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The drug substances most used by college students are Marijuana, Prescription medications, between others. College students turn to drugs because during the first year of college they go under too much stress, but not only the stress they can also have the potential to use drugs because of course load, curiosity, and peer pressure. College students explore many different things in their next step of their lives in personal and professional terms. It's not uncommon for students to explore many things in their lives, such as drugs experimentation. Another example of this can be because they are surrounded by other college students who uses or are experimenting this types of drugs in their college life.

  • The use of marijuana is inexpensive and may students can obtain it easily. It is really easy that it also can be to obtain a marijuana card for pain or just because students want to use it, and that is not very difficult for college students in order to obtain it. When a college student has already obtain their card, they can borrow it to someone else so they can buy marijuana. College students use marijuana to calm stress, anxiety, or just because other friends use it, but using this drug can have many consequences in the life of students.
  • Symptoms: Some of the symptoms are that it can increase heart rate, it can cause traffic accidents, respiratory issues, between other issues. Respiratory problems with marijuana can cause a big irritation and it can damage the lung. Also, when people are addicted to smoke marijuana can developed a higher risk of lung infections. Marijuana can also affect mental health, long term marijuana use can decrease an individual's memory, when this start affecting individuals brain it can cause a big damage to it because people start losing their memory and they don’t even know what's going on around them.
  • Treatment: The treatment for marijuana used is really similar as other types of drugs. There is no treatment for marijuana, but people can detoxify themselves to get the drug out of their systems. While people detoxify themselves they can have anxiety problems or panic attacks, there are medications for that, but just to calm them while passing that stage. Detox, outpatient drug rehabilitation facilities are available for individuals depending on the specific needs for recovering out of the drug use. [1]

Cost of marijuana treatment:


The treatment of marijuana drug can be expensive for many students, it can range from moderate $837 to extreme $3334 per episode and it can vary by depending how much time it will take for each person to clean their body. Marijuana rehab is available for people that are on a budget and there are also government programs that can help them to access rehabilitation. Also, treatment centers can have scale fees for those who don't have insurance coverage or can't afford the cost of the treatment.

Places where marijuana is legal:


Even though there are many people that are still against the use of marijuana, states such as California, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington[2] just to name a few support this idea. Some of these states legalized where people with medical conditions can make use of it, while in other states the legalization is just for recreational use.[3] The places where marijuana is just recreation are Alaska, California, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada, Massachusetts, and Washington.[4] There are people that still don't support this idea, but this is a controversial topic that has been around for a long time.

Prescription Drugs

  • Prescription medications can be another drug used the most by college students, just like marijuana, prescription drugs are easy to obtain. College students are under so much pressure that sometimes they don’t know what to do, and one of the easiest ways to get rid of it is by consuming prescription drugs.[5] When a student start consuming these drugs “ prescription medications” they can be really addicting, but they don't know it. This medications can be addicting even though the person that is using it don't believe so. The use of prescription medication can be something that individuals do not take seriously, but it can can end up damaging many people since they are not following the medication as they should be.



Symptoms of the abuse of prescription medication “Drugs” are overpowering cravings for the drug, tremors, headaches, nausea and vomiting, etc. A person abusing these substance may have different symptoms sucks as: Pupils will be dilated, individual may be depressed, tired, aggressive, and all of these may manifest anxiety, delusions and sleep may be irregular. Also, a person using these substances may appear unnaturally relaxed and drowsy.[6]



Treatment for prescription medications began with detox from all the substances in the body. While taking a detox in the body, clients are monitored by professional doctors. After the detox stage, the professional doctors began preparing the client to their next stage of their rehabilitation.[7][8] People that already did their treatment can take prescription drugs with lower dose of medication just to calm symptoms of chronic pain. Doctors have to keep an eye on those patients that were released from rehab because they can return easily to the use of prescription medications again.

Cost of prescription drugs treatments:


Prescription medications “prescription drugs” can be easy to obtain by many people, but there are becoming each time the type of drug most use by college students.The cost of the treatment rage from different prices for example the centers where you can get a 3 month program cost $5,000.[9] Insurance sometimes will cover part of the rehabilitation price, some of the medical insurances that people could use are Medicaid. Medicare,state-financed health insurance and also private insurance that people might have.[10] The cost of the treatment varies depending the type of center, but there are centers where people can get fees in order for them to pay the full session of treatment.

Places where people can have their treatment:


There are many places where individuals can get their treatment for drug use and it can be more cheaper than what they expected to be, of course there are luxury rehabilitation places, but most people try to find the one that is better for them, the place where they know they can get good help and is cheap too. As well as there are expensive places for many people who can pay, there are places for people who can not pay and thus can be rehabilitated too without worrying too much about money.

Age of people that uses this types of drugs:


Many start using this drugs before they turn 18 years old, but as soon as people move to their next step on their lives which is college, students began having stress, anxiety, headaches, between other symptoms and they tend to get rid of those problems by using drugs. Drug use is not one of the best solutions for students, but they are under many problems that students think that drugs will help them and will make their problems go away for a while, but after using those drugs the same problems return and that is when they get used to use those type of drugs. In this case Marijuana and prescription medication “prescription drugs”.

  1. ^ "College Drug Abuse - Alcohol and Drug Addiction in College Students". Addiction Center. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  2. ^ "It's 2017: Here's where you can legally smoke weed now". Business Insider. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  3. ^ "Where Is Marijuana Legal in the United States? List of Recreational and Medicinal States". Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  4. ^ "Where Is Marijuana Legal in the United States? List of Recreational and Medicinal States". Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  5. ^ "Drugs Commonly Abused by College Students". Dual Diagnosis. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  6. ^ "Drug Abuse - Signs & Symptoms of Prescription Drug Use". Narconon International. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  7. ^ "Prescription Drug Treatment | Dual Diagnosis". Dual Diagnosis. Retrieved 2017-08-01.
  8. ^ "Prescription Drug Treatment | Dual Diagnosis". Dual Diagnosis. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  9. ^ "Cost of Rehab - Paying for Addiction Treatment". Addiction Center. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  10. ^ "Cost of Rehab - Paying for Addiction Treatment". Addiction Center. Retrieved 2017-08-06.