User:Netha Hussain/List of medical tests
This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
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Article | description |
magnetic resonance imaging | non-destructive technique for imaging internal structures of objects or organisms |
positron emission tomography | medicine imaging technique |
esophagoscopy | endoscopic examination, therapy or surgery of the esophagus |
virtual colonoscopy | medical imaging of colon |
swab sample | medical test |
Electrophysiology study | Medical test. |
nerve conduction study | diagnostic test for nerve function |
Finkelstein's test | test used to diagnose de Quervain syndrome |
Lachman test | clinical test to diagnose knee ligament injury |
Tourniquet test | medical test |
Apnea–hypopnea index | number of apnea and hypopnea events per hour of sleep |
Trendelenburg test | medical test to determine the competency of the valves in the superficial and deep veins of the legs |
Tzanck test | test to look for Tzanck cells |
single-photon emission computed tomography | nuclear medicine tomographic imaging technique |
blood film | stained blood on microscope slide |
Bronchophony | abnormal transmission of sounds from bronchi |
sigmoidoscopy | endoscopic examination, therapy or surgery of the sigmoid flexure |
keratometry | ocular examination technique |
Bohler's sign | diagnostic pain mark in knee meniscus damage |
ocular tonometry | procedure to determine intra ocular pressure |
Ratschow-Lagerungsprobe | |
Elek's test | microbiological method regarding toxigenicity |
gonioscopy | a technique to diagnose and monitor eye conditions |
general medical examination | health assessment |
Gaenslen-Zeichen | |
Sweat test | medical test to measure the concentration of chlorine in sweat |
lower gastrointestinal series | radiographs used to examine abnormalities of the colon |
triple test | investigation performed during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester to check chromosomal abnormalities |
head impulse test | identification of saccades during a rapid head rotation to assess vestibuloocular reflex |
Oncotype DX | genomic test |
Kindervorsorgeuntersuchung | |
tilt table test | medical procedure often used to diagnose dysautonomia or syncope |
Marlow test | prolonged occlusion test for detecting heterophoria |
Dix–Hallpike test | diagnostic maneuver used to identify benign paroxysmal positional vertigo |
European baseline series allergens | |
bronchial challenge test | medical test used to assist in the diagnosis of asthma |
MammaPrint | test for early stage breast cancer |
Darier's sign | skin sign |
myelography | radiographic examination of spinal cord |
Queckenstedt's maneuver | clinical test, formerly used for diagnosing spinal stenosis |
rhinomanometry | evaluation of respiratory function of the nasal cavity |
Harvard Step Test | fitness test |
Egophony | increased resonance of voice |
Intracranial pressure monitoring | medical diagnostic method |
Swinging-flashlight test | |
tensilon test | test for myasthenia gravis |
Negri bodies | in microbiology |
Unterberger test | test used in otolaryngology to help assess whether a patient has a vestibular pathology |
thyroid function test | tests to determine the function of thyroid gland |
patch-testing with hairdressing chemicals | |
Rosenbach's test | medical diagnostic method |
obstetric ultrasonography | use of medical ultrasonography in pregnancy |
Duplex ultrasonography | Combination of grayscale B-mode sonography and color-coded Doppler sonography |
KOH test | test to differentiate among fungi |
apex beat | the maximum pulse felt on the chest during heart beat |
crossmatch testing in organ transplantation | test to determine matching of organs |
cancer screening | medical examination that aims to detect cancer before symptoms appear, which may offer benefits of cancer prevention or early detection |
dilated fundus examination | diagnostic procedure |
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring | technique for measuring blood pressure over regular intervals |
Wood's lamp | lamp to detect abnormalities of the eye |
hysterosonography | medical ultrasonography for the uterus |
myography | recording of muscular movements |
Budin's sign | clinical sign to detect the presence of pus in breast milk |
PET-CT | medical imaging method |
corneal topography | medical imaging technique |
transcranial Doppler | ultrasonography to measure the blood flow in the brain |
Lancaster red-green test | cover test to determine strabismus |
Wright standard tube agglutination | |
bronchography | X-raying the respiratory tree using a contrast medium |
iodocaptation | |
angiocardiography | contact radiography of heart and blood vessels |
Meares-Stamey 4-glass test | medical test |
Provocation test | way of medical testing for conditions such as an allergy by provoking the immune system's response |
Rouvielois-Gregoire test | |
esophageal pH monitoring | gold standard for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) |
thromboelastography | method of testing the efficiency of blood coagulation |
Abelin reaction | lab test for arsphenamine and neoarsphenamine in blood and urine |
absolute neutrophil count | test measuring the number of neutrophils present in blood |
acoustic rhinometry | measurement of the nose and its cavity through acoustic reflections |
Parks–Bielschowsky three-step test | medical diagnostic method |
Brodie–Trendelenburg percussion test | medical test to determine valvular incompetence in superficial veins |
blood pressure measurement | techniques for determining blood pressure |
CSF albumin | medical diagnostic method |
caloric reflex test | test of the vestibulo-ocular reflex |
Captopril suppression test | Medical test for aldosterone levels |
Clearing the cervical spine | process of determining the existence of a cervical spine injury |
Czermak-Hering test | medical diagnostic method |
Direct agglutination test | any test that uses whole organisms as a means of looking for serum antibody |
Double dye test | test for diagnosing fistula |
eggs per gram | determination of parasite egg count in feces |
fecal pH test | medical diagnostic method |
fern test | medical test |
fetal scalp blood testing | medical diagnostic method |
fluid wave test | medical diagnostic method |
GERRI | diagnostic tool |
Gastric tonometry | medical diagnostic method |
helium dilution technique | lung function test |
Hess test | medical test used to assess capillary fragility |
digestive endoscopy | |
repetitive nerve stimulation | nerve conduction study where electrical stimulation is delivered to a motor nerve repeatedly several times per second |
Lunotriquetral shear test | surgical maneuver |
Miller Fisher test | medical test |
Mole map | |
NS1 antigen test | test for dengue |
osmol gap | difference between measured and calculated serum osmolality |
PET-MRI | hybrid imaging technology |
pain assessment | methods used to assess pain severity and duration |
parasite load | number and virulence of the parasites that a host organism harbours |
prostate cancer screening | medical examination |
Schiller's test | medical test to diagnose cervical cancer |
Sereny test | |
Timed Up and Go test | simple test to assess a person's physical mobility |
urine osmolality | measure of urine concentration |
wrinkle test | |
Löwensteinodling | |
Vibrogram | |
Videofluoroskopi | |
AminoIndex Cancer Screening | cancer screening test |
Ascoli's test | test for diagnosis of anthrax |
cell-free fetal DNA test | analysis of cell-free fetal DNA, or DNA from fetal cells that are biopsied from a pregnant woman’s blood |
Politzer's test | |
Schwatrz's test | medical diagnostic method |
Clock test | test used for screening of dementia |
magnetic resonance imaging of the brain | medical diagnostic method |
Tomayer's test | |
Straight leg raising test | orthopedic clinical test |
Van den Bergh reaction | Chemical reaction used to measure bilirubin levels in blood |
Sweat test | medical test to determine the components in sweat |
Elimination diet | procedure to identify foods that produce adverse effects |
Lauenstein imaging | a radiological medical test |
nasal provocation test | test used in the diagnosis of nasal hypersensitivity |
Bourne test | non-invasive and inexpensive diagnostic test for the diagnosis of vesicointestinal fistulae |
Sitting-rising test | Clinical test for mortality risk |
subjective refraction | |
Culture conversion | medical diagnostic method |
Submaximal performance testing | |
Gluten challenge test | test diagnosing gluten-related disorders |
Bienfang's test | clinical test used in the diagnosis of ocular myasthenia gravis |
invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring | |
Simpson test | clinical test for determining myasthenia gravis |
Schwartz–Watson test | screening procedure for porphyria |
Beighton scale | |
exploration fonctionnelle cardiaque | |
dépistage des infections sexuellement transmissibles | |
explorations fonctionnelles endocrinologie, diabétologie, métabolisme et nutrition | |
explorations fonctionnelles gynécologie obstétrique | |
explorations fonctionnelles hépato-gastro-entérologie | |
explorations fonctionnelles médecine du sport | |
explorations fonctionnelles médecine vasculaire | |
explorations fonctionnelles néphrologie | |
explorations fonctionnelles neurologie | |
explorations fonctionnelles ophtalmologie | |
explorations fonctionnelles oto-rhino-laryngologie (ORL) | |
explorations fonctionnelles pédiatrie | |
explorations fonctionnelles urologie | |
Parallel Walk Test | medical diagnostic method |
BUT | |
sex-determination test | |
Kahn test | medicine |
Test of Albarrán | A test that shows the secretion of each kidney after a ureteral catheterization and the ingestion of a determined volume of water, for diagnostic purposes |
thermodilution | measurement of blood flow based on induction at one point of the circulation of a known change in the intravascular heat |
heart rate determination | |
DaT scan | diagnostic method |
Tubomanometry | technique for assessing the eustachian tube opening function |
Estrogen provocation test | medical diagnostic method |
Pole-Test | |
Tomoelastography | medical imaging technique |
Evaporimetry | |
Iba1 immunohistochemistry | histological procedure to evaluate the morphology and phenotype of microglia cells and CNS-associated macrophages |
histopathological examination | class of analytical medical methods |
Fecal immunochemical test | diagnostic technique |
Bastedo sign | obsolete medical test for appendicitis |
Kindervorsorgeuntersuchung | |
Watzke–Allen test | retina examination method |
Sucrose lysis test | diagnostic laboratory test |
Healthy Families Parenting Inventory | instrument to assess the likelihood of child maltreatment |
Night Eating Questionnaire | measure to assess symptoms of night eating syndrome |
Serum vitamin B12 | medical laboratory test |
Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder | diagnostic rating scale |
End of auto-generated list.