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Welcome to my 'thoughts' corner. Here I elaborate on all of my opinions and stances. I've spent a good deal of my life thinking about a many good things, so over time I hope a lot of good articles will accumulate here. There will probably be a good deal of headlines without elaboration for some time, because I don't always have the time, but I want to put down topics when they come to me so I remember them. Read if you wish, they're mainly for the purpose of personal reflection, but if you find them interesting then all the better. ~Jayden

Filesharing Fear

This user uses
Kazaa Lite.

I definately have to say I'm all for filesharing as well as the ideal of opensource, so I myself have come to be one of many that despise the RIAA. As I see it, they are only pushing Intellectual Property laws beyond what they were intended to be and are causing the Arts to suffer so Corporate America can make as much money as possible. Their error being an innability to evolve and innovate as technology allowed music to be distributed through the internet, they prosecute the working class to make up for it. Well, we must fight back, and the best way to do so is to not be afraid of asserting your rights. So I proudly wear the {{user Kazza Lite}} tag. --More to come, this computer session is over.

Democrats corner Bush between DPW deal and military funding


Halo 2 on PC (Long awaited, but there's a catch)


The words come from Bungie themselves. Just as even the most hopeful were about to give up on ever playing Halo 2 on their computers, we find out why we've waited so long. As a person against Microsoft, I never thought I'd buy an Xbox. Then, Halo came along, and even though I hate them so, I love Halo. So, now I own an Xbox. Microsoft realizes just how much Halo can do for them. It sold their console, and many believe that Xbox was created for the sole purpose of playing Halo. (All that other stuff is just filler.) So, what's the point? The point is that Microsoft can, and will, use this in order to sell their new operating system, Windows Vista. And for most gamers, the first words that come to mouth are "THE BASTARDS!". I said the same, but not just because I hate micro$oft with a firey passion, or because I know I'm now switching to Vista. I say it because it's genious, and within seconds I understood why they'd waited so long to release Halo 2 on PC. They're playing their cards right, and hell, maybe Vista will be a break from Microsoft's old ways, and be more efficent and less bloated. And maybe not.

Windows 'Starter Edition'


It's official, Windows is begining to feel the heat from Linux. With the growing popularity of the open-source operating system as well as the refusal of many to pay the outrageous price (piracy), Microsoft is releasing stripped down, lower cost editions of it's mojo. What will this prove? It'll prove that microsoft can sell you even worse products , while exercising a new tactic to their company: price reduction. After customers have wasted $50 on a worthless piece of software, I'm will to bet they'll be more than ready to make the switch or just get a copy from a friend.

Piracy among College Students
