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Hey, I'm Ollie! I'm mostly a lurker around here, but I may do some edits. You can find me here:

♣---------------------♣ kidd-corre.carrd.co ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

This user is a member on the English Wikipedia.
This user is a WikiOtter.
LibraThis user is a Libran.
This user is a member of the LGBTQ community.
This user is Neptunic and is attracted to both women and non-binary people.
This user is asexual.
This user is polyamorous.
Non-binary pride flag
This user is non-binary.
This user is a fan of Role-playing video games.
This user is a vault dweller
This user plays NetHack.
This user plays Undertale.

MDTBODThis user likes the online game Monsters' Den: The Book of Dread.
WThis user plays Pokémon White.
W2This user plays Pokémon White 2.
XThis user plays Pokémon X.
(-o-) This user plays the Pokémon RPGs and other related video games.

(-o-) This user is a Pokémon lover and proud of it!

NES nnThis user likes retro games, but has no urge to actually play them.

This user prefers the Nintendo DS over the PlayStation Portable.
This user prefers to play games on a PC.
This user prefers to play games on a laptop.
CCThis user plays Cookie Clicker.

trexThis user likes the game T Rex Runner.

NeopetsThis user has quit playing Neopets.

CelesteThis user likes Celeste.

DFThis dwarf has striked the Earth in Dwarf Fortress.
  This user is a LITTLE NIGHTMARE.  
MThis user loves Minecraft.

This user has stayed at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

This user supported the mandate of vaccines, masks, lockdowns, and social distancing during COVID-19.
This user wears their mask.
This user uses Zoom for online school.
This user is a native of North America.
This user is a Bibliophile.
This user loves to read.
This user enjoys reading fiction.
SCI FIThis user loves science fiction.
This user is visiting from an alternate universe.
This user enjoys works of
This user reads the horror works of the master H. P. Lovecraft.
OSCThis user enjoys the works of Orson Scott Card.
MarsThis user enjoys the works of Ray Bradbury.

This user enjoys the interesting and weird works of Douglas Adams.

SKThis user enjoys the works of Stephen King.
This user enjoys the works of Neal Stephenson.

TAZThis user is going to cast
This user works for the
SCP Foundation.
This user is a Vinesauce gamer.

NVOlliefaun is a fan of the
Night Vale High School Scorpions.
This user is a cinephile.
wesThis user loves the films of
Wes Anderson
This user loves films by
Stanley Kubrick.
LynchThis user is a fan of David Lynch's films.
This user likes Horror Movies.
This user watches Netflix
This user loves documentaries.
UNIVERSAL HORRORThis user is a fan of
Universal Horror.
This user enjoys comics.
C&HThis user is a fan of Calvin and Hobbes.
FXTRTThis user reads FoxTrot.
This user reads Dark Horse Comics .
This user reads Image Comics.
This user watches the Watchmen.
This user reads Tintin comics.
xkcdThis user is a reader of the xkcd webcomic.
This user reads Penny Arcade.
^_~This user is a definite fan of manga.
This user is a fan of
This user would like to know if you want a banana?
This user loves They Might Be Giants

This user got the Steely Dan t-shirt.
The BeatlesThis user is a fan of the Beatles.
This user enjoys ska.
This user listens to Vocaloid.
This user enjoys ambient music.

This user enjoys electronic music.
This user listens to industrial.
This "user" listens to
This user has seen another Brick in the Wall.
LOST TAPESThis user likes the show Lost Tapes.

TZThis user knows the manifesto To Serve Man is really a cookbook!!!

This user loves animals.

This user likes Roe deer.
This user loves dogs.

This user likes big dogs, and cannot lie... (though they do NOT like the song this userbox is based on!)

This user likes both cats and dogs

PET DOGThis user is happy to have a pet dog.

This user loves Sheep.

This user likes goats.

This user likes cows.

This user thinks that moths are cool.

ManateesThis user is interested in Manatees.
CryptidsThis user thinks that Jackalope tastes more like chicken than like deer or rabbit.

This user is interested in
Asian dragons.
This user is interested in
European dragons.
RaccoonThis user likes Raccoons.
This user likes dinosaurs.
This user likes Snakes.
This user has a pet Corn snake.

This user cannot communicate with Rats.
This user really loves Badgers.
This user knows that otters are fantastic.
This user loves ferrets because they are so awesome!

This user likes shiny, spinny, and/or translucent objects.

This user really likes old computers.

:-]This user is polite.
:)This user is a native speaker of smileys.

You just lost The Game.
This user likes to play Role-playing games.

D&DThis user plays Dungeons and Dragons.
This user is a Dungeon Master.
D&DThis user plays monster characters in Dungeons and Dragons game.
This user is a Keeper of Arcane Lore. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
LGThis user aligns
Lawful Good
This user is an Internet addict
and is proud of it.
This user adamantly supports
Net Neutrality.
This user can't stand a long time without being connected to Internet.
uBOThis user enjoys an ad-free internet thanks to uBlock Origin.
This user contributes using Opera GX.
This user browses DeviantArt
FandomThis user spends time on Fandom.

This user keeps track of movies using Letterboxd.
RedditThis user is a Reddit user.
This user uses Spotify to listen to music.
This user supports the
Tor Project.

This user watches or broadcasts on Twitch.

This user uses the Wayback Machine to access webpages that would otherwise have been lost to the sands of time.

No AdsThis user is against ads on YouTube.
This user has a YouTube account.
NCThis user remembers it so you don't have to.
This user watches
Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell.
This user watches
Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell.

This user only uploads high quality video game rips.