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Subdivisions of the genus Oenothera in the Onagraceae (evening primrose) family : [1] [2]

Section Anogra


The Oenothera sect. Angora species are native to western North America and thrive in dry, sandy soils in deserts, grasslands, and forest openings, with elevations up to 2000 m. elevation. [2]

  • Oenothera californica (S.Watson) S.Watson 1876 – California evening primrose
    • O. californica ssp. avita W.M.Klein 1962
    • O. californica ssp. californica
    • O. californica ssp. eurekensis (Munz & J.C.Roos) W.M.Klein 1962
  • Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém. 1845 – birdcage evening primrose
    • O. deltoides ssp. ambigua (Munz) W.M.Klein 1962
    • O. deltoides ssp. cognata (Jeps.) W.M.Klein 1962
    • O. deltoides ssp. deltoides
    • O. deltoides ssp. howellii (Munz) W.M.Klein 1962 - Antioch Dunes evening primrose
    • O. deltoides ssp. piperi (Munz) W.M.Klein 1962
  • Oenothera pallida Lindl. 1828 – pale evening primrose, white buttercup (western North America) [7]
    • O. pallida ssp. gypsophila (Eastw.) Munz & W.M.Klein 1965 – whitepole evening primrose [8]
    • O. pallida ssp. pallida
    • O. pallida ssp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W.M.Klein 1965
    • O. pallida ssp. trichocalyx (Nutt.) Munz & W.M.Klein 1965

Section Calylophus


The Oenothera sect. Calylophus species are native to the North American Great Plains and south to central Mexico.

subsect. Calylophus

  • Oenothera berlandieri (Spach) Steud. 1843 – Mexican evening primrose [10]
    • O. berlandieri ssp. berlandieri
    • O. berlandieri ssp. pinifolia (Engelm.) W. L. Wagner & Hoch 2007

subsect. Salpingia

  • Oenothera hartwegii Benth. 1839 – Hartweg's sundrops [12]
    • O. hartwegii ssp. fendleri (A.Gray) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007
    • O. hartwegii ssp. filifolia (Eastw.) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007
    • O. hartwegii ssp. hartwegii
    • O. hartwegii ssp. maccartii (Shinners) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007
    • O. hartwegii ssp. pubescens (A.Gray) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007
  • Oenothera tubicula A.Gray 1852 – Texas sundrops [15]
    • O. tubicula ssp. strigulosa (Towner) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007
    • O. tubicula ssp. tubicula

Section Contortae


The only Oenothera sect. Contortae species is native to the Sierra Nevada of California, its range extending just into western Nevada. [16]

Section Eremia


The single Oenothera sect. Eremia species is native to western North America, with a distribution in the Chihuahuan, Mojave, and Sonoran deserts.[17]

  • Oenothera primiveris A.Gray 1853 – desert evening primrose
    • O. primiveris ssp. bufonis (M.E. Jones) Munz 1965 – large yellow desert primrose [18]
    • O. primiveris ssp. primiveris

Section Gaura


The Oenothera sect. Gaura species are native primarily to eastern North America, from Ontario to South Carolina and Minnesota to Missouri.[19]

subsect. Campogaura

  • Oenothera boquillensis (P.H.Raven & D.P.Greg.) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007 – Rio Grande beeblossom (Texas & Mexico)

subsect. Gaura

  • Oenothera coloradensis (Rydb.) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007 (Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico)
    • O. coloradensis ssp. coloradensis
    • O. coloradensis ssp. neomexicana (Wooton) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007
  • Oenothera demareei (P.H.Raven & D.P.Greg.) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007 – Demaree's beeblossom
  • Oenothera hexandra (Ortega) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007
    • O. hexandra ssp. gracilis (Wooton & Standl.) W.L.Wagner & Hoch 2007
    • O. hexandra ssp. hexandra

subsect. Gauridium


subsect. Schizocarya


subsect. Stenosiphon


subsect. Stipogaura


subsect. Xenogaura


subsect. Xerogaura


Section Gauropsis


The sole Oenothera sect. Gauropsis species ranges over Wyoming, western Nebraska, eastern Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and the Texas Panhandle in the U.S. High Plains.[24]

Section Hartmannia


The Oenothera sect. Hartmannia species are native to North America and generally range over the area limited to Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. But O. speciosa ranges into the U.S. Central Plains, and O. rosea extends to the Caribbean, and northern South America.[26]

  • Oenothera rosea L’Hér. ex Aiton 1789 – pink evening primrose, Rose of Mexico

Section Kleinia


The Oenothera sect. Kleinia species are native to North America, with a range over the Chihuahuan, Sonoran, and southern portions of the Great Basin deserts to the Great Plains, from southern Utah to southeastern Montana and western North Dakota, and northern Mexico. [30]

Section Kneiffia


The Oenothera sect. Kneiffia species are native to eastern North America, at elevations up to 1900 m. [33]

  • Oenothera fruticosa L. 1753 – narrow-leaved or southern sundrops (southern North America) [34]
    • O. fruticosa ssp. fruticosa
    • O. fruticosa ssp. glauca (Michx.) Straley 1978
  • Oenothera pilosella Raf. 1820 – prairie sundrops, meadow evening primrose [37][38]
    • O. pilosella ssp. pilosella
    • O. pilosella ssp. sessilis (Pennell) Straley 1978

Section Lavauxia


Oenothera sect. Lavauxia is native to North and South America.

subsect. Australis


subsect. Lavauxia

  • Oenothera flava (A. Nelson) Garrett 1927 – yellow evening primrose (west & central North America) [45]
    • O. flava ssp. flava
    • O. flava ssp. taraxacoides (Woot. & Standl.) W.L.Wagner 1986

Section Leucocoryne


The Oenothera sect Leucocoryne species are native to southern North Americia and range from southern Texas, through northern Mexico to the Trans-Volcanic Belt of central Mexico, southward to Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.

Section Megapterium


The Oenothera sect. Megapterium species are native to south-central North America.

  • Oenothera macrocarpa Nutt. 1813 – Missouri or big-fruit evening primrose [52][53]
    • O. macrocarpa ssp. fremontii (S.Watson) W.L.Wagner 1983 – (KS, NE)
    • O. macrocarpa ssp. incana (A.Gray) W.L.Wagner 1983 – (KS, OK, TX)
    • O. macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpa – (AR, IL, KS, MO, OK, CO, TN, TX)
    • O. macrocarpa ssp. mexicana W.L.Wagner 2007 – (Mexico)
    • O. macrocarpa ssp. oklahomensis (Norton) W.L.Wagner 1983 – (KS, OK, TX)

Section Oenothera


Oenothera sect. Oenothera has a distribution that ranges from Canada to Panama.[54]

subsect. Candela


subsect. Emersonia


subsect. Munzia


series Allochroa

  • Oenothera indecora Cambess. 1830
    • O. indecora ssp. boliviensis W.Dietr. 1978
    • O. indecora ssp. bonariensis W.Dietr. 1978
    • O. indecora ssp. indecora
  • Oenothera parodiana Munz 1933 [57]
    • O. parodiana ssp. brasiliensis W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay)
    • O. parodiana ssp. parodiana – (Argentina)
    • O. parodiana ssp. strigulosa W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina)
  • Oenothera picensis Phil. 1891 [58]
    • O. picensis ssp. bonariensis W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina)
    • O. picensis ssp. cordobensis W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina)
    • O. picensis ssp. picensis – (Chile)
  • Oenothera ravenii W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay) [59]
    • O. ravenii ssp. argentinae W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina, Brazil)
    • O. ravenii ssp. chilensis W.Dietr. 1978 – (Chile)
    • O. ravenii ssp. ravenii – (Brazil)
  • Oenothera stricta Ledeb. ex Link 1821 [60]
    • O. stricta ssp. altissima W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina)
    • O. stricta ssp. argentinae W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina)
    • O. stricta ssp. stricta – (Chile)

series Clelandia

series Renneria

  • Oenothera scabra K.Krause 1905 [61]
    • O. scabra ssp. scabra – (Bolivia, Peru)
    • O. scabra ssp. ucrosensis W.Dietr. 1978 – (Peru)
  • Oenothera tafiensis W.Dietr. 1978 [62]
    • O. tafiensis ssp. parviflora W.Dietr. 1978 – (Argentina)
    • O. tafiensis ssp. tafiensis – (Argentina)

subsect. Nutantigemma

  • Oenothera pubescens Willd. ex Spreng. 1825 – South American evening primrose (southwestern U.S to western South America)

subsect. Oenothera

  • Oenothera elata Kunth 1823 – Hooker's evening primrose (western North America)
    • O. elata ssp. elata – (Mexico, Central America)
    • O. elata ssp. hirsutissima (A.Gray ex S.Watson) W.Dietr. 1983 – (western U.S.)
    • O. elata ssp. hookeri (Torr. & A.Gray) W.Dietr. & W.L.Wagner 1987
    • O. elata ssp. texensis W.Dietr. & W.L.Wagner 1987 – (Texas)
  • Oenothera villosa Thunb. 1794 – hairy evening primrose (North America)
    • O. villosa ssp. strigosa (Rydb.) W. Dietr. & P.H. Raven 1977
    • O. villosa ssp. villosa
  • Oenothera wolfii (Munz) P.H.Raven W.Dietr. & Stubbe 1980 – Wolf's evening primrose (California)

subsect. Raimannia

  • Oenothera laciniata Hill 1767 – cutleaf evening primrose (North & South America)
    • O. laciniata ssp. laciniata
    • O. laciniata ssp. pubescens (Willd. ex Spreng.) Munz 1965 – (Ecuador) [70]

Section Pachylophus

  • Oenothera cespitosa Nutt.1813
    • O. cespitosa ssp. australis (Wooton & Standl.) Munz 1965
    • O. cespitosa ssp. brandegeei (Munz) Munz 1965
    • O. cespitosa ssp. cespitosa – tufted evening primrose
    • O. cespitosa ssp. crinita (Rydb.) Munz 1965 – tufted evening primrose
    • O. cespitosa ssp. eximia (A. Gray) Munz 1965
    • O. cespitosa ssp. jonesii (Munz) Munz 1965
    • O. cespitosa ssp. macroglottis (Rydb.) W.L.Wagner, Stockh. & W.M.Klein 1983 – tufted evening primrose
    • O. cespitosa ssp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz 1965 – tufted evening primrose
    • O. cespitosa ssp. montana (Nutt.) Munz 1965
    • O. cespitosa ssp. navajoensis W.L.Wagner, Stockh, & W.M.Klein 1985 – Navajo evening primrose (AZ, NM, NV, UT)
    • O. cespitosa ssp. purpurea (S.Watson) Munz 1965

Section Paradoxus


The range of the single Oenothera sect. Paradoxus species lies within the Chihuahuan Desert. [73]

Section Peniophyllum


The single species of Oenothera sect. Peniophyllum is found in the southeastern U.S.

Section Ravenia


The range of the Oenothera sect. Ravenia species lies within Mexico. [74]

Section Xanthocoryne


The range of the Oenothera sect. Xanthocoryne species is from central Mexico to northern South America. [76]


  1. ^ OenotheraUSDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) 2011-12-07
  2. ^ a b c d e f g OenotheraWagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-07
  3. ^ O. arizonica, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  4. ^ O. engelmannii, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  5. ^ O. neomexicana, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  6. ^ O. nuttallii, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  7. ^ O. pallida, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  8. ^ O. pallida ssp. gypsophila, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-09
  9. ^ O. wigginsii North Carolina State University Herbarium 2011-12-07
  10. ^ O. berlandieri University of Arizona Pima County Cooperative Extension. 2011-12-07
  11. ^ O. serrulata, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  12. ^ O. hartwegii, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  13. ^ O. lavandulifolia, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  14. ^ O. toumeyi, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  15. ^ O. tubicula, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  16. ^ O. xylocarpa Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-07
  17. ^ O. sect. Eremia Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-06
  18. ^ O. primiveris ssp. bufonis Calflora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation 2011-12-09
  19. ^ O. sect. Gaura USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) 2011-12-09
  20. ^ O. filiformis University of Michigan Herbarium. 2011-12-07
  21. ^ O. curtiflora USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) 2011-12-08
  22. ^ O. cinerea USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) 2022-12-09
  23. ^ O. sinuosa USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) 2022-12-09
  24. ^ O. sect. Gauropsis Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-09
  25. ^ O. canescens, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  26. ^ O. sect. Hartmannia Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-09
  27. ^ O. deserticola Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-09
  28. ^ O. platanorum, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-09
  29. ^ O. texensis, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-09
  30. ^ O. sect. Kleinia Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family 2011-12-09
  31. ^ O. albicaulis Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden 2011-12-09
  32. ^ O. coronopifolia Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden 2011-12-09
  33. ^ O. sect. Kneiffia Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family 2011-12-09
  34. ^ O. fruticosa Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-09
  35. ^ O. perennis, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  36. ^ O. perennis Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-09
  37. ^ O. pilosella Prairie Wildflowers of Illinois 2011-12-08
  38. ^ O. pilosella, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-09
  39. ^ Richard Dwight Porcher & Douglas Alan Rayner: A guide to the wildflowers of South Carolina, p.292 (2001)
  40. ^ O. spachiana Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Native Plant Database 2011-12-11
  41. ^ O. acaulis Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-07
  42. ^ O. centauriifolia Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family 2011-12-07
  43. ^ O. centaurifolia Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden 2011-12-09
  44. ^ O. acutissima, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  45. ^ O. flava, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  46. ^ O. triloba, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-07
  47. ^ O. dissecta Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family 2011-12-09
  48. ^ O. kunthiana Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family 2011-12-09
  49. ^ O. tetraptera Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family 2011-12-09
  50. ^ O. brachycarpa, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2010-12-09
  51. ^ O. howardii, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-09
  52. ^ O. macrocarpa Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-09
  53. ^ O. macrocarpa, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-09
  54. ^ O. sect. Oenothera Wagner, W. L. and P. C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family 2011-12-08
  55. ^ O. clelandii Prairie Wildflowers of Illinois 2011-12-08
  56. ^ O. heterophylla, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-09
  57. ^ O. parodiana Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-10
  58. ^ O. picensis Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-10
  59. ^ O. ravenii Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-10
  60. ^ O. stricta Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-10
  61. ^ O. scabra Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-10
  62. ^ O. tafiensis Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-10
  63. ^ O. argillicola, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-10
  64. ^ O. glazioviana, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-10
  65. ^ O. jamesii, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-10
  66. ^ O. nutans, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-10
  67. ^ O. oakesiana, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Profile, 2011-12-10
  68. ^ O. drummondii Wagner, W.L. and P.C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-10
  69. ^ O. falfurriae Wagner, W.L. and P.C. Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-10
  70. ^ O. laciniata ssp. pubescens Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-10
  71. ^ O. mexicana Wagner,W.L. and P.C.Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-10
  72. ^ O. brandegeei Wagner,W.L. and P.C.Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family 2011-12-10
  73. ^ O. sect. Paradoxus Wagner,W.L. and P.C.Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-10
  74. ^ O. sect. Ravenia Wagner,W.L. and P.C.Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-10
  75. ^ O. tubifera Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011-12-10
  76. ^ O. sect. Xanthocoryne Wagner,W.L. and P.C.Hoch. 2005-. Onagraceae, The Evening Primrose Family. 2011-12-10