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Sean Michael Hill was born in 1988. He brought a new meaning to "Humanitarian" when he single handedly breast fed an in injured flamingo back to health. He also served as the unofficial ambassador of us-squirrel relations since 2001. He likes the color pink. Relient K is his religion.

"He's also extremely crazy and is thought to have several head injuries affecting his brain. He doesn't know when to shut up. He won't shut up. People have threatened duct tape upon his mouth. He likes kangaroos. His family is probably another factor of his decline in mental stability. Send him pixie stix and he's just like a bouncy 5 year old kid. He one time randomly wanted to change his name to Mabob. His room literally looks like it got hit by a tornado. His bed has things on it that shouldn't be on a bed...such as a basketball...Despite his extreme amounts of energy, he's extremely lazy. If he could dump me for Conan O'Brien, I know he would. Walker Texas Ranger would be his second choice. He is very easily distracted. When telling a simple short story, he goes into extreme detail and makes it go on and on, and will in most cases, go right into another story before he even finishes the one he meant to tell. Often, when getting dressed his shirt and/or pants are on backwards and he will not realize this til at least 5 hours have gone by.But on another note, sometimes I think he should listen to himself more and do what he wants, and not what he thinks he should...such as...shebangin me whenever he can no matter who's watchin!!! :-) Most importantly I love this guy." -his girlfriend Courtney