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APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais) is an NGO in Brazil that provides various services for people with mental and physical disabilities. include: Educational classes These services – adult and youth literacy Therapy – speech, psychology, physical Technical – carpentry, paper recycling, bakery, bookbinding, computer science and gardening The campus in Santa Maria RS has over 100 students and 30 staff members.

APAE has been a presence in Brazil for over five decades. Since its official establishment in 1966, the organization has grown to have branches in hundreds of towns and cities across Brazil, in all 26 states.

To defend the rights, render of services and support to the family, directed the improvement of the quality of life of the carrying people of deficiency and the construction of a society that is fair, and inclusive for them. APAE’s ultimate goal is the promotion of full integration and inclusion of children, adolescents and adults and with intellectual and physical deficiencies into all walks of life. This includes the educational, professional and social world.

Links Sâo Paulo [1] Rio de Janeiro [2] Brasilia [3] Salvador, Bahia [4]

Refferences [1]
