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User:Narking/Sandbox/Swedish surnames

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The most common names in Sweden are originally patronymic, which means that the son of e.g. Karl received the surname Karlsson (Karl's son). The daughter received the name Karlsdotter (Karl's daughter). Since the 19th century these names are inherited indifferent of the previous tradition and carried as family names. Even though these "son-names" are the most common names in Sweden, a majority of the Swedes have other family names consisting of two items from nature, for example Lindberg (linden/lime mountain), Bergkvist (mountain twig), Alström/Ahlström (alder stream). Other names like Sjöman (Seaman) and Nyman (Newman) contain professions and adjectives. Many families also have military-oriented names as Skarpsvärd (sharp sword) Sköld (shield) and Stolt (proud). Those names were originally appointed to soldiers from 16th century and onwards based on either character, merit or inheritance (a professional soldier had the right to change his name to that of his predecessor). Due to the greater diversity of these names each specific name is less common than most "son-names". Persons with ancestors of noble origin in Sweden often have surnames referring to their coat of arms and sometimes the names are also of non-Swedish origin. The top 10 surnames cover about 20% of the population.

Patronymic surnames


Johansson, Svensson, Karlsson

Regional differences due to popular first names.

Surnames deriven from nature


Bergström, Lindberg, Dalberg

Surnames deriven from placenames


Bjurman, Norstedt, Dahlin

Surnames deriven from military names


Sköld, Rask, Warg

Surnames deriven from professions


Very rary

Priest's surnames


Noble surnames


Natt och Dag, Hamilton,

Walloonian surnames


Douhan, Dandenelle

Top 30 surnames as of 2007-12-31 [1]

Surname Number of people Etymology
1 Johansson 268,887 Son of Johan.
2 Andersson 266,971 Son of Anders.
3 Karlsson 204,801 Son of Karl.
4 Nilsson 180,993 Son of Nils.
5 Eriksson 144,466 Son of Erik.
6 Larsson 130,760 Son of Lars.
7 Olsson 115,425 Son of Olof.
8 Persson 113,043 Son of Per.
9 Svensson 108,328 Son of Sven.
10 Gustafsson 75,227 Son of Gustaf.
11 Pettersson 68,336 Son of Petter.
12 Jonsson 59,904 Son of Jon or Jonas.
13 Jansson 52,003 Son of Jan.
14 Hansson 45,488 Son of Hans.
15 Bengtsson 35,585 Son of Bengt.
16 Jönsson 34,500 Son of Jöns.
17 Petersson 31,755 Son of Peter.
18 Carlsson 30,026 Son of Carl.
19 Lindberg 27,367 Lind=linden, berg=mountain.
20 Magnusson 27,293 Son of Magnus.
21 Gustavsson 26,625 Son of Gustav.
22 Olofsson 25,489 Son of Olof.
23 Lindström 25,467 Lind=linden, ström=stream.
24 Lindgren 23,302 Lind=linden, gren=branch.
25 Axelsson 22,929 Son of Axel.
26 Lundberg 21,658 Lund=copse, berg=mountain.
27 Jakobsson 21,539 Son of Jakob.
28 Bergström 21,428 Berg=mountain, ström=stream.
29 Lundgren 20,948 Lund=copse, gren=branch.
30 Berg 19,813 Berg=mountain.

Note that several surnames are just variants of the same names such as Gustafsson/Gustavsson, Karlsson/Carlsson, Pettersson/Petersson and that Olsson is just a contraction of Olofsson.

Swedish surnames in Finland [2]

Surname Number of people Etymology
1 Johansson 7,438 Son of Johan.
2 Lindholm 7,077 Lind=linden, holm=islet
3 Nyman 7,000 Newman.
4 Karlsson 6,174 Son of Karl.
5 Lindström 5,859 Lind=linden, ström=stream.
6 Andersson 5,300 Son of Anders.
7 Eriksson 5,220 Son of Erik.
8 Lindroos 4,623 Lind=linden, roos=rose.
9 Lindqvist 4,546 Lind=linden, qvist=twig.
10 Lindberg 3,995 Lind=linden, berg=mountain.
11 Helenius 3,903 Unclear origin.
12 Lindgren 3,590 Lind=linden, gren=branch.
13 Helin 3,525 Unclear origin.
14 Eklund 3,491 Ek=oak, lund=copse.
15 Gustafsson 3,429 Son of Gustaf.
16 Blomqvist 3,336 Blom=bloom, qvist=twig.
17 Nylund 3,233 Ny=new, lund=copse.
18 Lindfors 3,196 Lind=linden, fors=rapids.
19 Jansson 3,112 Son of Jan.
20 Nyberg 3,022 Ny=new, berg=mountain.

