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This is the project proposal explaining our plans to expand the Wikipedia page discussing Threshold Potential. It includes a general outline of the topics we will discuss in the article.

The division of labor will begin with weekly meetings in which we hold discussions of the topic in general and further research. Next, we will assign specific sections to each member of the group to elaborate on in the article. After, each group member will proofread and edit sections belonging to a different group member.



Discovering the Threshold Potential


We will explain the historical events and experiments that led to discovery and understanding of the threshold.

Physiological Function and Characteristics of the Threshold


This section will contain the explanation of an action potential. This includes an in-depth description of the kinds of biological interactions that are required to breach the threshold potential. It will involve definitions of the following: Membrane Potential, Concentration Gradient, Depolarization, Hyperpolarization, Na+/K+ Pump

We will also provide an explanation of the specific voltage (in mV) required to reach threshold for each ion channel. 

Threshold Tracking Techniques


This section will also include various threshold tracking techniques.

Clinical Significance


This section will include various diseases that are affected by abnormalities in breaching the threshold.



The reference section will be added to and alphabetized throughout the course of our research.

1. Guener, G, Dyck, PJ. 1994. Quantitiative Sensory Testing: methodology, applications, and future directions. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. 11(6): 568-83.

2. Hines,, M, Stasheff, S, & Wilson, A. 1993. Axon Terminal Hyperexcitability assoc. with epileptogenesis in vitro. Journal of Neurophysiology. 70(3): 961-75.

3. Bostock, H et. al. 1997. Threshold Tracking Techniques in the study of Human Peripheral Nerves. Muscle & Nerve. 21: 137-158.

4. Coenen, A. 1994. Neuronal Activities Underlying The Electroencephalogram And Evoked potentials of Sleeping and Waking: Implications for Information Processing. neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 19(3): 447-63.