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Locker 146


Locker 146 Bagel Incident

The 146 bagel

The Locker 146 Bagel Incident refers to a peculiar event involving a slightly moldy bagel that was stored in a Tupperware box within Locker 146 of an undisclosed location. Over the course of several weeks, the bagel, affectionately known to its admirers as "The second elephants foot" underwent a transformation, gradually becoming covered in a dark greeny-gray mold.

Despite its unappetising appearance, the bagel held a special place in the hearts of those who were familiar with it. Some even considered it a mascot of sorts, symbolising resilience and the passage of time in the often chaotic environment of locker rooms.

However, on Friday, February 9th, the tranquility surrounding the locker was shattered when unidentified individuals, described by witnesses as "scoundrels," removed the bagel from its protective casing. In a brazen act of vandalism, they released the moldy bagel onto the floor, where it began to disintegrate, leaving behind a trail of black substance.

The incident sparked outrage among the locker's occupants, who mourned the loss of their beloved bagel and lamented the desecration of Locker 146. Efforts to clean up the mess were met with difficulty, as the black substance proved stubborn and difficult to remove.

While the culprits behind the Locker 146 Bagel Incident were never apprehended, the memory of the greeny-gray bagel lives on as a cautionary tale, reminding us to cherish the quirky and unconventional aspects of our surroundings, even if they may seem insignificant to others.