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Dear M.A. translation group of the University of Iaşi in Iaşi, Romania: Your article is now online! Please take a look at it to make sure that my edits haven't twisted anything. Also, if any of you could add third-party references or "free" images to it, that would definitely be an improvement.

Romanian article: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilie_Cleopa

English article: http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Cleopa_Ilie

Cleopa Ilie

Father Cleopa Ilie (10 April 1912 - 2 December 1998) was an archimandrite and abbot of the Sihastria Monastery. He was a well-known spiritual representative of the Romanian Orthodox Church.


Cleopa Ilie (lay name: Constantin) was born in Suliţa, Botoşani to a family of peasants. He was the fifth of ten children born to Alexandru Ilie. He attended the primary school in his village. Afterwards he became an apprentice, remaining one for three years, to the monk Paisie Olaru, who lived in seclusion at the Cozancea hermitage.

Together with his elder brother, Vasile, Cleopa Ilie joined the community at Sihastria hermitage in December 1929. In 1935, he joined the army in the town of Botosani, but returned a year later to the hermitage, where he was anointed a monk on 2 August 1937, taking the name "Cleopa" (i.e. "guide") at his baptism. In June 1942, he was appointed to hegumen deputy because of abbot Ioanichie Moroi's poor health.

On 27 December 1944, he was ordained a hierodeacon (deacon-monk) and on 23 January 1945 a hieromonk (priest-monk) by the archbishop Galaction Cordun, abbot of the Neamţ Monastery at the time. Afterwards he was officially appointed hegumen of the Sihastria Hermitage.

In 1947, the hermitage became a monastery and vice-archimandrite Cleopa Ilie became archimandrite on approval of Patriarch Nicodim. Because the Communist secret service was looking for him in 1948, he disappeared into the woods surrounding the monastery, staying there for six months. On 30 August 1949, he was appointed abbot of the Slatina Monastery in Suceava county, where he joined 30 other monks from the Sihastria Monastery community as a result of Patriarch Justinian’s decision.

There he founded a community of monks with over 80 people. Between 1952 and 1954 he was being chased again by the Securitate and, together with hieromonk Arsenie Papacioc, escaped to the Stanisoara Mountains. He was brought back to the monastery after two years upon Patriarch Justinian’s order.

In 1956 he returned to Sihastria monastery, where he had been anointed, and in the spring of 1959 he retired for the third time to the Neamţ Mountains, spending the next five years there. He returned to Sihastria in the fall of 1964, as confessor for the entire community and continued to give spiritual advice to both monks and lay people for the next 34 years. He passed away on 2 December 1998 at Sihastria Monastery.

Published work

  • Despre credinţa ortodoxă ("About Orthodox Faith", Bucuresti, 1981, 280 pages, republished in 1985, then in Galaţi under the title: Călăuza în credinţa ortodoxă, "Guide to the Orthodox Faith", 1991, 276 pages);
  • Predici la praznice împărăteşti şi sfinti de peste an ("Sermons on Religious Feasts Over the Year", Ed. Episcopiei Romanului, 1986, 440 pages);
  • Predici la Duminicile de peste an (Sermons on Sundays Over the Year, Ed. Episcopiei Romanului, 1990, 560 pages);
  • Valoarea sufletului (Value of the Soul, Galaţi, 1991, 176 pages, republished in Bacău, 1994, 238 pages);
  • Urcuş spre înviere (predici duhovniceşti) ("Ascent Towards Resurrection (Spiritual Sermons)", Mănăstirea Neamţ, 1992, 416 pages);
  • Despre vise şi vedenii ("About Dreams and Visions", Bucureşti, 1993, 270 pages);
  • Numerous articles in different magazines and newspapers, sermons in manuscript

I found the "Translation Request" for the following article here and its Romanian original here: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen_Bogdan_Aburel.

Eugen Bogdan Aburel (23 January 1899 - 16 December 1975)was a well-known Romanian physician, obstetrician and surgeon. He has brought inovations to certain surgical techniques used in gynecology. He was well-known for his studies in anatomy and Cuprins [ascunde]

Dr. Eugen Bogdan Aburel (23 January 1899, Galaţi, Romania - 16 December 1975, Bucharest, Romania) was a famous Romanian physician, obstetrician and surgeon, who used innovative techniques in gynecological surgery. His research focused chiefly on the anatomy and physiology of the sensory nerves of female genital organs. He also introduced original methods to alleviate labour pain, proposing certain principles for continous local anaesthesia.


Dr. Eugen Bogdan Aburel (born on 23 January 1899, Galaţi - died on 16 December 1975, Bucureşti) was a Romanian physician, famous obstetrician and surgeon of the time, an innovator of certain gynecologic surgical techniques. He stood out by his studies on the anatomy and physiology of feminine genital sensitive innervation, and also by having implemented some original methods of conduction analgesia during birth, formulating some principles of continuous local anesthesia (Prof. Lull and Hingson in Control of Labour Pains, 1945 mentions Professor Aburel's paternity in the identification of the principle of continuous anesthesia)

Între anii 1919-1924 este aspirant şi asistent în cadrul secţiei de Anatomie a Facultăţii de medicină din Iaşi, iar în anul 1922 este medic intern, cu concurs, la maternitatea Grigore Ghica din Iaşi. În 1923 devine doctor al aceleiaşi facultăţi, suţine lucrărea cu titlul Contribuţii la tratamentul infecţiei puerperale. Din 1928, studiază doi ani în Franţa ca „Asistent étranger” la clinica de Obstetrică-ginecologie „Tarnier” din Paris. În aceaşi perioadă este intern supleant şi apoi asistent la Maternitatea „Boucicault” din Paris. Se întoarce în ţară ca suplinitor al Profesorului Zaharescu-Karaman în funcţia de director al Institutului clinic obstetrical „Grigore Ghica Vodă” (1933-1934), iar din 1934 este doctor docent. În 1933 este raportor la Congresul de Obstetrică din Bucureşti şi colaborator la „Revue Francaise de Gynécologie et d’obstetrique de Paris”. Între 1935-1946 Aburel este profesor de clinică în Institutul din Iaşi şi din 1951 până în 1969 este profesor la clinica de obstetricoginecologică la Institutul de Medicină şi Farmacie din Bucureşti.

Between 1919-1924 he is an aspiring assistant at the Medecine University Department in Iasi, and in 1922 he is an internalist at the Grigore Ghica Maternity in Iasi. In 1923 he becomes a physician at the same University, he presents an paper entitled Contributions to the Puerperal infection treatment. Beginning with 1928 he studies in France for 2 years as an "Assistant Etranger" at the "Tarnier" Obstetrics- Gynaecology Clinic in Paris. Meanwhile he is a substitute internalist and then assistant/ nurse at the "Boucicault" Maternity in Paris.


Între anii 1919-1924 este aspirant şi asistent în cadrul secţiei de Anatomie a Facultăţii de medicină din Iaşi, iar în anul 1922 este medic intern, cu concurs, la maternitatea Grigore Ghica din Iaşi. În 1923 devine doctor al aceleiaşi facultăţi, suţine lucrărea cu titlul Contribuţii la tratamentul infecţiei puerperale. Din 1928, studiază doi ani în Franţa ca „Asistent étranger” la clinica de Obstetrică-ginecologie „Tarnier” din Paris. În aceaşi perioadă este intern supleant şi apoi asistent la Maternitatea „Boucicault” din Paris. Se întoarce în ţară ca suplinitor al Profesorului Zaharescu-Karaman în funcţia de director al Institutului clinic obstetrical „Grigore Ghica Vodă” (1933-1934), iar din 1934 este doctor docent. În 1933 este raportor la Congresul de Obstetrică din Bucureşti şi colaborator la „Revue Francaise de Gynécologie et d’obstetrique de Paris”. Între 1935-1946 Aburel este profesor de clinică în Institutul din Iaşi şi din 1951 până în 1969 este profesor la clinica de obstetricoginecologică la Institutul de Medicină şi Farmacie din Bucureşti.

Between 1919 and 1924 he works as a teaching assistant at the Anatomy Section within the Medicine Faculty of Iasi. In 1922 he becomes an internalist at Grigore Ghica maternity hospital in Iasi. In 1923 he gets his Ph.D licence at the university mentioned above


Doctor Eugen Bogdan Aburel (b. 23 January 1899, Galaţi - d. 16 December 1975, Bucureşti) was a well known Romanian physician, obstetrician and surgeon who introduced some important innovative surgical techniques in gynaecology.


Between 1919-1924 he was a junior assistant and an assistant in the Section of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine in Iasi, and in 1922 he was already an internalist at Grigore Ghica Maternity in Iaşi. In 1923 he took his PhD with the title "Contributions to the Treatment of the ...Infections" in the same faculty.

Between 1919 and 1924, he aspires at and he works as an assistant within the Anatomy department of the Faculty of Medecine in Iasi. In 1922, he becomes resident physician in the Grigore Ghica maternity hospital of Iasi. In 1923 he becomes doctor in the same faculty, delivering the paper entitled Contributions to the treatment puerperal infections. During the same period he activates as