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subst:nonsensepage|Controlling mind|header=1 n i m b u s a n i a 09:16, 19 August 2008 (UTC)

Cities in Eritrea
Rank City Population Region
1984 Census 2005 estimate
1 Asmara 275,385 543,707 Maekel
2 Keren 26,149 86,483 Anseba
3 Agordat 5,948 30,482 Gash-Barka
4 Dekemhare 7,290 30,180 Northern Red Sea
5 Mendefera 12,184 28,492 Debub
6 Nakfa N/A 26.662 Southern Red Sea
7 Adi Keyh 8,691 26,310 Northern Red Sea
8 Massawa 15,441 24,419 Northern Red Sea
9 Edd N/A 22,855 Southern Red Sea
10 Ghinda 7,702 21,523 Northern Red Sea
11 Barentu 2,500 20,968 Gash-Barka
12 Asseb 31,037 20,222 Southern Red Sea
13 Teseney 2,531 18,889 Gash-Barka
14 Beilul N/A 14,055 Southern Red Sea
15 Mersa Fatuma N/A 11,542 Northern Red Sea
16 Himbirti N/A 8,822 Maekel
17 Nefasit N/A 8,727 Northern Red Sea
18 Adi Quala 4,465 7,589 Debub
19 Senafe 4,019 6,831 Northern Red Sea
20 Segheneyti 3,328 5,656 Gash-Barka