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User:Odinegative/Conway Base 13 function

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The Conway base 13 function is a function created by British mathematician John H. Conway as a counterexample to the converse of the intermediate value theorem.

The Conway base 13 function




The Conway base 13 function was created in response to complaints about the standard counterexample to the converse of the intermediate value theorem, namely sin(1/x). This function is only discontinuous at one point (0) and seemed like a cheat to many. Conway's function on the other hand, is discontinuous at every point.



The Conway base 13 function is a function defined as follows.

If expand as a "decimal" in base 13 using the symbols 0,1,2,...,9,,-,+ (avoid + recurring).
Define unless the expansion ends
(Note: Here the symbols "+", "-" and "." are used as symbols of base 13 decimal expansion, and do not have the usual meaning of the plus sign, minus sign and decimal point).
In this case define (here we use the conventional definitions of the "+", "-" and "." symbols).



The important thing to note is that the function defined in this way satisfies the converse to the intermediate value theorem but is continuous nowhere. That is, on any closed interval of the real line, takes on every value between and . Indeed, takes on the value of every real number on any closed interval . To see this, note that we can take any number and modify the tail end of its base 13 expansion to be of the form , and we are free to make the and whatever we want while only slightly altering the value of . We can do this in such a way that the new number we have created, call it , still lies in the interval , but we have made a real number of our choice. Thus satisfies the converse to the intermediate value theorem (and then some). However, it is not hard to see, using a similar argument, that is continuous nowhere. Thus is a counterexample to the converse of the intermediate value theorem.



Agboola, Adebisi. Lecture. Math CS 120. University of California, Santa Barbara, 17 December 2005.

See Also
