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User:Necrothesp/List of uniformed organisations

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Title Alternative Title From To
See separate list
Afghanistan: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, 2001−2021
See separate list
Åland Islands: Territory of the Åland Islands, ?−present
Albania: Republic of Albania, 1991−present / People's Socialist Republic of Albania, 1976−1991 / People's Republic of Albania, 1946−1976 / Democratic Government of Albania, 1944−1946
See separate list
Albania: Albanian Kingdom, 1928−1943 / Albanian Republic, 1925−1928 / Principality of Albania, 1913−1925
Albania: Kingdom of Albania, 1272−1368
Algeria: People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, 1962−present
See separate list
Algeria: French Algeria, 1830−1962
See separate list
American Samoa: Territory of American Samoa, 1900−present
See separate list
Andorra: Principality of Andorra, 1278−present
See separate list
Angola: Republic of Angola, 1992−present / People's Republic of Angola, 1975−1992
See separate list
Anguilla: Territory of Anguilla, 1981−present / Colony of Anguilla, 1980−1981 / Anguilla, 1650−1980
See separate list
Antigua and Barbuda: Dominion of Antigua and Barbuda, 1981−present / Colony of Antigua and Barbuda, 1962–1981 / Province of Antigua and Barbuda, 1958–1962 / Colony of Antigua and Barbuda, 1632−1958
See separate list
Argentina: Argentine Republic, 1826−present
See separate list
Armenia: Republic of Armenia, 1991−present
See separate list
Australia: Commonwealth of Australia, 1901−present
See separate list
Australia: State of New South Wales, 1901−present / Colony of New South Wales, 1788−1901
See separate list
Australia: Northern Territory, 1869−present
See separate list
Australia: State of Queensland, 1901−present / Colony of Queensland, 1859−1901
See separate list
Australia: State of South Australia, 1901−present / Colony of South Australia, 1836−1901
See separate list
Australia: State of Tasmania, 1901−present / Colony of Tasmania, 1855−1901
See separate list
Australia: Colony of Van Diemen's Land, 1825−1855
Australia: State of Victoria, 1901−present / Colony of Victoria, 1851−1901
See separate list
Australia: State of Western Australia, 1901−present / Colony of Western Australia, 1832−1901
See separate list
Austria: Republic of Austria, 1945−present
See separate list
Austria: Federal State of Austria, 1919–1938 / Republic of German Austria, 1918–1919 / Archduchy of Austria, 1457–1918 / Duchy of Austria, 1141–1457 / Margraviate of Austria, 976–1141
Austria: Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1867–1918 / Austrian Empire, 1804–1867 / Holy Roman Empire, 800–1804
See separate list
Austria: Principality of Auersperg, 1653–1806 / County of Auersperg, 1630–1653 / Lordship of Auersperg, 1550–1630
Austria: County of Bludenz, ?–1394
Austria: County of Bregenz, 9??–1160
Austria: Duchy of Carinthia, 976–1918
Austria: Duchy of Salzburg, 1849–1918
Austria: Electorate of Salzburg, 1803–1805 / Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg, 1278–1803
Austria: Duchy of Styria, 1180–1918 / March of Styria, 970–1180
Austria: Principality of Tyrol, 1504–1918 / County of Tyrol, 1140–1504
Azerbaijan: Republic of Azerbaijan, 1991−present
See separate list
Azerbaijan: Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), 1991−2023
See separate list
Bahamas: Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 1973–present / Colony of the Bahamas, 1718–1973
See separate list
Bahrain: Kingdom of Bahrain, 2002–present / Emirate of Bahrain, 1783–2002
See separate list
Bangladesh: People's Republic of Bangladesh, 1971–present
See separate list
Barbados: Republic of Barbados, 2021–present / Dominion of Barbados, 1966–2021 / Colony of Barbados, 1962–1966 / Province of Barbados, 1958–1962 / Colony of Barbados, 1627–1958
See separate list
Belarus: Republic of Belarus, 1991–present
See separate list
Belgium: Kingdom of Belgium, 1830–present
See separate list
Belgium: United States of Belgium, 1790
Belgium: Southern Netherlands, 1581–1795
Belgium: Habsburg Netherlands, 1482–1581 / Burgundian Netherlands, 1384–1482
Belgium: County of Aalst, 1056–1165
Belgium: Margraviate of Arlon, 1167–1221 / County of Arlon, 950–1167
Belgium: Republic of Bouillon, 1794–1795 / Duchy of Bouillon, 988–1794
Belgium: Duchy of Brabant, 1183–1648 / Landgraviate of Brabant, 1085–1183
Belgium: County of Flanders, 862–1795
Belgium: County of Hainault, 1071–1794
Belgium: County of Kessenich, ?–1795
Belgium: Prince-Bishopric of Liège, 980–1794
Belgium: Duchy of Limburg, 1065–1794
Belgium: County of Loon, 1040–1366
Belgium: Duchy of Lower Lorraine, 977–1190 / Margraviate of Lower Lorraine, 959–977
Belgium: County of Namur, 992–1795
Belgium: Prince-Abbacy of Stavelot-Malmedy, 1138–1795
Belize: Dominion of Belize, 1981–present / Colony of Belize, 1973–1981
See separate list
Belize: Colony of British Honduras, 1862–1973
See separate list
Benin: Republic of Benin, 1990–present / People's Republic of Benin, 1975–1990
See separate list
Benin: Republic of Dahomey, 1958–1975 / French Dahomey, 1904–1958
Bermuda: Territory of Bermuda, 1981–present / Colony of Bermuda, 1707–1981
See separate list
Bhutan: Kingdom of Bhutan, 1907–present
See separate list
Bolivia: Plurinational State of Bolivia, 2009–present / Republic of Bolivia, 1825–2009
See separate list
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1995–present / Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1990–1995 / Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1963–1990 / People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1945–1963 / Federal State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1944–1945
See separate list
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Brčko District, 2000–present
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Republika Srpska, 1995–present / Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1992–1995
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Condominium of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1878–1918
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Republic of Bihać, 1942
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Bosanska Krajina, 1991–1992
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia, 1991–1994
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Herzegovina, 1991–1992
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Serbian Autonomous Oblast of North-Eastern Bosnia, 1991–1992
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Romanija, 1991–1992
Botswana: Republic of Botswana, 1966–present
See separate list
Botswana: Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1890–1966
See separate list
Brazil: Federative Republic of Brazil, 1967–present / United States of Brazil, 1937–1967 / Republic of the United States of Brazil, 1889–1937 / Empire of Brazil, 1822–1889
See separate list
British East Africa: British East Africa, 1885–1964
See separate list
British Virgin Islands: Territory of the Virgin Islands, 1981–present / Colony of the Virgin Islands, 1960–1981 / British Virgin Islands, 1672–1960
See separate list
British West Africa: British West Africa, 1821–1965
See separate list
Brunei: Sultanate of Brunei, 1363–present
See separate list
Bulgaria: Republic of Bulgaria, 1990–present / People's Republic of Bulgaria, 1946–1990 / Kingdom of Bulgaria, 1908–1946 / Principality of Bulgaria, 1878–1908
See separate list
Burkina Faso: Republic of Burkina Faso, 1984–present
See separate list
Burkina Faso: Republic of Upper Volta, 1958–1984 / French Upper Volta, 1919–1958
Burma: Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 2008–present / Union of Myanmar, 1989–2008
See separate list
Burma: Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma, 1974–1989 / Union of Burma, 1948–1974
See separate list
Burma: Colony of Burma, 1937–1948 / Province of Burma, 1862–1937
See separate list
Burundi: Republic of Burundi, 1966–present / Kingdom of Burundi, 1962–1966
See separate list
Cambodia: Kingdom of Cambodia, 1993–present / State of Cambodia, 1989–1993
See separate list
Cambodia: People's Republic of Kampuchea, 1979–1989 / Democratic Kampuchea, 1976–1979 / Kampuchea, 1975–1976
Cambodia: Khmer Republic, 1970–1975
Cambodia: Kingdom of Cambodia, 1953–1970 / Protectorate of Cambodia, 1867–1953
Cameroon: Republic of Cameroon, 1984–present / United Republic of Cameroon, 1972–1984 / Federal Republic of Cameroon, 1961–1972 / Republic of Cameroon, 1960–1961
See separate list
Canada: Dominion of Canada, 1867–present / United Province of Canada, 1841–1867
See separate list
Canada: Province of Alberta, 1905–present / District of Alberta, 1882–1905
See separate list
Canada: Province of British Columbia, 1871–present / Colony of British Columbia, 1858–1871
See separate list
Canada: Province of Lower Canada, 1791–1841
Canada: Province of Manitoba, 1870–present
See separate list
Canada: Province of New Brunswick, 1867–present / Colony of New Brunswick, 1784–1867
See separate list
Canada: Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2001–present / Province of Newfoundland, 1949–2001 / Dominion of Newfoundland, 1907–1949 / Colony of Newfoundland, 1610–1907
See separate list
Canada: Province of Nova Scotia, 1867–present / Colony of Nova Scotia, 1710–1867
Canada: Province of Ontario, 1867–present
See separate list
Canada: Province of Prince Edward Island, 1873–present / Colony of Prince Edward Island, 1769–1873
Canada: Province of Quebec, 1867–present
See separate list
Canada: Province of Quebec, 1763–1791
Canada: Province of Saskatchewan, 1905–present / District of Saskatchewan, 1882–1905
See separate list
Canada: Province of Upper Canada, 1791–1841
Cayman Islands: Territory of the Cayman Islands, 1983–present / Colony of the Cayman Islands, 1962–1983 / Dependency of the Cayman Islands, 1863–1962
See separate list
Chad: Republic of Chad, 1960–present
See separate list
Chad: French Chad, 1900–1960
See separate list
Chile: Republic of Chile, 1810–present
See separate list
China: People's Republic of China, 1949–present
See separate list
China: Republic of China, 1912–1949
See separate list
China: Empire of China, 221 BC–1912
See separate list
China: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 1997–present / Colony of Hong Kong, 1841–1997
See separate list
Colombia: Republic of Colombia, 1810–present
See separate list
Costa Rica: Republic of Costa Rica, 1821–present
See separate list
Croatia: Republic of Croatia, 1990–present / Socialist Republic of Croatia, 1963–1990 / People's Republic of Croatia, 1945–1963 / Federal State of Croatia, 1944–1945
See separate list
Croatia: Independent State of Croatia, 1941–1945
Croatia: State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, 1918
Croatia: Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia, 1868–1918
Croatia: Kingdom of Croatia, 1527–1868
Croatia: Kingdom of Dalmatia, 1815–1918
Croatia: Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Syrmia, 1991–1998
Croatia: Free State of Fiume, 1920–1924
Croatia: March of Istria, ?–1918
Croatia: Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Krajina, 1990–1991 / Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Kninska Krajina, 1990
Croatia: Republic of Ragusa, 1358–1808 / Commune of Ragusa, 614–1358
Croatia: Republic of Serbian Krajina, 1991–1995
Croatia: Kingdom of Slavonia, 1699–1868
Croatia: Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Western Slavonia, 1990–1991
Cuba: Republic of Cuba, 1902–present
See separate list
Cuba: Cuban exiles
See separate list
Cyprus: Republic of Cyprus, 1960–present / Colony of Cyprus, 1914–1960 / Territory of Cyprus, 1878–1914
See separate list
Cyprus: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 1983–present / Turkish Federative State of Cyprus, 1974–1983
See separate list
Cyprus: Sovereign Base Areas, 1960–present
Czechoslovakia: Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, 1990–1992 / Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, 1960–1990 / Republic of Czechoslovakia, 1918–1960
See separate list
Czech Republic: Czech Republic, 1993–present
See separate list
Czech Republic: Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 1939–1945
Czech Republic: Kingdom of Bohemia, 1198–1918 / Principality of Bohemia, 845–1198
Czech Republic: March of Moravia, 1182–1918
Czech Republic: Duchy of Silesia, 1742–1918
Denmark: Kingdom of Denmark, 940–present
See separate list
Denmark: Duchy of Schleswig, 1058–1866
Dominican Republic: Dominican Republic, 1821–present
See separate list
East Timor: Democratic Republic of East Timor, 2002–present / East Timor, 1975–2002 / Portuguese Timor, 1702–1975
See separate list
Egypt: Arab Republic of Egypt, 1953–present / Kingdom of Egypt, 1922–1953 / Sultanate of Egypt, 1914–1922 / Khedivate of Egypt, 1867–1914
See separate list
El Salvador: Republic of El Salvador, 1841–present
See separate list
Estonia: Republic of Estonia, 1991–present
See separate list
Estonia: Republic of Estonia, 1918–1940 / Autonomous Governorate of Estonia, 1917–1918
Estonia: Governorate of Estonia, 1721–1917 / Duchy of Estonia, 1561–1721
Estonia: Duchy of Estonia, 1219–1346
Estonia: Duchy of Livonia, 1561–1621
Ethiopia: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, 1991–present / People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, 1987–1991 / Socialist Ethiopia, 1974–1987 / Empire of Ethiopia, 800s–1974
See separate list
Falkland Islands: Territory of the Falkland Islands, 1981–present / Colony of the Falkland Islands, 1841–1981
See separate list
Faroe Islands: Realm of the Faroe Islands, 1948–present / County of the Faroe Islands, 1852–1948 / Colony of the Faeroe Islands, 850–1852
Fiji: Republic of the Fiji Islands, 1997–present / Republic of Fiji, 1987–1997 / Dominion of Fiji, 1970–1987 / Colony of Fiji, 1874–1970
See separate list
Finland: Republic of Finland, 1917–present / Grand Duchy of Finland, 1809–1917 / Grand Principality of Finland, 1581–1809 / Duchy of Finland, 1284–1581
See separate list
France: French Fifth Republic, 1958–present / French Fourth Republic, 1946–1958 / Provisional French Republic, 1944–1946 / French State (Vichy), 1940–1944 / French Third Republic, 1871–1940 / Second French Empire, 1852–1871 / French Second Republic, 1848–1852 / Kingdom of France, 1814–1848 / First French Empire, 1804–1815 / French First Republic, 1792–1804 / Kingdom of the French, 1791–1792
See separate list
France: Free French Forces, 1940–1944
France: Kingdom of France, 843–1791
See separate list
France: County of Alençon, ?–1220
France: County of Angoulême, 838–1515
France: County of Anjou, 8??–1204
France: Duchy of Aquitaine, 852–1422 / Kingdom of Aquitaine, 781–852 / Duchy of Aquitaine, 555–781
France: County of Artois, 1180–1792
France: County of Auxerre, ?–?
France: County of Bar, 951–1766
France: Free Imperial City of Besançon, 1184–1654
France: Prince-Archbishopric of Besançon, 1184–1792
France: County of Bigorre, 840–1322
France: Lordship of Blamont, ?–?
France: County of Blois, 8??–1391
France: County of Boulogne, 8??–1501
France: Viscounty of Bourges, ?–1101
France: Duchy of Brittany, 936–1547
France: Duchy of Burgundy, 1032–1477
France: County of Burgundy, 982–1678
France: Kingdom of Burgundy, 933–1378
France: Prince-Bishopric of Cambrai, 1007–1677
France: County of Chartres, 960–1286
France: County of Clermont, 10??–1218
France: County of Comminges, ?–?
France: Anglo-Corsican Kingdom, 1794–1796
France: Corsican Republic, 1755–1770
France: Duchy of Dol-Combourg, 848–1789
France: County of Évreux, ?–1200
France: County of Foix, 1010–1607
France: Duchy of Gascony, 864–1325
France: County of Guînes, 9??–12??
France: Duchy of Lorraine, 1431–1766 / Duchy of Upper Lorraine, 977–1431 / Margraviate of Upper Lorraine, 959–977
France: Duchy of Lorraine, 903–965
France: Kingdom of Lotharingia, 855–922
France: County of Maine, 83?–1481 / Duchy of Maine, 7??–858
France: County of Nemours, ?–1274
France: Duchy of Normandy, 911–1469
France: County of Poitou, ?–?
France: County of Ponthieu, ?–?
France: County of Provence, 933–1481 / Kingdom of Provence, 855–933 / Duchy of Provence, 4??–855
France: County of Sens, ?–1055
France: County of Toulouse, 8??–1271
France: County of Valois, 8??–?
France: Free Imperial City of Verdun, ?–1522
France: County of Vermandois, 9??–1191
France: Army of Condé, 1791–1801
See separate list
Gabon: Gabonese Republic, 1960–present / Territory of Gabon, 1937–1960 / Region of Gabon, 1934–1937
See separate list
Gambia: Republic of the Gambia, 1970–present / Dominion of the Gambia, 1965–1970 / Colony and Protectorate of the Gambia, 1894–1965 / Colony of the Gambia, 1888–1894
See separate list
Georgia: Republic of Georgia, 1991–present
See separate list
Georgia: Republic of South Ossetia, 1991–present
See separate list
Germany: Federal Republic of Germany, 1945–present
See separate list
Germany: German Democratic Republic, 1949–1990
See separate list
Germany: Third Reich, 1933–1945 / German Reich (Weimar Republic), 1919–1933
Germany: German Empire, 1871–1918
See separate list
Germany: North German Confederation, 1867–1870
Germany: German Confederation, 1815–1866
See separate list
Germany: Confederation of the Rhine, 1806–1813
Germany: Free Imperial City of Aachen, 1166–1801
Germany: Free Imperial City of Aalen, 1360–1803
Germany: County of Abensberg-Traun, 1653–1806
Germany: County of Ahrgau, 1107–1246
Germany: Lordship of Albeck, 1081–1383
Germany: County of Aldenburg, 1653–? / Lordship of Aldenburg, 1651–1653
Germany: County of Aletzheim, 1439–1697
Germany: Lordship of Allersberg, 1343–1474
Germany: County of Alpheim, 1465–1589
Germany: County of Alt-Bruchhausen, 1234–1338
Germany: County of Alt-Eberstein, 1207–1283
Germany: County of Alt-Katzenelnbogen, 1245–1403
Germany: County of Altena, 1180–1609 / County of Altena-Berg, 1160–1180 / County of Altena, 1152–1160
Germany: County of Andechs, 1132–1251
Germany: Duchy of Anhalt, 1863–1918
Germany: Pricipality of Anhalt, 1570–1603
Germany: Principality of Anhalt, 1218–1252 / County of Anhalt, 1212–1218
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Aschersleben, 1252–1315
Germany: Duchy of Anhalt-Bernburg, 1803–1863 / Principality of Anhalt-Bernburg, 1603–1803
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Bernburg, 1252–1570
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym, 1727–1812 / Principality of Anhalt-Zeitz-Hoym, 1718–1727
Germany: Duchy of Anhalt-Dessau, 1807–1863 / Principality of Anhalt-Dessau, 1603–1807
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Dessau, 1396–1561
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Dornburg, 1667–1742
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Harzgerode, 1635–1709
Germany: Duchy of Anhalt-Köthen, 1806–1847 / Principality of Anhalt-Köthen, 1603–1806
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Köthen, 1396–1552
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Mühlingen, 1667–1714
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Pless, 1774–?
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1603–1665
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Plötzkau, 1544–1553
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Zerbst, 1544–1796
Germany: Principality of Anhalt-Zerbst, 1252–1396
Germany: County of Anholt, 1621–1802 / Lordship of Anholt, 1169–1621
Germany: Duchy of Arenberg, 1644–1810 / Principality of Arenberg, 1576–1644 / County of Arenberg, 1177–1576
Germany: Principality of Aschaffenburg, 1803–1810
Germany: Free Imperial City of Augsburg, 1276–1806
Germany: Prince-Bishopric of Augsburg, 1203–1802
Germany: Principality of Babenhausen, 1803–1806
Germany: Lordship of Babenhausen-Mindelheim-Cellmünz, 1432–1487
Germany: Grand Duchy of Baden, 1806–1918 / Electorate of Baden, 1803–1806 / Margraviate of Baden, 1771–1803 / Margraviate of Baden-Durlach, 1535–1771 / Margraviate of Baden, 1112–1535
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Baden, 1622–1771
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Baden, 1348–1588
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Baden, 1190–1291
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Eberstein, 1291–1353
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Hochberg, 1577–1591
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Hochberg, 1482–1488
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Hochberg, 1190–1415
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Pforzheim, 1291–1361
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Rodemachern, 1622–1666
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Rodemachern, 1537–1596
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Rodenheim, 1575–1620
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Sausenberg, 1577–1604
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Sausenberg, 1290–1503
Germany: Margraviate of Baden-Sponheim, 1515–1533
Germany: State of Baden-Württemberg, 1952–present
See separate list
Germany: Lordship of Badenweiler, 10??–1503
Germany: Prince-Abbacy of Baindt, 1376–1802
Germany: Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg, 1242–1802
Germany: County of Barby, 1497–1659 / Lordship of Barby, ?–1497
Germany: Lordship of Bassenheim, ?–?
Germany: Free State of Bavaria, 1919–present / People's State of Bavaria, 1918–1919
See separate list
Germany: Kingdom of Bavaria, 1806–1918 / Electorate of Bavaria, 1623–1806 / Duchy of Bavaria, 1505–1623 / Duchy of Bavaria-Munich, 1392–1505
See separate list
Germany: Duchy of Bavaria, 907–1255
Germany: Duchy of Bavaria-Ingolstadt, 1392–1445
Germany: Duchy of Bavaria-Landshut, 1353–1503
Germany: Duchy of Bavaria-Straubing, 1353–1425
Germany: Lordship of Bayer-Naumburg, 1316–1496
Germany: Principality of Bayreuth, 1398–1791
Germany: County of Bedburg, 1465–1519
Germany: Lordship of Beichlingen, 1144–1275
Germany: Lordship of Beichlingen-Beichlingen, 1275–1567
Germany: Lordship of Beichlingen-Rothenburg, 1275–1567
Germany: County of Beilstein, 1679–1801 / Lordship of Beilstein, ?–1679
Germany: County of Bentheim, 1182–1277 / Lordship of Bentheim, 1050–1182
Germany: County of Bentheim-Alpen, 1606–1629
Germany: County of Bentheim-Bentheim, 1643–1806
Germany: County of Bentheim-Bentheim, 1277–1530
Germany: County of Bentheim-Limburg, 1606–1632
Germany: County of Bentheim-Lingen, 1450–1555
Germany: County of Bentheim-Steinfurt, ?–1806
Germany: County of Bentheim-Tecklenburg, 1277–1557
Germany: County of Bentheim-Tecklenburg-Rheda, 1606–1806
Germany: Prince-Provostry of Berchtesgaden, 1194–1803
Germany: Grand Duchy of Berg, 1806–1815 / Duchy of Berg, 1380–1806 / County of Berg, 1101–1380
Germany: City State of Berlin, 1990–present / West Berlin, 1949–1990
See separate list
Germany: Free Imperial City of Biberach an der Riss, 1281–1803
Germany: County of Bilstein, 1073–1303
Germany: Principality of Birkenfeld, 1817–? / County of Birkenfeld, 1569–1817
Germany: Prince-Abbacy of Bitburg, ?–?
Germany: Lordship of Bitsch, ?–?
Germany: Principality of Blankenburg, 1707–1815 / County of Blankenburg, 1123–1707
Germany: County of Blankenheim, 1380–? / Lordship of Blankenheim, ?–1380
Germany: County of Bonndorf, ?–?
Germany: Lordship of Boos, ?–1803
Germany: Free Imperial City of Bopfingen, 1250–1803
Germany: Free Imperial City of Brakel, ?–1803
Germany: Electorate of Brandenburg, 1356–1806 / Margraviate of Brandenburg, 1157–1356
Germany: Prince-Bishopric of Brandenburg, 949–1569
Germany: Margraviate of Brandenburg-Ansbach, 1398–1792
Germany: Margraviate of Brandenburg-Bayreuth, 1398–1769
Germany: Margraviate of Brandenburg-Kulmbach, 1655–1726
Germany: Margraviate of Brandenburg-Küstrin, 1535–1571
Germany: County of Brauneck, 1230–?
Germany: Lordship of Breda, 10??–1795
Germany: Lordship of Brehna, 1156–1290
Germany: County of Breisgau, 771–1077
Germany: Duchy of Breisgau-Modena, 1803–1805 / Duchy of Breisgau, 1801–1803
Germany: Lordship of Breitenbrunn, ?–?
Germany: Lordship of Breiteneck, ?–?
Germany: Free City of Bremen, 1815–1935 / Free Imperial City of Bremen, 1202–1815
Germany: Duchy of Bremen, 1648–1823 / Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen, 1180–1648
Germany: Principality of Bretzenheim, 1790–1804 / County of Bretzenheim, 1774–1790
Germany: Lordship of Broich, 10??–1806
Germany: County of Bruchhausen, 1199–?
Germany: Duchy of Brunswick, 1815–1918 / Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, 1269–1815
See separate list
Germany: Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg, 1235–1806
Germany: Duchy of Cleves, 1417–1795 / County of Cleves, 1092–1417
Germany: Electorate of Cologne, 953–1803
Germany: Free City of Frankfurt, 1813–1866 / Grand Duchy of Frankfurt, 1810–1813 / Principality of Frankfurt, 1806–1810 / Free City of Frankfurt, 1372–1806
Germany: Principality of Göttingen, 1345–1495
Germany: Principality of Grubenhagen, 1291–1596
Germany: Principality of Halberstadt, 1648–1817 / Prince-Bishopric of Halberstadt, 1180–1648
Germany: Free City of Hamburg, 1189–1935
Germany: Kingdom of Hanover, 1814–1866 / Duchy of Hanover, 1806–1814 / Electorate of Hanover, 1708–1806 / Principality of Calenberg, 1432–1708
Germany: State of Hesse, 1946–present / State of Greater Hesse, 1945–1946
See separate list
Germany: Grand Duchy of Hesse and by Rhine, 1816–1918 / Grand Duchy of Hesse, 1806–1816 / Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt, 1567–1806
Germany: Electorate of Hesse, 1803–1866 / Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel, 1567–1803
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse, 1264–1308, 1311–1458
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse, 1500–1567
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Braubach, 1625–1651
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Butzbach, 1609–1643
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Eschwege, 1632–1655
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Homburg, 1622–1866
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Itter, 1661–1676
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Marburg, 1567–1604
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Philippsthal, 1663–1866
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld, 1721–1866
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Rheinfels, 1627–1658
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Rheinfels, 1567–1603
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Rotenburg, 1627–1834
Germany: Landgraviate of Hesse-Wanfried, 1700–1755
Germany: County of Hohenzollern, 1218–1576 / County of Zollern, 1052–1218
Germany: Principality of Hohenzollern-Hechingen, 1623–1850 / County of Hohenzollern-Hechingen, 1576–1623
Germany: Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, 1623–1850 / County of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, 1576–1623
Germany: Duchy of Holstein, 1474–1544 / County of Holstein-Rendsburg, 1290–1474
Germany: County of Holstein, 811–1261
Germany: Duchy of Holstein-Glückstadt, 1648–1866
Germany: Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp, 1544–1868
Germany: Duchy of Holstein-Haderslev, 1544–1580
Germany: County of Holstein-Itzehoe, 1261–1290
Germany: County of Holstein-Kiel, 1261–1390
Germany: County of Holstein-Pinneberg, 1290–1640
Germany: County of Holstein-Plön, 1290–1390
Germany: County of Holstein-Segeberg, 1273–?
Germany: Duchy of Jülich, 1356–1795 / County of Jülich, 1003–1356
Germany: Principality of Lichtenberg, 1815–1834
Germany: Principality of Lippe, 1789–1918 / County of Lippe, 1709–1789 / County of Lippe-Detmold, 1613–1709
Germany: County of Lippe, 1528–1613 / Lordship of Lippe, 1123–1528
Germany: County of Lippe-Alverdissen, 1681–1777
Germany: County of Lippe-Alverdissen, 1613–1643
Germany: County of Lippe-Biesterfeld, 16??–1762
Germany: County of Lippe-Brake, 1613–1709
Germany: County of Lippe-Weissenfeld, 16??–1762
Germany: Landgraviate of Lower Hesse, 1308–1311
Germany: Landgraviate of Lower Hesse, 1458–1500
Germany: Grand Duchy of the Lower Rhine, 1815–1822
Germany: State of Lower Saxony, 1946–present
See separate list
Germany: Free City of Lübeck, 1226–1935
Germany: Principality of Lüneburg, 1269–1705
Germany: Duchy of Magdeburg, 1680–1807 / Archbishopric of Magdeburg, 968–1680
Germany: Electorate of Mainz, 800–1803 / Archbishopric of Mainz, 1780–800
Germany: County of Manderscheid, 9??–1488
Germany: County of Mansfeld, ?–1780
Germany: Duchy of Mecklenburg-Güstrow, 1621–1695
Germany: Duchy of Mecklenburg-Güstrow, 1520–1610
Germany: Duchy of Mecklenburg-Güstrow, 1480–1483
Germany: Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1815–1918 / Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1358–1815 / Duchy of Mecklenburg, 1348–1358 / Principality of Mecklenburg, ?–1348
Germany: Duchy of Mecklenburg-Stargard, 1352–1471
Germany: Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 1815–1918 / Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 1701–1815
Germany: Margraviate of Meissen, 965–1423
Germany: Duchy of Moers, 1186–?
Germany: Duchy of Nassau, 1806–1866
Germany: County of Nassau, 1125–1255
Germany: County of Nassau-Beilstein, 1606–1620
Germany: County of Nassau-Beilstein, 1341–1561
Germany: County of Nassau-Diez, 1606–1806
Germany: Principality of Nassau-Dillenburg, 1652–1739 / County of Nassau-Dillenburg, 1620–1652
Germany: County of Nassau-Dillenburg, 1303–1606
Germany: Principality of Nassau-Hadamar, 1650–1743 / County of Nassau-Hadamar, 1606–1650
Germany: County of Nassau-Hadamar, 1303–1394
Germany: County of Nassau-Idstein, 1627–1721
Germany: County of Nassau-Idstein, 1480–1509
Germany: County of Nassau-Ottweiler, 1640–1728
Germany: County of Nassau-Saarbrücken, 1627–1723
Germany: County of Nassau-Saarbrücken, 1442–1574
Germany: County of Nassau-Siegen, 1607–1623
Germany: County of Nassau-Siegen, 1255–1328
Germany: Principality of Nassau-Siegen (Catholic), 16??–1743 / County of Nassau-Siegen (Catholic), 1623–16??
Germany: Principality of Nassau-Siegen (Protestant), 1664–1734 / County of Nassau-Siegen (Protestant), 1623–1664
Germany: County of Nassau-Sonnenberg, 1355–1405
Germany: Principality of Nassau-Usingen, 1688–1806 / County of Nassau-Usingen, 1640–1688
Germany: Principality of Nassau-Weilburg, 1688–1806 / County of Nassau-Weilburg, 1255–1688
Germany: County of Nassau-Wiesbaden, 1355–1605
Germany: State of North Rhine-Westphalia, 1946–present
See separate list
Germany: Burgraviate of Nuremberg, 1105–1440
Germany: Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, 1814–1918 / Duchy of Oldenburg, 1180–1814
Germany: Electoral Palatinate, 1356–1803 / County Palatine of the Rhine, 1085–1356 / County Palatine of Lotharingia, 915–1085
Germany: Kingdom of Prussia, 1701–1918 / Duchy of Prussia, 1525–1701
See separate list
Germany: Principality of Pyrmont, 1805–1812
Germany: County of Pyrmont, 1194–1625
Germany: Principality of Ratzeburg, 1648–1701 / Prince-Bishopric of Ratzeburg, 1236–1648
Germany: Principality of Regensburg, 1803–1810
Germany: Principality of Reuss Elder Line, 1778–1918
Germany: Principality of Reuss Younger Line, 18??–1918
Germany: State of Rhineland-Palatinate, 1946–present
See separate list
Germany: Principality of Rügen, 1168–1325
Germany: County of Saarbrücken, 1123–1353
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg, 1826–1918
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg, 1602–1672
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Coburg, 1680–1735
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Coburg, 1596–1633
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Eisenach, 1633–1638
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Eisenach, 1572–1596
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1826–1918
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, 1699–1825
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Eisenach, 1662–1809
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Eisenach, 1640–1644
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Eisenach, 1596–1638
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Eisenberg, 1680–1707
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Gotha, 1640–1680
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, 1680–1826
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Hildburghausen, 1680–1826
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Jena, 1672–1690
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg, 1814–1876
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg, 1296–1803
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Marksuhl, 1662–1672
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen, 1680–1918
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Römhild, 1680–1710
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Saalfeld, 1680–1735
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Weimar, 1572–1809
Germany: Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, 1815–1918 / Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, 1809–1815
Germany: Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg, 1296–1356
Germany: Kingdom of Saxony, 1806–1918 / Electorate of Saxony, 1356–1806
Germany: Duchy of Saxony, 804–1296
Germany: Principality of Schaumburg, 1620–1640 / County of Schaumburg, 1485–1620 / County of Schauenburg, 1110–1485
Germany: Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe, 1807–1918 / County of Schaumburg-Lippe, 1643–1807
Germany: State of Schleswig-Holstein, 1946–present
See separate list
Germany: County of Schwarzburg, 1197–1599
Germany: Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, 1711–1918 / County of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, 1599–1711
Germany: Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, 1697–1918 / County of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, 1599–1697
Germany: County of Schwerin, 1160–1358
Germany: Prince-Bishopric of Schwerin, 1181–1648
Germany: County of Sternberg-Manderscheid, 1780–1794
Germany: Duchy of Swabia, 496–1268
Germany: Landgraviate of Thuringia, 1130–1247
Germany: Duchy of Thuringia, 632–908
Germany: Electorate of Trier, 898–1801
Germany: Landgraviate of Upper Hesse, 1308–1311
Germany: Landgraviate of Upper Hesse, 1458–1500
Germany: Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont, 1812–1918 / Principality of Waldeck, 1805–1812 / Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont, 1712–1805 / County of Waldeck-Pyrmont, 1625–1712 / County of Waldeck, 1180–1625
Germany: County of Werl-Arnsberg, 1102–? / County of Arnsberg, ?–1102
Germany: Kingdom of Westphalia, 1807–1813
Germany: Duchy of Westphalia, 1180–1803
Germany: Kingdom of Württemberg, 1806–1918 / Duchy of Württemberg, 1495–1806 / County of Württemberg, 1083–1495
Germany: Grand Duchy of Würzburg, 1806–1814 / Electorate of Würzburg, 1803–1806
Ghana: Republic of Ghana, 1960–present / Dominion of Ghana, 1957–1960
See separate list
Ghana: Colony of the Gold Coast, 1867–1957
See separate list
Gibraltar: Territory of Gibraltar, 1981–present / Colony of Gibraltar, 1713–1981
See separate list
Gilbert and Ellice Islands: Colony of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, 1916–1976 / Protectorate of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, 1892–1916
See separate list
Greece: Third Hellenic Republic, 1974–present / Kingdom of Greece, 1935–1974 / Second Hellenic Republic, 1924–1935 / Kingdom of Greece, 1832–1924 / First Hellenic Republic, 1822–1832
See separate list
Greece: Hellenic State, 1941–1944
Greece: Cretan State, 1898–1913
Greece: United States of the Ionian Islands, 1815–1864 / Septinsular Republic, 1800–1815
Greenland: Realm of Greenland, 1953–present / Colony of Greenland, 1721–1953
Grenada: Dominion of Grenada, 1974–present / Colony State of Grenada, 1962–1974 / Province of Grenada, 1958–1962 / Colony of Grenada, 1877–1958
See separate list
Guam: Territory of Guam, 1898–present
See separate list
Guatemala: Republic of Guatemala, 1821–present
See separate list
Guernsey: Bailiwick of Guernsey, 1204–present
See separate list
Guernsey: Alderney, 933–present
See separate list
Guyana: Co-operative Republic of Guyana, 1970–present / Dominion of Guyana, 1966–1970
See separate list
Guyana: Colony of British Guiana, 1831–1966
See separate list
Hungary: Republic of Hungary, 1989–present / People's Republic of Hungary, 1949–1989 / Republic of Hungary, 1946–1949 / Kingdom of Hungary, 1000–1946
See separate list
Iceland: Republic of Iceland, 1944–present / Kingdom of Iceland, 1918–1944 / Realm of Iceland, 1874–1918 / Colony of Iceland, 1262–1874 / Icelandic Commonwealth, 930–1262
See separate list
India: Republic of India, 1950–present / Union of India, 1947–1950
See separate list
India: Indian Empire, 1876–1947 / British India, 1858–1876
India: Honourable East India Company, 1600–1858
India: Bengal Presidency, 1757–1947
See separate list
India: Bikaner State, 1465–1947
See separate list
India: Bombay State, 1950–1960 / Bombay Province, 1947–1950 / Bombay Presidency, 1668–1947
See separate list
India: Gujarat State, 1960–present
See separate list
India: Hyderabad State, 1724–1956
See separate list
India: Karnataka State, 1973–present
See separate list
India: Madras State, 1950–1969 / Madras Province, 1947–1950 / Madras Presidency, 1652–1947
See separate list
India: Maharashtra State, 1960–present
See separate list
India: Punjab State, 1950–present / East Punjab Province, 1947–1950 / Punjab Province, 1849–1947
See separate list
Indochina: Indochinese Federation, 1947–1954 / Indochinese Union, 1887–1947
Indonesia: Republic of Indonesia, 1945–present
See separate list
Indonesia: Colony of the Dutch East Indies, 1800–1949 / Dutch East India Company, 1603–1800
See separate list
Iran: Islamic Republic of Iran, 1979–present
See separate list
Iran: Imperial State of Iran, 1935–1979
See separate list
Iran: Imperial State of Persia, 1925–1935 / Sublime State of Persia, 1789–1925
See separate list
Iraq: Republic of Iraq, 1958–present / Kingdom of Iraq, 1921–1958 / State of Iraq, 1918–1921
See separate list
Ireland: Republic of Ireland, 1949–present / Dominion of Éire, 1937–1949 / Irish Free State, 1922–1937
See separate list
Ireland: Ireland, 1801–1922 / Kingdom of Ireland, 1542–1801 / Lordship of Ireland, 1177–1541
See separate list
Israel: State of Israel, 1948–present
See separate list
Israel: State of Palestine, 1988–present
Israel: Mandate of Palestine, 1920–1948 / Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, 1918–1920
See separate list
Italy: Italian Republic, 1946–present / Kingdom of Italy, 1861–1946 / Kingdom of Sardinia, 1297–1861
See separate list
Italy: Kingdom of Italy, 1805–1814 / Italian Republic, 1802–1805
Italy: Republic of Alba, 1944
Italy: Republic of Alba, 1796–1801
Italy: Duchy of Alvito, 1606–1806 / County of Alvito, 1463–1606 / Duchy of Alvito, 14??–1463 / County of Alvito, 13??–14??
Italy: Duchy of Amalfi, 958–1037
Italy: Republic of Ancona, 1797–1798
Italy: Republic of Ancona, 10??–1532
Italy: Duchy of Aosta, 1310–17??
Italy: Duchy of Benevento, 576–1053
Italy: Republic of Bergamo, 1797
Italy: Bolognese Republic, 1796 / Commune of Bologna, 1115–1796
Italy: Republic of Brescia, 1797
Italy: Prince-Bishopric of Brixen, 1179–1803
Italy: Duchy of Camerino, 1515–1539 / Lordship of Camerino, ?–1515 / Commune of Camerino, 10??–?
Italy: Principality of Carpi, ?–?
Italy: Principality of Carrara, 1664–1796 / March of Carrara, 1558–1664 / Lordship of Carrara, ?–1558
Italy: Principality of Castiglione, ?–1691
Italy: Duchy of Castro, 1537–1649
Italy: March of Ceva, 1125–1427
Italy: Cisalpine Republic, 1797–1802
Italy: Cispadane Republic, 1796–1797
Italy: March of Concordia, 1597–1710 / County of Concordia, 1432–1597
Italy: Principality of Correggio, 1616–1659 / County of Correggio, ?–1616
Italy: Republic of Cospaia, 1440–1826
Italy: Republic of Crema, 1797
Italy: Kingdom of Etruria, 1801–1807
Italy: Lordship of Faenza, ?–1501 / Commune of Faenza, 11??–?
Italy: Duchy of Ferrara, 1471–1597 / Lordship of Ferrara, 1264–1471 / Commune of Ferrara, ?–1264
Italy: March of Finale, 11??–1602 / March of Savona, 967–11??
Italy: Lordship of Forlì, 12??–? / Commune of Forlì, 8??–12??
Italy: Republic of Genoa, 1005–1797
Italy: County of Görz and Gradisca, 1754–1918 / County of Görz, 1127–1754
Italy: County of Gradisca, 1647–1747
Italy: Duchy of Guastalla, 1621–1748 / County of Guastalla, 1406–1621
Italy: March of Incisa, 1161–1548
Italy: Landi State, ?–1682
Italy: Duchy of Latera, 1408–1650
Italy: Ligurian Republic, 1814–1815
Italy: Ligurian Republic, 1797–1805
Italy: Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia, 1815–1866
Italy: Duchy of Lucca, 1815–1847 / Principality of Lucca and Piombino, 1805–1815 / Republic of Lucca, 1160–1805
Italy: Duchy of Mantua, 1530–1797 / March of Mantua, 1433–1530 / Commune of Mantua, 1115–1433
Italy: Duchy of Massa, 1664–1796 / Principality of Massa, 1568–1664 / March of Massa, ?–1568
Italy: Duchy of Massa and Carrara, 1815–1829
Italy: Principality of Masserano, 1577–1767 / March of Masserano, ?–1577
Italy: Lordship of Matelica, ?–?
Italy: Duchy of Milan, 1395–1797 / Lordship of Milan, ?–1395 / Commune of Milan, ?–?
Italy: Duchy of Mirandola, 1617–1710 / Principality of Mirandola, 1597–1617 / County of Mirandola, 1310–1597
Italy: Duchy of Modena and Reggio, 1814–1859
Italy: Duchy of Modena, 1452–1796 / Lordship of Modena, 1288–1452 / Commune of Modena, 11??–1288
Italy: County of Montechiarugolo, 1456–1612
Italy: Duchy of Montferrat, 1574–1708 / March of Montferrat, 961–1574
Italy: Kingdom of Naples, 1282–1816
Italy: County of Novellara, 13??–1737
Italy: Pallavicini State, ?–1636
Italy: Duchy of Parma, 1814–1859
Italy: Duchy of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, 1748–1802 / Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, 1556–1748 / Duchy of Parma, 1545–1556
Italy: Parthenopean Republic, 1799
Italy: Duchy of Pesaro, ?–? / Lordship of Pesaro, ?–?
Italy: Principality of Piombino, 1594–1805 / Lordship of Piombino, 1399–1594
Italy: Republic of Pisa, 10??–1406
Italy: County of Pitigliano, ?–1604
Italy: State of Presidi, 1557–1800
Italy: Duchy of Reggio, 1452–1796 / Lordship of Reggio, ?–1452 / Commune of Reggio, ?–?
Italy: Lordship of Rimini, 1239–1500 / Commune of Rimini, ?–1239
Italy: Western Roman Empire, 395–480 / Roman Empire, 27 BC–395 / Roman Republic, 509–27 BC / Roman Kingdom, 753–509 BC
See separate list
Italy: Roman Republic, 1798–1799
Italy: County of Ronciglione, 1526–1649
Italy: Duchy of Sabbioneta, 1577–1629
Italy: March of Saluzzo, 1142–1548 / County of Saluzzo, ?–1142
Italy: County of Santa Fiora, 1274–1633
Italy: Lordship of Sassuolo, 1373–1599
Italy: Duchy of Savoy, 1416–1713 / County of Savoy, 1003–1416
Italy: Kingdom of Sicily, 1130–1816 / County of Sicily, 1071–1130
Italy: Republic of Siena, 10??–1555
Italy: Duchy of Sora, 1443–1796 / County of Sora, 1399–1443
Italy: County of Sovana, 1274–15??
Italy: Subalpine Republic, 1800–1802
Italy: Tiberina Republic, 1798–1799
Italy: Transpadane Republic, 1796–1797
Italy: Prince-Bishopric of Trent, 1027–1803
Italy: Free City of Trieste, ?–1918
Italy: Grand Duchy of Tuscany, 1815–1859
Italy: Grand Duchy of Tuscany, 1569–1801 / Duchy of Florence, 1532–1569 / Republic of Florence, 1115–1532
Italy: March of Tuscany, 846–1115
Italy: Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 1816–1861
Italy: Duchy of Urbino, 1443–1631 / County of Urbino, 1213–1443
Italy: Republic of Venice, 697–1797
Ivory Coast: Republic of Ivory Coast, 1958–present
See separate list
Jamaica: Dominion of Jamaica, 1962–present / Province of Jamaica, 1958–1962 / Colony of Jamaica, 1655–1958
See separate list
Japan: State of Japan, 1947–present
See separate list
Japan: Empire of Japan, 1868–1947
See separate list
Jersey: Bailiwick of Jersey, 1204–present
See separate list
Jordan: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 1949–present
See separate list
Jordan: Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan, 1946–1949 / Emirate of Transjordan, 1921–1946
See separate list
Kazakhstan: Republic of Kazakhstan, 1991–present
See separate list
Kenya: Republic of Kenya, 1964–present / Dominion of Kenya, 1963–1964 / Colony of Kenya, 1920–1963 / Protectorate of British East Africa, 1890–1920
See separate list
Kiribati: Republic of Kiribati, 1979–present
Kiribati: Colony of the Gilbert Islands, 1976–1979
See separate list
Kosovo: Republic of Kosovo, 2008–present
See separate list
Kosovo: Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, 1990–present / Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo, 1974–1990
Kosovo: Republic of Kosova, 1990–2000
Kuwait: Emirate of Kuwait, 1961–present / Sheikhdom of Kuwait, 1613–1961
See separate list
Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyz Republic, 1991–present
See separate list
Laos: Lao People's Democratic Republic, 1975–present / Kingdom of Laos, 1947–1975
See separate list
Latvia: Republic of Latvia, 1991–present
See separate list
Latvia: Republic of Latvia, 1918–1940
Latvia: Reichskommissariat Ostland, 1941–1945
Latvia: Terra Mariana, 1207–1561
Latvia: Governorate of Courland, 1795–1915 / Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, 1562–1795
Latvia: Governorate of Livonia, 1713–1918
Lebanon: Republic of Lebanon, 1946–present / Mandate of Lebanon, 1920–1946 / Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, 1918–1920
See separate list
Leeward Islands: Leeward Islands, 1958–1962 / Federal Colony of the Leeward Islands, 1871–1958 / Colony of the Leeward Islands, 1833–1871
See separate list
Lesotho: Kingdom of Lesotho, 1966–present
See separate list
Lesotho: Protectorate of Basutoland, 1869–1966
Libya: State of Libya, 2011–present / Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 1977–2011 / Libyan Arab Republic, 1969–1977 / Kingdom of Libya, 1963–1969 / United Kingdom of Libya, 1951–1963
Libya: Colony of Libya, 1934–1943
See separate list
Liechtenstein: Principality of Liechtenstein, 1719–present
See separate list
Lithuania: Republic of Lithuania, 1991–present
See separate list
Lithuania: Republic of Lithuania, 1918–1940 / Kingdom of Lithuania, 1918
Lithuania: General Governorate of Lithuania, 1795–1918
Lithuania: Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1263–1795 / Kingdom of Lithuania, 1253–1263 / Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1236–1253
Luxembourg: Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 1815–present / Duchy of Luxembourg, 1353–1790 / County of Luxembourg, 963–1353
See separate list
Luxembourg: County of Vianden, ?–1414
Malawi: Republic of Malawi, 1964–present
Malawi: Protectorate of Nyasaland, 1907–1964 / British Central African Protectorate, 1889–1907
See separate list
Malaysia: Kingdom of Malaysia, 1963–present
See separate list
Malaysia: Federation of Malaya, 1948–1963 / Malayan Union, 1946–1948
See separate list
Malaysia: Federated Malay States, 1895–1946
See separate list
Malaysia: Unfederated Malay States, 1826–1946
See separate list
Malaysia: Sultanate of Johore, 1511–present
See separate list
Malaysia: Sultanate of Kedah, 1136–present
See separate list
Malaysia: Sultanate of Kelantan, 1411–present
See separate list
Malaysia: Colony of North Borneo, 1946–1963 / Protectorate of North Borneo, 1888–1946
See separate list
Malaysia: Colony of Sarawak, 1946–1963 / Raj of Sarawak, 1841–1946
See separate list
Malaysia: Colony of the Straits Settlements, 1826–1946
See separate list
Malta: Republic of Malta, 1974–present / Dominion of Malta, 1964–1974 / Colony of Malta, 1814–1964
See separate list
Malta: Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 1099–present
Isle of Man: Lordship of Mann, 1504–present / Kingdom of Mann, 1333–1504
See separate list
Mauritius: Republic of Mauritius, 1992−present / Dominion of Mauritius, 1968−1992 / Colony of Mauritius, 1810–1968
See separate list
Mexico: United Mexican States, 1867–present / Empire of Mexico, 1864–1867 / United Mexican States, 1846–1863
See separate list
Moldova: Republic of Moldova, 1991–present
See separate list
Moldova: Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, 1991–present
Monaco: Principality of Monaco, 1297–present
See separate list
Montenegro: Republic of Montenegro, 1990–present / Socialist Republic of Montenegro, 1963–1990 / People's Republic of Montenegro, 1945–1963 / Federal State of Montenegro, 1944–1945
See separate list
Montenegro: Kingdom of Montenegro, 1941–1944
Montenegro: Kingdom of Montenegro, 1910–1918 / Principality of Montenegro, 1852–1910 / Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro, 1516–1852
Montserrat: Territory of Montserrat, 1981–present / Colony of Montserrat, 1962–1981 / Province of Montserrat, 1958–1962 / Colony of Montserrat, 1632–1958
See separate list
Namibia: Republic of Namibia, 1969–present
Namibia: Mandate of South West Africa, 1920–1990 / South West Africa, 1915–1920
See separate list
Namibia: Colony of German South West Africa, 1884–1919
Nepal: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, 2008–present / Kingdom of Nepal, 1768–2008
See separate list
Netherlands: Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1830–present
See separate list
Netherlands: United Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1815–1830
Netherlands: Kingdom of Holland, 1806–1810 / Batavian Republic, 1795–1806 / Dutch Republic, 1581–1795
Netherlands: County of Bentinck, 1732–?
Netherlands: County of Buren, 994–1795
Netherlands: Frisian Kingdom, 600–734
Netherlands: Lordship of Groningen, 1536–1594
Netherlands: Duchy of Guelders, 1339–1795 / County of Guelders, 1096–1339
Netherlands: County of Holland, 10??–1796
Netherlands: County of Horne, 920–1795
Netherlands: Duchy of Limburg, 1839–1867
Netherlands: Lordship of Purmerend, Purmerland and Ilpendam, 1410–1795
Netherlands: County of Ravenstein, 1368–1528
Netherlands: County of Schaesberg, ?–1794
Netherlands: Imperial Abbey of Thorn, 1292–1795
Netherlands: Prince-Bishopric of Utrecht, 1024–1528
Netherlands: County of Zeeland, 1012–1795
Netherlands: Lordship of Zuid-Polsbroek, 12??–1795
New Caledonia: Territory of New Caledonia, 1946–present / Dependency of New Caledonia, 1853–1946
See separate list
New Zealand: Dominion of New Zealand, 1907–present / Colony of New Zealand, 1841–1907
See separate list
Nicaragua: Republic of Nicaragua, 1838–present
See separate list
Nigeria: Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1963–present / Federation of Nigeria, 1960–1963 / Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria, 1914–1960
See separate list
Nigeria: Colony of Lagos, 1862–1906 / Protectorate of Lagos, 1861–1862
See separate list
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate, 1893–1900 / Oil Rivers Protectorate, 1884–1893
See separate list
Nigeria: Northern Nigeria Protectorate, 1900–1914
See separate list
Nigeria: Royal Niger Company, 1886–1900
See separate list
Nigeria: Southern Nigeria Protectorate, 1900–1914
See separate list
North Korea: Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 1948–present
See separate list
North Macedonia: Republic of North Macedonia, 2019–present / Republic of Macedonia, 1990–2019 / Socialist Republic of Macedonia, 1963–1990 / People's Republic of Macedonia, 1945–1963 / Federal State of Macedonia, 1944–1945
See separate list
Norway: Kingdom of Norway, 872–present
See separate list
Oman: Sultanate of Oman, 1970–present / Sultanate of Muscat and Oman, 1820–1970
See separate list
Oman: Sultanate of Muscat, 1650–1820
Oman: Imamate of Oman, 751–1820
Pakistan: Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1956–present / Dominion of Pakistan, 1947–1956
See separate list
Pakistan: Sind Province, 1843–1947
See separate list
Panama: Republic of Panama, 1903–present
See separate list
Panama: Panama Canal Zone, 1903–1979
See separate list
Papua New Guinea: Independent State of Papua New Guinea, 1975–present / Territory of Papua New Guinea, 1972–1975 / Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 1949–1972
See separate list
Papua New Guinea: Territory of New Guinea, 1920–1975
See separate list
Papua New Guinea: Territory of Papua, 1883–1975
See separate list
Paraguay: Republic of Paraguay, 1813–present
See separate list
Peru: Republic of Peru, 1821–present
See separate list
Philippines: Republic of the Philippines, 1946–present / Commonwealth of the Philippines, 1935–1946 / Insular Government of the Philippine Islands, 1901–1935 / United States Military Government of the Philippine Islands, 1898–1901
See separate list
Poland: Republic of Poland, 1989–present / People's Republic of Poland, 1944–1989
See separate list
Poland: General Government, 1939–1945
Poland: Republic of Poland, 1918–1939 / Kingdom of Poland, 1916–1918
Poland: Vistula Land (Russian Poland), 1867–1915
Poland: Congress Kingdom of Poland, 1815–1867
Poland: Duchy of Warsaw, 1807–1815
Poland: Kingdom of Poland, 1025–1795
Poland: Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1569–1795
Poland: Prince-Bishopric of Cammin, 1140–1544
Poland: Grand Duchy of Cracow, 1846–1918 / Free City of Kraków, 1815–1846
Poland: Free City of Danzig, 1920–1939
See separate list
Poland: Free City of Danzig, 1807–1814
Poland: City of Danzig, 1457–1734
Poland: Duchy of Pomerania, 1121–1637
Poland: Grand Duchy of Posen, 1815–1848
Poland: Duchy of Silesia, 1138–1173
Poland: Duchy of Teschen, 1281–1918
Poland: State of the Teutonic Order, 1224–1525
Portugal: Portuguese Third Republic, 1974–present / Portuguese Second Republic, 1926–1974 / Portuguese First Republic, 1910–1926 / Kingdom of Portugal, 1139–1910 / County of Portugal, 1093–1139
See separate list
Puerto Rico: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 1952–present / Territory of Puerto Rico, 1898–1952
See separate list
Qatar: Emirate of Qatar, 1971–present / Sheikhdom of Qatar, 1847–1971
See separate list
Romania: Republic of Romania, 1989–present / Socialist Republic of Romania, 1965–1989 / People's Republic of Romania, 1947–1965 / Kingdom of Romania, 1881–1947 / United Principalities of Romania, 1862–1881 / United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, 1859–1862
See separate list
Romania: Banat Republic, 1918
Romania: Principality of Moldavia, 1346–1859
Romania: Voivodeship of Serbia and Banat of Temeschwar, 1849–1860
Romania: Grand Principality of Transylvania, 1765–1867 / Principality of Transylvania, 1570–1765
Romania: Principality of Wallachia, 1330–1859
Russia: Russian Federation, 1991–present
See separate list
Russia: Russian Empire, 1721–1923
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha: Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, 2009–present / Territory of Saint Helena, 1981–2009 / Colony of St Helena, 1834–1981
See separate list
Saint Lucia: Dominion of Saint Lucia, 1979–present / Colony of Saint Lucia, 1962–1979 / Province of Saint Lucia, 1958–1962 / Colony of Saint Lucia, 1814–1958
See separate list
Samoa: Independent State of Samoa, 1997–present / Independent State of Western Samoa, 1962–1997 / Western Samoa Trust Territory, 1920–1962
See separate list
San Marino: Republic of San Marino, 301–present
See separate list
Saudi Arabia: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1932–present
See separate list
Senegal: Republic of Senegal, 1960–present
See separate list
Serbia: Republic of Serbia, 1990–present / Socialist Republic of Serbia, 1963–1990 / People's Republic of Serbia, 1945–1963 / Federal State of Serbia, 1944–1945
See separate list
Serbia: Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, 1990–present / Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, 1974–1990
Serbia: Government of National Salvation, 1941–1944 / Commissary Government, 1941
Serbia: Kingdom of Serbia, 1882–1918 / Principality of Serbia, 1804–1882
Serbia: Banat, 1941–1944
Serbia: Republic of Užice, 1941
Seychelles: Republic of Seychelles, 1976-present / Colony of Seychelles, 1903–1976
See separate list
Sierra Leone: Republic of Sierra Leone, 1971–present / Dominion of Sierra Leone, 1961–1971 / Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone, 1808–1961
See separate list
Singapore: Republic of Singapore, 1965–present
See separate list
Slovakia: Slovak Republic, 1993–present
See separate list
Slovakia: Slovak Republic, 1939–1945
See separate list
Slovenia: Republic of Slovenia, 1990–present / Socialist Republic of Slovenia, 1963–1990 / People's Republic of Slovenia, 1945–1963 / Federal State of Slovenia, 1944–1945
See separate list
Slovenia: Duchy of Carniola, 1364–1918 / March of Carniola, 8??–1364
Slovenia: Kingdom of Illyria, 1816–1849 / Illyrian Provinces, 1809–1816
Slovenia: Republic of Prekmurje, 1919
Solomon Islands: Dominion of Solomon Islands, 1978–present / Protectorate of Solomon Islands, 1893–1978
See separate list
Somalia: Puntland State of Somalia, 1998–present
See separate list
Somalia: British Somaliland Protectorate, 1888–1960
See separate list
South Africa: Republic of South Africa, 1961–present / Union of South Africa, 1910–1961
See separate list
South Africa: Republic of Bophuthatswana, 1977–1994
See separate list
South Africa: Cape Province, 1910–1994 / Cape Colony, 1806–1910
See separate list
South Africa: Republic of Ciskei, 1981–1994
See separate list
South Africa: Republic of KwaZulu, 1981–1994
See separate list
South Africa: Republic of Lebowa, 1972–1994
See separate list
South Africa: Province of Natal, 1910–1994 / Colony of Natal, 1843–1910
See separate list
South Africa: Orange Free State Province, 1910–1994 / Orange River Colony, 1902–1910 / Orange Free State, 1854–1902 / Orange River Sovereignty, 1848–1854
See separate list
South Africa: Republic of Transkei, 1976–1994
See separate list
South Africa: Province of the Transvaal, 1910–1994 / Transvaal Colony, 1902–1910 / South African Republic (Transvaal Republic), 1856–1902
See separate list
South Africa: Republic of Venda, 1979–1994
See separate list
South African High Commission Territories: South African High Commission Territories, 1847–1964
See separate list
South Korea: Republic of Korea, 1948–present
See separate list
Soviet Union: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1922–1991
See separate list
Spain: Kingdom of Spain, 1947–present / Spanish State, 1936–1947 / Second Spanish Republic, 1931–1936 / Kingdom of Spain, 1874–1931 / First Spanish Republic, 1873–1874 / Kingdom of Spain, 1516–1873
See separate list
Spain: Second Spanish Republic, 1936–1977
Spain: Kingdom of Aragon, 1035–1714
Spain: Kingdom of Asturias, 718–924
Spain: County of Barcelona, 8??–1714
Spain: Kingdom of Castile, 1037–1714 / County of Castile, 8??–1037
Spain: Kingdom of Galicia, 409–1833
Spain: Kingdom of León, 910–1833
Spain: Kingdom of Majorca, 1231–1714
Spain: Kingdom of Navarre, 1004–1620 / Kingdom of Pamplona, 824–1004
Spain: Kingdom of Seville, 1248–1833
Spain: Kingdom of Valencia, 1237–1714
Sri Lanka: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, 1972–present
See separate list
Sri Lanka: Dominion of Ceylon, 1948–1972 / Colony of Ceylon, 1802–1948
See separate list
Sudan: Republic of the Sudan, 1956–present / Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1899–1956
See separate list
Swaziland: Kingdom of Eswatini, 2018–present
Swaziland: Kingdom of Swaziland, 1815–2018
See separate list
Sweden: Kingdom of Sweden, 970–present
See separate list
Switzerland: Swiss Confederation, 1803–present / Helvetic Republic, 1798–1803 / Swiss Confederacy, 1291–1798
See separate list
Switzerland: County of Aarberg, 1209–1379
Switzerland: Canton of Appenzell, 1507–1597
Switzerland: Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden, 1597–present
Switzerland: Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, 1597–present
Switzerland: Canton of Basel, 1501–present / Free Imperial City of Basel, 1356–1501
Switzerland: Prince-Bishopric of Basel, 999–1801
Switzerland: Prince-Abbacy of Beckenried, ?–?
Switzerland: Canton of Bern, ?–present / Free Imperial City of Bern, 1218–?
Switzerland: Rauracian Republic, 1792–1793
Switzerland: Sonderbund, 1845–1847
Syria: Syrian Arab Republic, 1961–present / Syrian Republic, 1946–1961 / Mandatory Syrian Republic, 1930–1946 / State of Syria, 1925–1930 / Syrian Federation, 1922–1924
See separate list
Taiwan: Republic of China, 1949–present
See separate list
Tajikistan: Republic of Tajikistan, 1991–present
See separate list
Tanzania: United Republic of Tanzania, 1964–present
Tanzania: Republic of Tanganyika, 1962–1964 / Dominion of Tanganyika, 1961–1962 / Tanganyika Territory, 1916–1961
See separate list
Thailand: Kingdom of Thailand, 1940–present / Kingdom of Siam, 1782–1940
See separate list
Tonga: Kingdom of Tonga, 1845–present
See separate list
Trinidad and Tobago: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, 1976–present / Dominion of Trinidad and Tobago, 1962–1976 / Province of Trinidad and Tobago, 1958–1962 / Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, 1899–1958
See separate list
Trinidad and Tobago: Colony of Trinidad, 1797–1899
Trinidad and Tobago: Colony of Tobago, 1814–1899
Turkey: Republic of Turkey, 1922–present
See separate list
Turkey: Ottoman Empire, 1299–1922
See separate list
Turkmenistan: Republic of Turkmenistan, 1991–present
See separate list
Tuvalu: Dominion of Tuvalu, 1978–present / Colony of Tuvalu, 1975–1978
See separate list
Uganda: Republic of Uganda, 1963–present / Dominion of Uganda, 1962–1963 / Protectorate of Uganda, 1894–1962
See separate list
Ukraine: Republic of Ukraine, 1991–present
See separate list
Ukraine: Duchy of Bukovina, 1775–1918
Ukraine: Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, 1772–1918
United Arab Emirates: United Arab Emirates, 1971–present
See separate list
United Arab Emirates: Trucial States, 1820–1971
United Arab Emirates: Emirate of Abu Dhabi, 1971–present / Sheikhdom of Abu Dhabi, 1820–1971
See separate list
United Arab Emirates: Emirate of Ajman, 1971–present / Sheikhdom of Ajman, 1810–1971
United Arab Emirates: Emirate of Dubai, 1971–present / Sheikhdom of Dubai, 1833–1971
See separate list
United Arab Emirates: Emirate of Fujairah, 1971–present / Sheikhdom of Fujairah, 1901–1971
United Arab Emirates: Emirate of Kalba, 1971–present / Sheikhdom of Kalba, 1936–1971
United Arab Emirates: Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, 1972–present / Sheikhdom of Ras Al Khaimah, 1869–1972
See separate list
United Arab Emirates: Emirate of Sharjah, 1971–present / Sheikhdom of Sharjah, 1727–1971
See separate list
United Arab Emirates: Emirate of Umm Al Quwain, 1971–present / Sheikhdom of Umm Al Quwain, 1768–1971
United Kingdom: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1927–present / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1801–1927 / Kingdom of Great Britain, 1707–1801
See separate list A–F
See separate list G–L
See separate list M–R
See separate list S–Z
United Kingdom: England and Wales, 1707–present / Kingdom of England, 927–1707
See separate list
United Kingdom: Province of Northern Ireland, 1922–present
See separate list
United Kingdom: Scotland, 1707–present / Kingdom of Scotland, 843–1707
See separate list
United Kingdom: Principality of Wales, 1216–present
See separate list
United Kingdom: Jacobite Army, 1688–1698
See separate list
United States: United States of America, 1775–present
See separate list A–F
See separate list G–L
See separate list M–R
See separate list S–Z
United States: State of Alabama, 1819–present / Territory of Alabama, 1817–1819
See separate list
United States: State of Alaska, 1959–present / Territory of Alaska, 1912–1959 / District of Alaska, 1884–1912 / Department of Alaska, 1867–1884
United States: State of Arizona, 1912–present / Territory of Arizona, 1861–1912
See separate list
United States: State of Arkansas, 1836–present / Territory of Arkansas, 1819–1836
See separate list
United States: State of California, 1850–present
See separate list
United States: State of Colorado, 1876–present / Territory of Colorado, 1861–1876
See separate list
United States: State of Connecticut, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Colony of Connecticut, 1636–1783
United States: Territory of Dakota, 1861–1889
United States: State of Delaware, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Colony of Delaware, 1664–1783
United States: State of Florida, 1845–present / Territory of Florida, 1822–1845
See separate list
United States: State of Georgia, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of Georgia, 1732–1783
United States: State of Hawaii, 1959–present / Territory of Hawaii, 1898–1959 / Republic of Hawaii, 1894–1898 / Kingdom of Hawaii, 1795–1894
See separate list
United States: State of Idaho, 1890–present / Territory of Idaho, 1863–1890
See separate list
United States: State of Illinois, 1818–present / Territory of Illinois, 1809–1818
See separate list
United States: Indian Territory, 1834–1907
United States: State of Indiana, 1816–present / Territory of Indiana, 1800–1816
See separate list
United States: State of Iowa, 1846–present / Territory of Iowa, 1838–1846
See separate list
United States: State of Kansas, 1861–present / Territory of Kansas, 1854–1861
See separate list
United States: Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1792–present
See separate list
United States: State of Louisiana, 1812–present / Territory of Orleans, 1804–1812
See separate list
United States: State of Maine, 1820–present / District of Maine, 1780–1820
See separate list
United States: State of Maryland, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of Maryland, 1632–1783
United States: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1629–1783
United States: State of Michigan, 1837–present / Territory of Michigan, 1805–1837
See separate list
United States: State of Minnesota, 1858–present / Territory of Minnesota, 1849–1858
See separate list
United States: State of Mississippi, 1817–present / Territory of Mississippi, 1798–1817
See separate list
United States: State of Missouri, 1821–present / Territory of Missouri, 1812–1821 / Territory of Louisiana, 1805–1812 / District of Louisiana, 1804–1805
See separate list
United States: State of Montana, 1889–present / Territory of Montana, 1864–1889
See separate list
United States: State of Nebraska, 1867–present / Territory of Nebraska, 1854–1867
See separate list
United States: State of Nevada, 1864–present / Territory of Nevada, 1861–1864
See separate list
United States: Dominion of New England, 1686–1689
United States: State of New Hampshire, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of New Hampshire, 1629–1783
United States: State of New Jersey, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of New Jersey, 1702–1783
United States: State of New Mexico, 1912–present / Territory of New Mexico, 1850–1912
See separate list
United States: State of New York, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of New York, 1664–1783
United States: State of North Carolina, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of North Carolina, 1712–1783
United States: State of North Dakota, 1889–present
See separate list
United States: Northwest Territory, 1787–1803
United States: State of Ohio, 1803–present
See separate list
United States: State of Oklahoma, 1907–present / Territory of Oklahoma, 1890–1907
See separate list
United States: State of Oregon, 1859–present / Territory of Oregon, 1848–1859
See separate list
United States: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of Pennsylvania, 1682–1783
United States: State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636–1783
United States: State of South Carolina, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Province of South Carolina, 1712–1783
United States: State of South Dakota, 1889–present
See separate list
United States: State of Tennessee, 1796–present / Southwest Territory, 1790–1796
See separate list
United States: State of Texas, 1845–present / Republic of Texas, 1836–1846
See separate list
United States: State of Utah, 1896–present / Territory of Utah, 1850–1896
See separate list
United States: State of Vermont, 1791–present / Republic of Vermont, 1777–1791
See separate list
United States: Commonwealth of Virginia, 1776–present
See separate list
United States: Colony of Virginia, 1607–1783
United States: State of Washington, 1889–present / Territory of Washington, 1853–1889
See separate list
United States: State of West Virginia, 1863–present
See separate list
United States: State of Wisconsin, 1848–present / Territory of Wisconsin, 1836–1848
See separate list
United States: State of Wyoming, 1890–present / Territory of Wyoming, 1868–1890
See separate list
United States: Confederate States of America, 1861–1865
See separate list
United States Virgin Islands: Territory of the United States Virgin Islands, 1917–present
See separate list
Uruguay: Oriental Republic of Uruguay, 1825–present / Oriental Province, 1813–1828
See separate list
Uzbekistan: Republic of Uzbekistan, 1991–present
See separate list
Vanuatu: Republic of Vanuatu, 1980–present
Vanuatu: Condominium of the New Hebrides, 1906–1980
See separate list
Vatican City: Vatican City State, 1929–present / Vatican, 1870–1929 / Papal States, 754–1870
See separate list
Venezuela: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 1999–present / Republic of Venezuela, 1953–1999 / United States of Venezuela, 1864–1953 / State of Venezuela, 1830–1864
See separate list
Vietnam: Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 1976–present / Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 1945–1976
See separate list
Vietnam: Republic of Vietnam, 1955–1975 / State of Vietnam, 1949–1955 / Provisional Central Government of Vietnam, 1948–1949
See separate list
West Africa: British West Africa, 1821–1965
See separate list
West Indies: British West Indies, 1707–present / Federation of the West Indies, 1958–1962
See separate list
Yemen: Republic of Yemen, 1990–present
See separate list
Yemen: People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen), 1967–1990
Yemen: Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen), 1962–1990 / Kingdom of Yemen, 1918–1962
Yemen: State of Aden, 1963–1967 / Colony of Aden, 1937–1963 / Chief Commissioner's Province of Aden, 1932–1937 / Aden Settlement, 1839–1932
Yemen: Aden Protectorate, 1872–1963
See separate list
Yemen: Federation of South Arabia, 1962–1967
Yemen: Protectorate of South Arabia, 1963–1967
Yugoslavia: State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, 2003–2006 / Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1992–2003 / Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1963–1992 / Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, 1946–1963 / Democratic Federal Yugoslavia, 1943–1946 / AVNOJ, 1942–1943
Yugoslavia: Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1929–1945 / Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 1918–1929
Zambia: Republic of Zambia, 1964–present
See separate list
Zambia: Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia, 1924–1964 / Northern Rhodesia (British South Africa Company), 1911–1924
See separate list
Zimbabwe: Republic of Zimbabwe, 1980–present
Zimbabwe: Colony of Southern Rhodesia, 1979–1980 / Republic of Rhodesia, 1970–1979 / Dominion of Rhodesia, 1965–1970 / Colony of Southern Rhodesia, 1923–1965 / Southern Rhodesia (British South Africa Company), 1890–1923
See separate list

