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User:Mumbull/Flat Universe Society (FUS)

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Flat Universe Society (FUS)


Though there are indications that groups with similar intentions have existed since the times of the ancient Egyptians and possibly during a number of the early Chinese dynasties, the common practise of getting together to solve the world’s problems and not bothering to keep records about it makes tracking the pre-cursors of the Flat Universe Society movement difficult. It can be said with some certainty, however, that the formation of groups of interesting and diverse people who need an excuse to go out on Monday nights to consume alcoholic beverages and talk silly has been a strong motivation since humankind happily stumbled onto the process of fermentation.

The FUS today

In modern times, the FUS is headquartered in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. Informal meetings of the yet-unnamed group had been taking place there for a number of years, notably at the Mount Baker pub. Somewhere around the dawn of the new millennium between pleasant discussions about fixing old cars, the tyranny of municipal bylaws, and implications of the Big Bang Theory, the name of the group was determined.

Included in these formative discussions were Dr. James Bailey, a noted local mathematician and lute manufacturer, Mr. Peter Spaans, who is reputed to be able to fix anything with a pair of pliers and a reasonable amount of baling wire, and Mr. Bob Wakulich, a professional interloper.

In keeping with the traditions of similar organizations, the FUS does not keep minutes of their meetings; it was attempted at one point, but once the complications of doing so were further considered, the practice was wisely abandoned.

Satellite chapters of the FUS have been started in other cities – notably, Victoria, BC – by alumni who have moved on but still see the value of the movement’s aims. There is also a sister organization, the Wrinkled Universe Society (WUS), which until recently, met on Saturday mornings at a local doughnut franchise. The FUS also occasionally organizes field trips to local points of mutual interest, including other taverns and curling facilities.

Membership in the FUS is open to anyone capable of attending two meetings. Once that requirement has been met, the person becomes an irrevocable member and becomes eligible to purchase the latest edition of the group’s tee-shirt, which features the FUS logo on the front and the group’s latest ‘words to live by’ on the back. As of 2009, this has included:

What’s the FUS?

Math is stranger than fiction. (along with the inverse equation of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity)

Facts are fleeting, but doubt is forever.

Is this jug half empty, half full, or should we just order another one?

When you’re not looking, this sentence is in Spanish.

This tee-shirt is made of real Corinthian leather.


Thanks to the totally unorganized efforts of our membership, there is now a FUS page at Facebook.com. Current members, alumni and any interested non-FUS types should feel free to come and browse.

