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User:OI-10-Misanz/Mundaka´s wave

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1.Mundakas´s wave


The wave of Mundaka, considered one of the best lefts of the world, is “perfect” for the practice of surf one of every three days of the year. During the months of winter, the possibility of surfing increases until surpassing 50%.

Mundaka´s surf championship

And it is the month of January, with a 62% of surfeables days, when the bar of Mundaka displays the best scene for the lovers of this sport.

2.Disappearance of the wave


The wave of Mundaka is seriously damaged. Its situation is critical although non irreversible. This is what the surfers want to think due to the fact that they have seen how their appraised jewel has not done act of appearance in the last months.

Kelly Slater

Everything began when in 2003, the Murueta shipyard coat 57 tons of laughs of mundaca, with the aim of making it more passable for the different ships. Consequently, the sea of Mundaka has suffered the disappearance of one of its most wanted waves and in this way, the disappearance of Mundaka, of the professional circuit of surf.