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Nothing on this planet can be compared with a woman’s love- it is kind and compassionate, patient and nurturing, generous, sweet and unconditional. Women have now become afraid to bewomen. We are called slutty if we dress hot, irrational if we have an emotion and weak if we require emotional support. Not everybody out there thinks this way but enough of everyone does.A lady out and about dresses nicely and has good posture. The term lady carries a connotation of elegance and class.

If you would like to be thought of as a lady, the key is to mix traditional feminine ideals with modern reality in a way that works for you


A woman should be well mannered, always avoid dirty jokes; if someone in your presence starts to tell one, kindly excuse yourself and spurt the situation.One is not expected to know all this by the will of God, read books concerning etiquettes and always be nice to everyone in any way that is possible.But at the same time do not be a doormat that everyone tries to step on whenever it is possible.

A responsible woman should be able to choose her friends wisely


You do not want to be embarrassed by your friends and you want friends that are on the same intellectual and social level as you are. Generally who you spend most of the times with, say a lot about who you are.If you are burdened by a friend you do not like, talk to them with diplomacy, though it is not that easy. [1].

Note that actions speak louder than words


Always act consequently. For instance, pull your skirt under your leg when sitting down. When seating, legs should be together all the time.If you are finding it hard to keep them together; cross them.Crossed only at ankle and placed close to the seat.One embarrassing thing ,do not overindulge yourself with food and avoid too much alcohol.Drunkenness shows that one has no self-control and lacks self-respect which can lead to people taking advantage of you.

Burping or passing gas is ethically wrong and a very bad habit


In everything you accomplish, acknowledge those who helped you before yourself. A lady will not flaunt herself, her valuables, or her accomplishments[2].

A good reputation can outshine all of those things. Do not correct others unless they ask your advice. 

Do not act like you are better than anyone else


But be careful not to seem exaggeratedly modest -do not be weak and passive.You don't have to wear a suit or dress but a lady always wears clean, coordinated clothing - free of wrinkles.No sweat pants! All clothes should fit properly; not too baggy, not too tight.Always wear underwear and a bra. One is not ever considered classy if she exposes an intimate body part, (showing cleavage, etc.). A lady will dress for her body type and not try to get ahead using her physical attributes. Do not "cheapen" your appearance with multiple piercings or tattoos. Many women follow these steps part-time. For example, you might need to be self-assured and assertive at work, but enjoy being ladylike at home.Or, you might be wild and crazy at home, but prefer to be ladylike in public.

This is not a very good idea as one of the keys to being ladylike is truthfulness

Be a lady to everyone in every situation, but especially to those you are most intimate with.

Confidence is a good tip when being ladylike


Stand up tall, and show the world you are beautiful and that nothing will bring you down! Hygiene and grooming are important.In an effort to say the right things, think positive and realize a better thought or response to."whether or not the glass is half empty or half full," is always that the glass is half full.[3]


  1. ^ {{|http://www.createdebate.com/debate/show/Are_women_natually_more_responsible_than_men |Tittle= CreateDebate |Date= 02 October 2012 |Retrieved= 03 October 2012}}
  2. ^ {{|http://goodwomenproject.com/define-a-good-woman/profile-of-a-good-woman |Tittle= Goodwomenproject |Date= 02 October 2012 |Retrieved= 03 October 2012}}
  3. ^ {{|http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=responsible%20woman |Tittle= Urban Dictionary |Date= 02 October 2012 |Retrieved= 03 October 2012}}