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  • translation by December 29, 2019

-> correspondence over WhatsApp regarding comments

  • proofreading by the January 5, 2020
  • upload till January 8, 2020

→ we uploaded the finished product here

Translation Sections


translator: AntoniaAinotna


Gemeinnütziges Wirken

Jauch kennzeichnet ein zurückgezogener Lebensstil. So äußerte er in Interviews, er nehme sich die Freiheit, ein Leben zu führen, das nicht seinen angenommenen wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten entspreche. Er verwendet nach eigenen Angaben schon seit seinen frühen Berufsjahren maßgebliche Teile seines Einkommens für wohltätige Zwecke, unter anderem reiche er sämtliche Gewinne aus seiner Werbetätigkeit weiter.[23] So beteiligte er sich 2002 maßgeblich an der Finanzierung des Wiederaufbaus des Fortunaportals am Potsdamer Stadtschloss.[24] Jauch hat daneben weitere Vorhaben in Potsdam finanziell unterstützt, wie das Belvedere auf dem Pfingstberg, in dem er 2006 geheiratet hat,[4] den Potsdamer Stadtkanal, den Kloebersaal[25] im Nordflügel des seiner Villa am Heiligen See gegenüberliegenden Marmorpalais sowie die Sanierung der Neptungrotte im Schlosspark Sanssouci.[26] Er unterstützte zudem die Errichtung der römisch-katholischen Marienschule in Potsdam, einer Schule des Erzbistums Berlin mit Gymnasium und Grundschule für Jungen und Mädchen.[27][28] Der brandenburgische Ministerpräsident Matthias Platzeck urteilte: „Günther Jauch ist ein Stadtbürger, wie ihn sich jeder Bürgermeister nur wünschen kann.“[29] Jauch unterstützte als Testimonial die im April 2009 gescheiterte Berliner Pro-Reli-Kampagne.

Jauchs Ahnfrau großmütterlicherseits Anna Weißebach war Begründerin der heutigen Caritas-Konferenzen Deutschlands. Jauchs eigene Familie hatte bereits im 19. und im 20. Jahrhundert in Hamburg eine Armenspeisung eingerichtet und dort und an anderen Orten Armenhäuser gestiftet und unterhalten.[30] Jauch selbst trägt in dieser Stiftungstradition neben einer Zustiftung für die Errichtung seit 2009 die laufenden Objekt- und Personalkosten der Potsdamer Einrichtung von Die Arche – Christliches Kinder- und Jugendwerk in Drewitz (Potsdam), die kostenlos bedürftige Kinder speist.[31]




Jauch is characterised by his secluded lifestyle. He stated in interviews that he takes the liberty of leading a life that doesn't correspond to his supposed economic possibilities. According to his own statement, he has spent considerable amounts of his income, including all the profit from advertising jobs, on charitable causes since the early years of his career. In 2002, he made significant financial contributions to the reconstruction of the Fortunaportal (Gate of the Fortuna) at the Potsdam Stadtschloss city palace. Jauch has also given financial support to other projects in Potsdam, e.g. the Belvedere on the Pfingstberg, where he got married in 2006, the Potsdam city canal, the Kloebersaal, a hall in the north wing of the Marmorpalais (Marble Palace), which is opposite of his villa at Heiligen See lake, as well as the restoration of the Neptungrotte (Neptune Grotto) in the palace gardens of Schloss Sanssouci. Furthermore, he supported the construction of the Marienschule Potsdam, a co-educational Roman-Catholic school for primary and secondary education, which belongs to the archdiocese of Berlin. The prime minister of Brandenburg, Matthias Platzeck, called him a citizen every mayor could ever wish for. Jauch was an ambassador for the Berlin Pro-Reli-Kampagne, a petition which aimed to change the Education Act of the state of Berlin in order to introduce religious studies as an elective subject instead of ethics as a sole compulsory subject. The campaign eventually failed in April 2009.

Jauch’s ancestress on his grandmother’s side Anna Weißebach founded the Caritas Konferenzen, the German branch of the International Association of Charities. Jauch’s own family set up soup kitchens in Hamburg as early as the 19th and 20th century and founded and maintained poorhouses in Hamburg and other places. In line with his family’s tradition of charitable foundations, Jauch endowed the founding of a branch of Die Arche in Drewitz (Potsdam) in 2009, which provides free meals for children in need. He also covers ongoing property and personnel expenses. Die Arche – Christliches Kinder- und Jugendwerk e.V. is a Christian organisation for children and adolescents.

  • after Kloebersaal, did you mean "hall"? -- yep, just changed it ;)
  • and instead of "pronounced him" maybe "called him"? pronounce has for me this kind of marriage connotation -- great suggestion!
  • great job!!!

Antonia says: please help me choose one of the verbs in bold :D


  • corresponds to sounds best to me ... (to me too! -- Larissa)
  • ...to change the Education Act of the state of Berlin AND/in order to introduce religious studies as an elective subject instead of ethics as a sole compulsory subject.... -> how about adding the little word and or in order, so its clear which side he was on, because I had to read that sentence a couple of times to be sure. (and i still aint, but thats not your fault.. i even read the wiki article on the Pro-Reli-Kampagne and I still

don´t quite get it.:D)

translator: Kint, Verbal



Auch im Weinbau setzt Jauch „eine mehr als 200-jährige Familientradition fort“:[32] Im Jahr 2010 beantragte er erfolgreich die Mitgliedschaft im Verband Deutscher Prädikats- und Qualitätsweingüter (VDP), um von einer Verwandten das zu den deutschen Spitzenweingütern zählende Weingut von Othegraven gegenüber Kanzem an der Saar zu erwerben.[33] Das Gutshaus, sein englischer Landschaftsgarten und die sich anschließende Lage Kanzemer Altenberg (Weinstraße 1, 1a) stehen seit 2003 als Ensemble unter Denkmalschutz.[34] Das Weingut gehörte Jauchs Vorfahren seit 1805, als es sein Ahn, der Trierer Fabrikant, Kaufmann und Beigeordnete Emmerich Grach (1753–1826) erwarb. Das Weingut, an dem Jauchs Großmutter Elsa von Othegraven und nach deren Tod bis Mitte der 1950er Jahre sein Großvater Hans Jauch und sein Vater Ernst-Alfred Jauch in ungeteilter Erbengemeinschaft beteiligt waren, war 1996 im Erbgang zunächst an eine Verwandte in einer Nebenlinie gegangen. Jauch erwarb das Gut, weil es „drohte aus der Familie herausverkauft zu werden“.[35] Bekannter Vorbesitzer war Jauchs Ur-Urgroßonkel Franz Weißebach. Der VDP äußerte: „Ein Kleinod von Weingut, das in dieser Güte und mit einem solch attraktiven Lagenbesitz äußerst rar ist.“[32] 2011 erwarb Jauch zudem den 3,5 Hektar großen Wawerner Herrenberg in Wawern an der Saar, der ebenfalls seinem Ahnherrn Emmerich Grach gehört hatte.[36] Seit 2018 werden bei Aldi von ihm mitentwickelte Weine unter seinem Namen verkauft.[37]



“Vineyard Owner”

Günther Jauch also continues a 200 year old family tradition of wine-growing. In 2010, he successfully applied for a membership in the German Prädikat Wine Estates VDP (German: “Verband Deutscher Prädikats- und Qualitätsweingüter”), in order to acquire a relative’s vineyard (Othegraven in Kanzem) which was approved by VDP that certifies Germany’s wines that meet the organizations requirements. The entire property, including a mansion and an English Garden, has been subject to preservation orders since 2003.

Günther Jauch’s family has been running the winery since 1805, when his ancestor and merchant Emmerich Grach bought the property. Jauch’s grandmother Elsa von Othegraven, his grandfather Hans Jauch and his father Ernst-Alfred Jauch were part of the community of heirs, however in 1996 the winery was inherited by a distant relative.

In order to ensure that the winery was not going to be sold to a party outside of the family, Günther Jauch decided to buy it. One of the previous owners had been Jauch's famous great-great-uncle Franz Weißebach. According to the VDP, the vineyard is a gem of a vineyard, rare in its quality a´nd attractive location. In 2011, Jauch acquired a further vineyard (Wawerner Herrenberg) in Wawern that has a size of 3.5 acres. It had also belonged to his ancestor Emmerich Grach. Günther Jauch also co-produced wines that Aldi has been selling under his name since 2018.

  • I think " Denkmalschutz" translates as preservation order not conservation order - (changed it thx)
  • in the sentence with the great-great-uncle, maybe "One of the previous owners was Jauch's famous great-great-uncle Franz Weißebach."? (yup)
  • also in the last sentence, maybe co-developed instead of co-produced? (I´m not sure if "developed" really works here)
  • otherwise, great translation! Loved ypur solution with the VDP and "community of heirs"!


  • 3.5 acres instead of 3,5 acres. (changed it)
  • it had also belonged to his ancestor Emmerich Grach. (yeah, you´re right.. i thought the german text was claiming that Weißenbach was the previous owner, but u r right)
  • "The VDP has described the property as a gem of a vineyard, rare in its quality and attractive location." is a suggestion that would be closer to the original. (I used some of your suggestion)
  • the last sentence makes it sound a little like Jauch co-produced the name and not the wine that Aldi is selling. Maybe: Since 2018, German supermarket chain Aldi has been selling wines that Jauch co-developed/co-produced branded with his name. (no offense, but i went for a different solution :P)

translator: Rainbow-Unihorn


Kontroverse um Privatsphäre

Günther Jauch wollte im Vorfeld seiner Hochzeit im Juli 2006 jegliche Berichterstattung darüber gerichtlich untersagen lassen. Das Landgericht Berlin gab ihm in einer einstweiligen Verfügung gegen die Bild-Zeitung und weiterer Publikationen des Springer-Verlags recht,[38] das Kammergericht Berlin entschied im Juni 2006 jedoch gegen ein allgemeines Berichterstattungsverbot. Wegen seiner großen Prominenz, so die Richter, dürfe über Termin und Ort der Hochzeit berichtet werden.[39] Nachdem die Zeitschrift Bunte Fotos der Hochzeit veröffentlicht und über Details der Zeremonie berichtet hatte, zog Thea Sihler-Jauch gegen den Verlag vor Gericht und forderte Schadensersatz in Höhe von 250.000 Euro sowie Schmerzensgeld in Höhe von mindestens 75.000 Euro. Das Landgericht Hamburg sprach ihr im Januar 2008 lediglich 25.000 Euro Schmerzensgeld zu. Das Urteil wurde im Oktober 2008 vom Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht aufgehoben: Jauch sei eine Person des öffentlichen Lebens und ein Interesse der Öffentlichkeit an seiner Hochzeit legitim. Eine erneute Beschwerde Sihler-Jauchs dagegen nahm das Bundesverfassungsgericht nicht an. Vergeblich war auch die Forderung von Günther Jauch nach Schadenersatz in einem separaten Verfahren.

Vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte machte das Paar daraufhin geltend, dass die deutsche Justiz sein Recht auf Schutz des Privatlebens nicht ausreichend geschützt und sein Grundrecht auf Schutz des Eigentums verletzt habe, weil ihm kein Schadensersatz wegen des unerwünschten Abdrucks der Fotos zugestanden wurde. Die Straßburger Richter bestätigten das allgemeine öffentliche Interesse an Jauchs Hochzeit und die Forderungen des Paares als „offensichtlich unbegründet“. Die deutsche Justiz „habe sorgfältig zwischen dem Recht auf Schutz des Privatlebens und dem Recht des Magazins auf Pressefreiheit“ abgewogen. Die Beschwerde der Jauchs wurde für nicht zulässig erklärt.[40]



Dispute about privacy

Günther Jauch wanted to legally prohibit any type of media coverage in preparation of his wedding in July 2006. The Landgericht Berlin granted him an interim injunction against the newspaper Bild and other publications of the Springer publishing house. The Kammergericht Berlin, however, decided against a prohibition of general media coverage in June 2006 due to his celebrity status. According to the judges, they were allowed to report about the date and place of the wedding. After the magazine Bunte published photos of the wedding and details about the ceremony, Thea Sihler-Jauch, Jauch's wife, went to court against the publishing house to demand damages and compensation for pain and suffering to the total amount of 325,000 Euro. The Landgericht Hamburg awarded her merely 25,000 Euro compensation in January 2008. The judgment was set aside by the Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht in October 2008. As a public figure, an interest of the public in Jauch’s wedding was legitimate, it said. An anew appeal was refused by the Federal Constitutional Court. The demand for damages by Günther Jauch in a separate lawsuit was in vain as well.

The couple then went on to the European Court of Human Rights to assert the claim that the German justice system didn’t protect Jauch's right to privacy sufficiently and breached his right to protection of property, because they didn’t award him damages for the published photos. The court in Strasbourg affirmed the public’s interest in his wedding and therefore, their claims were without cause. The German justice had carefully weighed between the right to privacy and the freedom of the press, it said. The complaint was declared inadmissible.


  • shortened some German sentences because they were long and complicated or just too detailed
  • twice I was unsure which word to use, so I left both choices but put in bold which one I would go with

Proofreading comments (Antonia)

  • I agree with both of your choices in bold --great!
  • "they were allowed to report about the date" -> specify who is meant by "they" -- journalists, media, news outlets? -- thought that was clear, since he went to court against the Bild newspaper and the publishing house?
  • Explain who Thea Sihler-Jauch is maybe? I'm not sure whether this is clear from Jauch's English wiki page -- thanks, added that
  • 325,000 and 25,000 (Komma und Punkt in Zahlen haben auf Englisch umgekehrte Bedeutung) -- right, I forgot :D
  • "A new appeal" (simple typo) -- no, I meant to use the word anew
  • "The couple then went to the European Court of Human Rights to prove that the German justice didn’t protect his right to privacy sufficiently and breached his right to protection of property, because they didn’t award him damages for the published photos." -- I feel like this sentence is a little bit "holprig".. "went to" sounds a bit like going on a literal walk to the ECHR, may be "went on to" instead? I'm not sure.. "to prove" doesn't feel entirely right to me, a suggestion could be "claiming that the...".

instead of his/him etc in this sentence, use "their" (talking about the couple) -- that was supposed to be "went on to" (proofread it twice before uploading but still missed it :D) and yeah, I agree, what do you guys think about "assert their claim"? and I would leave his/him because he is the public figure and not the wife?

  • "The German justice" - I'm not sure whether this can be translated like this, I feel like "the German court" or simply "the German judges / judges in Germany" or "the German justice system/authorities" or even "the German judiciary" -- changed it :)
  • well done!! especially regarding all this court terminology!

Comments Gerald:

  • they - I agree with Antonia here. Logically, its clear that you mean the Bild and the Springer Verlag. But grammatically, its a little bumpy... thats all. It certainly isn´t wrong.
  • went to court against the publishing house to demand damages and compensation for pain and suffering to the total amount of 325,000 Euro. - if you wanna avoid using the same expression went to court twice, you COULD just say that she sued the publishing house for compensation for damages and personal sufferings in the amount of 325,000 Euros.
  • As a public figure, an interest of the public in Jauch’s wedding was legitimate. - The German text makes clear that that was the courts reasoning by using Konjunktiv/reported speech. So maybe adding the little word ... was DEEMED legitimate/appropiate would have the same effect in your translation.

Comments in class:

  • The couple went before the court of human rights to claim that/claiming that
  • check whether 'to sue' has been used as a translation for 'geltend machen'