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Garcinia hombroniana is a native fruit tree to Malaysia. It is known as "beruas" or "manggis hutan in Malay, and "waa" in Thai.



The Garcinia hombroniana tree grows from 9 to 18 m tall. It has oblong to elliptic leave, with size 15cm x 7.5cm. It has unisexual flowers with rose-red outside, cream-yellow inside. Fruit is globose berry, 5cm in diameter, pulp is yellowish, thin and sour, scented of apples. Seeds numerous. [1]


  1. ^ Verheij E. W. M. and Coronel R. E. (editors). 1991. Edile fruits and nuts. Plant Resources of South-East Asia (PROSEA) No. 2. Pudoc Wageningen, Netherlands.
