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I am a young man. I love sports and am good at many different kinds of sports. Of course, physical exercise is only one aspect, and I am also a person who likes leisure and entertainment at home. Quiet mental exercise is also my favorite. I have a certain level of attainments in chess, go and other entertainment chess or card games. I am a rational man. I am not good at writing moving stories, except for some fictional stories that are not rigorous. But I like to write something that I found and accumulated entirely from my life. So finding the right quotes and sources to prove my sentence sometimes challenges me.

In fact, Wikipedia attracts me most not so many different types of articles, or rich in knowledge. I'm most interested in Wikipedia's editorial history. Wikipedia has a very long editorial history. This allows me to see how an article that is perfect and in line with the rules of writing came into being. At the same time, the articles which has the same title but wide gap in content, is also a very interesting contrast. It not only allows me to see simple articles sent with strong emotion and subjective thoughts, but also allows me to see rigorous and objective complex articles.

Article Evaluation -- Tabletop game




I visited the "Tabletop game" page on Wikipedia, and found three aspect of it worth commenting on: inappropriate and unreliable citation, link dead source and incomplete description of equipment used.

Inappropriate citation


First of all, there are several questions in this article. The first three references have formatting problems. Their problem is that there is no publication date and author's name. By linking to the source, I found that one of the sources clearly indicated the corresponding publishing time and author. So I think there is a problem with the citation format. The corresponding time should be added at the end of the reference according to the month, day and year. Then the first quotation of this article is unreliable. The article from this source does not annotate the author and time. Moreover, the introduction of this website is very simple, and there is little information about the main characters. Most importantly, this is a website created by a spontaneous student association.


Then, the third source of this article is that it is no longer available. The source's website, called Amelia coin, focuses on creative activities such as games and animation. The website is still being updated. But the corresponding links of the article will no longer have any results. It only shows errors.

Incomplete description of equipment used


Finally, the article is not detailed enough. In the section called "Classification according to equipment used", it simply introduces that this is a classification method. However, there is no specific explanation for this part. Why is it classified in this way? What is the basis of classification? Moreover, in this section, the examples given do not correspond to the theme of this section. German rolling or chessboard games do not fully represent the logic of this classification.



This article called “Tabletop game" has some problem about citation format. Some of the references lack date and author name. One of the source is not reliable because it does not offer author name and date. There is a link dead source, the link is not available. One of the section, called "Classification according to equipment used", is not clear.