhundert))

Ishizaka Teruko, genannt Terry, (jap. 石坂 照子; * 28. September 1926)[1] ist eine japanische Immunologin. Sie entdeckte 1966 mit ihrem Ehemann Ishizaka Kimishige die Immunglobulin E Antikörper, die besondere Bedeutung in der Allergie haben.

Ishizaka erwarb 1949 ihren M. D. Abschluss als Medizinerin an der Frauenmedizinhochschule Tokio. 1955 wurde sie an der Universität Tokio promoviert. 1951 bis 1957 forschte sie in der Abteilung Serologie des nationalen Gesundheitsforschungszentrums in Japan. 1957 bis 1959 war sie am Caltech und 1959 an der Johns Hopkins University. 1962 bis 1970 war sie am Asthma Research Institute und Hospital der University of Colorado Medical School in Denver und ab 1970 Associate Professor und später Professor an der Johns Hopkins University (zuerst für Mikrobiologie und später für Medizin und Immunologie).

Sie forschte über Allergien und unmittelbare Hypersentivität.

1973 erhielt sie mit ihrem Mann den Gairdner Foundation International Award und 1972 den Passano Award. Zu Ehren des Ehepaares Ishizaka wurde 1995 der Tag der Allergie eingeführt, um ihrer Forschungsleistungen zu gedenken und um über Allergien aufzuklären.


  1. ^ Geburts- und Karrieredaten nach American Men and Women of Science, Thomson Gale 2004

{{Hinweis Japanischer Name|Ishizaka|Teruko}} {{SORTIERUNG:Ishizaka, Teruko}} [[Kategorie:Immunologe]] [[Kategorie:Mediziner (20. Jahrhundert)]] [[Kategorie:Träger des Canada Gairdner International Award]] [[Kategorie:Japaner]] [[Kategorie:Frau]] [[Kategorie:Geboren 1926]] {{Personendaten |NAME=Ishizaka, Teruko |ALTERNATIVNAMEN=石坂照子 (japanisch) |KURZBESCHREIBUNG=japanische Immunologin |GEBURTSDATUM=28. September 1926 |GEBURTSORT= |STERBEDATUM= |STERBEORT= }}

Yatindra Mishra

Yatindra Mishra
Native name
यतीन्द्र मिश्र
Born (1977-04-12) April 12, 1977 (age 47)
Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India
Notable worksYada-Kada (poetry)
Vismaya Ka Bhakhan (music and cinema history)
Sur Ki Baradari (editorship)
Notable awardsSangeet Natak Akademy Award (2008)

Founder, Vimla Devi Foundation[1] to promote literature and the arts (since 1999). Nominated as an advisor to broadcasters DD Bharati (2014–15), Prasar Bharati, Doordarshan (2015–16) Nominated advisor to the Hindi World Service (2015–16)

'Lata: Sur-Gatha' brought Yatindra Mishra to present himself at book readings, interviews, talks, panel discussions, book signing and appearances in New Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai and Faizabad. Excerpts from the book are reprinted in magazines such as India Today, Shukrawar and Naya Jnyanodaya. [2]

Awards and honors

  • Hemant Smriti Kavita Puraskaar (2005) Mumbai
  • Independent Fellowship from Sarai, CSDS, New Delhi (2006–07)
  • Raza Award (2007) New Delhi
  • Awarded, 2008
  • Felicitated, 2016
  • Jananpitha Fellowship, (Bhartiya Jananpitha) (2015) New Delhi

Test, LOA

# 著者 題名 編集者 出版年 ISBN
1 ハーマン・ メルビル 『タイピー、オムー、マルディ』 G トーマス・ タンセル
1982 978-0-940450-00-4
2 ナサニエル・ ホーソーン 物語とand Sketches ロイ・ ピアース 1982 978-0-940450-03-5
3 ウォルト・ ホイットマン 詩と散文 ジャスティン・ カプラン
1982 978-0-940450-02-8

Miki Matheson


Translated from ja:松江美季 dated October 18 2017.

With the support of her physician during the rehabilitation program,[note 1]


  1. ^ 現在は "Abilities Centre"という施設をオタワに建設する為にBoard Direcotor の一員として、プロジェクトに取り組んでいます。障害のある人も無い人も、若い人も高齢者も、違った能力を有する人たちが、何かしらのアクティビティーに取り組むことが出来る施設です。同じような麻痺のある人を助け、勇気を与える仕事にいそしんでいます[4]


  1. ^ "Check out the cultural festival organised by the Vimla Devi Foundation on February 7 and 8". Spiritual delight. India Today. 6 February 2006. Retrieved 2017-11-06.
  2. ^ The readings of selected portions of the book by the author are present on YouTube.
  3. ^ 2005?
  4. ^ "21-nen buri. Murayama Iryo senta ni asobini kite kuremashita" [Reunited first time in 21 years - A visitor to our Murayama Clinic]. National Hospital Organization (Japan) [ja] Murayama Medical Center (in Japanese). Archived from the original on 17 February 2016. Retrieved 22 October 2017.










ブラウンシュヴァイクには市が1995年に制定した歴史的建造物登録制度 BLIK (Braunschweiger Leit- und Informationssystems) があり、2008年に指定物件は100件に達した。制定にはブラウンシュヴァイク工科大学の Heiner Erke と Claudia Albrecht が関わり、そのデザインは正方形で色は国際的に文化を示す茶色であり、文化に関心のある人や観光客が見つけやすい[1]ja:ロゴja:武力紛争の際の文化財の保護に関する条約 (1954年ハーグ条約) の定める標章に触発されたという。案内板には指定建造物の写真やイラストに解説を添えて歴史的背景や特徴をまとめてある。案内板には単体の建造物用のものと、建造物群もしくは複数の文化的特徴を備えた物件用の2種類がある。






ブラウンシュヴァイク市の各地に点在する多くの文化遺産は市が BLIK に登録している。便宜上、二つのリストに分けた。





ブラウンシュヴァイクの自然遺産の一覧 (de)に登録された33件のうち、5件は現存しない。また自然物であるため、三次元的か水域など平面的かで分類している。

登録番号 写真 種別 所在地 詳細
ND-BS1 オーク de:Theaterpark
ND-BS2 ヨーロッパナラ de:Museumpark
ND-BS3 ラクウショウ de:Löwenwall 2014年の記録で樹高26メートル、幹の周囲408センチメートル、樹冠の直径15メートル。 1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS4 ラクウショウ de:Kiryat-Tivon-Park
Kiryat Tivon 公園の池の北岸にあった。降水量上昇のために水没、2014年12月17日に登録解除。[3]2014年の記録で樹高27メートル、根の周囲390センチメートル、樹冠の直径16メートル。
ND-BS5 プラタナス Lessingplatz 1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS6 プラタナス de:Inselwall
ND-BS7 フリードリヒ・ヴィルヘルム卿の楢の木 (de) (Friedrich-Wilhelm-Eiche) Petritorwall (新しい門の角) 1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS8 ヨーロッパナラ 'Fastigiata' (Pyramideneiche) Wendentor 1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS9 オーク Unter den Linden, de:Veltenhof 1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS10 ブナ3件 Charlottenhöhe 1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS11 ブナ Celler Straße
ND-BS12 イチョウ de:Wollmarktの個人の庭 1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS13 ヨーデブルンネン Weststadt Steingefasstes Wasserbecken (階段状の水盤) は、1345年完成の歴史的な市場の噴水につながる木製の給水システム。1959年保護指定。2010年に自然と建設と文化の遺産に指定[2]
ND-BS14 de:Raffteich Westpark 水源池、立ち入りを制限している。1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS15 古い農家 de:Veltenhof 1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS16 Schwedenkanzel de:Veltenhof Veltenhofの共同墓地。1959年保護指定[2]
ND-BS17 Spring (オーケル川右岸の湖) de:Mascherode 1977年指定。冷泉の水源池[4]
ND-BS18 セイヨウカジカエデ (Acer pseudoplatanus) Traunstraße, Weststadt 1977年指定[5]
ND-BS19 栗2件 Bolkenhainstraße, de:Melverode 1977年指定[5]。1990年代に被害を受けた後、回復せず、自然遺産の要件を満たさなくなったため2005年に指定解除。[5]
ND-BS20 Ziegeleiteich Querum 地区 1978年指定[6]
ND-BS21 Dibbesdorf
ND-BS22 Fuhsekanal運河 Weststadt / BroitzemとStiddienの中間 1982年9月23日指定[7]の18世紀に開通した市南西部にある運河。旧称新運河(Neuer Kanal)、ラントヴェーア運河(Landwehrkanal) または用水路 (Aubach)。
ND-BS23 小さな泉 Quellmoor と周辺の湿地帯 Querumの北、Querumer Forst 小さな砂地のある湿地帯。ムーアブルク=エルレン=ブルフヴァルトの湿地帯の保全と開発の両立、希少種のカヤツリグサ科 スゲ属 Carex remota の保護区。1959年保護指定[8]
ND-BS24 Schlossberg近辺の草原 Kralenriede 北部 1987年保護指定の希少な植物群落保護区。Schlossbergのオークの森林植物限界にある砂泥灰岩地帯。[8]
ND-BS25 Bullenteich de:DoweseeのSiegfriedviertel北部 ムーゼー (Moorsees) とその周辺地域の珍しい動植物種の生息地保護と開発の両立。更なる発展。1959年保護指定[8]
ND-BS26 de:Dolinen Ölper Holz de:Ölper Lehndorfの森 ドルメルの保全、湖沼の水量の維持。1987年指定。(湖沼を使ったドルンや潅木の保護。)[8]
ND-BS27 Kreißberg Bürgerpark 準地中海型の温暖な気候を好む半日陰に適応した植生の保護[8]
ND-BS28 Bachmäander In der Buchhorst 1987年指定、5mの川の両岸に広がる特殊な地形の景観の保全[8]
ND-BS29 Landwehr im Rautheimer Holz Mascherode 1987年指定、希少な蘭と植生の保全[8]
ND-BS30 Winterschachtelhalm-Eichen-Hainbuchen-Wald Stöckheim 1987年指定、Stöckheimer Forstsの一部[8]
ND-BS31 Talmoor de:Dibbesdorf Dibbesdorfer Holzes の一部。 生態学的に価値のある渓谷とその周辺地域の穏やかな発展を保証する1987年指定[8]
ND-BS32 Klostermauer des Klosters Riddagshausen Riddagshausen 1987年指定。珍しい植栽はの造園の保存[9] [8]
ND-BS33 オーク de:Mascherode Friedenseiche, 1987年指定[8]

(1) Rot unterlegte Objekte sind nicht mehr vorhanden.

List of monuments and still images of the city of Braunschweig


List of monuments and still images of the city of Braunschweig (de)

There are numerous monuments, memorials, reliefs, memorials, and tablets, which have been arranged on different occasions over the centuries, scattered over the city of Braunschweig. However, some of these works are no longer available for various reasons (mostly due to wars).

Undoubtedly the most important works of art history and the history of the city are also the oldest:

  • The "Imervard Cross", named after its creator, is one of the most important Romanesque sculptures on German soil.
  • The Brunswick Lion (en)is the oldest preserved large sculpture of the Middle Ages north of the Alps and the first larger figural hollow cast since ancient times.
  • The tomb of ハインリヒ獅子公 (Henry the Lion) Heinrich der Löwe (ja) and his second wife, error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help) Mathilde of England (ja) (de), is also exceptional, as it is one of the first tombstones, with a naturalistic style.

List of nature reserves


Translated in order to use in ja, from List of nature reserves in Braunschweig (de) oldid=167820341, dated 02:09, 3 August 2017. List of nature reserves in Braunschweig

In Braunschweig, there are three nature reserves (as of February 2017).

Name of the area: Image / Code / WDPA / County or Town Description or Remarks / Location / Area in hectares / Year of the regulation

List of landscape protection areas in Braunschweig


Translated partly from List of landscape protection areas in Braunschweig (de) oldid=167820490, dated 02:36, 3 August 2017. The list of the landscape protection areas in Braunschweig contains the "landscape protection areas" of the "German independent city" Braunschweig in "Lower Saxony".

See also

List of protected landscape components in Braunschweig


Copied for translation from: List of protected landscape components in Braunschweig (de) oldid=167820501, as of 02:38, 3 August 2017. In the de:kreisfreien Stadt of Braunschweig, there is a Designated protected landscape (de).

Name: Image ID / Details / Position / Area hectare / Date
Mascherode Limestone Quarry (Kalksteinbruch Mascherode): - / GLB BS 00002 / Braunschweig / WikiMiniAtlas/Map data ⊙ (ja) / 1997-12-23

See also

List of protected landscape areas in Lower Saxony (de)

{{NaturGeoTabelle DE|Typ=GLBT |ZeigeBild={{{ZeigeBild|1}}} |ZeigeLand={{{ZeigeLand|0}}} |ZeigeKreis={{{ZeigeKreis|0}}} |ZeigeTyp={{{ZeigeTyp|1}}} |ZeigeDetails={{{ZeigeDetails|1}}} |ZeigeGeolog={{{ZeigeGeolog|0}}} |ZeigeWLE={{{ZeigeWLE|0}}} }} <onlyinclude> {{NaturGeoTabelle DE/Zeile|Typ=GLBT |Name=Kalksteinbruch Mascherode |Artikel= |URL= |Name.amtlich= |Commons.gallery= |Commons.cat= |Bild.ID= |Bild.px=180 |Bild.Parameter= |Bild.Legende= |ID=GLB BS 00002 |ID.URL=http://www.umweltkarten-niedersachsen.de/GlobalNetFX_Umweltkarten/ |WDPA= |Land=NI |Land2= |Land3= |Staat2= |Kreis= |Kreis2= |Kreis3= |Gemeinde=Braunschweig |GemeindenPlus= |Beschreibung= |Coordinate.NS=52.219346 |Coordinate.EW=10.568042 |Karte= |Fläche= |Datum=1997-12-23 |Verwaltungsakt.URL=https://www.braunschweig.de/politik_verwaltung/politik/stadtrecht/3_38_Kalksteinbruch_Mascherode.pdf |Datum.Bis= |WLE.Jahr=2016 |Seite=Liste der geschützten Landschaftsbestandteile in Braunschweig |Bild.std={{{Bild.std|180}}} |ZeigeBild={{{ZeigeBild|1}}} |ZeigeLand={{{ZeigeLand|0}}} |ZeigeKreis={{{ZeigeKreis|0}}} |ZeigeTyp={{{ZeigeTyp|0}}} |ZeigeDetails={{{ZeigeDetails|1}}} |ZeigeGeolog={{{ZeigeGeolog|0}}} |ZeigeWLE={{{ZeigeWLE|2016}}} }} </onlyinclude> {{NaturGeoTabelle DE/Fuß|Typ=GLBT |ZeigeBild={{{ZeigeBild|1}}} |ZeigeLand={{{ZeigeLand|0}}} |ZeigeKreis={{{ZeigeKreis|0}}} |ZeigeTyp={{{ZeigeTyp|1}}} |ZeigeDetails={{{ZeigeDetails|1}}} |ZeigeGeolog={{{ZeigeGeolog|1}}} |ZeigeWLE={{{ZeigeWLE|0}}} }}

== Weblinks ==
{{Commonscat|Geschützte Landschaftsbestandteile in Braunschweig}}
{{Navigationsleiste Listen der geschützten Landschaftsbestandteile in den Kreisen und kreisfreien Städten in Niedersachsen}}
{{All Coordinates}}

[[Category:Geography of Braunschweig]]
[[Category:Protected landscape part in Lower Saxony (en)]]

Liste der Geotope in Braunschweig


Copied for translation from List of geotopes in Braunschweig (de) oldid=167787913 dated 21:30, 1 August 2017.

Die Liste der Geotope in Braunschweig enthält die Geotope in der kreisfreien Stadt Braunschweig in Niedersachsen.

Geotop-Nr. Bezeichnung Ort Bemerkung Koordinaten Bild
3629/04 de:Ziegeleiteich Querum in de:Querum Aufgelassene Ziegeltongrube [10]
Stratigraphie: Mittelsanton.
52°18′01″N 10°33′52″E / 52.30023°N 10.56450°E / 52.30023; 10.56450 (Moorhüttenteich)
3728/02 Quelle Teufelsspring ca. 650 m westlich Broitzem Quelle für Fuhsekanal, laut NIBIS Kartenserver[11] „in erdfallartiger Senke periodisch spuckende“ Plänerkarst-Quelle.
Fläche: Länge 10 m, Breite 20 m.
Stratigraphie: Oberkreide.
52°14′02″N 10°27′41″E / 52.23383°N 10.46145°E / 52.23383; 10.46145 (Quelle Teufelsspring)
3729/01 Unterer Buntsandstein einschl. Rogenstein des Nußberges am de:Prinz-Albrecht-Park in Braunschweig stark gegliedertes, größtenteils rekultiviertes ehemaliges Abbaugebiet am Nußberg. Richtprofil.
Länge 600 m, Breite 200 m.
Stratigraphie: Trias-Unterer Buntsandstein.
52°16′16″N 10°33′30″E / 52.27106°N 10.55820°E / 52.27106; 10.55820 (Unterer Buntsandstein einschl. Rogenstein des Nußberges)
3729/02 de:Dowesee Nördlicher Stadtbereich von Braunschweig Erdfall über Salzstock[10]. 52°17′37″N 10°31′54″E / 52.29356°N 10.53158°E / 52.29356; 10.53158 (Dowesee)
3729/07 Moorhüttenteich in de:Volkmarode Ziegeltongrube Moorhütte[10]
Stratigraphie: Unterkreide.
52°17′26″N 10°35′07″E / 52.29052°N 10.58541°E / 52.29052; 10.58541 (Moorhüttenteich)

See also




Stadt Königslutter u. a. (Hrsg.):Geologische Wanderkarte, 1:100000, Braunschweiger Land, Königslutter 1984.



  1. ^ The BLIK signs for cultural monuments are symbolized by a sign which is inspired by the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property. Each signpost is highly recognizable for those who are interested in culture and tourists, with its square-shape and design in brown, or the international cultural information color.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Cite error: The named reference 3_06_VO was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ 「木の伐採」と題するブラウンシュヴァイク市のプレスリリース。2014年12月17日)
  4. ^ "ブラウンシュヴァイク市自然遺産保護条例指定=マスチロード地区 (Mascherode) の自然遺産、通称「湖」" (PDF). Retrieved 2017-08-20.
  5. ^ a b c Cite error: The named reference 3_07_VO was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  6. ^ "ブラウンシュヴァイク市自然遺産保護条例指定=Querum地区の池" (PDF). Retrieved 2017-08-20. Querum 地区の Ziegeleiteich 池にはランドマークとなる Querum bs-s 20 が生えている。
  7. ^ http://www.braunschweig.de/politik_verwaltung/politik/stadtrecht/3_31_VO_Naturdenkmal_Fuhsekanal.pdf. Retrieved 2017-08-20. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Cite error: The named reference 3_32_VO was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  9. ^ Asplenium ruta-muraria ムラクサ、Cota tinctoria ダイアー・ドッグ・カモミール、Carduus nutans ノッティス・シスル、Cynoglossum creticum 本物のハウンドストーク、Corydalis lutea 黄色のラークスパー。 (Mauerraute, Färber-Hundskamille, Nickender Distel, Echter Hundszunge und Gelbem Lerchensporn)
  10. ^ a b c Stadt Königslutter u. a. (Hrsg.):Geologische Wanderkarte, 1:100000, Braunschweiger Land, Königslutter 1984.
  11. ^ "NIBIS Kartenserver" (in German). Retrieved 2017-04-09.

List of geotopes in Braunschweig


Translated from List of geotopes in Braunschweig (de) oldid=167787913 dated 21:30, 1 August 2017.

The list of geotopes in Braunschweig contains the geotopes in the city of Braunschweig in Lower Saxony .

Geotop no. designation place comment coordinates image

3629/04 Twisted pair In Querum On-site brick trench [1]

Stratigraphy: Central antagonist.

52 ° 18 '1 " N , 10 ° 33' 52" O 3728/02 Source Teufelsspring About 650 m west of Broitzem Source for Fuhsekanal , according to NIBIS map server [2] "periodic spitting" Plänkarst source in earth-like depression periodically.

Area: length 10 m, width 20 m.
Stratigraphy: Upper Chalk.

52 ° 14 '2 " N , 10 ° 27' 41" O 3729/01 Lower Buntsandstein incl. Rogenstein of the nut nut At the Prinz-Albrecht-Park in Braunschweig Highly divided, largely recultivated former mining area at the Nußberg. Directional profile.

Length 600 m, width 200 m.
Stratigraphy: Trias-Bottom Buntsandstein.

52 ° 16 '16 " N , 10 ° 33' 30" O 3729/02 Dowesee Northern city area of ​​Braunschweig Earthfall over saltstock [1] . 52 ° 17 '37 " N , 10 ° 31' 54" O 3729/07 Moor Cottage Pond In Volkmarode Moorhütte brick clay pit [1]

Stratigraphy: Chalk.

52 ° 17 '26 " N , 10 ° 35' 7" O

Table of Contents
  1. See also
  2. References
  3. Weblinks
  4. Single Signs

See also


List of nature reserves in Braunschweig

List of landscape protection areas in Braunschweig

List of natural monuments in Braunschweig

List of protected landscape components in Braunschweig



City of Königslutter & a. (Hrsg.): Geological hiking map, 1: 100000, Braunschweiger Land , Königslutter 1984.

  • Geotopes on map server - Geodata Center Hannover (Options: Theme maps> Geology> Geotopes)
  • Geological objects in Lower Saxony - Braunschweiger Land / Ostfalen. State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology, retrieved on 15 April 2017 .


  • City Königslutter u. a. (Hrsg.): Geological hiking map, 1:100,000, Braunschweiger Land, Königslutter 1984.
  • NIBIS card server. Retrieved on 9 April, 2017.

Map with all the coordinates: OSM, Google or Bing

Retrieved from List of Geotope in Braunschweig (de)

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checkY 鈴木憲蔵さん –Omotecho (talk) 20:52, 21 December 2016 (UTC)

表をfloating table に変更。赤字リンクを英語版にリンク。–Omotecho (talk) 18:42, 4 February 2017 (UTC)

Files uploaded by Fumimonjo


These pictures were all uploaded as "own work" when they obviously are not.[1]

  1. File:大橋佐平肖像画.jpg
  2. File:大橋新太郎.jpg
  3. File:九段坂の図.jpg
  4. File:三番町通りより不二を望む図.jpg
  5. File:二七不動縁日の図.jpg
  6. File:19390501九段三業組合20周年記念集合写真.jpg
Request to undelete

 Comment:Sources yet to find. File:市谷高力松(東京府史蹟名勝天然記念物調査報告書2・1924).jpg

Undeleted and available


  • File:番町総図.jpg[2]


  1. ^ Ellin Beltz (talk) 23:00, 28 November 2016 (UTC)
    Deleted: per nomination. –Jcb (talk) 00:45, 4 December 2016 (UTC) {{int:filedesc}}
    user=Fumimonjo https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Deletion_requests/Files_uploaded_by_Fumimonjo {{Information |description={{ja|DUPLICATE_1=番町総図}}{{en|1=Bancho sozu (literary Panolama of Bancho area)}} |source=原本からスキャン (『風俗画報』177号「東京名所圖會・第17編 麹町區之部 中巻」挿図);
    volume 177, Fūzoku gahō (1889), periodical. This is an illustration in an article "Tokyo Meisho zue : dai-17 hen, Kojimachiku no bu chukan" (literally "Kojimachi district, number two of three parts", number 17, Picture guide to scienic Tokyo.) |date=1898 |location=東京都; Tokyo |author=東陽堂; Tōyōdō |permission={{PD-old-USJP}} |other_versions= }}
  2. ^ Kōjimachi-ku no bu, chū, 東京名所圖會 : [新撰] [Tōkyō meisho zue : [shinsen]]. Vol. dai 17-hen. Tōkyō: 東陽堂 Tōyōdō. 1898. OCLC 38013321. Retrieved 2017-07-18. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)

WIR 2017


Woman in Red


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Immediate deletion—not noteworthy

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--Omotecho (talk) 13:44, 26 October 2016 (UTC)

--Omotecho (talk) 08:55, 1 November 2016 (UTC)
--Omotecho (talk) 06:04, 19 December 2016 (UTC)
--Omotecho (talk) 11:46, 17 January 2017 (UTC)
Africa editathon

checkYMeja Mwangi --Omotecho (talk) 13:44, 26 October 2016 (UTC) checkYGakaara wa Wanjaũ

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WiR in writing/novels: Japan


checkYMisa Yamamura; a translated article from {{translated|ja|61772249}}

checkYWakamatsu Shizuko

Wakamatsu Shizuko, essays and translation

Jogaku zasshi and Hyōron

For magazines, Wakamatsu Shizuko (Shizu) submitted her writings and translation mainly on either Jogaku zasshi or Hyōron which were published by Jogaku Zasshisha in Tokyo.[1][2]

Trsanlated works by authors

Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett was introduced by Wakamatsu to juvenile readers,Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). and followed by various reprints and popularized with the Iwanami Shoten edition[3] which has issued the 30th impression.[4] Burnett's "Sara Crewe" or "A Little Princess" is also a very popular juvenile story in Japan, while Wakamatsu did not finish the translation before her death but published parts in several Shōnen-en issues running between 1893 and 1894.[5] It was in 1904 when Wakamatsu's translation was revised after her death.[6][7] Both Little Lord Fauntleroy and Sara Crewe had its translation made into theatrical pieces as well as manga cartoons.


Partly copied for transation from: 小公子 (Shōkōshi) 2017-06-18T14:44:42


Partly copied for transation from: Japanese edition and the chapter "Application to other media" dated 2016-12-04T16:55.

TV drama
  • Burnett, Frances Eliza Hodgson; Nunobukuro, Azuki (31 January 2012). 小公女 / Shōkōjo. Manga junia meisaku shirīzu. Mihara, Tetsuya (scenario). Gakken kyōikushuppan. ISBN 9784052035012. OCLC 775413116.

Jean Ingelow's works including Laurance[9][10][11][12] was printed in Jogakuzasshi in 1893.

The Sailor Boy,[13] a poem by Adelaide Anne Procter was translated and adopted as Wasurekatami[11][14] and published its first edition in 1887. That year Wakamatsu concentrated on the works by Proctor.[11] [15][16][17].

Between 1888 and 1890, there were a piece by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,[11][18] and two works by Alfred Tennyson published on Jogakuzasshi.[11][19][20].

Translated from part of Charles Dickens' David Copperfield, Wakamatsu translated Hinayome (literary A Doll like Bride) in Kokuminshosetu magazine in 1892.[11][21][22]

Kate Douglas Wiggin and her The Birds's Christmas Carol was introduced to Jogakuzasshi readers in 1893.[11][23]. The work was originally published as [24] Also titled as クリスマスの天使 (Christmas Angel, Kurisumasu no tenshi).

  • "旧き都のつと" [Products of Old City]. 女学雑誌. 1886. ncid=AN00117377
  • "In Memoriam—Condolence Poem Dedicated for Tōko Kimura, the First Principal of Meiji Girls' School" [明治女学校初代校長木村鐙子を弔う詩]. 女学雑誌. 1886. Written in English.
  • "お向ふの離れ" [The De-touched Room Facing to Ours]. 女学雑誌. 1889.
  • "お向ふの離れ" [The Detouched Room Facing to Ours]. 現代日本文学大系 - 樋口一葉・明治女流文學・泉鏡花集 (Higuchi Ichiyo, Meiji literature by woman writers, and Izumi Kyōka). 5. Chikumashobo. 1976. ISBN 4480100059. OCLC 40086632.
  • "ストウ女子小説の一節—大学に入らんとして伯父を訪ふ" [From Mrs.Stowe's novel; Visiting my Uncle for Advice on Entering College]. Hyōron. 1893. OCLC 835664697.[25] Inspired by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
  • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (1894). [Thinking of our Sisters across the great sea]. The Japan Evangelist. {{cite magazine}}: |trans-title= requires |title= or |script-title= (help)

other periodicals

  • "Thinking of our Sisters across the Great Sea" [海外のシスターを思う]. The Japan Evangelist. 1894.[26]
  • "おもひで" [Memories]. Shōnen Sekai. Hakubunkan. 1896. Wakamatsu Shizuko's last writing. ncid=AN00117377
  1. ^ 解説(尾崎るみ著): p145-150 = Ozaki, Rumi; Japan Society of the History of Children's Culture, eds. (1995). "Children's stories Translated by Shizuko Wakamatsu". History of Japanese Children's Culture. 4. Kyūzansha. ISBN 9784906563647. OCLC 34720410.
  2. ^ Jogaku zasshi was reprinted in 1984. Manshundō, ed. (1984). 女学雑誌 (復刻版) [Jogaku zasshi, reprint] (in Japanese). Rinsen Shoten. OCLC 894824931.
  3. ^ 小公子 [Shokoshi]. Iwanami Shoten. 1939. ISBN 978-4003233115. OCLC 835167827.
  4. ^ 小公子 [Shokoshi]. Iwanami Shoten. 1994.
  5. ^ Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1893). "セイラ・クルーの話" [Sera Kuru no hanshi]. Shōnen-en (in Japanese).
  6. ^ Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1904). 木下祥真 (ed.). 英話譯訳セーラ・クルー物語 [Eiwayaku Sera Kuru monogatari] (in Japanese). Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko. Naigai Shuppankyokai. OCLC 244247161.
  7. ^ Burnett, Frances Hodgson (2000). Kawato, Michiaki; Sakibara, Takanori (eds.). "セイラ・クルーの話 バーネット集" [Sera Kuru no hanashi Banetto-shu (Sara Crewe's Story: Anthology of Burnett)]. 明治翻訳文学全集—新聞雑誌編 21 (Translated literatures of Meiji era—Newspapers and Magazines). 21. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko. Ōzorasha. ISBN 9784756803184. OCLC 840679455.
  8. ^ Cite error: The named reference Ceddie was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  9. ^ Jean Ingelow (1893). "ローレンス" [Laurance]. Jogaku zasshi (in Japanese).
  10. ^ Jean Ingelow (July 1894). "淋しき岩の話". Jogakuzasshi. Meiji 27.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g 川戸道昭; 榊原貴教 (eds.). 若松賤子集. Vol. 1. ナダ出版センター. Retrieved 2017-07-19. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  12. ^ Wakamatsu, Shizuko (January 1893). Manshundo (ed.). "インジロー" [Ingelow]. Jogaku Zasshi (in Japanese).(Meiji 26)
  13. ^ Proctor, Adelaide Anne (1890). The Project Gutenberg eBook (ed.). Legends and Lyrics: First Series, by Adelaide Anne Procter. Introduction by Charles Dickens. George Bell and Sons edition. Retrieved 2017-07-18.
  14. ^ Proctor, Adelaine (1890). Manshundo (ed.). "忘れかたみ" [Memento]. Jogaku Zasshi.
  15. ^ Adelaide Anne Procter (February 1887). "まどふこゝろの歌". Jogakuzasshi. 明治20年2月.
  16. ^ Adelaide Anne Procter (February 1887). "優しき姫の物語". Jogakuzasshi. 明治20年2月
  17. ^ Adelaine Proctor (1892). "我宿の花" [A flower in my hotel room]. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help)
  18. ^ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (October 1888). "世渡りの歌". Jogakuzasshi. Meiji 19
  19. ^ Alfred Tennyson (January 1890). Manshundo (ed.). "イナック・アーデン物語". Jogaku Zasshi (in Japanese). Meiji 23
  20. ^ Alfred Tennyson (January 1893). "おうな". Jogakuzasshi. Meiji 26
  21. ^ "雛嫁" [Hinayome (A Dool-like Bride)]. 国民小説. 民友社. 1893.
  22. ^ Charles Dickens (August 1892). 雛嫁 [Hinayome (A Dool-like Bride)] (in Japanese). Kokumin no Tomo. (Meiji 25)
  23. ^ いわひ歌 [Celebration]. Keiseisha Shuppan. 1894. {{cite book}}: |magazine= ignored (help)
  24. ^ Kate Douglas Wiggin (September 1893). "いわひ歌" [The Birds's Christmas Carol] (in Japanese). Keisei Shoten. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help) (Meiji 26).
  25. ^ a b The Magazine Hyōron was merged with Jogaku zasshi in 1894.
  26. ^ Cite error: The named reference thinking was invoked but never defined (see the help page).

Titles reprinted in recent years.

  • Iwamoto, Zenzi, ed. (1896). In memory of Mrs.Kashi Iwamoto, with a collection of her English writings. Z.Iwamoto.
  • Iwamoto, Kashiko (1982). Iwamoto, Yoshiharu (Zenzi) (ed.). 巖本嘉志子—英文遺稿集 [Anthology of Mrs.Iwamoto Yoshiko's writings in English] (2 ed.). Ryūkei shosha. OCLC 672610011.
  • Iwamoto, Kashi (1995). Iwamoto, Yoshiharu (ed.). In memory of Mrs.Kashi Iwamoto. Sosho Joseiron. Vol. 1. Ozorasha. ISBN 4756800106.[1]
  • Kawato, Michiaki; Sakibara, Takanori, eds. (2000). "若松賤子集" [Works of Shizuko Wakamatsu]. 明治の女流文学—翻訳編 第1巻 (Translated literature—Works of women novelist in Meiji era). 明治文学復刻叢書 (Reprinted works of novel and literature in Meiji era). 1. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko; Senuma, Kayō; Ōtsuka, Kusuoko. Gogatsu Shobō. ISBN 9784772703253. OCLC 959673525.[3]
  • Kawato, Michiaki; Sakibara, Takanori, eds. (2000). "若松賤子集" [Works of Shizuko Wakamatsu]. 明治の女流文学—翻訳編 第1巻 (Translated literature—Works of women novelist in Meiji era). 明治文学復刻叢書 (Reprinted works of novel and literature in Meiji era). 1. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko; Senuma, Kayō; Ōtsuka, Kusuoko. Gogatsu Shobō. ISBN 9784772703253. OCLC 959673525.[3]

--Omotecho (talk) 23:10, 16 December 2016 (UTC)

--Omotecho (talk) 19:17, 20 December 2016 (UTC)
  • Iwamoto Yoshiharu, ed. (1896). "おもひで" [In memory of Mrs. Kashi Iwamoto—with a collection of her English writings]. Jogaku Zasshisha. OCLC 123066499. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help)[4][5]
  • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (1903). Sakurai, Ōson (ed.). 忘れかた美 [Wasuregatami]. 忘れかたみ (2 ed.). Hakubunkan. OCLC 123369116.[6] 櫻井鴎村、戸川残花、木村熊二、島崎藤村、湯谷磋一郎の紹介文あり,著者の肖像あり,奥付・背表紙に文武堂蔵版とあり ncid=BN08347018
Additinal readings
  • Modern Literature Research Laboratory, ed. (1956). "Studies on Modern Literature". 2. Kokakai, Showa Women's University. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  • Namerikawa, Michio, ed. (1968). "Japanese Children's Literature by works". Meiji to Taisho, Early Showa, Late Showa. 牧書店. A serial run by 1972
  • Ishimaru, Hisashi, ed. (1973). "Shizuko Wakamatsu, Chronology". Anthology of Meiji Literature. 32. Chikuma Shobō., appendix to Magazines—Jogaku Zasshi and Bungakukai.
  • Yamaguchi, Reiko (1980). Take a good look at me—Life of Shizuko Wakamatsu. Shinchosha.
  • Japan Society of Children's Literature, ed. (1988). Encyclopedia of Children's Literature. Tokyo Shobo. ISBN 4487731917.
  • Ozaki, Rumi (2007). Wakamatsu Shizuko ran through the dawn—a woman harbored many writings. ISBN 9784896291780.

She was mentioned as in other refs including the following.

At Webcatplus including the following.

若松賤子・刊行委員会 編]

error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help) in: ジョジョ企画, ed. (1999). 女たちの20世紀・100人 : 姉妹たちよ. 集英社. ISBN 4085320556.

  1. ^ 巌本善治 明治29年刊の復刻。 ncid=BN12842098 監修: 山崎朋子。叢書女性論は大空社 1995.6-1997.12
  2. ^ Iwamoto, Kashiko (1903). Sakurai, Oson (ed.). 忘れかた美—若松賎子遺稿. Hakubunkan.
  3. ^ a b Kawato, Michiaki; Sakibara, Takanori, eds. (2000). "若松賤子集" [Works of Shizuko Wakamatsu]. 明治の女流文学—翻訳編 第1巻 (Translated literature—Works of women novelist in Meiji era). 明治文学復刻叢書 (Reprinted works of novel and literature in Meiji era). 1. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko; Senuma, Kayō; Ōtsuka, Kusuoko. Gogatsu Shobō. ISBN 9784772703253. OCLC 959673525.
  4. ^ Cite error: The named reference samazama was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  5. ^ In memory of Mrs. Kashi Iwamoto—with a collection of her English writings edited posthumus by her husband includes Wakamatsu Shizuko's last writing and.
  6. ^ Dedication by Sakurai Ōson, Togawa Zanka, Kimura Kumaji, Shimazaki Tōson, and Yutani Saichirō. Bunbudō edition.)

--Omotecho (talk) 20:42, 20 December 2016 (UTC)

infobox person


For short, essential form


{{ Infobox person

| name =

| image =

| alt =

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| birth_name =

| birth_date = {{birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} for living people. For people who have died, use {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}}.

| birth_place =

| death_date = {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date)

| death_place =

| nationality =

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For full length



Infobox person
| name = | image = | alt = | caption = | birth_name = {{Nihongo || ロバート木下| Robāto Kinoshita}} | birth_date = ''{{birth date and age|yyyy|mm|dd}} for living people. For people who have died, use <nowiki>{{Birth date|YYYY|02|24}}'' | birth_place = Los Angeles <nowiki>| death_place = [[Torrance (California)|Torrance]], California | nationality = | other_names = | occupation = | years_active = | known_for = | notable_works = | death_place = Torrance (California) | death_date = December 9 | death_year = 2014 | activities = artist | activity2 = designer | nationality = US | postnationality= internationally known for his work in [[Cinema | Cinematographic]] of [[1950 | fifties]] and [[1960 | Sixties]]

[[File: Osaka Tin Toy Institute - Tin Age Collection - Robby the Robot with Blaster - Front.jpg | right | thumb | Robby the Robot, built by Kinoshita for the 1956 film ''[[Forbidden Planet]]''.]]

Infobox writer


{{ Infobox writer | name = | embed = | honorific_prefix = | honorific_suffix = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | pseudonym = | birth_name = | birth_date = | birth_place = | death_date = | death_place = | resting_place = | occupation = | language = | nationality = | ethnicity = | citizenship = | education = | alma_mater = | period = | genre = | subject = | movement = | notableworks = | spouse = | partner = | children = | relatives = | awards = | signature = | signature_alt = | years_active = | module = | website = | portaldisp = }}

International asteroid monitoring project


Japan Spaceguard Association (JSGA) is keen to have astronomical education for young people and held Spaceguard Private Investigator of the Stars: the fugitives are asteroids! program in 2001. Yoshiaki Oshima participated as one of the committee memeber. JSGA submitted a paper on that project in a proceedings, with Oshima as a contributor.[1][notes 1]

JSGA held an astronomical education program as part of their International Asteroid Monitoring Project, that collaborated with the British Council and its International Schools' Observatory (ISO)[notes 2] program which had involved 12 teams of junior high to senior high school classes from Asian and European countries. in the UK is held with John Moor University in Liverpool. The University operates a robotic telescope in the Canary Islands, and schools are allowed that they carry out scientific research using the remote telescope."Teacher Zone, National Schools' Observatory". Retrieved 2016-10-15.</ref> ISO was a project by the British Council involving youth in junior to senior high school, 12 in total.[4]

The Private Investigator of Stars was co-sponsored by the British Council which advised the International Asteroid Monitoring Project and coordinated with observatories and laboratories participated in and cooperated for ISO. Yomiuri Shinbun newspaper held a asteroid hunting contest for the JSGA and run articles on their paper. 438 school classes and other teams signed up , with 1317 indibivisuals, and 133 contestants reported the results of their observation.

JSGA based its project headquarters in its observatory called Bisei Spaceguard Center, owned by the Japan Space Forum. An optical telescope on the Canary island was operated by the staff of Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University in Liverpool, and images were transmitted to each classroom via internet connection.[notes 3]


  1. ^ The Spaceguard Private Investigator of the Stars, an asteroid monitoring program for the youth, was made possible by the special cooperation by the Japan Space Forum, as well as sponsorship from Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, National Space Development Agency of Japan along with Liverpool John Moores University and Armagh Observatory in the UK.[2]
  2. ^ "National Schools' Observatory" program is held in connection with the Liverpoor John Moores University. It holds Asteroid Watch program for schools in many areas.[3]
  3. ^ The contest was due March 4, 2001, and Japan Spaceguard Association (JSGA) examined 133 reports for two weeks. On 14 March, the jury meeting was held, and winners were announced on Yomiuri Shinbun on 20th March. Award overview as well as assessment comments were along with presentation report with interviews to awardees, and JSGA presented the prospectus for future astronomic education and asteroid hunting projects.[2]


  1. ^ Clarke, Chandra K. "Space Exploration Advocacy in the 21st Century: The Case for Participatory Science" (PDF). citizensciencecenter.com: 27. Retrieved 2016-10-15. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. ^ a b "国際小惑星監視プロジェクト 入賞者決まる" [Recepient of International Asteroid Monitoring Project is announced] (in Japanese). Yomiuri shinbun. 2001-03-27. Archived from the original on 2001-05-19. Retrieved 2016-10-15. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 2007-02-09 suggested (help)
  3. ^ "National Schools' Observatory". Retrieved 2016-12-06.
  4. ^ "JSGA's project named Private Investigaters of Stars—the fugitives are the asteroids!". Japan Spaceguard Association. Retrieved 2016-10-15.

--Omotecho (talk) 18:50, 6 December 2016 (UTC)

--Omotecho (talk) 16:55, 15 October 2016 (UTC)

Translation template


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  • section optional; If the inserted translation is contained in one section of the target page, insert its name here. (A direct link to that section will be created.)

|small||{{no}}||This template defaults to a small message box (equivalent to small=yes). If you have good reason to use a full-sized talk page banner instead, small=no will generate one.{{refn|1=Note that large=yes and large=no also work, but are not recommended for new instances of the template.|group="Note"}}

  • nocat no; Set this parameter to nocat=true only when transcluding the template as an example.{{refn|This template formerly used the parameters category or cat to perform these functions. This behaviour is no longer supported.|group="Note"}} (For example, it is used on this documentation page to prevent this page from being categorized as a translation.) Further information is available at "Wikipedia:Category suppression".

In the preceding table, the first and second (unnamed) parameters are required in order to comply with Wikimedia projects' licencing terms (e.g. "CC-BY-SA"). The version and insertversion parameters are (strongly) recommended, because they allow readers to identify the exact source and target revisions, without searching through the revision histories.

This template can be used more than once, if several translations were inserted (from several revisions of one article, several articles and/or several Wikipedias). Group the {{tlf|translated page}} templates in chronological order, with the newest (i.e. largest insertversion, when used) on top. Arrange the {{tlf|translated page}} boxes with other low-priority items, just before the first topic on the talk page. Even if a section of the talk page talks about the translation, avoid placing {{tlf|translated page}} there, because the template should not be moved when the section is "Help:Archiving a talk page|archived".

"Wikipedia:Template namespace" has a general introduction to the use of templates. --Omotecho (talk) 07:26, 15 October 2016 (UTC) -->

hit and find sources


template:find sources

template:find sources

  1. [[Atsuki Murata]] <small>{{findsources|Atsuki Murata}}</small>
  2. [[Kenzo Suzuki (astronomer)]] <small>{{findsources|Atsuki Murata}}</small>

Sample: Satoshi Yuki, research on web for muli citation. {{find sources multi|Satoshi Yuki|link1=g|link2=gnews|link3=ddg}}



checkY 鈴木憲蔵さん --Omotecho (talk) 20:52, 21 December 2016 (UTC)



--Omotecho (talk) 07:04, 1 October 2016 (UTC)

Yukari-san's ref: Biblio

  • Aigen, Kenneth (2013). Ongakuchusin ongaku ryoho. translated by Kotoe Suzuki and Daiyu Suzuki. Shunjusha. ISBN 978-4-3939-3498-2. translated from Music Centered Music Therapy.. error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • Wakao, Yutaka (2000). Kanaderu koto no chikara [Empowered with music performance]. Shunjusha. ISBN 978-4-3939-3753-2. error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • Watanabe, Ken'ichi (1995). Ongaku no shotai [Indentity of music]. Yamaha Music Media. ISBN 4-6362-0878-1. error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • Matsui, Toshikazu (1980). Ongaku ryōhō no tebiki: Ongaku ryōhōka no tameno [Music therapy handbook: for music therapists]. Tokyo: Makino Shuppan. ISBN 978-4-8950-0012-3.
  • Nakamura, Akikazu (2010). Baion: oto, kotoba, shintai no bunkashi [Overtone: cultural history of tone, words and body]. Tokyo: Shunjūsha Publishing Company. ISBN 978-4-3939-5704-2.
  • Yoneyama, Fumiaki (2007). Utsukushī koede nihongowo hanasu [Speaking Japanese with sweet voice]. Tokyo: Heibonsha. ISBN 978-4-5828-5377-3.
  • error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • Yalom, Irvin D; Vinogradov, Sophia (1989). Concise guide to group psychotherapy (1st ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
  • "Considering the group music therapy". Feature Article. 10 (1). Japan Music Therapy Association: 38–75. 2010.
  • Hiroko, Kimura (March 2014). "Potential of music therapy: Songs in the care for Japanese clients". Ethics Laboratory Bulletin (Sentan Rinri Kenkyu). 8. Kumamoto University: 197–208.

izakaya edit


to do list


Manga and Izakaya


"en:Jarinko Chie", a manga, is rather true to izakaya in Osaka area after World War II, serving broiled and stewed beef and pork intestines with cheap sake and shōchū for working class customers▲, on the contrary, menus at "Izakaya Choji" is rather sophisticated with better quality sake.▲

--Omotecho (talk) 14:15, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
  • expand and cite;
--Omotecho (talk) 09:56, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Typical menu items


Might not be quite typical in any area in Japan? Need images to support the body text. --Omotecho (talk) 09:56, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

add: today's special is listed on a sepate sheet and inseted in the menu book, or written on white/blackboard hang on the wall, quantity limited.

subdivide izakaya menu into eight groups


Divide Menu and Typical food sections into maybe 7-8 groups by how they are cooked; see Talk:Izakaya.

Izakaya food is usually more substantial than tapas or mezze. Many items are designed to be shared. Always check the paper strips or notice board on the wall for seasonal treats, quantity limited. Otsumami, the hors d'oeuvre.

- Kawakimono;

* kakinotane (kakipī), peanuts, sakiika.

- Vegetable;

* Edamame – boiled and salted soybean pods[1]
* Goma-ae – various vegetables served with a sesame dressing[2]
* Morokyū – Cucumber with miso on the side as seasoning.

- Others;

* Misoae – various shellfish and seafood, wakame sea vegitable served with vinegar and dashi dressing
* Sunomono – various shellfish and seafood, takenoko bamboo shoots and herbs served with a miso and vinegar dressing
* Nikomi
* Shiokara


sashimi, tanpin or mori-awase (sashi-mori). Mori-awase is a combination of three, five, seven, or eight kinds of fish and shellfish arranged in portion for two or more people. Example might include tai sea bream for weeks while sakura is in full bloom when they are very fat; crum and shallow water shellfish March to end of May; Katsuo in season late May to August, buri, tara (cod) and sea crab mainly in winter between October to early February. Ask for local delicacies as whit are somSquid, if you are brave to try, they will serve you the best variety of the season.

Nimono stew and nabe

nikomi, oden as they prepare ahead. Nabe is cooked by order.

Agemono deep fried; fried potato in shoestring or sectioned, isobeage, karaage, kawaebi, korokke (crocette), tenpura.

Yakimono grilled /char broiled food; ikayaki, kushiyaki (including beef vegitable and mashroom), satumaage, sausage, yakiton (pork), yakitori, yakizakana.

Udon, soba; Japanese napolitan spagetti, gratin, yakimeshi (chāhan). not necessarily put as a single category on menus, actually.

Oshokuji, meaning rice dishes such as ochazuke and noodle dishes such as yakisoba are sometimes eaten at the end to round off a drinking session. (For the most part, the Japanese do not eat rice or noodles (shushoku – "staple food") at the same time as they drink alcohol, [citation needed] since sake, brewed from rice, traditionally takes the place of rice in a meal.). With rice dishes, some soup, misoshiru or ushiojiru, dashi soup and tsukemono are ordered as condiments.

Desert; rather new to izakaya menu, with more female customers come to izakaya.

Other varieties


★ Ashiya ?


  1. ^ 肩書きはそれぞれ、パリ第5大学教授(フローベイ)、François Maniquetはルーヴァン・カトリック大学
  2. ^ 肩書きはそれぞれ、パリ第5大学教授(フローベイ)、François Maniquetはルーヴァン・カトリック大学


  1. ^ a b c d e f Cite error: The named reference HuffPost was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ Kauffman, Jonathan (February 23, 2011). "What Exactly Is an Izakaya? An Interview with Umamimart's Yoko Kumano". SF Weekly. Retrieved January 28, 2016.

I suggest to expand the food section in this article, with some research. Or is it too minute? Categorize typical food menu into several groups by how they are cooked: the common way the menu book is presented, and I guess they are ordered by how fast they are served. (New sub section.)

--Omotecho 19:17, 28 January 2016 (UTC)

 Done. top section, deleted subsections from here as copied to the article. --Omotecho 18:52, 6 February 2016 (UTC)

--Omotecho 06:58, 6 February 2016 (UTC) --Omotecho (talk) 09:56, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Translated Kushikatsu from Japanese article, subsections


citation needed

  • During the latter part of Edo period prior to 1868, those food stands called “tempura yatai” served kushikatsu that was called tempura back then.


Codes, templates


Code {{Nihongo|English|Kanji|Rōmaji|extra|extra2}} Gives English (Kanji Rōmaji?, extra) extra2 This template marks the Kanji segment as being in Japanese Kanji, which helps web browsers and other user agents to display it correctly. The template uses the following parameters

  • English. Optional. The word as translated into English. Note that this will sometimes be the actual Japanese word due to it being adopted into English.
  • Kanji/Kana. Required. The word in Japanese kanji and/or kana, the logographic writing system.
  • Romaji. Optional. The word in Japanese Romaji, the Romanized syllabic writing system used for foreign words. Also known as a "transliteration".
  • extra. Optional. Can also be expressed as a named parameter, extra=
  • extra2. Optional. Can also be expressed as a named parameter, extra2=. It is only useful in ";" definitions (extra2 will be displayed without bold, whereas text following the template will get the bold).
Born: 29 June 1397 Died: 20 January 1479
Regnal titles
Preceded by Duke of Villahermosa, Count of Ribagorza and Cortes and Grand Master of the Order of Calatrava;
Count of Barcelona

Succeeded by
Count of Roussillon and Cerdagne
Succeeded by
Preceded by King of Navarre (jure uxoris)
with Blanche I
Succeeded by
Charles IV de jure
King of Navarre de facto
withholding the crown from
Charles IV and Blanche II

Succeeded by
Spanish nobility
Title last held by
Martin of Aragon
Duke of Montblanc
Succeeded by
Preceded by Lord of Balaguer
Preceded by Duke of Gandia
Succeeded by

--Omotecho (talk) 12:09, 26 December 2015 (UTC)

European Cuisine


European Cusine in ja redirects to {{Nihongo|List of European Cuisine|ヨーロッパ料理一覧|yōroppa ryōri ichiran}}.
Finished translation to ja:

* to https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ヨーロッパ料理の一覧&oldid=56581366 (2015-8-21)
* original [[:en:European cuisine]] (2015-07-21) oldid=672441665

'''{{translated page|en|European cuisine|version=672441665|insertversion=56581366|section=name}}'''

--Omotecho (talk) 08:41, 21 August 2015 (UTC)

Target List


Projects in To-do items, WikiProject_Japan#To-do_items.

: * [[User:LordAmeth]] would like to enlist everyone's help in converting all articles, both in title and in context, to properly macronned form.

ex, consistency for format/convention, ex Amano-Iwato, Yomi, Izumo, Ashihara no Nakatsukuni, and Hyūga
Skipped macron issue as of 2016-09-24
Kansai region. Compared to the Tōhoku region, Kansai related articles are systematically sub-standard and have articles of towns and cities missing.
Special:Allpages/Japan and Special:Allpages/Japanese, dozens of pages lack WikiProject Japan tags and assessments.
tip--narrowing down the list of "Articles containing Japanese language": change address to desired index by replacing the last letter to, ex. X, in Articles_containing_Japanese-language_text=from=Z
Category:Articles_containing_Japanese-language_text&from=X --Omotecho (talk) 15:10, 16 September 2016 (UTC)
--Omotecho (talk) 22:10, 24 September 2016 (UTC)



Enroll first before dicuss topics.

Manuals of style


Japanese names


Romanization conventions > Naming conventions > Overview > Japanese [https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style_(Japan-related_articles)| Manual of Style (Japan-related articles)]



Macron means the diacritic mark.

To input macron
* Unicode
Got Unicode? This Page has input systems for format:

<ref> {{cite web|url=http://www.personal.psu.edu/ejp10/psu/gotunicode/macron.html |title=PSU University : Get Unicode? |publisher=PSU.edu |date=2005-10-06 |accessdate=2015-09-15}}</ref>

  • Windows
Questionable writing in Wikipedia article
[[Macron#Vowel_length |macron vowel length]]
  • Isn't it Modified Hepburn or Revised Hepburn Revised Hepburn ((修正ヘボン式), Shūsei Hebon-shiki)?
The Hepburn romanization system of Japanese, for example, "traffic (交通, こうつう) kōtsū" opposed to "bone or knack (骨, こつ) kotsu".
* HTML Codes
Use these codes to input accented letters in HTML. For instance, if you want to type bōnus with a long O, you would type bōnus.
NOTE: Your page should declare utf-8 (Unicode) encoding or else the characters may not display in older browsers. Because these are Unicode characters, the formatting may not exactly match that of the surrounding text depending on the browser.
Capital Vowels Lower Vowels
Ā Ā Cap long A ā ā Lower long A Example
Ī Ī Cap long I ī ī Lower long I Example
Ū Ū Cap long U ū ū Lower long U Example
Ē Ē Cap long E ē ē Lower long E Example
Ō Ō Cap long O ō ō Lower long O Example

The Hepburn romanization system of Japanese

Hepburn -> simplified Hepburn (more popular in use today) -> Modified Hepburn or Revised Hepburn (修正ヘボン式 Shūsei Hebon-shiki)

The rendering of syllabic n as m before certain consonants is no longer used, resulting in e.g. Shinbashi for 新橋(しんばし). This style was introduced in the third edition of Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary (1954), adopted by the Library of Congress as one of its ALA-LC romanizations, and is the most common version of the system today. [1]

Macrons are used for Modified Hepburn or Revised Hepburn (修正ヘボン式 Shūsei Hebon-shiki). Circumflexes often used for [[Nihon-shiki]] and [[Kunrei-shiki]], or when a word processor does not allow macrons.
  • 東京(とうきょう): = Tōkyō – Tokyo
  • 東京(とうきょう): = Tôkyô – Tokyo


The combination of a + a is written aa if a word-border exists between them.
  • 邪悪(じゃあく): ji + ya + a + ku = jaaku – Evil
In Modified Hepburn
The long vowel e is indicated by a macron otherwise:
  • お姉さん(おねえさん): o + ne + e + sa + n = onēsan [2] – Older sister
The combination o + o is written oo if a word-border exists between them:
  • 小躍り(こおどり): ko + o + do + ri = koodori – Dance
The long vowel o is indicated by a macron otherwise:
  • 氷(こおり): ko + o + ri = kōri – Ice
  • 遠回り(とおまわり): to + o + ma + wa + ri = tōmawari – Roundabout route
  • 大阪(おおさか): o + o + sa + ka = Ōsaka[[Osaka]]
The combination o + u is written ou if a word-border exists between them or it is the end part of terminal form of a verb:
  • 追う(おう): o + u = ou – To chase
  • 東京(とうきょう): to + u + kyo + u = Tōkyō[[Tokyo]]
  • 金曜日(きんようび): ki + n + yo + u + bi = kinyōbi [3] or kin'yōbi [4] – Friday
The combination e + i is written ei.
  • 学生(がくせい): ga + ku + se + i = gakusei[[Student]]
  • 経験(けいけん): ke + i + ke + n = keiken – Experience
  • 制服(せいふく): se + i + fu + ku = seifuku[[Uniform]]
  • 姪(めい): me + i = mei – Niece
  • 招いて(まねいて): ma + ne + i + te = maneite – Call/invite and then
In Traditional Hepburn
The long vowel a is indicated by a macron otherwise:
  • お婆さん(おばあさん): o + ba + a + sa + n = obāsan [5] – Grandmother
The combination i + i is always written ii.
  • お爺さん(おじいさん): o + ji + i + sa + n = ojiisan – Grandfather
The combination u + u is written uu if a word-border exists between them or it is the end part of terminal form of a verb:
  • 食う(くう): ku + u = kuu – To eat
The long vowel u is indicated by a macron otherwise:
  • 数学(すうがく): su + u + ga + ku = sūgaku[[Mathematics]]
An exception is 湖(みずうみ): mi + zu + u + mi = mizuumi - [[Lake]]
The combination e + e is written ee if a word-border exists between them:
  • 濡れ縁(ぬれえん): nu + re + e + n = nureen – Open veranda


Modified Hepburn
The long vowels within loanword are indicated by macrons (ā, ī, ū, ē, ō) as follows:
  • セーラー: se + ([[chōonpu]]) + ra + (chōonpu) = sērā – Sailor

Syllabic n

n + m and n + y
Modified Hepburn
  • 群馬(ぐんま): gunma – Gunma
  • 信用(しんよう): shin'yō – Trust
Nihon-shiki and Kunrei-shiki
[[Nihon-shiki]] and [[Kunrei-shiki]]
  • 群馬(ぐんま): gumma – Gumma
  • 信用(しんよう): shin-yō – Trust

Double consonants

Modified Hepburn
Double (or "geminate") consonant sounds are marked by doubling the consonant following the [[sokuon]], っ; for consonants that are digraphs in Hepburn (sh, ch, ts), double only the first consonant of the set, except for chtch.
  • こっち: kotchi (not kocchi) – This way
  • 抹茶(まっちゃ): matcha (not maccha) – [[Matcha]]



* {{nihongo|'''Railway Standard'''|鉄道掲示基準規程|Tetsudō Keiji Kijun Kitei}},<ref>{{cite web|url=http://homepage1.nifty.com/tabi-mo/font_kitei2.htm#10 |title=鉄道掲示基準規程 |publisher=Homepage1.nifty.com |date= |accessdate=2012-07-13}}</ref> which follows the ''Hyōjun-shiki Rōmaji''. All <code><nowiki>[[Japan Rail|JR]] railways and other major railways use this type for station names.

  • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Standard,[6] which follows the modified Hepburn style. This is used for road signs.

MS Word and macron

MS Word <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.language.iastate.edu/latinpreview/unit00/04type.html |title=IA State University : Latin Preview |publisher=iastate.edu |date=2005-10-06 |accessdate=2014-07-6}}</ref>
If you're using MS Word on a PC, it's easy to type with macrons without using a special font. This option will work best for you if you always use the same computer to type Latin. Here's how it works:
  1. Open MS Word
  2. Select the menu item INSERT>SYMBOL
  3. In the font box choose the font you normally use
  4. If the special characters are available, a second box ("subset") appears (as it does with the Times font) called "subset." Choose Latin Extended A in this subset box. You should then see all the characters you need. You can either click on a character to insert it from here, or at the bottom of the window you have the option of creating a shortcut.
  5. You will need to specify different shortcut keys for lower- or uppercase characters. For example, you could use alt+the character for lower case and shift+alt+the character for its uppercase equivalent.

See also

  1. Convention: an overview of pages dealing with the Romanization conventions.
  2. Pages in category [https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Romanization_of_Japanese#Hepburn| Hepburn].
  3. [[List of ISO romanizations]] List of ISO standards for transliterations and transcriptions (or romanizations) > ISO 3602 — Japanese = Kunrei-shiki
  4. Style: mother of manual of style for languages on wikipedia by region. (find link inside Wikipedia)

--User:Omotecho|Omotecho (User talk:Omotecho|talk)


* [[兵頭精]]
* [[木部シゲノ]]
* [[西崎キク]]
* [[及位ヤヱ]]
* [[朴敬元]]


  1. ^ "UHM Library : Japan Collection Online Resources". Hawaii.edu. 2005-10-06. Retrieved 2012-06-29.
  2. ^ "Kenkyusha"
  3. ^ "ibid"
  4. ^ "ibid"
  5. ^ "ibid"
  6. ^ "道路標識のローマ字(ヘボン式) の綴り方". KICTEC. Retrieved 2012-07-13.

Wakamatsu Shizuko


She was mentioned as in other refs including others

  • error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help) in: ジョジョ企画, ed. (1999). 女たちの20世紀・100人 : 姉妹たちよ. 集英社.

Magazine submissions


Jogaku zasshi and Hyōron

For magazines, Wakamatsu Shizuko (Shizu) submitted her writings and translation mainly on either Jogaku zasshi or Hyōron. Both magazines were published by Jogaku Zasshisha in Tokyo.

  • "旧き都のつと" [Products of Old City]. 1886. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help) ncid=AN00117377
  • "In Memoriam—Condolence Poem Dedicated for Tōko Kimura, the First Principal of Meiji Girls' School" [明治女学校初代校長木村鐙子を弔う詩]. 1886. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help) Written in English.
  • "お向ふの離れ" [The Detouched Room Facing to Ours]. 1889. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help)
  • "すみれ" [Violets]. 1889. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help)
  • "我宿の花" [A flower in my hotel room]. 1892. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help) A serial completed in 1893.
  • "人さまざま" [Each person is different]. 1892. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help)
  • "大学に入らんとして伯父を訪ふ" [Visiting my Uncle for Advice on Entering College]. Hyōron. 1893. OCLC 835664697.[1] Inspired by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
  • "波のまにまに" [In between Waves]. Hyōron. 1893. OCLC 835664697.[1]

Japan Evangelist and Shōnen Sekai

  • "Thinking of our Sisters across the Great Sea". The Japan Evangelist. 1894.[2]
  • "おもひで" [Memories]. Shōnen Sekai. Hakubunkan. 1896. Wakamatsu Shizuko's last writing. ncid=AN00117377


  • Proctor, Adelaide Anne (1890). "忘れ形見" [The Sailor Boy]. Jogaku zasshi (in Japanese). Adopted from Adelaide Anne Proctor's poetry.
  • Tennyson, Alfred (1890). "イナック・アーデン物語" [Enock Arden]. Jogaku zasshi (in Japanese).
  • Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1890). "小公子" [Little Lord Fauntleroy]. Jogaku zasshi (in Japanese).
  • Dickens, Charles (1892). 雛嫁 [Hinayome] (in Japanese). Kokumin no Tomo. Translated from part of Charles Dickens' David Copperfield.
  • Ingelow, Jean (1893). "ローレンス" [Laurance]. Jogaku zasshi (in Japanese).
  • Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1893). "セイラ・クルーの話" [Sara Crewe]. Shōnen-en (in Japanese). A serial run through 1894.
  • Wiggin, Kate Douglas (1893). "いわひ歌" [The Birds's Christmas Carol]. Jogaku zasshi (in Japanese). Also titled as いわひ歌 (Carol) [クリスマスの天使 (Christmas Angel)].



Titles reprinted in recent years.

  • "お向ふの離れ" [The Detouched Room Facing to Ours]. 樋口一葉・明治女流文學・泉鏡花集 (Higuchi Ichiyo, Meiji literature by woman writers, and Izumi Kyōka). 現代日本文学大系. 5. Chikumashobo. 1976. ISBN 4480100059. OCLC 40086632.
  • Manshundō, ed. (1984). 女学雑誌 (復刻版) [Jogaku zasshi, reprint] (in Japanese). Rinsen Shoten. OCLC 894824931.
  • 小公子 [Little Lord Fauntleroy]. Iwanami Shoten. 1939. ISBN 978-4003233115. OCLC 835167827. In Iwanami Bunko, 30th impression.
  • Ozaki, Rumi; Japan Society of the History of Children's Culture, eds. (1995). "Children's stories Translated by Shizuko Wakamatsu". History of Japanese Children's Culture. 4. Kyūzansha. ISBN 9784906563647. OCLC 34720410.
  • Burnett, Frances Hodgson (2000). Kawato, Michiaki; Sakibara, Takanori (eds.). "Sara Crewe (Anthology of Burnett)" [セイラ・クルーの話 バーネット集]. 明治翻訳文学全集—新聞雑誌編 21 (Translated literatures of Meiji era—Newspapers and Magazines). 21. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko. Ōzorasha. ISBN 9784756803184. OCLC 840679455.


  • Iwamoto, Zenzi, ed. (1896). In memory of Mrs.Kashi Iwamoto,with a collection of her English writings. Z.Iwamoto.
  • Iwamoto, Kashiko (1903). Sakurai, Oson (ed.). 忘れかた美—若松賎子遺稿 (2 ed.). Hakubunkan.Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).
  • Iwamoto, Kashiko (1982). Iwamoto, Yoshiharu (ed.). 巖本嘉志子—英文遺稿集 [Anthology of Mrs.Iwamoto Yoshiko's writings in English] (2 ed.). Ryūkei shosha. OCLC 672610011.
  • Iwamoto, Kashi (1995). Iwamoto, Yoshiharu (ed.). In memory of Mrs.Kashi Iwamoto. Sosho Joseiron. Vol. 1. Ozorasha. ISBN 4756800106.[4]
  • Kawato, Michiaki; Sakibara, Takanori, eds. (2000). "若松賤子集" [Works of Shizuko Wakamatsu]. 明治の女流文学—翻訳編 第1巻 (Translated literature—Works of women novelist in Meiji era). 明治文学復刻叢書 (Reprinted works of novel and literature in Meiji era). 1. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko; Senuma, Kayō; Ōtsuka, Kusuoko. Gogatsu Shobō. ISBN 9784772703253. OCLC 959673525.[5]


  • Ozaki, Rumi; Japan Society of the History of Children's Culture, eds. (1995). "Children's stories Translated by Shizuko Wakamatsu". History of Japanese Children's Culture. 4. Kyūzansha. ISBN 9784906563647. OCLC 34720410.[6]


  • Kawato, Michiaki; Sakibara, Takanori, eds. (2000). "若松賤子集" [Works of Shizuko Wakamatsu]. 明治の女流文学—翻訳編 第1巻 (Translated literature—Works of women novelist in Meiji era). 明治文学復刻叢書 (Reprinted works of novel and literature in Meiji era). 1. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko; Senuma, Kayō; Ōtsuka, Kusuoko. Gogatsu Shobō. ISBN 9784772703253. OCLC 959673525.[5]

|- !Original writer!!translated title!!reference!! |-

|rowspan=2|Henry Wadsworth Longfellow||[5]|| |- |||『世渡りの歌』||[5]|| |-

| Adelaide Anne Procter|| \- |||『まどふこゝろの歌』||||[5]|| |- |||『優しき姫の物語』[5]|| |- |||『忘れ形見』||||[5]|| |- |||『わが宿の花』||||[5]|| |-

| Alfred Tennyson |- |||『イナック・アーデン物語』||||[5]|| |- |||『おうな』||||[5]|| |-

| Charles John Huffam Dickens |- |||『雛嫁』||||"雛嫁". 国民小説. 民友社. 1893.[5] |-

| Jean Ingelow


|||『ローレンス』||||[5] |- |||『淋しき岩の話』||||[5] |-

| Kate Douglas Wiggin |- |||『いわひ歌』||||[5] |-

| Unknown|||| |- |||『人さまざま』||||[5] |- |||『黄金機会』||||[5] |- |||『アンセルモ物語』||||[5] |- |||『勇士最後の手帋』||||[5] \ --Omotecho (talk) 23:10, 16 December 2016 (UTC)

--Omotecho (talk) 19:17, 20 December 2016 (UTC)


  • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (1890). Manshundo (ed.). "Memento" [忘れかたみ]. Jogaku Zasshi.[8]
  • テニソン (1890). Manshundo (ed.). "イナック・アーデン". Jogaku Zasshi (in Japanese). Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko.[9]
  • Frances Hodgson Burnett (1890). Manshundo (ed.). "小公子". Jogaku Zasshi (in Japanese). Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko.
  • Charles Dickens (1892). 雛嫁 (in Japanese). Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko. Kokumin no Tomo.[10]
  • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (1893). Manshundo (ed.). "インジロー". Jogaku Zasshi (in Japanese).[11]
  • Manshundo, ed. (1893). "ローレンス" [Laurence]. Jogaku Zasshi (in Japanese).
  • Manshundo, ed. (1893). "セイラ・クルーの話". Shonen-en. a serial completed in 1894


  • "ストウ女子小説の一節—大学に入らんとして伯父を訪ふ" [Visiting my Uncle for His Advice on Entering College]. Hyoron (in Japanese). 1893.
  • "波のまにまに" [Floating between waves]. Hyoron (in Japanese). 1893. {{cite magazine}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |pubisher= (help)
  • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (1894). "海外のシスターを思う" [Thinking of our Sisters across the great sea]. The Japan Evangelist.
  • Iwamoto Yoshiharu, ed. (1896). "おもひで" [In memory of Mrs. Kashi Iwamoto—with a collection of her English writings]. Jogaku Zasshisha. OCLC 123066499. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (help)<ref name=samazama/>[12]




  • いわひ歌 [Celebration]. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko. Keiseisha Shuppan. 1894.[13]


  • Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1897). 小公子〔前〕. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko (Iwamoto, Shizuko). Hakubunkan.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: translators list (link)


  • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (1903). 忘れかたみ [Memento]. Hakubunkan. OCLC 123369116. ncid=BN08347018.


  • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (1903). Sakurai, Oson (ed.). 忘れかた美 [Wasuregatami] (2 ed.). Hakubunkan.[14] ncid=BN08347018

{{ |wikitable !title!!original publication!!reprint!! | 雛嫁|| |- | せ-ら・くる-物語|| |- | おもひで|| |- | お向ふの離れ||Jogaku zasshi |-| 我宿の花 ||Jogaku zasshi 1892-93

  1. 波のまにまに||
  2. いなっく・あ-でん物語||
  3. 入学前||
  4. ひろひ児||
  5. 林のぬし||
  6. 鼻で鱒||
  7. 邪推||
  8. 栄公の誕生日||
  9. 淋しき岩||
  10. 病母と小忰||
  11. 砂糖の隠所||
  12. 着物の生る木||
  13. けんつく踊||
  14. 黄金機会||
  15. ろ-れんす||
  16. 女房演説||
  • Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1904). 木下祥真 (ed.). Sara Crewe [英話譯訳セーラ・クルー物語] (in Japanese). Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko. Naigai Shuppankyokai. OCLC 244247161.


Titles reprinted in recent years.

    • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (1976). "お向ふの離れ" [The Detouched Room Facing to Ours]. 現代日本文学大系 (in Japanese). 5. Chikumashobo.
  • Iwamoto Yoshiharu, ed. (1982). 巌本嘉志子英文遺稿 [Anthology of Iamoto Yoshiko's writings in English]. Ryukei shosha.
  • 女学雑誌 (復刻版) [Jogaku Zasshi, reprint] (in Japanese). Rinsen Shoten. 1984.
  • 小公子. Iwanami Shoten. 1994. in Iwanami bunko, reprinted for 30th impression.
  • Ozaki, Rumi, ed. (1995). "Children's stories by Shizuko Wakamatsu". History of Japanese Children's Culture. 4. Kyuzansha. ISBN 9784906563647.
  • Wakamatsu, Shizuko (2000). Kawato, Michiaki; Skakibara, Takanori (eds.). "セイラ・クルーの話". Translated Literatures of Meiji Era—Newspapers and Magazines. 21. Ozorasha.

Additinal readings

  • Modern Literature Research Laboratory, ed. (1956). "Studies on Modern Literature". 2. Kokakai, Showa Women's University. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  • Ishimaru, Hisashi, ed. (1973). "Shizuko Wakamatsu, Chronology". Anthology of Meiji Literature. 32. Chikuma Shobō., appendix to Magazines—Jogaku Zasshi and Bungakukai.
  • Namerikawa, Michio, ed. (1968). "Japanese Children's Literature by works". Meiji to Taisho, Early Showa, Late Showa. 牧書店. A serial run by 1972
  • Yamaguchi, Reiko (1980). Take a good look at me—Life of Shizuko Wakamatsu. Shinchosha.
  • Japan Society of Children's Literature, ed. (1988). Encyclopedia of Children's Literature. Tokyo Shobo. ISBN 4487731917.
  • Ozaki, Rumi (2007). Wakamatsu Shizuko ran through the dawn—a woman harbored many writings. ISBN 9784896291780.



  1. ^ a b The Magazine Hyōron was merged with Jogaku zasshi in 1894.
  2. ^ Cite error: The named reference thinking was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ Iwamoto, Kashiko (1903). Sakurai, Oson (ed.). 忘れかた美—若松賎子遺稿. Hakubunkan.
  4. ^ 巌本善治 明治29年刊の復刻。 ncid=BN12842098 監修: 山崎朋子。叢書女性論は大空社 1995.6-1997.12
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Kawato, Michiaki; Sakibara, Takanori, eds. (2000). "若松賤子集" [Works of Shizuko Wakamatsu]. 明治の女流文学—翻訳編 第1巻 (Translated literature—Works of women novelist in Meiji era). 明治文学復刻叢書 (Reprinted works of novel and literature in Meiji era). 1. Translated by Wakamatsu, Shizuko; Senuma, Kayō; Ōtsuka, Kusuoko. Gogatsu Shobō. ISBN 9784772703253. OCLC 959673525.
  6. ^ 解説(尾崎るみ著): p145-150
  7. ^ Contents of Works ひろひ児 林のぬし 黄金機会 鼻で鱒を釣った話(実事) 犬つくをどり 病める母と二才の小悴 砂糖のかくしどこ 海底電信の話 たんぽぽ 鳥のはなし 邪推深き後家 水銀のはなし 栄公の誕生日 みとり(看護) 着物の生る木 猫徳 小遣ひ帳 玉とお染さん 三ツ宛 おもひで
  8. ^ translated and adopted from Proctor, Adelaide Anne. The Sailor Boy. Reprint in Proctor, Adelaide Anne. The Sailor Boy.
  9. ^ translated and adopted from Proctor, Adelaide Anne. The Sailor Boy. Reprint in Proctor, Adelaide Anne. The Sailor Boy.
  10. ^ Translated from part of David Copperfield
  11. ^ Translated anthology of works by Jean Ingelow
  12. ^ In memory of Mrs. Kashi Iwamoto—with a collection of her English writings edited posthumus by her husband includes Wakamatsu Shizuko's last writing and.
  13. ^ First published in Jogaku zasshi.ウィギン (1893). Manshundo (ed.). "いわひ歌(クリスマスの天使)" [Celebration (Angel on Christmas day)]. Jogaku Zasshi (in Japanese). Keisei Shoten.
  14. ^ Dedication by SakuraiOson, Togawa Zanka, Kimura Kumaji, Shimazaki Toson, and Yutani Saichiro. Bunbudo edition.)

--Omotecho (talk) 20:42, 20 December 2016 (UTC)

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{{ Infobox person

| name =

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| birth_date = {{birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} for living people. For people who have died, use {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}}.

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| death_place =

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For full length


Infobox person
| name = | image = | alt = | caption = | birth_name = {{Nihongo || ロバート木下| Robāto Kinoshita}} | birth_date = ''{{birth date and age|yyyy|mm|dd}} for living people. For people who have died, use <nowiki>{{Birth date|YYYY|02|24}}'' | birth_place = Los Angeles <nowiki>| death_place = [[Torrance (California)|Torrance]], California | nationality = | other_names = | occupation = | years_active = | known_for = | notable_works = | death_place = Torrance (California) | death_date = December 9 | death_year = 2014 | activities = artist | activity2 = designer | nationality = US | postnationality= internationally known for his work in [[Cinema | Cinematographic]] of [[1950 | fifties]] and [[1960 | Sixties]]

[[File: Osaka Tin Toy Institute - Tin Age Collection - Robby the Robot with Blaster - Front.jpg | right | thumb | Robby the Robot, built by Kinoshita for the 1956 film '' [[Forbidden Planet]] '' .]]

Infobox writer

{{ Infobox writer | name = | embed = | honorific_prefix = | honorific_suffix = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | pseudonym = | birth_name = | birth_date = <!-- {{Birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | birth_place = | death_date = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | death_place = | resting_place = | occupation = | language = | nationality = | ethnicity = | citizenship = | education = | alma_mater = | period = | genre = <!-- or: | genres = --> | subject = <!-- or: | subjects = --> | movement = | notableworks = <!-- or: | notablework = --> | spouse = <!-- or: | spouses = --> | partner = <!-- or: | partners = --> | children = | relatives = | awards = | signature = | signature_alt = | years_active = | module = | website = <!-- {{URL|example.org}} --> | portaldisp = <!-- "on", "yes", "true", etc; or omit --> }}

International asteroid monitoring project

Japan Spaceguard Association (JSGA) is keen to have astronomical education for young people and held Spaceguard Private Investigator of the Stars: the fugitives are asteroids! program in 2001. Yoshiaki Oshima participated as one of the committee memeber. JSGA submitted a paper on that project in a proceedings, with Oshima as a contributor.[1][notes 1]

JSGA held an astronomical education program as part of their International Asteroid Monitoring Project, that collaborated with the British Council and its International Schools' Observatory (ISO)[notes 2] program which had involved 12 teams of junior high to senior high school classes from Asian and European countries. in the UK is held with John Moor University in Liverpool. The University operates a robotic telescope in the Canary Islands, and schools are allowed that they carry out scientific research using the remote telescope."Teacher Zone, National Schools' Observatory". Retrieved 2016-10-15.</ref> ISO was a project by the British Council involving youth in junior to senior high school, 12 in total.[4]

The Private Investigator of Stars was co-sponsored by the British Council which advised the International Asteroid Monitoring Project and coordinated with observatories and laboratories participated in and cooperated for ISO. Yomiuri Shinbun newspaper held a asteroid hunting contest for the JSGA and run articles on their paper. 438 school classes and other teams signed up , with 1317 indibivisuals, and 133 contestants reported the results of their observation.

JSGA based its project headquarters in its observatory called Bisei Spaceguard Center, owned by the Japan Space Forum. An optical telescope on the Canary island was operated by the staff of Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University in Liverpool, and images were transmitted to each classroom via internet connection.[notes 3]


  1. ^ The Spaceguard Private Investigator of the Stars, an asteroid monitoring program for the youth, was made possible by the special cooperation by the Japan Space Forum, as well as sponsorship from Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, National Space Development Agency of Japan along with Liverpool John Moores University and Armagh Observatory in the UK.[2]
  2. ^ "National Schools' Observatory" program is held in connection with the Liverpoor John Moores University. It holds Asteroid Watch program for schools in many areas.[3]
  3. ^ The contest was due March 4, 2001, and Japan Spaceguard Association (JSGA) examined 133 reports for two weeks. On 14 March, the jury meeting was held, and winners were announced on Yomiuri Shinbun on 20th March. Award overview as well as assessment comments were along with presentation report with interviews to awardees, and JSGA presented the prospectus for future astronomic education and asteroid hunting projects.[2]


  1. ^ Clarke, Chandra K. "Space Exploration Advocacy in the 21st Century: The Case for Participatory Science" (PDF). citizensciencecenter.com: 27. Retrieved 2016-10-15. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. ^ a b "国際小惑星監視プロジェクト 入賞者決まる" [Recepient of International Asteroid Monitoring Project is announced] (in Japanese). Yomiuri shinbun. 2001-03-27. Archived from the original on 2001-05-19. Retrieved 2016-10-15. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 2007-02-09 suggested (help)
  3. ^ "National Schools' Observatory". Retrieved 2016-12-06.
  4. ^ "JSGA's project named Private Investigaters of Stars—the fugitives are the asteroids!". Japan Spaceguard Association. Retrieved 2016-10-15.

--Omotecho (talk) 18:50, 6 December 2016 (UTC)

--Omotecho (talk) 16:55, 15 October 2016 (UTC)

Translation template

Bruce and Norman Yonemoto

| birth_place = California, U.S.A. | death_date = February 2, 2014 | death_place = | nationality = American | field = Video artist, Film Maker, Screen play | training = Univerity of California Irvine 
Univesity of California Los Angeles  | movement = | works = | patrons = | influenced by = | influenced = | awards =  ( )
 ( )
| }} norman yonemoto was born in 1946, and bruce yonemoto in 1948 and they were raised in california when japanese americans were trying to reclaim and rebuild their lives after the hard times post the wwii. bruce and norman yonemoto worked together until norman passed away on october 01, 2015. [1]

Bruce is represented by the Alexander Gray Gallery in New York, U.S.A.[2][3]

Major exhibitions: 2009: Solo exhibition, “North South East West”, Survey Retrospective, Gallerie Quynh Contemporary Art, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 2010: LAX Art, Los Angeles, California, Saint Louis Museum of Art, Missouri. Alexander Gray & Associates Gallery, New York. 2011: Hosted by the Institute of Contemporary Arts and International Cultural Exchange in Tokyo.[4] Yonemoto was a resident artist at Tokyo Wonder Site in August 2011. [5]

Academic background

1971 graduated from University of California at Barkley; BA. 1979 MFA, Otis Art Institute of Art and Design Graduate Studies at the Sokei Academy of Fine Art & Design[6] in Tokyo, Japan.

2008: submit a paper titled “Support for Art Practice” on Tsukuba University journal in Japan. [7] He was a visiting professor at the University of Tsukuba and published “Support for Art Practice” at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba Japan. [8]

It was in 2009 when Bruce Yonemoto was chosen for the Freund Teaching Fellows by the Henry L. and Natalie E. Freund Art Endowment Fund. During the two months' program at Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, Yonemoto taught art in the Graduate School, and he was given an opportunity to exhibit at the Saint Louis Art Museum. [9]

Biography as a multimedia artist

As a multi media artist, Bruce Yonemoto made an audio visual work in 1976 titled “Garage Sale”, a 90 minutes' 16mm feature film in color. It was in 2006 when his artwork appeared in a exhibition in Paris, France, [10][11] as well as at the Barnsdall Art Center at his alma ata Otis College of Art and Design the same year. [12][13][14][15] Bruce and Norman Yonemoto's work “Based on Romance” was among their early works, on display at the Long Beach Museum of Art Long Beach, CA in 1980. “Garage Sale II,” had an exhibition catalog published by Long Beach Museum of Art, and the work was included into the Pacific Film Archives, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Bruce Yonemoto's early work was included in the 1979 annual City of Los Angeles Individual Artist Fellowships exhibition (C.O.L.A.), as the work of City’s best mid career artists. [16][clarification needed]

American artists with Japanese heritage

Yonemoto has worked with his brother Norman Yonemoto until he passed away on October 01, 2015. [1]

There was an exhibition “Drawing the Line: Japanese American Art, Design & Activism in Post-War Los Angeles” Japanese American National Museum in downtown Los Angeles between October 15, 2011 and February 19, 2012. American artists with Japanese heritage introduced their artwork focused on the post war period between 1950s and the early 1980s,. The exhibition was part of the project “Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980” hosted by the Getty Research Institute.[17] Yonemotos were invited to the exhibition Norman as a filmmaker and visual artist, and Bruce as visual artist among artists ranging from painting to music to performance art. Matsumi Kanemitsu, Robert A. Nakamura, Linda Nishio, an Alternative Museum painter and printmaker Ben Sakoguchi as well as Larry Shinoda, Qris Yamashita and the seminal Asian American magazine Gidra.

Yonemoto participated in a traveling exhibition “Love in the Time of War” in 2016, during August and October, 2016.[18][19][20] His display of a series of c-print photogaph portrays an Asian man dressed in the Civil War uniform. That is titled “NSEW (North South East West)” (2007), which includes East and West, not only North and South usually imaged for Civil War in the United States, but to acknowledge the largely ignored history of Asian solders serving on either side of the war,[21] in this case across the Pacific. The costume he borrowed was by a costume company that has been providing for Hollywood films since the very early days of the film industry, and for D.W. Griffith and his production of Birth of A Nation (1915), a film that caused controversy significant to races in the United States of America.[22][23]

Also in 2016 “Far East of Eden”, a video work collaborating with Karen Finley, was presented online which was commissioned by Montalvo Arts Center that tear. Yonemoto joined a panel, “Cultural Activism Panel: What is Cultural Activism”.[24] The Pacific Standard Time was a series of exhibitions focused on art in the west coast of the United States of America, and it hosted over fifty cultural institutions across Southern California took in collaboration, with grants from the Getty Foundation of Art to and sponsored by Bank of America Los Angeles.[25]

His retrospective exhibition is planned at the Tate Modern in London in 2017. The Tate Modern's exhibition will be a part of the project Pacific Standard Time. Over fifty cultural institutions across Southern California took part in collaboration in that, with grants from the Getty Foundation of Art and sponsored by Bank of America L.A. </ref>

Overseas exhibition

  • Sunshine & Noir: Art in L.A. 1960-1997
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark 1997[26]
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg 15.11.1997 – 01.02.1998[27][28]

In 2000, it was at InterCommunciation Center in Tokyo where Bruce Yonemoto showed the large Hanabi Fireworks on three-channel work among several video works, and the following year at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, on his first solo exhibition at an American museum was realized funded by Barbara Wise; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and the Advisory Board. The show was on display from February 24 to April 22, 2001.[29] Yonemoto wrote an essay in the exhibition catalog, and Carole Ann Konarides and Takuo Komatsuzaki also contributed essays.

Bruce and Norman joined a panel discussion at University of California, Los Angeles, when the exhibition "Sunshine & Noir: Art in L.A. 1960-1997" returned to the US and for the only exhibition nationally. It had traveled to European countries[27][30]Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).

The Centre Pompidou March 8 – July 17, 2006 Paris, France Paris - Los Angeles – Paris, 1955 – 1985: The Birth of an Artistic Capital. The Centre Pompidou hosted a major exhibition on L.A. art, featuring 350 works by 85 artists. Fine Arts Chair Suzanne Lacy with Bruce Yonemoto (1979) among other alumni were included.[31][32] Notes: the exhibition was title Exposition at the Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, 1999 which toured to Kandinsky Library, Ponpideu Center.

W. König in Wien, Allemagne 18 January - 29 April 2007 , Wien, Austria[33] The exhibition was title Exil des Imaginären: Politik, Asthetik, Liebe in German. Exposition, Vienne, Generali Foundation

Hong Gah Museum October 2015, Ho Chiming, Viet Nam In Taiwan, Bruce Yonemoto held his first exhibition as a solo Japanese-American artist in Vie Nam at Hong Gah Museum (Chinese) titled An Asian Survey — Bruce Yonemoto (Chinese).[1]

Norman Yonemoto

Norman Yonemoto has worked with his brother Bruce from early days as video artists. One of Norman Yonemoto's work with Bruce is Garage Sale, and he was the diector, wtiter and shared the task of producer with Bruce.[34][35]

His talent as a screen writer “Based on Romance” is among their early works exhibited in 1980 in California, with “Garage Sale II” as among Pacific Film Archives, University of California at Berkeley, and in 1989 an exhibition was held at their retrospective exhibition by Long Beach Museum of Art with a catalog. 

Norman collaborated with Bruce over twenty years on their impressive works of films and video. The audience would encounter those Hollywood melodrama they could recall, and popular television commercial messages but in segmented pieces fabricated together showing the repeated patterns the mass-media supply daily.[1] The subject Bruce Yonemoto themes his works on is his perceptions of mass media and how they influence our desires as well as identity. People think that it is themselves who identify their social image, and memories of others they hold is quite personal. Yonemoto presents that it is the mass media who make people believe in virtues which they were given by the mass media.[36]

His solo exhibition were:

  • 1995 CCF Fellowship for Visual Artists: Norman Yonemoto Mid-Career Artist. California Community Foundation (CCF) grants one-year fellowships to outstanding Los Angeles based artists working in the visual arts through the CCF Fellowship for Visual Artists. The Fellowships is a unique opportunity for artists because it is an investment in an artist’s career rather than in a particular project.[37][38]. The J. Paul Getty Trust pioneered the CCF Fellowship in 1988, and gifts from the Brody Arts Fund, the Atlass Fund, the Joan Palevsky Endowment for the Future of Los Angeles, the T.M. and R.W. Brown Fund, the Harry J. Volk Fund and other CCF funds supporting the Fellowship subsequently.[39]

His talent as a video screen writer had him apply for awards, and in the 9th annual Filmmakers International Screenwriting Awards in 2009, his work “VICTOR” was a quarter finalist among 1,400 applicants.[40]

Works of Norman Yonemoto

  • Chatterbox [VHS][41] For the VTR work, an exhibition catalog was published for the art show held between September 7 and October 14, 2006.[42].
  • Linda Blair (actor), John Vernon (actor), et.al; Directors: Danny Steinmann (director); Danny Steinmann (writer), John Strong (writer), Norman Yonemoto (writer); Cleve Landsberg (producer), George Kryssing (producer), Heidi Schulte (producer), Jay Schultz (producer) (February 28, 1990). Savage Streets. Lions Gate. ASIN 6302033977. {{cite AV media}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); |format= requires |url= (help)

Higa, Karin (1999). Memory Matter and Modern Romance Bruce and Norman Yonemoto. Fellows of Contemporary Art. ISBN 978-0911291261. {{cite book}}: Invalid |display-authors=1 (help) is an extensive review and interview by Ms.Karin Higa, a curator at Japanese American National Museum.

Awards and Grants

Recognition in their mid-life

"Memory, Matter and Modern Romance" for Bruce and Norman Yonemoto [46] Norman born 1946, and Bruce 1948, they were honored with recognition in their mid-life at the exhibition Memory, Matter and Modern Romance at Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, January 23 - July 4, 1999. Catalog essays included Ian Buruma, Karin Higa and Timothy Martin.[47] [48] The occasion was realized with funds from the Andy Warhol#Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Peter Norton Family Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the California Arts Council. [49]

Artworks on the show include: Installations and Objects:

  • 1999 “Silicon Valley”, two-channel video projection
  • 1984-1999 “Definition of a TV Lamp”, thirty-two ceramic lamps
  • 1997 ”La vie Secret”, altered screen, closed-circuit camera, and lens screen
  • 1995 ”Parana”, porcelain coffee set and video of black-and-white archival footage
  • 1995 “A Matter of Memory”, animated video projection, glass, water, and acrylic table
  • 1995 “Asexual Clone Mutation (for Our Father)”, carnation, gold petal, glass, steel, rubber, and water. Collection of Barbara Wise, New York
  • 1994 “Exotica: Hashi de Matto Grosso”, video projection and video of black-and-white archival footage
  • 1994 “Exotica: Outdoor - Indoor”, table, fluorenscent bulb, and paint
  • 1994 “Exotica: le Cabinet Chinois”, Brazilian armoire, video monitor, and framed photograph
  • 1993 “Golden”, gold leaf on projection screen (collection of Eileen and Peter Norton, Santa Monica, California
  • 1993 “Disintegration”, nitrate film stock and glass
  • 1993 “Napkin Series”, beaded-glass projection screens on TV trays
  • 1993 “Achrome Series”, Achrome V (collection of Michael Conway, Beverley Hills, California); Achrome III (collection of Kimberly and John Knight, Larkspur, California); beaded-glass projection screens; Achrome I, altered 35mm-slide projection
  • 1993 “Environmental”, two-channel video projection, fourteen home movie screens, and three black-and-white photographs.
  • 1992 “Land of Projection”, multi-channel color video projection with fiberglass sculpture and audio[50]
  • 1989 “Framed”; video and slide projection, mirror, scrim, and backdrop. Collection of the Long Beach Museum of Art [51]

Video Programs:[48]

  • An Important Metaphor (1979, 55 minutes)
  • Lone Lines (1979, 1 minute)
  • Green Card from An American Romance 1982, (75 minutes)
  • Vault (1984, 10 minutes)
  • Made in Hollywood 1990 (58 minutes)[52]
  • SPALDING GRAY'S MAP OF L.A. (1984, 26 minutes)
  • Blinky (1986, 15 minutes) [53]
  • KAPPA (1986 25 Minutes) [54]
  • Japan in Paris in L.A. (1997, 30 minutes)
  • Ahistory (1992, 1 minute)

Permanent Collections

“Vault”, 1984; Bruce Yonemoto (1949 - ), Norman Yonemoto (1946 - 2014); Betacam NTSC, color, purchased 1994; Inventory number: AM 1994-404 "Centre Pompidou".
“Kappa”, 1986; Mike Kelley (1954 - 2012), Bruce Yonemoto (1949 - ), Norman Yonemoto (1946 - 2014); Fichier ProRes, couleur, purchased 2014; Inventory number: AM 2014-659 "Centre Pompidou".
  • Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA
”Framed”, 1989; Norman Yonemoto (1946 - 2014); video and slide projection, mirror, scrim, and backdrop[51]
University of Texas, Austin (2013)
  • Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA), Los Angeles <Under the Big Black Sun, Schimmel, Paul, Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles 2011><Under the Big Black Sun, Schimmel, Paul, Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles 2011>

UCLA Hammer Museum

Whitney Museum of Art

Norton Family Foundation

Fonds National d'Art Contemporain (National Collection of France)

  • Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
”Green Card: An American Romance” by Bruce Yonemoto and Norman Yonemoto, with Nikolai Ursin (cameraman). [clarification needed]}}
"It's a Matter of Memory" (standard audio cassette), by Bruce and Norman Yonemoto. {{cfn|Artist biographies for Bruce and Norman Yonemoto (I.A.3165) is in the museum's general exhibition documentation Video Acts Artist Files, P-Y.[55] "It's a Matter of Memory" (vv99.3), archived on March 4, 1999, the Museum of Modern Art archives. [56]

Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan

Donnell Library Collections, New York, NY

La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, CA

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL

Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA

Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, Kansas

San Diego Museum of Art


  1. ^ a b c d Yi, Ho (2016-10-02). "In the fantastic shadow of Hollywood". Taipei Times. p. 12. Cite error: The named reference "taipei" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  2. ^ "Exbitions - Bruce Yonemoto". Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  3. ^ Buckley, Brad; Conomos, John, eds. (2009). "Rethinking the Contemporary Art School - The Artist, the PhD, and the Academy" (PDF). Cooper McInnes (sponsorship). Nova Scotia, Canada: The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. p. 10. Retrieved 2016-10-04.
  4. ^ "Institute of Contemporary Arts and International Cultural Exchange". Retrieved 2016-10-08.
  5. ^ "OPEN STUDIO 2011/August". Tokyo Wonder Site. Retrieved 2016-10-04.
  6. ^ "the Sokei Academy of Fine Art & Design" (in Japanese). Sokei Academy of Fine Art & Design. Retrieved 2016-10-04.
  7. ^ Yonemoto 2008a.
  8. ^ Yonemoto, Bruce (2008). Institute of Art and Design; Research Development Committee of Institute of Art & Design (eds.). "Support for Art Practice". Journal, University Art Practice and Research Funding. Ibaraki, Japan: Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba.
  9. ^ "Henry L. and Natalie E. Freund Teaching Fellowship". Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  10. ^ Centre Pompidou 2006, pp. 283, 313, 332, 350, 352.
  11. ^ Grenier 2006, p. 17-48.
  12. ^ James, David E. Independent Film in Los Angeles. Getty Institute. pp. 49–53. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  13. ^ "Otis LA: Nine Decades of Los Angeles Art - Otis-L.A. 2006 Alumni Exhibition at the Barnsdall Art Center". Otis College of Art and Design. 2006.
  14. ^ Isenberg, Barbara (2006). "Otis College of Art and Design: The First 88 Years (essay)" (PDF). Otis College of Art and Design. pp. 14–18. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-01-01. Retrieved 2016-10-06. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 2010-05-28 suggested (help)
  15. ^ Horsfield, Kate; Hilderbrand, Lucas (2006). Feedback: The Video Data Bank Catalogue of Video Art and Artist Interviews. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press. pp. 280–387.
  16. ^ "Otis: Nine Decades of Los Angeles Art" (PDF). Otis College of Art and Design Magazine. Otis College of Art and Design. 2006. p. 4. Retrieved 2016-10-06.
  17. ^ "Drawing the Line: Japanese American Art, Design and Activism in Post War Los Angeles". October 15, 2011. Retrieved 2016-10-04.
  18. ^ "Love in the time of War". Exhibitions/Past/Current/Upcoming. San Francisco Camerawork. Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  19. ^ "Love in the Time of War, in Glass Box Gallery". Department of Art, University of California Santa Barbara. Retrieved 2016-10-02.
  20. ^ "Love in the Time of War". Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  21. ^ Quick, Genevieve (September 16, 2016). "Love in the Time of War at SF Camerawork". Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  22. ^ "'The Birth of a Nation': When Hollywood Glorified the KKK |". HistoryNet. Retrieved 2016-02-27.
  23. ^ Brooks, Xan (2013-07-29). "The Birth of a Nation: a gripping masterpiece … and a stain on history". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2016-02-27.
  24. ^ "Cultural Activism Panel: What is Cultural Activism". Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  25. ^ "BruceYonemoto official site". Retrieved 2016-10-04.
  26. ^ Davis, Mike (1998). William Hackman; Lars Nittve (eds.). Sunshine & Noir: Art in L.A., 1960-1997. Mike Kelley (performing artist), David Hockney (artist). Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. ISBN 978-8790029197.
  27. ^ a b "Sunshine & Noir: Art in L.A. 1960-1997" (in German). November 15 1997 – February 1 1998. Retrieved 2016-10-06.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  28. ^ von Anne Ayres; Laura Cottingham; Mike Davis; Russell Ferguson (1997). Sunshine & Noir. Art in L.A. 1960–1997. William R. Hackman, Timothy Martin, Terry R. Myers, Lars Nittve and Peter Schjeldahl. Ostfildern, Germany: Cantz Verlag. ISBN 3-89322-939-6.
  29. ^ Claudia Gould (curator) (ed.). Bruce Yonemoto. Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art.
  30. ^ "Sunshine & Noir: Art in L.A. 1960-1997. 15.11.1997 – 01.02.1998". Retrieved 2016-10-06.
  31. ^ "Otis Artists in Paris - Los Angeles – Paris, 1955 – 1985: The Birth of an Artistic Capital (March 8 – July 17, 2006)" (PDF). p. 36. Retrieved 2016-10-06.
  32. ^ Buruma, Ian; Higa, Karin; Martin, Timothy (1999). Bruce and Norman Yonemoto. Bruce Yonemoto (artist), Norman Yonemoto (artist). Los Angeles, the USA: Japanese American National Museum. ISBN 0-911291-26-1.
  33. ^ Adams, Parveen; Breitwieser, Sabine; Carson, Juli; Ulmer, Gregory L (2007). Exile of the imaginary: politics, aesthetics, love. Generali Foundation. Wien, Allemagne: W. König. ISBN 978-3-86560-211-4.
  34. ^ Yonemoto, Norman (1975). Norman Yonemoto (ed.). "Garage Sale - Full Cast and Credits". Michael Heesy (actor), Tom White (actor), Ruth Hagopian (actor). Retrieved 2016-10-10.
  35. ^ Norman Yonemoto (1989). "Made in Hollywood - full cast and editing". Bruce Yonemoto (producer), Norman Yonemoto (producer), Tadayuki Kariyama (executive producer), John Wentworth (co-producer), Carl-Ludwig Rettinger (associate Producer). KYO-DAI. Retrieved 2016-10-10.
  36. ^ Gamblin, Noriko (1989). Relocations and Revisions: The Japanese American Internment Reconsidered. California, USA: Long Beach Museum of Art.
  37. ^ "Fellowship for Visual Artists". Retrieved 2016-10-06.
  38. ^ "CCF Fellowship for Visual Artists" (PDF). Retrieved 2016-10-06.
  39. ^ "2011 ARTIST GALLERY: CCF Fellowship for Visual Artists". Archived from the original on 2012-03-19. Retrieved 2016-10-06.
  40. ^ "Filmmakers.com Announces Quarter Finalists". 2009. Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  41. ^ Tom DeSimone (director/writer), Candice Rialson (actor), Larry Gelman (actor), Jane Kean, Perry Bullington, Arlene Martel, Bruce Cohn Curtis (producer), John Williams (producer). Chatterbox [VHS] (73 minutes). Vestron. ASIN B000196DOW. {{cite AV media}}: |format= requires |url= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  42. ^ Ken Gonzales-Day. CUE Art Foundation. 2006. ISBN 978-0977641741. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |people= ignored (help)
  43. ^ National Endowment for the Arts grant (98-4100-7024) for fiscal year Grant Period March 1998 – December 1999.
  44. ^ "UMass Amherst Libraries online catalog" (CD-ROM). Retrieved 2016-10-04.
  45. ^ "Bruce and Norman Yonemoto". Maya Deren Award (grant). Japanese American National Museum. Archived from the original on November 27, 2012. Retrieved 2016-10-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  46. ^ "Bruce and Norman Yonemoto: "Memory Matter and Modern ROMANCE", Installations and Objects". Karin Higa (curater), Kristine Kim (coordinater), Norman Sugimoto (photographer). 1999. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |url= (help)CS1 maint: others (link)
  47. ^ Ng, David (2014-03-03). "Norman Yonemoto dies at 67; L.A. artist created video installations". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2016-10-04.
  48. ^ a b Norman Yonemoto (artist); Bruce Yonemoto (artist). "Memory, Matter and Modern Romance". Karin Higa (curater), Kristine Kim (assistant curater). Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. Retrieved 2016-10-04.
  49. ^ The art exhibition was organized by the Japanese American National Museum, with the Fellows of Contemporary Arts initiated as well as sponsored initiated.
  50. ^ Kotz, Liz (1993). "Video Drone". Artforum. Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  51. ^ a b "Framed". Long Beach Museum of Art. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |url= (help)
  52. ^ Miller, John. "Bruce and Norman Yonemoto". Artforum. Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  53. ^ Blinky 1986 was created in collaboration with Jeffery Vallance
  54. ^ KAPPA was created in collaboration with JMike Kelly
  55. ^ "Curatorial and Exhibition Records in the Museum of Modern Art Archives". MoMA PS1 Archives. Museum of Modern Arts. Retrieved 2016-10-05.
  56. ^ "the Museum of Modern Art archives". Museum of Modern Art. Retrieved 2016-10-05.





1986, 1999, 2012 1986

  • Baldessari, John; Martin, Tim; Yonemoto, Bruce (1986). TV Generations: (LACE, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) February 21 through April 12, 1986. Los Angeles, California, USA. ISBN 0-937335-00-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) (Book consisting of two different format nested: The catalog and the texts)


  • Bruce and Norman Yonemoto (1989). Framed: a video installation (March 19 - April 23, 1989). Long Beach Museum of Art. ASIN B00072TK3Y.


  • Buruma, Ian; Higa, Karin; Martin, Timothy (1999). Bruce and Norman Yonemoto. Bruce Yonemoto (video installation), Norman Yonemoto (artist). Los Angeles, USA: Japanese American National Museum. ISBN 0-911291-26-1. Notes: Exhibition was called Exposition at Los Angeles, Japanese American National Museum, 1999; Kandinsky Library, Ponpideu Center.
  • Yonemoto, Bruce; Yonemoto, Norman (1999). Bruce and Norman Yonemoto Memory, Matter and Modern Romance. Sherri Schottlaender (editor). Japanese American National Museum. ISBN 978-1881161042.


  • Grenier, Catherine (2006). Experimental City, catalog for the exhibition. the Centre Pompidou. pp. 17–48. Also published Panama edition.


  • Adams, Parveen; Breitwieser, Sabine; Carson, Juli; Ulmer, Gregory L (2007). Exile of the imaginary: politics, aesthetics, love. Generali Foundation. Wien, Allemagne: W. König. ISBN 978-3-86560-211-4. Exhibition toured to Vienna (18 January through 29 April 2007). Title in German=Exil des Imaginären. Politik, Asthetik, Liebe. The exhibition was held by Generali Foundation, 2007.

2010 Buckley, Brad; Conomos, John, eds. (February 28, 2010). Rethinking the Contemporary Art School: the Artist. The PH.D. and the Academy. Su Baker (Contributor), Bruce Barber (Contributor), Mikkel Bogh (Contributor), Bruce Yonemoto (Contributor), Edward Colless (Contributor), Jay Coogan (Contributor), Luc Courchesne (Contributor) Juli Carson (Contributor). Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. ISBN 978-0919616493.


  • Pacific Standard Time: Los Angeles Art, 1945-1980. Getty Research Institute. October 18, 2011. ISBN 978-1606060728.


  • Silver, Shell (2012). Tokyo Tower. p. 122.
  • James, David E. "Independent Film in Los Angeles". Los Angeles from 1955-1985. Getty Institute. pp. 49–53.
  • Grenier, Catherine; James, David E; Dannenmüller, Sophie (2006). Los Angeles 1955-1985. Centre Pompidou. ISBN 978-2755701500.

2008, 2010, 2012

  • Yonemoto, Bruce (2008). Institute of Art and Design; Research Development Committee of Institute of Art & Design (eds.). "Support for Art Practice". University Art Practice and Research Funding. Ibaraki, Japan: Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba.


  • Yonemoto, Bruce (2012). ""Kintsugi at the Tokyo Wonder Site"". Otis College of Art and Design Magazine. Vol. 13, no. Fall. Otis College of Art and Design. p. 27.
  • Yonemoto, Bruce (2012). ""Kintsugi at the Tokyo Wonder Site"". Otis College of Art and Design Magazine. Fall (13): 27.

--Omotecho (talk) 15:49, 8 October 2016 (UTC)



--Omotecho (talk) 07:04, 1 October 2016 (UTC)


  • Aigen, Kenneth (2013). Ongakuchusin ongaku ryoho. translated by Kotoe Suzuki and Daiyu Suzuki. Shunjusha. ISBN 978-4-3939-3498-2. translated from Music Centered Music Therapy.. error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • Wakao, Yutaka (2000). Kanaderu koto no chikara [Empowered with music performance]. Shunjusha. ISBN 978-4-3939-3753-2. error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • Watanabe, Ken'ichi (1995). Ongaku no shotai [Indentity of music]. Yamaha Music Media. ISBN 4-6362-0878-1. error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • Matsui, Toshikazu (1980). Ongaku ryōhō no tebiki: Ongaku ryōhōka no tameno [Music therapy handbook: for music therapists]. Tokyo: Makino Shuppan. ISBN 978-4-8950-0012-3.
  • Nakamura, Akikazu (2010). Baion: oto, kotoba, shintai no bunkashi [Overtone: cultural history of tone, words and body]. Tokyo: Shunjūsha Publishing Company. ISBN 978-4-3939-5704-2.
  • Yoneyama, Fumiaki (2007). Utsukushī koede nihongowo hanasu [Speaking Japanese with sweet voice]. Tokyo: Heibonsha. ISBN 978-4-5828-5377-3.
  • error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • Yalom, Irvin D; Vinogradov, Sophia (1989). Concise guide to group psychotherapy (1st ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
  • "Considering the group music therapy". Feature Article. 10 (1). Japan Music Therapy Association: 38–75. 2010.
  • Hiroko, Kimura (March 2014). "Potential of music therapy: Songs in the care for Japanese clients". Ethics Laboratory Bulletin (Sentan Rinri Kenkyu). 8. Kumamoto University: 197–208.

izakaya edit


to do list


Manga and Izakaya


"en:Jarinko Chie", a manga, is rather true to izakaya in Osaka area after World War II, serving broiled and stewed beef and pork intestines with cheap sake and shōchū for working class customers▲, on the contrary, menus at "Izakaya Choji" is rather sophisticated with better quality sake.▲

--Omotecho (talk) 14:15, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
  • expand and cite;
--Omotecho (talk) 09:56, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Typical menu items


Might not be quite typical in any area in Japan? Need images to support the body text. --Omotecho (talk) 09:56, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

add: today's special is listed on a sepate sheet and inseted in the menu book, or written on white/blackboard hang on the wall, quantity limited.

subdivide izakaya menu into eight groups


Divide Menu and Typical food sections into maybe 7-8 groups by how they are cooked; see Talk:Izakaya.

Izakaya food is usually more substantial than tapas or mezze. Many items are designed to be shared. Always check the paper strips or notice board on the wall for seasonal treats, quantity limited. Otsumami, the hors d'oeuvre.

- Kawakimono;

* kakinotane (kakipī), peanuts, sakiika.

- Vegetable;

* Edamame – boiled and salted soybean pods
* Goma-ae – various vegetables served with a sesame dressing[1]
* Morokyū – Cucumber with miso on the side as seasoning.

- Others;

* Misoae – various shellfish and seafood, wakame sea vegitable served with vinegar and dashi dressing
* Sunomono – various shellfish and seafood, takenoko bamboo shoots and herbs served with a miso and vinegar dressing
* Nikomi
* Shiokara
  • Salads potato salad, sliced tomato.


sashimi, tanpin or mori-awase (sashi-mori). Mori-awase is a combination of three, five, seven, or eight kinds of fish and shellfish arranged in portion for two or more people. Example might include tai sea bream for weeks while sakura is in full bloom when they are very fat; crum and shallow water shellfish March to end of May; Katsuo in season late May to August, buri, tara (cod) and sea crab mainly in winter between October to early February. Ask for local delicacies as whit are somSquid, if you are brave to try, they will serve you the best variety of the season.

Nimono stew and nabe

nikomi, oden as they prepare ahead. Nabe is cooked by order.

Agemono deep fried; fried potato in shoestring or sectioned, isobeage, karaage, kawaebi, korokke (crocette), tenpura.

Yakimono grilled /char broiled food; ikayaki, kushiyaki (including beef vegitable and mashroom), satumaage, sausage, yakiton (pork), yakitori, yakizakana.

Udon, soba; Japanese napolitan spagetti, gratin, yakimeshi (chāhan). not necessarily put as a single category on menus, actually.

Oshokuji, meaning rice dishes such as ochazuke and noodle dishes such as yakisoba are sometimes eaten at the end to round off a drinking session. (For the most part, the Japanese do not eat rice or noodles (shushoku – "staple food") at the same time as they drink alcohol, [citation needed] since sake, brewed from rice, traditionally takes the place of rice in a meal.). With rice dishes, some soup, misoshiru or ushiojiru, dashi soup and tsukemono are ordered as condiments.

Desert; rather new to izakaya menu, with more female customers come to izakaya.

Other varieties


★ Ashiya ?




  1. ^ Kauffman, Jonathan (February 23, 2011). "What Exactly Is an Izakaya? An Interview with Umamimart's Yoko Kumano". SF Weekly. Retrieved January 28, 2016.

I suggest to expand the food section in this article, with some research. Or is it too minute? Categorize typical food menu into several groups by how they are cooked: the common way the menu book is presented, and I guess they are ordered by how fast they are served. (New sub section.)

--Omotecho 19:17, 28 January 2016 (UTC)

 Done. top section, deleted subsections from here as copied to the article. --Omotecho 18:52, 6 February 2016 (UTC)

--Omotecho 06:58, 6 February 2016 (UTC) --Omotecho (talk) 09:56, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Translated Kushikatsu from Japanese article, subsections


citation needed

  • During the latter part of Edo period prior to 1868, those food stands called “tempura yatai” served kushikatsu that was called tempura back then.


European Cuisine


European Cusine in ja redirects to {{Nihongo|List of European Cuisine|ヨーロッパ料理一覧|yōroppa ryōri ichiran}}.
Finished translation to ja:

* to https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ヨーロッパ料理の一覧&oldid=56581366 (2015-8-21)
* original [[:en:European cuisine]] (2015-07-21) oldid=672441665

'''{{translated page|en|European cuisine|version=672441665|insertversion=56581366|section=name}}'''

--Omotecho (talk) 08:41, 21 August 2015 (UTC)

Target List


Projects in To-do items, WikiProject_Japan#To-do_items.

: * [[User:LordAmeth]] would like to enlist everyone's help in converting all articles, both in title and in context, to properly macronned form.

ex, consistency for format/convention, ex Amano-Iwato, Yomi, Izumo, Ashihara no Nakatsukuni, and Hyūga
Skipped macron issue as of 2016-09-24
Kansai region. Compared to the Tōhoku region, Kansai related articles are systematically sub-standard and have articles of towns and cities missing.
Special:Allpages/Japan and Special:Allpages/Japanese, dozens of pages lack WikiProject Japan tags and assessments.
tip--narrowing down the list of "Articles containing Japanese language": change address to desired index by replacing the last letter to, ex. X, in Articles_containing_Japanese-language_text=from=Z
Category:Articles_containing_Japanese-language_text&from=X --Omotecho (talk) 15:10, 16 September 2016 (UTC)
--Omotecho (talk) 22:10, 24 September 2016 (UTC)



Enroll first before dicuss topics.

Manuals of style


Japanese names


Romanization conventions > Naming conventions > Overview > Japanese [https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style_(Japan-related_articles)| Manual of Style (Japan-related articles)]



Macron means the diacritic mark.

To input macron
* Unicode
Got Unicode? This Page has input systems for format:

<ref> {{cite web|url=http://www.personal.psu.edu/ejp10/psu/gotunicode/macron.html |title=PSU University : Get Unicode? |publisher=PSU.edu |date=2005-10-06 |accessdate=2015-09-15}}</ref>

  • Windows
Questionable writing in Wikipedia article
[[Macron#Vowel_length |macron vowel length]]
  • Isn't it Modified Hepburn or Revised Hepburn Revised Hepburn ((修正ヘボン式), Shūsei Hebon-shiki)?
The Hepburn romanization system of Japanese, for example, "traffic (交通, こうつう) kōtsū" opposed to "bone or knack (骨, こつ) kotsu".
* HTML Codes
Use these codes to input accented letters in HTML. For instance, if you want to type bōnus with a long O, you would type bōnus.
NOTE: Your page should declare utf-8 (Unicode) encoding or else the characters may not display in older browsers. Because these are Unicode characters, the formatting may not exactly match that of the surrounding text depending on the browser.
Capital Vowels Lower Vowels
Ā Ā Cap long A ā ā Lower long A Example
Ī Ī Cap long I ī ī Lower long I Example
Ū Ū Cap long U ū ū Lower long U Example
Ē Ē Cap long E ē ē Lower long E Example
Ō Ō Cap long O ō ō Lower long O Example

The Hepburn romanization system of Japanese

Hepburn -> simplified Hepburn (more popular in use today) -> Modified Hepburn or Revised Hepburn (修正ヘボン式 Shūsei Hebon-shiki)

The rendering of syllabic n as m before certain consonants is no longer used, resulting in e.g. Shinbashi for 新橋(しんばし). This style was introduced in the third edition of Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary (1954), adopted by the Library of Congress as one of its ALA-LC romanizations, and is the most common version of the system today. [1]

Macrons are used for Modified Hepburn or Revised Hepburn (修正ヘボン式 Shūsei Hebon-shiki). Circumflexes often used for [[Nihon-shiki]] and [[Kunrei-shiki]], or when a word processor does not allow macrons.
  • 東京(とうきょう): = Tōkyō – Tokyo
  • 東京(とうきょう): = Tôkyô – Tokyo


The combination of a + a is written aa if a word-border exists between them.
  • 邪悪(じゃあく): ji + ya + a + ku = jaaku – Evil
In Modified Hepburn
The long vowel e is indicated by a macron otherwise:
  • お姉さん(おねえさん): o + ne + e + sa + n = onēsan [2] – Older sister
The combination o + o is written oo if a word-border exists between them:
  • 小躍り(こおどり): ko + o + do + ri = koodori – Dance
The long vowel o is indicated by a macron otherwise:
  • 氷(こおり): ko + o + ri = kōri – Ice
  • 遠回り(とおまわり): to + o + ma + wa + ri = tōmawari – Roundabout route
  • 大阪(おおさか): o + o + sa + ka = Ōsaka[[Osaka]]
The combination o + u is written ou if a word-border exists between them or it is the end part of terminal form of a verb:
  • 追う(おう): o + u = ou – To chase
  • 東京(とうきょう): to + u + kyo + u = Tōkyō[[Tokyo]]
  • 金曜日(きんようび): ki + n + yo + u + bi = kinyōbi [3] or kin'yōbi [4] – Friday
The combination e + i is written ei.
  • 学生(がくせい): ga + ku + se + i = gakusei[[Student]]
  • 経験(けいけん): ke + i + ke + n = keiken – Experience
  • 制服(せいふく): se + i + fu + ku = seifuku[[Uniform]]
  • 姪(めい): me + i = mei – Niece
  • 招いて(まねいて): ma + ne + i + te = maneite – Call/invite and then
In Traditional Hepburn
The long vowel a is indicated by a macron otherwise:
  • お婆さん(おばあさん): o + ba + a + sa + n = obāsan [5] – Grandmother
The combination i + i is always written ii.
  • お爺さん(おじいさん): o + ji + i + sa + n = ojiisan – Grandfather
The combination u + u is written uu if a word-border exists between them or it is the end part of terminal form of a verb:
  • 食う(くう): ku + u = kuu – To eat
The long vowel u is indicated by a macron otherwise:
  • 数学(すうがく): su + u + ga + ku = sūgaku[[Mathematics]]
An exception is 湖(みずうみ): mi + zu + u + mi = mizuumi - [[Lake]]
The combination e + e is written ee if a word-border exists between them:
  • 濡れ縁(ぬれえん): nu + re + e + n = nureen – Open veranda


Modified Hepburn
The long vowels within loanword are indicated by macrons (ā, ī, ū, ē, ō) as follows:
  • セーラー: se + ([[chōonpu]]) + ra + (chōonpu) = sērā – Sailor

Syllabic n

n + m and n + y
Modified Hepburn
  • 群馬(ぐんま): gunma – Gunma
  • 信用(しんよう): shin'yō – Trust
Nihon-shiki and Kunrei-shiki
[[Nihon-shiki]] and [[Kunrei-shiki]]
  • 群馬(ぐんま): gumma – Gumma
  • 信用(しんよう): shin-yō – Trust

Double consonants

Modified Hepburn
Double (or "geminate") consonant sounds are marked by doubling the consonant following the [[sokuon]], っ; for consonants that are digraphs in Hepburn (sh, ch, ts), double only the first consonant of the set, except for chtch.
  • こっち: kotchi (not kocchi) – This way
  • 抹茶(まっちゃ): matcha (not maccha) – [[Matcha]]

MS Word and macron

MS Word <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.language.iastate.edu/latinpreview/unit00/04type.html |title=IA State University : Latin Preview |publisher=iastate.edu |date=2005-10-06 |accessdate=2014-07-6}}</ref>
If you're using MS Word on a PC, it's easy to type with macrons without using a special font. This option will work best for you if you always use the same computer to type Latin. Here's how it works:
  1. Open MS Word
  2. Select the menu item INSERT>SYMBOL
  3. In the font box choose the font you normally use
  4. If the special characters are available, a second box ("subset") appears (as it does with the Times font) called "subset." Choose Latin Extended A in this subset box. You should then see all the characters you need. You can either click on a character to insert it from here, or at the bottom of the window you have the option of creating a shortcut.
  5. You will need to specify different shortcut keys for lower- or uppercase characters. For example, you could use alt+the character for lower case and shift+alt+the character for its uppercase equivalent.

See also

  1. Convention: an overview of pages dealing with the Romanization conventions.
  2. Pages in category [https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Romanization_of_Japanese#Hepburn| Hepburn].
  3. [[List of ISO romanizations]] List of ISO standards for transliterations and transcriptions (or romanizations) > ISO 3602 — Japanese = Kunrei-shiki
  4. Style: mother of manual of style for languages on wikipedia by region. (find link inside Wikipedia)

--User:Omotecho|Omotecho (User talk:Omotecho|talk)

  1. ^ "UHM Library : Japan Collection Online Resources". Hawaii.edu. 2005-10-06. Retrieved 2012-06-29.
  2. ^ "Kenkyusha"
  3. ^ "ibid"
  4. ^ "ibid"
  5. ^ "ibid"