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User:Objectivesea/Sandbox/Claire Griffiths

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}} Claire Helena Griffiths is professor of French and francophone studies in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Chester[1] in Great Britain. She was previously senior research fellow in Francophone African studies in the Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation[2] and instructor in the Departments of French and Modern Languages at the University of Hull. She has taught courses on the processes of colonisation and decolonisation in the French Empire, the political history of French-speaking Africa, African women’s writing in French, French political art, translation and interpreting.[3]

Education and career


Griffiths earned a BA (Hons.) in French and politics from University of Warwick, an M.Phil. in Politics from the University of Bath and a Ph.D. from Hull University,[3] Before beginning her academic research and teaching career, she worked as a trainee translator for the European Commission.[4] On February 27, 2008, Griffiths delivered the Peter Forster Memorial Lecture at University of Hull: Engendering Social Development Policy: A Case of Globalisation or Colonial Revisionism in Francophone Africa?[5] The University of Chester has recognized Griffiths's expertise in the study of West African history, culture and social development by awarding her, in 2016, its Chair in area studies.[1]


  • The Politics of Social Policy - Health and Old Age Policies in France 1930-1970. (M.Phil. thesis)
  • "Social Development in Africa: the case of Morocco", Journal of Gender Studies, 1996
  • "Teaching Translation: methodologies for large-group teaching", Actos, University of Santiago de Compostela, 1996
  • "Gabon - from democratisation to social development?", French Studies Bulletin, 1996
  • Social Development in Francophone Africa: The Case of Women in Gabon and Morocco," African Studies Center, Boston University, (ISSN 0281-6814) WP 211 (1998)
  • "Education in Transition in Francophone West Africa" in R. Griffin (ed.), Education in Transition – International Perspectives on the Politics and Processes of Change, Oxford: Symposium Press, 2002, pp. 239–258.
  • "Mapping discrimination: Gender, race and disadvantage in French West Africa", Equal Opportunities International, 2003, 22 (5), pp. 1–10.
  • "Reporting the Empire: Reading texts from French West Africa", French Studies Bulletin, 2004
  • Gender and Social Development in Francophone Africa - Realities and Fictions (2005, Ph.D. thesis)
  • "Colonial subjects: race and gender in French West Africa: An annotated translation and presentation of Denise Savineau’s Report on Women and the Family in French West Africa, 1938" in International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2006, Vol. 26 (special issue, 11/12), pp. 449–594. (ISSN 0144-333X)
  • (in French) La Famille en A.O.F.: Condition de la femme, Denise Savineau report, presentation and study, (Paris: Editions l'Harmattan: 2007) 186 pp. (ISBN 978-2-296-04322-0).
  • "Colonial Education" in Prem Poddar, Lars Jensen, Rajeev S. Patke (eds.), Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures: Continental Europe and Its Empires, Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2008, 504 pp. (ISBN 0748623949).
  • "Beyond closed doors: exposing modern slavery on a global scale" with Kevin Bales, in Diversity Equality & Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp.716 - 721, (2010)
  • Globalizing the Postcolony: contesting discourses of gender and development in francophone Africa Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2011, 340 pp. ISBN 978-0-7391-4382-7
  • "Engendering Humanism in French West Africa: Patriarchy and the Paradox of Empire" in International Journal of African Historical Studies, IJAHS 46:3 (2013)
  • Contesting Historical Divides in French-Speaking Africa, Chester, U.K.: University of Chester Press, 2013 (285 pages). ISBN 978-1-908258-03-8

Senegal archives


Griffiths directs a project to translate and electronically archive colonial documents from the Senegalese National Archives, particularly documents on African women and girls living under French colonial rule. A principal resource is a series of 18 reports from Denise Moran Savineau to French West Africa Governor General Jules Marcel de Coppet, which the archives project has made freely available in both the original French and in English translation with annotations.[6]


  1. ^ a b "Professor Claire Griffiths", University of Chester. Accessed 29 January 2017.
  2. ^ Columbia University's short biography
  3. ^ a b People, the University of Hull - Short biography
  4. ^ Department of Modern Languages, brief biography, University of Hull
  5. ^ Research Seminars, Department of Social Sciences. University of Hull
  6. ^ Savineau Report, 1937
1: "Women and the Family in Bamako", tr. of 1: La femme et la famille à Bamako
2: "The Niger Office", tr. of 2: Les villages de colonisation de l’Office du Niger
3: "From Segu to Mopti and Bandiagara", tr. of 3: De Segou à Mopti et Bandiagara
4: "Goundam, Timbuktu and Gao", tr. of 4: Goundam - Tombouctou - Gao
5: "Western Niger ", tr. of 5: Le Niger Occidental
6: "Dahomey", tr. of 6: Le Dahomey
7: "Ouahigouya", tr. of 7: Ouahigouya
8: "Ouagadougou", tr. of 8: Ouagadougou
9: "Bobo, Marka, Lobi, and Senoufo lands", tr. of 9: Bobo, Marka, Lobi, Senoufo, etc.
10: "The Lower Ivory Coast", tr. of 10: La Basse Côte d'Ivoire
11: "Grand Bassam, Abidjan and Bingerville", tr. of 11: Abidjan, Bingerville, Grand-Bassam
12: "The Western Lower Ivory Coast", tr. of 12: La Basse Côte d'Ivoire (ouest)
13: "Eastern Guinea", tr. of 13: La Guinée orientale
14: "Siguiri and the gold fields of Guinea", tr. of 14: Siguiri et les Placers d'Or
15: "The Fouta-Djallon", tr. of 15: Le Fouta Djallon
16: "Lower Guinea", tr. of 16: La Basse Guinée
17: "Casamance", tr. of 17: La Casamance
18: "The Situation of Women in French West Africa", tr. of 18: La famille en AOF - condition de la femme

Category:Year of birth missing (living people) Category:Living people Category:Cultural historians Category:Gender studies academics Category:Historians of colonialism Category:Historians of Africa Category:Academics of the University of Chester Category:Academics of the University of Hull Category:Alumni of the University of Warwick Category:Alumni of the University of Bath Category:Alumni of the University of Hull