[edit]Residence: Hamburg, Germany
Profession: Physicist (Dr.), Chemical Lab Technician by training
- Physics in general (duh)
- Particle Accelerator Physics and Technology
- Astrophysics and Astronomy
- Natural sciences in general
- Space travel
- Linguistics
- Education
- Gothic subculture
- Japanese culture especially Anime
- Cyberpunk and Science Fiction
- Pen and Paper role-playing
- IT Technology
Why Wikipedia?
[edit]As a scientist, distributing, nurturing and cultivating knowledge is a major part of my life, and my urge to do the before mentioned are a huge part of my motivation to become a scientist. This goes both ways, educating myself, as well as others. While I'm using Wikipedia to educate myself since the late 90s, I lack a bit in the 'educate others' department. A fault I aim to correct.