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Aparna Bhat

  1. Mrs Aparna Bhat is a senior lawyer.Aparna Bhat first met laxmi Agarwal in 2005.Though Bhat, then 35, had worked on several cases of domestic and sexual violence, the meeting with Agarwal shook her.
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Aparna Bhat
  1. Aparna Bhat
  2. Indian Flag
    A human rights lawyer who mostly worked on cases of violence against women and children, Bhat had often discussed the need to ban the sale of acid in India. “There were people already working on the issue, to be fair. There was this organisation in Bangalore which had been demanding a ban on acid,”
  3. Bhat not only took up Agarwal’s fight for justice, she also filed a public interest litigation (PIL) in 2006, seeking a ban on the sale of acid, a case she fought for 11 long years against successive governments.