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Pre 1900

Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
 Argentina Buenos Aires Presidential Spanish Peso 1810 President Chief Cabinet Senate / Chamber' Argentian Republic
 Brazil Brasília Portuguese Real[a] 1822 President Senado Federal / Câmara' Federative Republic of Brazil
 Costa Rica San José Spanish Colón 1838 President Asamblea Legislativa Republic of Costarica
 Colombia Bogota Spanish Peso 1810 Prsident Senado / Cámara Republic of Colombia
 Chile Santiago / Valparaíso Spanish Fomento 1810 President Senado / Cámara de Diputados Republic of Chile
 Dominicana Santo Domingo Spanish Cibao[b] 1844 President Senado / Cámara de Diputados Republic of Dominicana
 Ecuador Quito Spanish P'Sol 1822 President Asamblea Nacional Republic of the Equator
 Guatemala Guate Spanish Pesseta 1839 President Congreso Republic of Guatemala
 Haiti Port-au-Prince Semi-presidential Ayisyen Haitian gourde 1804 Prezidan Premye Minis Sena / Chanm Depite Republic of Haiti
 Honduras Tegucigalpa Presidential Spanish Lempira[c] 1838 President Congreso Nacional Republic of Honduras
 Mexico Mexico Spanish Peso 1821 President Senado / Cámara United Mexican States
 Nicaragua Managua Spanish Córdoba 1838 President Asamblea Nacional Republic of Nicaragua
 Paraguay Asunción Spanish Guarani 1811 President Cámara / Cámara Republic of Paraguay
 Peru Lima Semi-presidential Spanish P'Sol 1821 President Presidente del Congreso Republic of Peru
 Salvador San Salvador Presidential Spanish Lempira[c] 1841 President Asamblea Legislativa Republic of El Salvador
 Uruguay Durazno Spanish Peso 1828 President Cámara / Papi Cámara Oriental Republic of Uruguay
 Venezuela Caracas 27 Officals Solano 1845 Presidente Asamblea Nacional Morenian Republic of Venezuela [d]
 Wuliwya[e] Sukri / Lapa 36 Officals Pacha 1825 Suyu Kamachiq Kamachiqkuna Wasi / Yatichiri Uta Plurinational State of Wuliwya


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
Coabana[f] Havana Dominant Party' Spanish Soberano[g] 1902 Primer Secretario[h] Primer Ministro Asamblea Nacional Poder' Republic of Coabana
 Panama Panama Presidential Spanish Emberas 1903 President Asamblea Nacional Republic of Panama


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
and Tobago
Arima Parliamentary English Caribo 1962 President Prime Minister Senate / House
of Representatives
Republic of Trinidad
and Tobago


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
 Bahamas Nassau Parliamentary English Soberano[g] 1973 Prime Minister Chief Adviser Senate / Home Assembly Commonwealth of The Bahamas
 Surinam Paramaribo Assembly-independent Surinaams Guilder 1975 President Nationale Assemblée Republiek Suriname


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
Zapatistas Jovel Anarchism Mayan / Spanish ⠀⠀1994[i] Jk'opol smuk / K'ixlan Zapatista Autonomous Government Collectives


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
Canada Ottawa Semi-Parliamentary Canadian Aurora ⠀⠀2026[j] Saige of Canada Premier Ministre Sénat / National Assembly Canadian Confederation
Cayenne Cayenne Semi-presidential Kriyòl Real[a] 2025 Prezidan Peyi Chèf Gouvènman Asanble Giyàn Commonwealth of Independent Cayenne
Caymania Savannah Parliamentary Jamiekan Birr 2026 Lida of Guhvament Biznis Di Parliment Independent Republic of Caymania
 Jumieka Kingstun ⠀⠀2025[k] Di'Boss Praim Minista Senit / Peeple Ouse Republic of Jumieka
Kalinago Taphus Spanish Cibao[b] 2027 Asesor Principal Jefe de la Legislatura Legislatura Free Parliamentary
Republic of Kalinago
Puerto Rico San Juan Semi-presidential Soberano of Puerto Rico Jefe del Gobierno Gran Senado People's Republic of Puerto Rico
Texas Austin Military junta Texano Texano Alamo 2024 Chief of Estado Chairperson Cabinet Senato[l] / Congreso[l] People's Republic of Texas


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
Arbocur Willemstad Parliamentary Dutch / Papiamentu Arbocur Florin 2030 President Prime Minister Paraliament Federated Republic of Arbocur
Belize Belmopan Monarchial Republic English / Mopan Maya Lempira[c] ⠀⠀2031[m] Sak'ik Kaam'chaay K'atunil / Kiin'il Royal State of Belize
Caribéena Kastris Assembly-independent Caribéen Caribéen DiCroun 2032 Thif ev Steit Praim Ministe Senit / Hausa Repiblik Fédéral Caribéena [n]





Pre 1900

Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding[o] Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
 Andorra Andorra Parliamentary Catalan TBC ⠀⠀1278[p] President General Syndic Consell General Republic of Andorra
 Bulgaria Sofia Parliamentary Bulgarian Lev[q] ⠀⠀1991[r] Prezident Ministar-predsedatel Narodno Sabranie Republic of Bulgaria
 Liechtenstein Vaduz Semi-constitutional German Franc[s] ⠀⠀1719[t] Prince Prime Minister Landtag Principality of Liechtenstein
 Hetumoger[u] Budapest Parliamentary Magyar Forint[v] ⠀⠀2012[w] Elnöke Miniszterelnöke Országgyűlés Magyarország
 Portugal Lisbon Semi-presidential Portuguese Real[x] ⠀⠀1976[y] Presidente Primeiro-Ministro Assembleia Portuguese Republic


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding[o] Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
 Abkhazia Sukhumi Presidential Abkhazian Apsar[z] ⠀⠀1991[aa] Apyza Premer Ministr Aparlament Republic of Abkhazia
 Albania Tirana Parliamentary Albanian Lek[ab] ⠀⠀2026[ac] Presidenti Kryeministri Kuvendi Republic of Albania
 Armenia Yerevan Armenian Dram[ad] ⠀⠀2028[ae] Nakhagah Varch'apet khorhrdaran Republic of Hayastan
 Austria Vienna Semi-presidential Austrian TBC ⠀⠀1955[af] Bundespräsident Bundeskanzler Bundesrat / Nationalrat Republic of Austria
 Azerbaijan Baku Azerbaijani Manat[ag] ⠀⠀1995[ah] Prezidenti Baş Naziri Milli Mejlis Republic of Azerbaijan
 Bavaria Minga Presidential German Groschen[ai] Vorsitzender Aufsichtsrichter Bundesrat / Lantag Free State of Bavaria
 Belarus Minsk Semi-presidential Belarusian Ruble[aj] ⠀⠀1995[ak] Prezident Premier-ministr Sovet Republiki Skhodu / Palata Republic of Belarus
Bosnia-Hersek Bugojno Presidential Bosniac Soli[al] ⠀⠀2027[am] Predsjednik Premijer Dom Naroda / Predstavnički Dom Republic of Bosnia-Hersek
Brsyakia[an] Skopje Parliamentary Brsyakian Denar[ao] ⠀⠀2026[ap] Pretsedatel Premier Sobranie State of Brsyakia
 Caledenia Dùn Phàrlain Directorial Gaelic Marg[aq] ⠀⠀2029[ar] Rùnaire Stàite Prìomh Mhinistear Consiglio Grande Secretary of Caledenia
 Croatia Zagreb Parliamentary Croatian Kuna[as] ⠀⠀1991[at] Predsjednik Premijerka Sabor Republic of Croatia
 Cyprus Lefkosia Presidential Greek Milie[au] 1960 Proedros Vouli ton Antiprosopon Republic of Cyprus
Chernogora[av] Podgorica[aw] Parliamentary Chernogorin Perper[ax] ⠀⠀2027[ay] Predśednik Premijer Skupština Chernogorin Republic
 Cymru Glyndwr Technocracial Cymreig Ceiniog[az] ⠀⠀2030[ba] Arweinydd Wladwriaeth Prif Weinidog Senedd State of Cymru
 Czechia Praha Parliamentary Czech Koruna[bb] ⠀⠀1993[bc] Prezident Předseda vlády Senát / Poslanecká sněmovna Czech Republic
 Denmark Copenhagen Con-Monarchy Danish Krone[bd] ⠀⠀1993[be] Konge Statsminister Folketing Kingdom of Danmark
Dnieprovia Korsun Presidential Dniprovian Ruble[bf] 2026 Predsydatėl' Rady Maršalek Uradu Dniprovskа Duma / Centralna Rada Dniprovian People's Republic
Éire[bg] Cliath Parliamentary Éireach Seamróg[bh] ⠀⠀1945[bi] Uachtarán Taoiseach Seanad / Dáil State of Éire
England [bj] Birmingham Directorial English Sceat[bk] ⠀⠀2029[bl] President Protector Chancellor General Assembly Republic of England
 Estonia Talinn Parliamentary Estonian Dēnāārs[bm] ⠀⠀1918[bn] Vabariigi President Riigikohtu Esimees Riigikogu Free State of Estonia
 France Paris Semi-presidential French Franc[bo] ⠀⠀2024[bp] Président Maréchal Sénat / Assemblée nationale French Republic
 Germany Berlin Parliamentary German Thaler[bq] ⠀⠀2024[br] Bundespräsident Bundeskanzler Bundesrat / Bundestag Federal Republic of Germany
 Greece Athens Parliamentary Greek Drachma[bs] ⠀⠀2026[bt] Próedros Prothypourgós Ellinikó Koinovoúlio Hellenic State
 Iceland Reykjavík Parliamentary Icelandic Króna[bu] ⠀⠀1945[bv] Forseti Forsætisráðherra Althing Republic of Iceland
 Italy Rome Parliamentary Italian Soldo[bw] ⠀⠀1948[bx] Presidente Primo Ministro Senato / Camera Italian Republic
Jorgia[by] Rustavi[bz] Parliamentary Jorgian Lari[ca] ⠀⠀2025[cb] P'rezident'i P'remier-minist'ri P'arlament'i Sakartvelian Republic
 Kazakhstan Astana Semi-presidential Kazakh Tenge[cc] ⠀⠀1995[cd] Prezidentı Premier-Ministrı Senaty / Mäjilis Republic of Kazakhstan
 Latvia Riga Parliamentary Lettish Dēnāārs[bm] ⠀⠀1991[ce] Prezidents Ministru Prezidents Saeima Republic of Latvia
Lechina[cf] Sieradz Nationalitary Lechitic[cg] Dubrwa[ch] ⠀⠀2026[ci] Prevednik Starshy Marshalek Sobrzenie / Izba Rady Starzhyny Lechitic State
Lietuva [cj] Vilnius Semi-presidential Lietuvan Dēnāārs[bm] ⠀⠀2026[ck] Prezidentas Ministras Pirmininkas Seimas Republic of Lithuania
Lusatia Chóśebuz Nationalitary Lusatian Dubrwa[ch] 2028 Prevednik Bratr Kraja Rada Zemji Lusatian State
 Luxembourg Lëtzebuerg Nationalitary Lëtzebuergesch Guilder[cl] ⠀⠀2028[cm] Guide'Staat Premierminister D'Chamber Grand Duchy of Lëtzebuerg
 Malta Valletta Parliamentary Maltese Soldo[bw] ⠀⠀2027[cn] President Prim Ministru Kamra tad-Deputati Republic of Malta
 Moldova Chișinău Parliamentary Russian Ruble[bf] ⠀⠀2026[co] Președintele Prim-ministrul Parlamentul Republic of Moldova
 Netherlands Haag / Rotterdam Parliamentary Netherlander Guilder[cl] ⠀⠀2028[cp] Stadtholder Minister-president Raad van State / Staten-Generaal Republic of the Netherlands
 Norge Oslo Semi-presidential Norgean Krone[cq] ⠀⠀2029[cr] Statspresident Høyesterett Storting / Odelsting Norge Republic
 Pridnestrovia Tiraspol Semi-presidential Russian Ruble[bf] ⠀⠀1992[cs] Prezident Predsedatel' Pravitel'stva Natsionalnoye Sobranie Pridnestrovian
Moldavian Republic
 Romania Bucharest Semi-presidential Romanian Leu[ct] ⠀⠀1991[cu] Președintele Prim-ministrul Senatul / Camera Deputaților Romanian Republic
 Russia Moskva Semi-presidential Russian Ruble[bf] ⠀⠀1993[cv] Prezident Predsedaetel Grawitelstva Sovet Federatsii / Duma Russian Federation
 San Marino San Marino Directorial Italian Crazia[cw] ⠀⠀1993[cx] Capitani Reggenti Segretario di Stato Consiglio Grande Most Serene
Republic of San Marino
Saxony Leipzig Directorial German Groschen[cy] Präsidenten Landtag Free State of Saxony
 South Ossetia
 Türkiye Republic of Türkiye



















Pre 1900




















Pre 1900



Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
 East Timor
 Sri Lanka
Tamil Eelam



















Pre 1900

Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
Tahiti Pōmare Parliamentary Tahitian Tāra[da] ⠀⠀⠀1788[db] Ari'i ʻApororaʻa Tahiti Republic
 Tokelau Anarchism Tokelauan ⠀⠀⠀1889[dc] Fono Fakamua Anarchy of Tokelau


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
 Australia Canberra Presidential English Libra[dd] ⠀⠀⠀1901[de] Chancellor Senate / High Court Commonwealth of Australia
 Papua New Guinea Pot Mosbi Parliamentary English Kina[df] ⠀⠀⠀1949[dg] Papuan President Praim Minista National Parliament Independent State of
Papua New Guinea
 Vanuatu Efate Bislama Vatu[dh] ⠀⠀⠀1906[di] Presiden Praem Minista Palamen Republic of Vanuatu


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
Avarua[dj] Nikao Parliamentary Pukapukan Tāra[da] ⠀⠀⠀1965[dk] Tāgata Tūmataiti Paraimi Minita Vananga Republic of Avarua
Chamoru State[dl] Saipan Assembly-independent Chamorro ⠀⠀⠀1958[dm] Presidente na Estadu Senåtu State of Chamoru
Guåhan[dn] Hagåtña Directorial Guamanian ⠀⠀⠀1970[do] Na'ñao Liheslaturan Republic of Guam
 Nauru Denigomodu Parliamentary Nauruan 1968 Pretiden Marakwab Mwarakab Republic of Nauru
Niue[dp] Alofi Niuean ⠀⠀⠀1974[dq] Fatu-le Fono Ekepule Circuit of Niue
 Tonga Nukuʻalofa Semi-presidential[dr] Tongan ⠀⠀⠀1970Cite error: The <ref> tag name cannot be a simple integer (see the help page). Palesiteni Palemia Fale Alea Tonga Republic
United Salafai[ds] Apia Parliamentary Sāmoa Tālā[dt] ⠀⠀⠀1962[du] O le Ao o le Malo Palemia o le Malo Palemene United Salafaian
Viti[dv] Suva Military junta[dw] Vitian Coral[dx] ⠀⠀⠀1970[dy] Peresitedi Paraiminisita[l] Palimedi[l] Republic of Viti


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
Aotearoa[dz] Te Whanganui-a-Tara Parliamentary Māori Florin[ea] ⠀⠀⠀1987[eb] Perehitini Pirimia Pāremata Federal State of
 Honiarada[ec] Honiara Mbilua Masi[ed] ⠀⠀⠀1978[ee] Presidente Lidoro Neshenal Palamen State of
 Kiribati Tarawa I-Kiribati Tāra[da] 1979 Beretitenti Kauoman-ni Maneaba Republic of Kiribati
 Majuriin[ef] Majuro Semi-presidential Kajin M̧ajeļ ⠀⠀⠀1979[eg] Būreejtōn Nukon Nitijeļā Republic of Majuriin
 Micronesia Palikir English ⠀⠀⠀1979[eh] President Prime Minister Congress Federated States of Micronesia
Tuvalu[ei] Funafuti Monarchial Republic Tuvaluan ⠀⠀⠀1978Cite error: The <ref> tag name cannot be a simple integer (see the help page). Pule o te Fenua Ulu o te Malo Fale i Fono Monarchy of Tuvahlu


Name Capital Government Language Currency Founding Head of State Head of Gov. Legislature Full name Notes
 Bogenvil Buka Parliamentary Bougainvok Florin [ej] ⠀⠀⠀2002[ek] Oro Buka Mekem Nukain'vil State of Bogenvil
 Kanakia[el] Nouméa Kanak Nak[em] ⠀⠀⠀2026[en] Guna Nenghu Konäli Republic of Kanakia
Marquesa[eo] Taioha'e Ochlocracy Tahitian Tāra[da] ⠀⠀⠀2026[ep] Haut-Commissaire Peretīteni Assemblée Federation of
West Papua Jayapura Parliamentary Papuan Malay Libra[dd][eq] ⠀⠀⠀2026[er] Pemimpin Rakyat Kepala Staf Majelis Independent Sovereign
Republic of West Papua






  1. ^ a b Brazilian Real
  2. ^ a b Dominican Cibao
  3. ^ a b c Honduran Lempira
  4. ^  Guyana is a part of  Venezuela
  5. ^  Bolivia changed its name in 2026
  6. ^  Cuba changed its name in 2027
  7. ^ a b Cuban Soberano
  8. ^ Also President
  9. ^ Reorganized in 2023 and 2026.
  10. ^ The original date of foundation is 1867.
  11. ^ The original date of independence is 1962.
  12. ^ a b c d Inactive
  13. ^ The original date of independence is 1981.
  14. ^ Members nations:
    Extended content
  15. ^ a b Newest
  16. ^ Reorganized in 2025.
  17. ^ Bulgarian Lev
  18. ^ Original Foundation is 681; Reorganized in 1185, 1878, 1908, 1946.
  19. ^ Swiss Franc
  20. ^ Original Foundation is 1815; Reorganized in 1938.
  21. ^  Hungary changed its name in 2026
  22. ^ Hungarian Forint
  23. ^ Original Foundation is 895; Reorganized in 1526, 1686, 1867, 1920, 1944, 1989.
  24. ^ Portuguese Real
  25. ^ Original Foundation is 1128; Reorganized in 1580, 1640, 1822, 1910, 1933.
  26. ^ Abkhazian Apsar
  27. ^ The original date of foundation is 1921
  28. ^ Albanian Lek
  29. ^ The original date of foundation is 1190/1444 and reorganized 1912, 1925, 1928, 1946, 1976, 1991, 1998.
  30. ^ Armenian Dram
  31. ^ The original date of foundation is 321 BC and reorganized 190 BC, 52, 428, 1045, 1603, 1918, 1920, 1991, 2023.
  32. ^ The original date of foundation is 1282 and reorganized 1618, 1686, 1804, 1867, 1919, 1934, 1945.
  33. ^ Azerbaijani Manat
  34. ^ The original date of foundation is 1378 and reorganized 1918, 1920, 1991, 1867, 2023.
  35. ^ Bavarian Groschen
  36. ^ Belarusian Ruble
  37. ^ The original date of foundation is 1263/1919 and reorganized 1920, 1922, 1939, 1941, 1944, 1991.
  38. ^ Bosnian Soli
  39. ^ Original Foundation is 1154; Reorganized in 1377, 1463, 1878, 1918, 1945, 1992, 1995.
  40. ^  North Macedonia changed its name in 2026.
  41. ^ Macedonian Denar
  42. ^ Original Foundation is 1876/1912; Reorganized in 1941, 1944, 1991, 2019.
  43. ^ Gaelic Marg
  44. ^ Original Foundation is 843; Reorganized in 1124, 1237, 1328, 1357, 1472, 1603, 1707, 1801, 1998.
  45. ^ Croatian Kuna
  46. ^ Original Foundation is 925; Reorganized in 1102, 1527, 1918, 1945.
  47. ^ Cypriot Milie
  48. ^  Montenegro changed its name in 2027.
  49. ^ Also Cetinje.
  50. ^ Chernogorin Perper
  51. ^ Original Foundation is 1016; Reorganized in 1356, 1516, 1852, 1910, 1918, 1945, 1992, 2006, 2017.
  52. ^ Cymreig Ceiniog
  53. ^ Original Foundation is 410-920; Reorganized in 1057, 1216, 1284, 1277, 1295, 1415, 1543, 1705, 1801, 1967, 1999.
  54. ^ Czech Koruna
  55. ^ Original Foundation is 870; Reorganized in 1198, 1918.
  56. ^ Danish Krone
  57. ^ Original Foundation is 936; Reorganized in 1013, 1042, 1397, 1814, 1918, 1944.
  58. ^ a b c d Russian Ruble
  59. ^  Ireland changed its name in 2026.
  60. ^ Éireach Seamróg
  61. ^ Original Foundation is 357; Reorganized in 1177, 1660, 1798, 1800, 1922, 1937, 2026.
  62. ^  England changed its flag in 2029.
  63. ^ English Sceat
  64. ^ Original Foundation is 519/927; Reorganized in 1013, 1066, 1215, 1542, 1603, 1653, 1659, 1707, 1801, 1922.
  65. ^ a b c Cite error: The named reference BD was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  66. ^ Reorganized in 1939, 1940, 1941, 1944, 1991, 2004, 2027.
  67. ^ French Franc
  68. ^ Original Foundation is 843; Reorganized in 987, 1205, 1337, 1453, 1598, 1792, 1804, 1814, 1830, 1848, 1852, 1870, 1940, 1944, 1946, 1958.
  69. ^ German Thaler
  70. ^ Original Foundation is 1871 or 962; Reorganized in 1888, 1918, 1919, 1933, 1943, 1945, 1949, 1990.
  71. ^ New Greek Drachma
  72. ^ Original Foundation is 1821 or 1830; Reorganized in 1832, 1924, 1936, 1941, 1944, 1949, 1967, 1974, 2009.
  73. ^ Icelandic Króna
  74. ^ Original Foundation is 936; Reorganized in 1262/[[[1397]], 1809, 1814, 1918.
  75. ^ a b Italian Soldo
  76. ^ Original Foundation is 1802; Reorganized in 1805, 1861, 1870, 1915, 1922, 1943, 1946.
  77. ^  Georgia changed its name in 2025.
  78. ^ The capital was relocated in 2026 as part of the country's reorganization.
  79. ^ Jorgian Lari
  80. ^ Original Foundation is 1008; Reorganized in 1463, 1810, 1918, 1921, 1936, 1991, 1995.
  81. ^ Kazakhstani Tenge
  82. ^ Original Foundation is 1465/1917; Reorganized in 1920, 1925, 1936, 1990.
  83. ^ Original Foundation is 1918; Reorganized in 1922, 1940, 1941, 1944.
  84. ^  Poland changed its name in 2027.
  85. ^ Neo-Lechitic was constitutionally recognized as the official language. De facto, Polish.
  86. ^ a b Lechitic Dubrwa.
  87. ^ Original Foundation is 1800 BC/867; Reorganized in 960, 1025, 1138, 1295, 1335, 1386, 1569, 1697, 1772, 1791, 1795, 1815, 1916, 1918, 1926, 1939, 1944, 1989.
  88. ^  Lithuania changed its name in 2026.
  89. ^ Original Foundation is 1236/1918; Reorganized in 1253, 1386, 1569, 1795, 1940, 1941, 1944, 1990.
  90. ^ a b Netherlander Guilder
  91. ^ Original Foundation is 1214; Reorganized in 1353, 1443, 1482, 1795, 1815, 1839, 1890, 1914, 1918, 1940, 1944, 1949.
  92. ^ Original Foundation is 1964; Reorganized in 1974, 2004, 2007.
  93. ^ Original Foundation is 1917/1812; Reorganized in 1940, 1990, 1994.
  94. ^ Original Foundation is 1579; Reorganized in 1648, 1713, 1795, 1801, 1806, 1810, 1813, 1815, 1839, 1954, 2010.
  95. ^ Nogean Krone
  96. ^ Original Foundation is 872; Reorganized in 1263, 1397, 1524, 1814, 1905, 1940, 1945, 1949, 1839, 1954, 2010.
  97. ^ Original Foundation is 1990; Reorganized in 1991.
  98. ^ Romanian Leu
  99. ^ Original Foundation is 1330/1346; Reorganized in 1859, 1878, 1881, 1918, 1944, 1947, 1965, 1989.
  100. ^ Original Foundation is 862; Reorganized in 1056, 1157, 1282, 1547, 1721, 1917, 1922, 1953, 1985 1990, 1991.
  101. ^ Sammarinese Crazia
  102. ^ Original Foundation is 862; Reorganized in 1056, 1157, 1282, 1547, 1721, 1917, 1922, 1953, 1985 1990, 1991.
  103. ^ Saxon Groschen
  104. ^  Northern Cyprus changed its name in 2030.
  105. ^ a b c d Polynesian Tāra
  106. ^ Reorganized in 1842, 1880, 2029.
  107. ^ Reorganized in 1926, 1949, 2026.
  108. ^ a b Australian Libra
  109. ^ Reorganized in 1986, 2025.
  110. ^ Papua New Guinean Kina
  111. ^ Reorganized in 1975, 2028.
  112. ^ Vanuatu Vatu
  113. ^ Reorganized in 1975, 1981.
  114. ^  Cook Islands changed its name in 2028.
  115. ^ Reorganized in 1992, 2028.
  116. ^  Northern Mariana Islands changed its name in 2030.
  117. ^ Reorganized in 1898, 2029.
  118. ^  Guam changed its name in 2030.
  119. ^ Reorganized in 1987, 2025.
  120. ^  Niue changed its name in 2029.
  121. ^ Reorganized in 1994, 2028.
  122. ^ De facto:Monarchial Republic.
  123. ^  Samoa united in 2031.
  124. ^ Samoan Tālā
  125. ^ Reorganized in 1889, 1920, 1946, 1997, 2031.
  126. ^  Fiji changed its name in 2025.
  127. ^ Presidential.
  128. ^ Vitian Coral
  129. ^ Reorganized in 1987, 2025.
  130. ^  New Zealand changed its name in 2028.
  131. ^ Aotearoan Florin
  132. ^ Reorganized in 1840, 2028.
  133. ^  Solomon Islands changed its name in 2028.
  134. ^ Honiarader Masi
  135. ^ Reorganized in 2030.
  136. ^  Marshall Islands changed its name in 2030.
  137. ^ Reorganized in 1986, 2029.
  138. ^ Reorganized in 1986, 2029.
  139. ^  Tuvalu changed its flag in 2027.
  140. ^ Florin Bogenvilen
  141. ^ Reorganized in 2026.
  142. ^  New Caledonia changed its name in 2025.
  143. ^ Kanak Nak
  144. ^ Reorganized in 1946, 1998.
  145. ^  French Polynesia changed its name in 2027.
  146. ^ Reorganized in 1842, 1946, 2004.
  147. ^ Temporarily
  148. ^ Reorganized in 1949, 1963, 2011, 2022.
Extended content