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User:Newfreedom1/Facing the Shadow

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Facing the Shadow: Starting Sexual and Relationship Recovery is a book (ISBN 978-0-9774400-0-9) by Patrick Carnes , Ph.D. The second edition of the book was published by Gentle Path press in 2010.

Facing the Shadow chronicls the techniques used by people recovering from sex addiction, showing how to break free of the disease of sex addiction. This second edition adds material on cybersex and new science about arousal. This work sets the stage for the recovery tasks at hand, and then provides exercises specifically designed to help understand and address them. You'll learn:

Why denial is so powerful and what can be done to break through it. How to face the consequences of your behaviors using recovery principles. How to respond to change and crisis due to addiction. How to manage life without dysfunctional behavior. How spirituality affects recovery. What to disclose and to whom. How does sex addiction start and what does an addict need to know.

