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In mathematics the term coalition is linked to an equation which uses the Coalition Model for exponential population growth. This analytical equation was first published by mathematician, Pierre François Verhulst, in 1838 to allow for the approximation of the world's population at a given time by applying differentiation and integration techniques.[1]

get rid of math!...its just an example. its works the exact same way any coalition works.... 2 agents working together to achieve an end goal.

suggest to get rid of the flagging.



HW: find sources!

  • Federations, characterized by relatively lower degree of involvement, intensity, and participation, involving cooperation of long duration, but with members’ primary commitment remaining with their own entities
  • Instrumental coalitions, involving low-intensity involvement without a foundation to mediate conflict
  • Event-based coalitions that have a high level of involvement and the potential for future collaboration.



we're doing our work but we are also kinda cleaning up other peoples messes.. which takes away from the amount of research that we can do in that time. A the same time, it is still very important to fix these problems because the mistakes will take away from our contributions.

Working on the flow of the page, ie deciding the order of the table of contents... we mostly put it in an order which we would want to read it if we were doing research on "coalition." The original order was mismatched... talked about biology, formation, social science, mathematics, computers. In addition to our research, we had to decide how to make the the contents within the subheads flow. It didnt make sense to talk about ALL math, ALL social science, ALL computers etc in the coalition page.



Check out this university site: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/promotion-strategies/start-a-coaltion/main

find sources for"formation'"



I may be able to reuse some of that information since i recognize it from things i've been reading.

Add more to Functions

proposed moving math into diff page:DONE

Now fix this crap up and find citations for section for validity.



According to A Guide for Political Parties[1] published by National Democratic Institute and The Oslo Center for Peace and Human rights, there are five steps of coalition-building:

  1. Developing a Party Strategy: The first step in coalition-building involves developing a party strategy that will lay the ground for successful negotiation. The more effort parties place on this step, the more likely they are to identify strategic partners, negotiate a good deal and avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with coalition-building.
  2. Negotiating a Coalition: Based on the strategy that each party has prepared, in Step 2 the parties come together to negotiate and hopefully reach agreement on the terms for the coalition. Depending on the context and objectives of the coalition, these negotiations may be completely secret or partially public. While some issues may be agreed on with relative ease, others may be more contentious and require different approaches to reach compromise.
  3. Getting Started: As negotiation begins to wrap-up, the agreement between political parties needs to be formally sealed. This includes finalizing a written agreement, securing formal approval of the deal from the relevant structures of the coalition’s member parties and announcing the coalition details to the general public.
  4. Working in a Coalition: As the coalition partners begin working to implement their agreement, they will need to maintain good relations by continuing efforts to increase or sustain trust and communication among the member parties. Each party will also need to strike a balance between respecting its obligations to the coalition and maintaining its individual identity.
  5. Drawing Lessons Learned: Regardless of whether it plans to move forward alone or in another coalition, it is important for each party to review and document lessons learned from each coalition-building experience. This will make it possible to get a clearer picture of the positive and negative impacts of coalition-building on the party, and to identify lessons learned that can inform any future coalition-building efforts.

Coalitions manifest in a variety of forms, types and terms of duration:

  • Campaign coalitions with high intensity and long-term cooperation
  • Federations, characterized by relatively lower degree of involvement, intensity and participation, involving cooperation of long duration, but with members’ primary commitment remaining with their own entities
  • Instrumental coalitions, involving low-intensity involvement without a foundation to mediate conflict
  • Event-based coalitions that have a high level of involvement and the potential for future collaboration.




add citations to the parenthesis parts in the Function area

=farideh is working on definition

=I'm working on function

=savannah is working on History(kinda) and helping me with layout

Meeting with collette on friday at 4pm. We need to go over correct ways to cite

Cathy is looking for "because" factors in out talk page. eg "I would like to propose this change because...."

Continue researching and adding to Functions

USE: connotation and denotation....i think it'll fit best in the definition (ferideh)

Denotation: literal meaning...a group of people who temporarily unite to achieve a common goal

Connotation: protestors, resistance, unions,...

suggest in the talk pages of political coalition, mathematical coalition, and international coalitions so we can take those parts off of our coalition page and put it in them.

for the information that is already present.. the stuff that lacks citations, reverse work and find things to prove them correct




Pick up on reading from Coalition Theories (saved in Google Docs)


Redo table of contents (see Notes)





Coalitions branch into two expanding categories: internal coalitions and external coalitions. Internal coalitions consist of people who are already in an organization, such as a workplace.[2] For example, the Labor unions in the United States is a type of coalition which was formed in order to represent employees' wages, benefits, and working conditions. Without this unity between employees, workers were subjugated to harsh working environments and low pay due to no practical regulations. Often, organizations prefer to council with members of their respective internal coalitions before implementing changes at the workplace to ensure support.[2]

In contrast, external coalitions consist of people that are members of different organizations who collaborate their efforts to achieve an overall objective.[2] For example, in order to prevent gun violence and advocate gun control, several groups, unions, and nonprofit organizations banded to form the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. External coalitions base their confidence in gaining credibility on inviting unlikely partners who wish to attain the same end goal, but the reasons to achieve these goals differ. [2]

Researchers theorized that regardless of which branch the coalition falls into, the maintenance of this group ultimately depends the consistency of its member's ideologies (Multiparty Systems). Therefore positions in the group are reserved for those who share a common objective (Gallicano)(Multiparty Systems). This common objective is the purpose for the formation of the coalition......Pick up on reading from Coalition Theories

A coalition is a multiparty system



Redo table of contents



.....a) Internal and External coalitions


3)Theories for motivation (NOT biology, --formation (why), maintenance (how), break (when)--



n)Also See

Citations to be used:


(ENCY SAME DIFF PAGE)Coalition. (2008). In W. A. Darity, Jr. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 586-587). Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved from http://0-go.galegroup.com.ignacio.usfca.edu/ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=usfca_gleeson&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CCX3045300366&asid=ea23a3c2df6e943244e08408c7f717da

(ENCY SAME DIFF PAGE)Coalition Theory. (2008). In W. A. Darity, Jr. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 587-588). Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved from http://0-go.galegroup.com.ignacio.usfca.edu/ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=usfca_gleeson&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CCX3045300367&asid=479435514b69f7abb2ff9d80d217bb86

Gallicano, T. D., & McComas, K. A. (2013). Coalition Building. In R. L. Heath (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Public Relations (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 126-129). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference. Retrieved from http://0-go.galegroup.com.ignacio.usfca.edu/ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=usfca_gleeson&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CCX3719500085&asid=80841f8b4f50ad451e64d11ad5074e69

(ENCY SAME DIFF PAGE)Multiparty Systems. (2008). In W. A. Darity, Jr. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (2nd ed., Vol. 5, pp. 321-323). Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved from http://0-go.galegroup.com.ignacio.usfca.edu/ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=usfca_gleeson&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CCX3045301650&asid=11a6e05593da66456286239bf31bf86e




do thories of coalition formation

look at relevance of subsection under History



Need to split up sections

Cheetahs section has to go! we can put up a link that goes directly to cheetahs because there is already a definition for it on that page.

History section needs to go. all of the subheads within it can be pages on their own. Maybe we can just find links that pertain to that subhead and attach them.

History section should be about the history of the noun... why its made, what is it, how its maintained, and why it breaks down.

If i was looking at the term, what would i be looking for? I want to know the meaning and how they work.

1] definination

2] then histroy section

and then give examples after?

omg they needdddd to pay more attention ughhh

sometimes i think this current outline is fine but right now i think its just okay. should we get rid of examples????

meybe put the examples in the [see also] part at the end

A criteria: well organized. a dummy can now understand the term. added relivent info backed by sources..pics, graphs, media. get rid of nonsense

B creteria: check current sources. organized. full unbiased sentence strustures. Participate in talk page to discuss splitting up sections

  1. ^ Smith, Moore, David, Lawrence. "World Population Growth - The Coalition Model". Mathematical Association of America.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ a b c d Gallicano, McComas, Tiffany, Katherine (2013). Encyclopedia of Public Relations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. pp. 126–129.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)