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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My name is Kay Ferraro. I'm 24 years old, and I am new to Wikipedia. I was an opinion writer in college, so no body in the newspaper industry wanted to hire me. Not only that, I went to school for print journalism, which is pretty much outdated now that news and information can be found online.

Since I was never given a chance to prove myself as a news reporter (I can totally do it, just give me a chance, and maybe even a little guidance), I figured that joining the Wikipedia community would help challenge me to become a better writer and editor by sticking to the facts rather than opinions. I also wanted to teach myself more about writing for the Web.I'm also a big time nerd so I can't help but be rather fascinated by the Wiki mark up language.

I welcome all input and feedback, and look forward to learning how to better my writing and editing skills as a member of the Wikipedia community.