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Different cultures may interpret their behaviours differently and this will affect the manner in which we communicate with each other. Conflicts and misunderstandings arising from different core beliefs among communicators can result in disruption of inter eyhnic communication.


Communication [1] is the life blood of all mankind [2] . People should possess effective communication skills for survival of the world's communication. We live in a very diverse world and it's sometimes necessary to communicate interculturally.


With everyone having their own benefits, everyone's behaviour is also interpreted differently. What is considered good or bad in one culture might not be considered the same in another culture.

  • Examples
  • Europeans believe in equality [3] and arranged marriages have long been abolished. European women now feel free to make comments about household issues, for example, the budget. Whereas in Asian culture, arranged marriages are quite the norm, and women have no say in what is going on as they are not the bread winners. They now prefer getting married to white men [4] .
  • African men feel superior when they have power over their wives. Many see equality as an undermining of their manlyhood. Hence, it might be difficult for a proud African man to have to plead with a young European lady for a business contract. This would affect business relations in future.This is because a woman from Europe would believe in gender equality.
  • African people too believe that it's best to keep wealth within the family [5] . So, if one person, out of a family of seven, is successfull, elders would suggest that they get married to their close relatives to keep money in the family. However, Europeans see this as a incest. They feel like it is an unlawful, unpleasant and unethical act. Africans too love to leave their property for their families when they die but take for instance Michael Jackson, he gave to charity like no other [6] .
  • ===WAY OF LIVING===

The Bantu way of life promotes the concept of "togetherness" and are always willing to lend a helping hand for the uplifting of the general community. They feel that one cannot celebrate his fortune while another is suffering. Americans, however, understand that in order to raise to the top,you're going to have to let the underdogs suffer, for example Mitt Romney [7] . An American might not understand why an African would want to let his children suffer like they did in war, while they have the chance to give them the life that they never had.

To summarize, many diffrent cultures exist on Earth [8] . When we do not know enough about each other's cultures, understanding it would be difficult. If we start familiarising ourselves with other cultures, and accept the fact that we are different and have different beliefs, communication will be easier. Effective intercultural communication is only possible if we do not judge other cultures by our culture norms and values.


  1. ^ "Communication". Wikipedia.
  2. ^ "Importance of Communication". ImportanceOfCommunication.
  3. ^ "Equality and non-discrimination in an enlarged European Union". Europa.
  4. ^ "Profiles of Asian Women who abandoned their Asian husbands for white men". ColorQ World.
  5. ^ "Keeping it in the family: African migrants send home billions". CNN.
  6. ^ "Michael Jackson's Charity Legacy". Look To The Stars. Retrieved 2006-2012. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  7. ^ "Mitt Romney: it's not my job to worry about the poor". The Independent.
  8. ^ "Different Cultures of the World". Buzzle. Retrieved 2000-2011, 2012. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)