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A computer program consists of code that is executed on a computer to perform particular tasks. This code is written by programmers.

Programming is the process of giving machines a set of instructions that describe how a program should be carried out. Programmers will spend their whole careers learning a variety of programming languages and tools so they can effectively build computer programs.

Programmers will start by using a code editor or IDE to write what is called source code. This is a collection of code written in a programming language that other programmers can read.

Source code needs to be converted into machine language so machines can understand the instructions and execute the program. This process of converting source code into machine language is known as compiling.

Examples of compiled programming languages would be C and C++.


In general, the programmer's job is to convert problem solutions into instructions for the computer. That is, the programmer prepares the instructions of a computer program and runs those instructions on the computer, tests the program to see if it is working properly, and makes corrections to the program. The programmer also writes a report on the program. These activities are all done for the purpose of helping a user fill a need, such as paying employees, billing customers, or admitting students to college.

The programming activities just described could be done, perhaps, as solo activities, but a programmer typically interacts with a variety of people. For example, if a program is part of a system of several programs, the programmer coordinates with other programmers to make sure that the programs fit together well. If you were a programmer, you might also have coordination meetings with users, managers, systems analysts, and with peers who evaluate your work-just as you evaluate theirs.


Many historians believe Ada Lovelace was the first to create a published computer program in the mid 19th century. She was a mathematician who translated Luigi Federico Menabrea's writings on the Analytical Engine.

In this translation, Ada had added her own extensive notes and created a method for calculating Bernoulli numbers for the Analytical Engine.

The work of mathematician Alonzo Church as well as the Turing machine were the first introductions of computer codes.

In the 1920's, computers were created which was followed by the earliest programming languages. For the next century, as machines and technology continued to evolve, so did the number of programming languages.