User:Mr. Nick46
Hi everyone! I'm Mr. Nick46, a new-entry in the world of Wikipedia! I'm an italian guy from Tuscany! Usually I'm actived on italian Wikipedia as Nick46.
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I like a lot latin... Mi piace tanto il latino...
- Lat. "Ad astra per aspera" - Eng. "To the stars through the difficultes" - Ita. "Verso le stelle attraverso le difficoltà" (This means that, if you want to obtain something, you meet before a lot of difficultes), latin motto
- Lat. "Quo usque tandem Catilina abuteris nostra patienta?" - Eng. "How many time, Catilina, you will abuse of our patience?" - Ita. "Per quanto Catilina abuserai della nostra pazienza?", Cicerone
- Lat. "Frangar non flectar!" - Eng. " I'll break in two but I will not bend!" - Ita. "Mi spezzerò ma non mi piegherò!", from a lot of latins writers (Ovidio e Seneca in primis)
Le football - The soccer - Il Calcio
My soccer team is Fiorentina.